diff --git a/contrib/inventory-generation/README.md b/contrib/inventory-generation/README.md index 115719602..7c02ec5c6 100644 --- a/contrib/inventory-generation/README.md +++ b/contrib/inventory-generation/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,24 @@ # Inventory generation -This folder contains script to generate data to be used to generate inventories: uuid, hostname, ip, mac, certificates, OS name, agent version -q +This folder contains tooling to generate data for Rudder: +* raw source data +* inventories based on these data +* reports (syslog based) based on policy applied to nodes +* reports (HTTPS based) signed with raw data, based on policy applied to nodes + + +# Folder Description + +* data: data containing the raw data for inventories, on per node uuid. It contains: uuid, hostname, ip, mac, public/private key, certificate, OS name, agent version +* inventories: the generated inventories +* template: template used to generate inventories + +# Scripts + +inventory-generation: generate the inventories + + +## Tips + +On the Rudder server, you'll wan't to increase hard ansd soft limit for nofile in /etc/secutiry/limits.conf, and remove rate limiting in journald in /etc/systemd/journald.conf + diff --git a/contrib/inventory-generation/inventory-generation b/contrib/inventory-generation/inventory-generation index 2cc7ec013..1a192e332 100755 --- a/contrib/inventory-generation/inventory-generation +++ b/contrib/inventory-generation/inventory-generation @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ # @man + # @man *-p --path*: use the given path to for the data generated -set -x +set -e DATA=false NUMBER=0 @@ -25,9 +25,22 @@ WIPE=false TEMPLATE=tml.ocs DEST_PATH=data +DEST_INVENTORIES=inventories +DEST_INVENTORIES_TMP=inventories_tmp + +# Private key passphrase +PASSPHRASE="Cfengine passphrase" + # detect if any option has been passed to the script ANY_OPTION_DEFINED=false +HASH=sha512 + +#Definining list of inventory (short & long) +DEF_LONG_OS_NAME=("Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard" "Debian GNU/Linux 9.1 (stretch)" "Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 (stretch)" "Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 (Jessie)" "CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)" "CentOS Linux release 7.4.1810 (Core)" "CentOS Linux release 6.10 (Final)") +DEF_SHORT_OS_NAME=(Windows Debian Debian Debian Centos Centos Centos) + +MAX_SOFT_VERSION=100 # Output usage function usage() @@ -73,10 +86,13 @@ function generate_data { do UUID=$(uuidgen) - mkdir ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID} + mkdir ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID} || true - openssl genrsa -des3 -out ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/localhost.priv -passout "pass:Cfengine passphrase" 4096 - openssl rsa -in ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/localhost.priv -passin "pass:Cfengine passphrase" -RSAPublicKey_out -out ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/localhost.pub + openssl genrsa -des3 -out ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/localhost.priv -passout "pass:${PASSPHRASE}" 4096 + openssl rsa -in ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/localhost.priv -passin "pass:${PASSPHRASE}" -RSAPublicKey_out -out ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/localhost.pub + + + openssl req -new -sha256 -key ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/localhost.priv -out ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/agent.cert -passin "pass:${PASSPHRASE}" -x509 -days 3650 -extensions agent_cert -config openssl-agent.cnf -subj "/UID=${UUID}" echo "RUDDER_TEST_${i}" > ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/hostname @@ -84,6 +100,8 @@ function generate_data { IP4=$((IP4+1)) validate_ip + echo "${UUID}" > ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/uuid + echo "${IP1}.${IP2}.${IP3}.${IP4}" > ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/ip echo "d0:ab:d5:e5:90:e8" > ${DEST_PATH}/${UUID}/mac @@ -98,7 +116,81 @@ function generate_data { } +function create_inventory { + mkdir ${DEST_INVENTORIES} || true + mkdir ${DEST_INVENTORIES_TMP} || true + + echo "Creating inventories based on the folders in ${DEST_PATH}" + + # compute numer of OSs + os_list_size=${#DEF_LONG_OS_NAME[@]} + echo $os_list_size + + # List all data + for d in ${DEST_PATH}/*; do + if [ -d "$d" ]; then + + # File path in the rudder utilities format (for better maintenance) + CERT=$d/agent.cert + PRIVKEY=$d/localhost.priv + PUBKEY=$d/localhost.pub + + # read variables + UUID=$(<$d/uuid) + IP=$(<$d/ip) + MAC=$(<$d/mac) + OS_NAME=$(<$d/osname) + FULL_OS_NAME=$(<$d/fullosname) + AGENT_VERSION=$(<$d/agent_version) + RUDDER_HOSTNAME=$(<$d/hostname) + + PUBLIC_KEY=$(<$d/localhost.pub) + AGENT_CERT=$(<$CERT) + #Random value + RAND_OS_VAL=$((RANDOM%$os_list_size)) + RAND_OS_NAME=${DEF_SHORT_OS_NAME[$RAND_OS_VAL]} + RAND_FULL_OS_NAME=${DEF_LONG_OS_NAME[$RAND_OS_VAL]} + + RAND_SOFT_VERSION=$(($RANDOM%$MAX_SOFT_VERSION)) + + FILENAME=${RUDDER_HOSTNAME}-${UUID}.ocs + + FILE=${DEST_INVENTORIES}/${FILENAME} + READY_FILE=${DEST_INVENTORIES}/${FILENAME}.gz + + # replace values in template and create temp file + eval "cat < ${FILE} + + # sign it + SIGNATURE=`openssl dgst -passin "pass:${PASSPHRASE}" -${HASH} -hex -sign "${PRIVKEY}" < "${FILE}" | sed -e 's/.*= //'` + + # Private key modification date + KEYDATE=`stat -c %y ${PRIVKEY}` + + # Public key identifier (last 4 bytes of the modulus) + KEYID=`openssl rsa -passin "pass:${PASSPHRASE}" -in "${PRIVKEY}" -noout -modulus | sed 's/.*\(........\)$/\1/'` + + cat > "${FILE}.sign" < '') , nodeconfigid text NOT NULL );") + myConnection.commit() + exit(0) + +def usage(): + sys.stderr.write("Can't parse parameters\n") + print("Usage: load_database [arguments]") + print("Available commands:") + print(" - init_table : initialize table to store node config ids") + print(" - store_config_id : store in this table current node config ids, based on the regular expression node_id_filter (for instance ^[b|c].*[a]$ to match all node id starting by 'b' or 'c' and ending by 'a')") + print(" - use_config_id : use the previously stored node config ids, to generated unexpected report ") + exit(0) + + +def use_config_id(): + # get stored nodeid + nodeconfigid + cur.execute( "select nodeid, nodeconfigid from oldconfig where nodeid != 'root';") + for nodeid, configs in cur.fetchall(): + nodes[nodeid] = configs + +def store_config_id(regex): + print("Storing config ids in database") + cur.execute( "select nodeid, nodeconfigid from nodeconfigurations where nodeid ~ '" + regex +"' and enddate is null") + for nodeid, configs in cur.fetchall(): + write = myConnection.cursor() + write.execute('update oldconfig set nodeconfigid = %s where nodeid = %s; insert into oldconfig (nodeid, nodeconfigid) select %s, %s where not exists (select 1 from oldconfig where nodeid = %s);', (configs, nodeid, nodeid, configs, nodeid)) + myConnection.commit() + write.close() + exit(0) + +if len(sys.argv) > 1: + if sys.argv[1] == "init_table": + init_table() + elif sys.argv[1] == "store_config_id": + if len(sys.argv) == 2: + usage() + exit(1) + else: + store_config_id(sys.argv[2]) + elif sys.argv[1] == "use_config_id": + use_config_id() + else: + usage() + +startTime = datetime.datetime.now() +nbReports = 0 + +cur.execute( "select nodeid, nodeconfigid, begindate, configuration from nodeconfigurations where enddate is null;") + +for nodeid, config, begindate, configuration in cur.fetchall(): + # get deprecated nodeconfigid if exists + nodeconfigid = nodes.get(nodeid, config) + + # We add a bit of randomness in the time, to mimic out of order behaviour caused by network latency + skew = random.random()*60 + reportDate = (datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(0, skew)).replace(microsecond=0) + + d = json.loads(configuration) + #d = configuration + + # Open the file if using HTTPS + if use_https: + report_file.write(report_string) + formatted_date = reportDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00") + report_file = open("reports/"+nodeid+"/" + formatted_date + "@" + nodeid + ".log", "w") + + + for rules in d['rules']: + # We commit rule per rule, as in real world, reports are added one by one + write = myConnection.cursor() + + for directives in rules['directives']: + audit = False + if 'policyMode' in directives.keys(): + if directives['policyMode'] == 'audit': + audit = True + + for components in directives['components']: + for value in components['values']: + # randomize the reports to have also error and repaired + randomValue = random.random() + if audit == False: + if (randomValue > (1 - repair_proportion)): + status = 'result_repaired' + elif (randomValue > (1 - repair_proportion - error_proportion)): + status = 'result_error' + else: + status = 'result_success' + else: + if (randomValue > (1-non_compliant_proportion)): + status = 'audit_noncompliant' + elif (randomValue > (1 - non_compliant_proportion - error_proportion)): + status = 'audit_error' + else: + status = 'audit_compliant' + + nbReports += 1 + report_string = 'R: @@Test@@' + status + '@@' + rules['ruleId'] + '@@' + directives['directiveId'] + '@@0@@'+ components['componentName'] + '@@' + value + '@@' + unicode(reportDate) + '+00:00##' + nodeid + '@#Dummy report for load test and make it a bit longer in case of, we never know what could trigger something\n' + if use_https: + report_file.write(report_string) + + if use_syslog: + syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, report_string) + + if (not use_syslog and not use_https): + write.execute('insert into ruddersysevents(executiondate, nodeid, directiveid, ruleid, serial, component, keyvalue, executiontimestamp, eventtype, policy, msg) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s , %s , %s , %s, %s)', (reportDate, nodeid, directives['directiveId'], rules['ruleId'], '0', components['componentName'], value, reportDate, status, value, 'Dummy reports for load test')) + #print reportDate, nodeid, directives['directiveId'], rules['ruleId'], '0', components['componentName'], value, reportDate, status, '', 'Dummy reports for load test' + + # specific report for end of run + if (directives['directiveId'].startswith('common-')) or (directives['directiveId'].startswith('dsc-common-')): + lastruns[nodeid] = [nodeconfigid, reportDate, nodeid] + # add a wait between each agent run + sleep(sleep_between_run) + + if (use_https): + # always send last message with rest in https + ending = lastruns.popitem()[1] + report_string = 'R: @@Common@@control@@rudder@@run@@0@@end@@' + ending[0] + '@@' + unicode(ending[1]) + '+00:00##' + ending[2] + '@#End execution\n' + report_file.write(report_string) + report_file.close() + + else: + # send end run + randomValue = random.random() + if (randomValue > (1 - last_run_frequency)): + ending = lastruns.popitem()[1] + if use_syslog: + syslog_string = 'R: @@Common@@control@@rudder@@run@@0@@end@@' + ending[0] + '@@' + unicode(ending[1]) + '+00:00##' + ending[2] + '@#End execution' + syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, syslog_string) + else: + write = myConnection.cursor() + write.execute('insert into ruddersysevents(executiondate, nodeid, directiveid, ruleid, serial, component, keyvalue, executiontimestamp, eventtype, policy, msg) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s , %s , %s , %s, %s)', (ending[1], ending[2], 'run', 'rudder', '0', 'end', ending[0], ending[1], 'control', '', 'End execution')) + #print reportDate, nodeid, directives['directiveId'], rules['ruleId'], '0', 'common', 'EndRun', reportDate, 'log_info', 'common', 'End execution with config [' + nodeconfigid + ']' + myConnection.commit() + write.close() + +# finally, send all remaining endruns +lastruns[nodeid] = [nodeconfigid, reportDate, nodeid] +for ending in lastruns.values(): + if use_syslog: + syslog_string = 'R: @@Common@@control@@rudder@@run@@0@@end@@' + ending[0] + '@@' + unicode(ending[1]) + '+00:00##' + ending[2] + '@#End execution' + syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, syslog_string) + else: + write = myConnection.cursor() + write.execute('insert into ruddersysevents(executiondate, nodeid, directiveid, ruleid, serial, component, keyvalue, executiontimestamp, eventtype, policy, msg) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s , %s , %s , %s, %s)', (ending[1], ending[2], 'run', 'rudder', '0', 'end', ending[0], ending[1], 'control', '', 'End execution')) + #print reportDate, nodeid, directives['directiveId'], rules['ruleId'], '0', 'common', 'EndRun', reportDate, 'log_info', 'common', 'End execution with config [' + nodeconfigid + ']' + myConnection.commit() + write.close() + + +cur.close() +myConnection.close() +if use_syslog: + syslog.closelog() + +duration = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime +print('Sent ', nbReports, ' reports in ', duration, ', finished at', datetime.datetime.now()) diff --git a/contrib/inventory-generation/openssl-agent.cnf b/contrib/inventory-generation/openssl-agent.cnf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..511820100 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/inventory-generation/openssl-agent.cnf @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# mandatory for some openssl commands +[ req ] +distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name + +[ req_distinguished_name ] + + +# DOC: https://superuser.com/questions/738612/openssl-ca-keyusage-extension/1248085#1248085 +# There is no real check on those features by openssl except basicConstraints +# We don't use critical not pathlen to avoid incompatibilities with future checks + +# keyCertSign: certificate signature +# cRLSign: crl signature +# digitalSignature: file signature (not used for crl, may be used for DHE) +# dataEncipherment: file encryption (usualy no used, we cipher a temporary key instead) +# keyEncipherment: key exchange (for tls with RSA) +# keyAgreement: key exchange (for tls with DHE) + +[ agent_cert ] +# subject = /CN=hostname/UID=uuid +basicConstraints = CA:FALSE +subjectKeyIdentifier = hash +authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always, issuer:always +keyUsage = digitalSignature, dataEncipherment, keyEncipherment, keyAgreement +#extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth diff --git a/contrib/inventory-generation/sign-and-send-reports.sh b/contrib/inventory-generation/sign-and-send-reports.sh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d519e9b59 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/inventory-generation/sign-and-send-reports.sh @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# @description Sign and send reports to the rudder server + + +# @man + +# @man *Options*: +# @man + +# @man *-u --uuid*: uuid of the node +# @man + +# @man *-s --server*: server id or hostname +# @man + +# @man *-k --keep*: do not clean file after sending it + + +set -e +CLEAN=true +DATA_PATH=data +REPORTS_PATH=reports +SERVER="" +UUID="" + +# Private key passphrase +PASSPHRASE="Cfengine passphrase" + +# detect if any option has been passed to the script +ANY_OPTION_DEFINED=false + +# Defines available options +OPTIONS=u:s:k +LONGOPTS=uuid:,server:,keep + +# Use ! to avoid failing with set -e +# Use $PIPESTATUS to get the right return code even with ! +! PARSED=$(getopt --options=$OPTIONS --longoptions=$LONGOPTS --name "$0" -- "$@") + +if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then + # Wrong arguments + echo "Wrong parameters for command inventory-generation" + usage + exit 1 +fi + +eval set -- "$PARSED" + + +while true; do + case "$1" in + -u|--uuid) + UUID="$2" + ANY_OPTION_DEFINED=true + shift 2 + ;; + -s|--server) + SERVER="$2" + ANY_OPTION_DEFINED=true + shift 2 + ;; + -k |--keep) + CLEAN=false + ANY_OPTION_DEFINED=true + shift + ;; + --) + shift + break + ;; + *) + echo "Programming error - option not correctly handled" + exit 2 + ;; + esac +done + +# No option given, need to show usage +if [ "${ANY_OPTION_DEFINED}" = "false" ] +then + usage + exit 1 +fi + +function compress_and_sign { + SOURCE_FILE=$(ls -C1 ${REPORTS_PATH}/${UUID}/*.log | head) + #SOURCE_FILE="${REPORTS_PATH}/${UUID}/reports" + + if [ ! -f ${SOURCE_FILE} ] + then + echo "Reports file ${SOURCE_FILE} doesn't exist" + exit 1; + fi + + if [ ! -f ${DATA_PATH}/${UUID}/agent.cert ] + then + echo "Agent certificate ${DATA_PATH}/${UUID}/agent.cert doesn't exist" + exit 1; + fi + + + openssl smime -sign -text -nocerts -signer "${DATA_PATH}/${UUID}/agent.cert" -inkey "${DATA_PATH}/${UUID}/localhost.priv" -passin "pass:${PASSPHRASE}" \ + -in "${SOURCE_FILE}" -out "${SOURCE_FILE}.signed" + + + gzip -f "${SOURCE_FILE}.signed" + mv "${SOURCE_FILE}.signed.gz" "${SOURCE_FILE}.gz" + + curl --tlsv1.2 -k --fail --silent --proxy '' --user "rudder:rudder" --upload-file "${SOURCE_FILE}.gz" https://${SERVER}/reports/ + + if [ "${CLEAN}" = "true" ] + then + rm -rf "${REPORTS_PATH}/${UUID}/*" + fi + +} + +compress_and_sign + + diff --git a/contrib/inventory-generation/template/RUDDER-Template.ocs b/contrib/inventory-generation/template/RUDDER-Template.ocs index 5568cac5e..4f562c725 100644 --- a/contrib/inventory-generation/template/RUDDER-Template.ocs +++ b/contrib/inventory-generation/template/RUDDER-Template.ocs @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ + @@ -157,19 +158,19 @@ 1 - %IP% + ${IP} vagrant 238 - %HOSTNAME% + ${HOSTNAME} #1 SMP Wed Dec 17 01:55:02 UTC 2014 - %FULL_OS_NAME% + ${FULL_OS_NAME} 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 1 2400 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz 991 vagrant - %UUID% + ${UUID} VirtualBox @@ -440,11 +441,11 @@ eth0 e1000 - %IP% + ${IP} - %IP% - %MAC% + ${IP} + ${MAC} 8086:100E:8086:001E 0000:00:03.0 1000 @@ -457,12 +458,12 @@ x86_64 2019-05-22 08:26:25 rudder.local - %HOSTNAME% - %FULL_OS_NAME% + ${RUDDER_HOSTNAME} + ${RAND_FULL_OS_NAME} a8c0042d linux 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 - %OS_NAME% + ${RAND_OS_NAME} ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3ZcgjrgYoe/YNfT7+Z3TyBWW54veEpAEe01YEsTZ6mhMjYFZr+GZRSnKXx056NjntzTnXmF7rI/jPRg13KkHxplP4mmYhTU+8q1+B0j7G8O8OlKg6SEV3rABGcyMzWQBfsmIJm6gloPackrkdYbTMv0f9kdLqI04sWts3JktFV271BCr8cd7VAWB68Z4d5k4vOg6kr0EgG4oZgHzeN4ohuZbqsPXyEPbyXwdKjCUqfC3VVZN0rGBnUzlct4Pu0gVo1Aifjs4JXpTE8CMww6eh3wj3evps+50InhtE0CcW4JN6SCetNwnGXPmMXlBhLyXZL1Vmv5X/GE97oroI6SHDw== UTC @@ -1454,10 +1455,10 @@ cfengine-community - %PUBKEY% - + ${AGENT_CERT} + root - relay2 + rudder_server root @@ -1469,2487 +1470,4607 @@ curl acl - %HOSTNAME% + ${RUDDER_HOSTNAME} - %UUID% + ${UUID} - x86_64 - General purpose template engine - 2365229 + noarch + A firewall daemon with D-Bus interface providing a dynamic firewall + 1861810 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-jinja2 + 01/08/2019 + firewalld CentOS - 2002.2.200-2.el6_5 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.5.3-5.el7 noarch - A set of system configuration and setup files - 666477 + Legacy data for kbd package + 503608 rpm - 19/01/2015 - setup + 01/08/2019 + kbd-legacy + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.15.5-15.el7 + + + noarch + Descriptions of common terminals + 223432 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + ncurses-base CentOS - 2002.8.200-20.el6_4.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.9-14.20130511.el7_4 x86_64 - YAML parser and emitter for Python - 665845 + Postfix Mail Transport Agent + 12766329 rpm - 19/01/2015 - PyYAML + 01/08/2019 + postfix CentOS - 2003.10-3.1.el6 + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.10.1-7.el7 noarch - The skeleton package which defines a simple Red Hat Enterprise Linux system + The skeleton package which defines a simple CentOS Linux system 0 rpm - 19/01/2015 + 01/08/2019 basesystem CentOS - 20010.0-4.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.10.0-7.el7.centos noarch - Utilities based around the yum package manager - 314496 + Character encoding auto-detection in Python + 1156541 rpm - 19/01/2015 - yum-utils + 16/08/2019 + python-chardet CentOS - 2001.1.30-30.el6 + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.2.1-1.el7_1 x86_64 - Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface Library - 41157 + Basic networking tools + 939930 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libgssglue + 01/08/2019 + net-tools CentOS - 2000.1-11.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.0-0.24.20131004git.el7 x86_64 - Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number Mapper - 97655 + The libraries and header files needed for Python development + 1104386 rpm - 19/01/2015 - rpcbind + 19/08/2019 + python-devel CentOS - 2000.2.0-11.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.7.5-80.el7_6 x86_64 - Abstract asynchronous event notification library - 232536 + Ncurses libraries + 1028216 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libevent + 01/08/2019 + ncurses-libs CentOS - 2001.4.13-4.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.9-14.20130511.el7_4 x86_64 - The GNU Bourne Again shell - 3140846 + Userspace programs for btrfs + 4142307 rpm - 19/01/2015 - bash + 01/08/2019 + btrfs-progs CentOS - 2004.1.2-200.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.9.1-1.el7 x86_64 - NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server - 1010823 + Dynamic library for extended attribute support + 19896 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nfs-utils + 01/08/2019 + libattr CentOS - 2001.2.3-200.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.4.46-13.el7 - x86_64 - Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities - 64437 + noarch + Firmware for Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 Series Adapters + 63077697 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libcap + 01/08/2019 + iwl7265-firmware CentOS - 2002.16-5.5.el6 + System Environment/Kernel + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. x86_64 - Perl module for resolving POD escape sequences - 21092 + Perl-compatible regular expression library + 1475532 rpm - 19/01/2015 - perl-Pod-Escapes + 01/08/2019 + pcre CentOS - 2001.04-200.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.8.32-17.el7 - x86_64 - A stand-alone TTY-based reader for GNU texinfo documentation - 329482 + noarch + Firmware for Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160 Series Adapters + 10436469 rpm - 19/01/2015 - info + 01/08/2019 + iwl3160-firmware CentOS - 2004.13a-8.el6 + System Environment/Kernel + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. x86_64 - The libraries for the perl runtime - 1485896 + Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules + 1337825 rpm - 19/01/2015 - perl-libs + 01/08/2019 + p11-kit CentOS - 2005.10.1-200.el6_6.1 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.23.5-3.el7 - x86_64 - A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy - 670132 + (none) + gpg(CentOS-7 Key (CentOS 7 Official Signing Key) <security@centos.org>) + 0 rpm - 19/01/2015 - chkconfig - CentOS - 2001.3.49.3-2.el6_4.1 + 01/08/2019 + gpg-pubkey + Public Keys + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.f4a80eb5-53a7ff4b x86_64 - Perl extension for Version Objects - 51960 + The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS + 424486 rpm - 19/01/2015 - perl-version + 01/08/2019 + libtasn1 CentOS - 2000.77-136.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.10-1.el7 - x86_64 - Common error description library - 59233 + noarch + Timezone data + 2012237 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libcom_err + 01/08/2019 + tzdata CentOS - 2001.41.12-21.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2019b-1.el7 x86_64 - A C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations - 377376 + Network Security Services Utilities Library + 199008 rpm - 19/01/2015 - mpfr + 01/08/2019 + nss-util CentOS - 2002.4.1-200.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.36.0-1.1.el7_6 x86_64 - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C - 1530343 + The non-admin shared libraries used by Kerberos 5 + 2200985 rpm - 19/01/2015 - db4 + 01/08/2019 + krb5-libs CentOS - 2004.7.25-200.el6_4 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.15.1-37.el7_6 x86_64 - The Parma Polyhedra Library: a library of numerical abstractions - 4637284 + A library for editing typed command lines + 460464 rpm - 19/01/2015 - ppl + 01/08/2019 + readline CentOS - 2000.10.2-11.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.6.2-10.el7 x86_64 - SELinux binary policy manipulation library - 248680 + Runtime libraries for Python + 24714432 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libsepol + 01/08/2019 + python-libs CentOS - 2002.0.41-200.el6 + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.7.5-80.el7_6 x86_64 - A GNU stream text editor - 542324 + An alternate posix capabilities library + 50510 rpm - 19/01/2015 - sed + 01/08/2019 + libcap-ng CentOS - 2004.2.1-200.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.7.5-4.el7 x86_64 - Libraries for applications using bzip2 - 67592 + PEM file reader for Network Security Services (NSS) + 205579 rpm - 19/01/2015 - bzip2-libs + 01/08/2019 + nss-pem CentOS - 2001.0.5-7.el6_0 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.3-5.el7_6.1 - (none) - gpg(Rudder Project (RPM release key) <security@rudder-project.org>) - 0 + x86_64 + A GNU archiving program + 689335 rpm - 14/05/2019 - gpg-pubkey - 2006f07d355-200 + 01/08/2019 + cpio + CentOS + Applications/Archiving + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.11-27.el7 x86_64 - GNU Standard C++ Library - 987096 + LDAP support libraries + 1037424 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libstdc++ + 01/08/2019 + openldap CentOS - 2004.4.7-11.el6 + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.4.44-21.el7_6 x86_64 - VIM filesystem layout - 0 + Displays where a particular program in your path is located + 76962 rpm - 20/05/2019 - vim-filesystem + 01/08/2019 + which CentOS - 2007.4.200-5.el6_8.1 + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.20-7.el7 x86_64 - The GNU version of the awk text processing utility - 2036440 + A System and Service Manager + 24445323 rpm - 19/01/2015 - gawk + 01/08/2019 + systemd CentOS - 2003.1.200-10.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.219-62.el7_6.9 x86_64 - A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements - 2286418 + Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine + 814231 rpm - 20/05/2019 - vim-enhanced + 01/08/2019 + sqlite CentOS - 2007.4.200-5.el6_8.1 + Applications/Databases + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.7.17-8.el7 x86_64 - Library for error values used by GnuPG components - 214321 + Utility for running regular jobs + 41683 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libgpg-error + 01/08/2019 + cronie-anacron CentOS - 2001.7-4.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.4.11-20.el7_6 x86_64 - Configuration management and audit tool - agent - 42476329 + Libraries for applications using libmagic + 3076831 rpm - 20/05/2019 - rudder-agent - Normation - %AGENT_VERSION% + 01/08/2019 + file-libs + CentOS + Applications/File + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.11-35.el7 x86_64 - Dynamic library to access udev device information - 73171 + Team network device control daemon + 278078 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libudev + 01/08/2019 + teamd CentOS - 200147-2.200.el6 + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.27-6.el7_6.1 x86_64 - Pattern matching utilities - 803838 + A CSS2 parsing library + 320955 rpm - 19/01/2015 - grep + 01/08/2019 + libcroco CentOS - 2002.6.3-200.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.6.12-4.el7 x86_64 - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine - 641020 + Device-mapper shared library + 400615 rpm - 19/01/2015 - sqlite + 01/08/2019 + device-mapper-libs CentOS - 2003.6.20-1.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.02.149-10.el7_6.8 x86_64 - Internationalized Domain Name support library - 567612 + Support tools for GRUB. + 10080362 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libidn + 01/08/2019 + grub2-tools CentOS - 2001.18-200.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.02-0.76.el7.centos.1 x86_64 - Libraries for decoding LZMA compression - 214490 + Command line interface utils for libnl3 + 706246 rpm - 19/01/2015 - xz-libs + 01/08/2019 + libnl3-cli CentOS - 2004.200.9-0.5.beta.20091007git.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.2.28-4.el7 x86_64 - A file compression utility - 79087 + A free and portable font rendering engine + 824497 rpm - 19/01/2015 - bzip2 + 01/08/2019 + freetype CentOS - 2001.0.5-200.el6_0 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.8-12.el7_6.1 x86_64 - SELinux libselinux utilies - 62715 + Parts of the groff formatting system required to display manual pages + 3453946 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libselinux-utils + 01/08/2019 + groff-base CentOS - 2002.0.200-5.8.el6 + Applications/Publishing + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.22.2-8.el7 - x86_64 - A GNU archiving program - 650433 + noarch + License of the BIND DNS suite + 26831 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cpio + 01/08/2019 + bind-license CentOS - 2002.10-200.el6_5 + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.9.9.4-74.el7_6.2 x86_64 - Libraries for tcp_wrappers - 131475 + The NetBSD Editline library + 244257 rpm - 19/01/2015 - tcp_wrappers-libs + 01/08/2019 + libedit CentOS - 2007.6-57.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.0-12.20121213cvs.el7 - x86_64 - The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS - 443140 + noarch + SELinux targeted base policy + 19980182 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libtasn1 + 01/08/2019 + selinux-policy-targeted CentOS - 2002.3-6.el6_5 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.13.1-229.el7_6.15 x86_64 - System trust module from p11-kit - 178775 + Netfilter netlink userspace library + 47123 rpm - 19/01/2015 - p11-kit-trust + 01/08/2019 + libnfnetlink CentOS - 2000.18.5-200.el6_5.2 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.1-4.el7 x86_64 - Device-mapper thin provisioning tools - 17097706 + Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel + 294871 rpm - 19/01/2015 - device-mapper-persistent-data + 01/08/2019 + kernel-tools CentOS - 2000.3.200-1.el6 + Development/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.10.0-957.27.2.el7 x86_64 - An event-driven init system - 563633 + Extremely fast compression algorithm + 366872 rpm - 19/01/2015 - upstart + 01/08/2019 + lz4 CentOS - 2000.6.5-200.el6_5.3 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.7.5-2.el7 x86_64 - A GNU arbitrary precision library - 657883 + Tool to transform and deploy CPU microcode update for x86. + 2651287 rpm - 19/01/2015 - gmp + 01/08/2019 + microcode_ctl CentOS - 2004.3.1-7.el6_2.2 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.1-47.5.el7_6 x86_64 - A program used for creating device files in /dev - 227290 + Utilities from the general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation + 833657 rpm - 19/01/2015 - MAKEDEV + 01/08/2019 + openssl CentOS - 2003.24-200.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.2k-16.el7_6.1 x86_64 - Utilities for managing processes on your system - 222294 + Linux PCI library + 72691 rpm - 19/01/2015 - psmisc + 01/08/2019 + pciutils-libs CentOS - 20022.6200.el6_5 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.5.1-3.el7 x86_64 A minimal version of the VIM editor - 766050 + 917792 rpm - 19/01/2015 + 01/08/2019 vim-minimal CentOS - 2007.2.200-1.8.el6 + Applications/Editors + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.7.4.160-6.el7_6 - x86_64 - System and process monitoring utilities - 469998 + noarch + Linux /proc abstraction classes + 96639 rpm - 19/01/2015 - procps + 01/08/2019 + python-linux-procfs CentOS - 2003.2.8-200.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.4.9-4.el7 - x86_64 - Ext2/3/4 filesystem-specific shared libraries - 274473 + noarch + Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6+ + 232357 rpm - 19/01/2015 - e2fsprogs-libs + 01/08/2019 + python-ipaddress CentOS - 2001.41.12-21.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.16-2.el7 - x86_64 - Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs - 143708 + noarch + Config file reading, writing, and validation + 611855 rpm - 19/01/2015 - pinentry + 01/08/2019 + python-configobj CentOS - 2000.7.6-200.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.7.2-7.el7 x86_64 - The GNU macro processor - 560949 + YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C + 132993 rpm - 19/01/2015 - m4 + 01/08/2019 + libyaml CentOS - 2001.4.200-5.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.1.4-11.el7_0 x86_64 - A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users - 1079569 + Netfilter conntrack userspace library + 143566 rpm - 19/01/2015 - make + 01/08/2019 + libnetfilter_conntrack CentOS - 2003.81-20.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.6-1.el7_3 - x86_64 - Ncurses support utilities - 386379 + noarch + Easily build and distribute Python packages + 2040815 rpm - 19/01/2015 - ncurses + 01/08/2019 + python-setuptools CentOS - 2005.7-3.20090208.el6 + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.9.8-7.el7 x86_64 - A text file browser similar to more, but better - 201909 + GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages + 5029340 rpm - 19/01/2015 - less + 01/08/2019 + gettext CentOS - 200436-13.el6 + Development/Tools + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. - x86_64 - The GNU data compression program - 225920 + noarch + C parser and AST generator written in Python + 637379 rpm - 19/01/2015 - gzip + 01/08/2019 + python-pycparser CentOS - 2001.3.12-22.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.14-1.el7 x86_64 - The standard CrackLib dictionaries - 9327207 + Device-mapper Persistent Data Tools + 1294094 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cracklib-dicts + 01/08/2019 + device-mapper-persistent-data + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.7.3-3.el7 + + + noarch + Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) + 576365 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-idna CentOS - 2002.8.16-4.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.4-1.el7 x86_64 - An extensible library which provides authentication for applications - 2414306 + Introspection system for GObject-based libraries + 854207 rpm - 19/01/2015 - pam + 01/08/2019 + gobject-introspection CentOS - 2001.1.1-20.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.56.1-1.el7 noarch - Hardware identification and configuration data - 5235490 + JSON Matching Expressions + 135140 rpm - 19/01/2015 - hwdata + 01/08/2019 + python2-jmespath CentOS - 2000.233-11.1.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.9.0-3.el7 x86_64 - Plymouth related scripts - 11006 + Libraries to handle kernel module loading and unloading + 91848 rpm - 19/01/2015 - plymouth-scripts + 01/08/2019 + kmod-libs CentOS - 2000.8.3-27.el6.centos.1 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.20-23.el7 x86_64 - The NetBSD Editline library - 185648 + Basic object types for C + 54022 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libedit + 01/08/2019 + libbasicobjects CentOS - 2002.11-4.20080712cvs.1.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.1.1-32.el7 x86_64 - A compact getty program for virtual consoles only - 34586 + The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library + 1433094 rpm - 19/01/2015 - mingetty + 01/08/2019 + alsa-lib CentOS - 2001.08-5.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.1.6-2.el7 x86_64 - The shared libraries used by Kerberos 5 - 2126628 + libevent module for libverto + 11552 rpm - 19/01/2015 - krb5-libs + 01/08/2019 + libverto-libevent CentOS - 2001.10.3-33.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.2.5-4.el7 x86_64 - A library implementing the SSH2 protocol - 324941 + Filesystem Path Utilities + 58406 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libssh2 + 01/08/2019 + libpath_utils CentOS - 2001.4.2-1.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.2.1-32.el7 x86_64 - Utility for secure communication and data storage - 6087329 + The RPM package management system + 2622266 rpm - 19/01/2015 - gnupg2 + 01/08/2019 + rpm CentOS - 2002.0.14-8.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.11.3-35.el7 x86_64 - Library files for fipscheck - 10353 + System administration tools for monitoring users' disk usage + 908186 rpm - 19/01/2015 - fipscheck-lib + 01/08/2019 + quota CentOS - 2001.2.0-7.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.01-17.el7 - x86_64 - The shared libraries required for MySQL clients - 4244886 + noarch + A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber + 503349 rpm - 19/01/2015 - mysql-libs + 01/08/2019 + python-urlgrabber CentOS - 2005.1.73-3.el6_5 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.10-9.el7 x86_64 - Linux PCI library - 48992 + The tdb library + 95728 rpm - 19/01/2015 - pciutils-libs + 01/08/2019 + libtdb CentOS - 2003.1.10-4.el6 + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.3.15-1.el7 x86_64 - An alternate posix capabilities library - 45214 + Access control list utilities + 201225 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libcap-ng + 01/08/2019 + acl CentOS - 2000.6.4-3.el6_0.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.2.51-14.el7 x86_64 - An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language - 79603 + Libraries for avahi run-time use + 123808 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python + 01/08/2019 + avahi-libs CentOS - 2002.6.6-52.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.6.31-19.el7 x86_64 - A Python interface to libcurl - 236939 + JavaScript interpreter and libraries + 4045213 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-pycurl + 01/08/2019 + mozjs17 CentOS - 2007.19.0-8.el6 + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.17.0.0-20.el7 x86_64 - Python module for working with OpenPGP messages - 251432 + Samba client libraries + 19691680 rpm - 19/01/2015 - pygpgme + 01/08/2019 + samba-client-libs CentOS - 2000.1-18.20090824bzr68.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.8.3-6.el7_6 noarch - Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files - 109284 + Small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client + 97210 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-iniparse + 01/08/2019 + perl-HTTP-Tiny CentOS - 2000.3.1-2.1.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.033-3.el7 x86_64 - A library for text mode user interfaces - 174037 + Character encodings in Perl + 10176350 rpm - 19/01/2015 - newt + 01/08/2019 + perl-Encode CentOS - 2000.52.11-3.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.51-7.el7 x86_64 - String library, very low memory overhead, simple to import - 273983 + A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates + 49749 rpm - 19/01/2015 - ustr + 01/08/2019 + libutempter CentOS - 2001.0.4-9.1.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.1.6-4.el7 x86_64 - Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library - 34542 + Macros for rpmbuild + 5134 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libaio + 01/08/2019 + perl-macros CentOS - 2000.3.107-10.el6 + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.16.3-294.el7_6 x86_64 - Library providing the FAM File Alteration Monitor API - 416440 + Create a tree of hardlinks + 16545 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + hardlink + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0-19.el7 + + + noarch + Perl pragma to declare constants + 26364 rpm - 19/01/2015 - gamin + 01/08/2019 + perl-constant CentOS - 2000.1.10-9.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.27-2.el7 x86_64 - Shared MIME information database - 1411396 + QR Code encoding library - Shared libraries + 126732 rpm - 19/01/2015 - shared-mime-info + 01/08/2019 + qrencode-libs CentOS - 2000.70-6.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.4.1-3.el7 x86_64 - Command line tool for updating bootloader configs - 84546 + Persistence for Perl data structures + 181031 rpm - 19/01/2015 - grubby + 01/08/2019 + perl-Storable CentOS - 2007.0.15-7.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.45-3.el7 noarch - Yum plugin which chooses fastest repository from a mirrorlist - 53961 + Framework for parsing POD documentation + 538320 rpm - 19/01/2015 - yum-plugin-fastestmirror + 01/08/2019 + perl-Pod-Simple CentOS - 2001.1.30-30.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.28-4.el7 x86_64 - GLib bindings for D-Bus - 579611 + Cryptsetup shared library + 1219591 rpm - 19/01/2015 - dbus-glib + 01/08/2019 + cryptsetup-libs CentOS - 2000.86-6.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.0.3-3.el7 - x86_64 - CentOS release file - 34769 + noarch + Extended processing of command line options + 134846 rpm - 19/01/2015 - centos-release + 01/08/2019 + perl-Getopt-Long CentOS - 2006-6.el6.centos.12.2 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.40-3.el7 x86_64 - Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities - 855952 + Rules for polkit to add compatibility with pklocalauthority + 82409 rpm - 19/01/2015 - iptables + 01/08/2019 + polkit-pkla-compat CentOS - 2001.4.7-14.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.1-4.el7 x86_64 - Network monitoring tools including ping - 299474 + A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols + 2055573 rpm - 19/01/2015 - iputils + 01/08/2019 + wget CentOS - 20020071127-17.el6_4.2 + Applications/Internet + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.14-18.el7_6.1 x86_64 - Cryptsetup shared library - 94866 + Dynamic library for for the gpm + 27736 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cryptsetup-luks-libs + 08/08/2019 + gpm-libs CentOS - 2001.2.0-11.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.20.7-5.el7 x86_64 - Graphical Boot Animation and Logger - 193924 + Probes disks on the system for installed operating systems + 97946 rpm - 19/01/2015 - plymouth + 01/08/2019 + os-prober CentOS - 2000.8.3-27.el6.centos.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.58-9.el7 x86_64 - Utility for running regular jobs - 44006 + A perl module for simple terminal control + 59999 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cronie-anacron + 08/08/2019 + perl-TermReadKey CentOS - 2001.4.4-12.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.30-20.el7 noarch Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs - 2495 + 3700 rpm - 19/01/2015 + 01/08/2019 crontabs CentOS - 2001.10-33.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.11-6.20121102git.el7 + + + (none) + gpg(Rudder Project (RPM release key) <security@rudder-project.org>) + 0 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + gpg-pubkey + Public Keys + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.6f07d355-509cdb91 x86_64 - Tools for configuring the console (keyboard, virtual terminals, etc.) - 991792 + An open source implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2 + 1995364 rpm - 19/01/2015 - kbd + 01/08/2019 + openssh CentOS - 2001.15-11.el6 + Applications/Internet + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.7.4p1-16.el7 - noarch - Metapackage to build generic initramfs with dracut with only kernel modules - 202 + x86_64 + Apache Portable Runtime Utility library + 198751 rpm - 19/01/2015 - dracut-kernel + 08/08/2019 + apr-util CentOS - 200004-356.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.5.2-6.el7 x86_64 - File System in Userspace (FUSE) utilities - 191803 + Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine + 497582 rpm - 19/01/2015 - fuse + 08/08/2019 + libxslt CentOS - 2002.8.3-4.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.1.28-5.el7 x86_64 - A utility for setting up encrypted filesystems - 306775 + Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 + 112297 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cryptsetup-luks + 08/08/2019 + perl-Digest-SHA CentOS - 2001.2.0-11.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.85-4.el7 x86_64 - Provides the dhclient ISC DHCP client daemon and dhclient-script - 625041 + Ethernet Bridge frame table administration tool + 350763 rpm - 19/01/2015 - dhclient + 01/08/2019 + ebtables CentOS - 2004.1.1-43.P1.el6.centos + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.0.10-16.el7 x86_64 - An utility for setting or changing passwords using PAM - 357699 + PC/SC Lite libraries + 46708 rpm - 19/01/2015 - passwd + 08/08/2019 + pcsc-lite-libs CentOS - 2000.77-4.el6_2.2 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.8.8-8.el7 - x86_64 - Grand Unified Boot Loader. - 2493267 + noarch + Timezone data for Java + 373656 rpm - 19/01/2015 - grub + 08/08/2019 + tzdata-java CentOS - 2000.97-93.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2019b-1.el7 - x86_64 - Allows restricted root access for specified users - 2465716 + noarch + Python2 bindings for firewalld + 1862472 rpm - 19/01/2015 - sudo + 01/08/2019 + python-firewall CentOS - 2001.8.6p3-15.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.5.3-5.el7 + + + noarch + Helper application and MIME type associations for file types + 63360 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + mailcap + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.1.41-2.el7 x86_64 - Utilities for managing ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems - 2020535 + Graphical Boot Animation and Logger + 233311 rpm - 19/01/2015 - e2fsprogs + 01/08/2019 + plymouth CentOS - 2001.41.12-21.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.8.9-0.31.20140113.el7.centos x86_64 - Access control list utilities - 193226 + String handling essentials library + 44322 rpm - 19/01/2015 - acl + 01/08/2019 + libestr CentOS - 2002.2.49-6.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.1.9-2.el7 x86_64 - Utilities for configuring the linux ethernet bridge - 58535 + Libraries for building and signing RPM packages + 166776 rpm - 19/01/2015 - bridge-utils + 01/08/2019 + rpm-build-libs CentOS - 2001.2-10.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.11.3-35.el7 - (none) - gpg(CentOS-6 Key (CentOS 6 Official Signing Key) <centos-6-key@centos.org>) - 0 + noarch + Yum plugin which chooses fastest repository from a mirrorlist + 53895 rpm - 19/01/2015 - gpg-pubkey - 200c105b9de-4e0fd3a3 + 01/08/2019 + yum-plugin-fastestmirror + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.1.31-50.el7 x86_64 - Freebl library for the Network Security Services - 489391 + Tools for configuring the console (keyboard, virtual terminals, etc.) + 1383499 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nss-softokn-freebl + 01/08/2019 + kbd CentOS - 2003.14.3-19.el6_6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.15.5-15.el7 x86_64 - Common binaries and locale data for glibc - 112401204 + Tools for searching and reading man pages + 2138837 rpm - 19/01/2015 - glibc-common + 01/08/2019 + man-db CentOS - 2002.12-1.149.el6_6.4 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.6.3-11.el7 + + + noarch + Firewalld directory layout and rpm macros + 239 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + firewalld-filesystem + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.5.3-5.el7 x86_64 - Device mapper utility - 190401 + The GNU Bourne Again shell + 3667773 rpm - 19/01/2015 - device-mapper + 01/08/2019 + bash CentOS - 2001.02.90-2.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Shells + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.2.46-31.el7 x86_64 - A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation - 4222150 + An open source SSH client applications + 2651616 rpm - 19/01/2015 - openssl + 01/08/2019 + openssh-clients CentOS - 2001.0.1e-30.el6_6.4 + Applications/Internet + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.7.4p1-16.el7 x86_64 - Network Security Services Softoken Module - 1103062 + Ncurses support utilities + 439378 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nss-softokn + 01/08/2019 + ncurses CentOS - 2003.14.3-19.el6_6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.9-14.20130511.el7_4 x86_64 - Network Security Services - 2631856 + Freebl library for the Network Security Services + 565628 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nss + 01/08/2019 + nss-softokn-freebl CentOS - 2003.16.2.3-3.el6_6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.36.0-5.el7_5 x86_64 - A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others) - 355395 + User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing + 638430 rpm - 19/01/2015 - curl + 01/08/2019 + audit CentOS - 2007.19.7-40.el6_6.3 + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.8.4-4.el7 x86_64 - Libraries for manipulating RPM packages - 772952 + The basic directory layout for a Linux system + 0 rpm - 19/01/2015 - rpm-libs + 01/08/2019 + filesystem CentOS - 2004.8.0-38.el6_6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.2-25.el7 x86_64 - Shared libraries for lvm2 - 2197656 + Udev helper for naming devices per BIOS names + 59183 rpm - 19/01/2015 - lvm2-libs + 01/08/2019 + biosdevname CentOS - 2002.02.111-2.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.7.3-1.el7 x86_64 - Partition device manager for device-mapper devices - 33550 + Netscape Portable Runtime + 287728 rpm - 19/01/2015 - kpartx + 01/08/2019 + nspr CentOS - 2000.4.9-80.el6_6.2 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.19.0-1.el7_5 x86_64 - Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools - 950351 + An NTP client/server + 487489 rpm - 19/01/2015 - iproute + 01/08/2019 + chrony CentOS - 2002.6.32-33.el6_6 + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.2-2.el7 x86_64 - An open source implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2 - 785568 + C library for parsing command line parameters + 88516 rpm - 19/01/2015 - openssh + 01/08/2019 + popt CentOS - 2005.3p1-104.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.13-16.el7 - noarch - SELinux policy configuration - 9323684 + x86_64 + dracut configuration to turn on rescue image generation + 4067 rpm - 19/01/2015 - selinux-policy + 01/08/2019 + dracut-config-rescue CentOS - 2003.7.19-260.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.033-554.el7 x86_64 - The Linux kernel - 129979091 + Utilities for managing ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems + 2548829 rpm - 19/01/2015 - kernel + 01/08/2019 + e2fsprogs CentOS - 2002.6.32-504.3.3.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.42.9-13.el7 x86_64 - An open source SSH server daemon - 710364 + A stand-alone TTY-based reader for GNU texinfo documentation + 494630 rpm - 19/01/2015 - openssh-server + 01/08/2019 + info CentOS - 2005.3p1-104.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.1-5.el7 x86_64 - The Cyrus SASL library - 132742 + An utility for setting or changing passwords using PAM + 429874 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cyrus-sasl + 01/08/2019 + passwd CentOS - 2002.1.23-15.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.79-4.el7 x86_64 - Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper - 219981 + SELinux binary policy manipulation library + 686640 rpm - 19/01/2015 - device-mapper-multipath + 01/08/2019 + libsepol CentOS - 2000.4.9-80.el6_6.2 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.5-10.el7 x86_64 - Userland logical volume management tools - 1806156 + Dynamic library for access control list support + 37056 rpm - 19/01/2015 - lvm2 + 01/08/2019 + libacl + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.2.51-14.el7 + + + noarch + The basic required files for the root user's directory + 599 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + rootfiles CentOS - 2002.02.111-2.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.8.1-11.el7 x86_64 - Tools for the Network Security Services - 1854747 + A portable foreign function interface library + 47766 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nss-tools + 01/08/2019 + libffi CentOS - 2003.16.2.3-3.el6_6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.0.13-18.el7 noarch - system-config-firewall base components and command line tool - 2537668 + Firmware for Intel(R) Centrino Wireless-N 2030 Series Adapters + 835577 rpm - 19/01/2015 - system-config-firewall-base + 01/08/2019 + iwl2030-firmware CentOS - 2001.2.27-7.2.el6_6 + System Environment/Kernel + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. - (none) - gpg(EPEL (6) <epel@fedoraproject.org>) - 0 + x86_64 + SELinux library and simple utilities + 217874 rpm - 19/01/2015 - gpg-pubkey - 2000608b895-4bd22942 + 01/08/2019 + libselinux + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.5-14.1.el7 noarch - A SSH2 protocol library for python - 7998304 + Firmware for Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 Series Adapters + 6511905 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-paramiko + 01/08/2019 + iwl7260-firmware + CentOS + System Environment/Kernel + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. + + + x86_64 + Pattern matching utilities + 1195131 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + grep CentOS - 2001.7.5-2.1.el6 + Applications/Text + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.20-3.el7 noarch - ASN.1 tools for Python - 311890 + Firmware for Intel(R) Centrino Wireless-N 105 Series Adapters + 817865 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-pyasn1 + 01/08/2019 + iwl105-firmware CentOS - 2000.0.12a-1.el6 + System Environment/Kernel + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. x86_64 - Cryptography library for Python - 2410521 + Key utilities library + 42138 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-crypto2.6 - Fedora Project - 2002.6.1-1.el6 + 01/08/2019 + keyutils-libs + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.5.8-3.el7 noarch - Library for internationalizing Python applications - 5431483 + Firmware for Intel(R) Centrino Wireless-N 135 Series Adapters + 829413 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-babel + 01/08/2019 + iwl135-firmware CentOS - 2000.9.4-5.1.el6 + System Environment/Kernel + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. x86_64 - GCC version 4.4 shared support library - 117320 + Main loop abstraction library + 23060 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libgcc + 01/08/2019 + libverto CentOS - 2004.4.7-11.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.2.5-4.el7 x86_64 - YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C - 129555 + GCC version 4.8 shared support library + 179328 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libyaml + 01/08/2019 + libgcc CentOS - 2000.1.3-1.4.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.8.5-36.el7_6.2 x86_64 - The basic directory layout for a Linux system - 0 + System trust module from p11-kit + 437261 rpm - 19/01/2015 - filesystem + 01/08/2019 + p11-kit-trust CentOS - 2002.4.30-3.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.23.5-3.el7 noarch - SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution system - 6476764 + Modules used to build custom grub images + 2309922 rpm - 19/01/2015 - ansible - Fedora Project - 2001.8.2-1.el6 + 01/08/2019 + grub2-pc-modules + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.02-0.76.el7.centos.1 x86_64 - Descriptions of common terminals - 193090 + Common binaries and locale data for glibc + 120497943 rpm - 19/01/2015 - ncurses-base + 01/08/2019 + glibc-common CentOS - 2005.7-3.20090208.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.17-260.el7_6.6 x86_64 - SELinux python bindings for libselinux - 672441 + A set of basic GNU tools commonly used in shell scripts + 14588674 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libselinux-python + 01/08/2019 + coreutils CentOS - 2002.0.94-5.8.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.8.22-23.el7 x86_64 - Transport Independent RPC Library - 172519 + systemd libraries + 1263568 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libtirpc + 01/08/2019 + systemd-libs CentOS - 2000.2.1-10.el6 + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.219-62.el7_6.9 x86_64 - Linux Key Management Utilities - 70677 + Libraries for decoding LZMA compression + 239967 rpm - 19/01/2015 - keyutils + 01/08/2019 + xz-libs CentOS - 2001.4-5.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.2.2-1.el7 x86_64 - Ncurses libraries - 760448 + Universally unique ID library + 20326 rpm - 19/01/2015 - ncurses-libs + 01/08/2019 + libuuid CentOS - 2005.7-3.20090208.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.23.2-59.el7_6.1 x86_64 - Network File System Support Library - 153014 + A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation + 3204708 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nfs-utils-lib + 01/08/2019 + openssl-libs CentOS - 2001.1.5-9.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.2k-16.el7_6.1 x86_64 - Dynamic library for extended attribute support - 18712 + The Berkeley DB database library for C + 1858008 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libattr + 01/08/2019 + libdb CentOS - 2002.4.44-7.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.3.21-24.el7 x86_64 - A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols - 1881673 + Device mounting library + 278173 rpm - 19/01/2015 - wget + 01/08/2019 + libmount CentOS - 2001.12-5.el6_6.1 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.23.2-59.el7_6.1 x86_64 - The zlib compression and decompression library - 152305 + Library to read and write ELF files + 913443 rpm - 19/01/2015 - zlib + 01/08/2019 + elfutils-libelf CentOS - 2001.2.3-29.el6 + Development/Tools + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.172-2.el7 x86_64 - Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins - 31031 + Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files + 3543547 rpm - 19/01/2015 - perl-Module-Pluggable + 01/08/2019 + shadow-utils CentOS - 2003.90-136.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. x86_64 - C library for parsing command line parameters - 83420 + Library for error values used by GnuPG components + 350865 rpm - 19/01/2015 - popt + 01/08/2019 + libgpg-error CentOS - 2001.13-7.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.12-3.el7 x86_64 - Framework for parsing POD documentation - 476739 + An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language + 80907 rpm - 19/01/2015 - perl-Pod-Simple + 01/08/2019 + python CentOS - 2003.13-136.el6_6.1 + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.7.5-80.el7_6 x86_64 Dynamic library for libaudit - 227066 + 256362 rpm - 19/01/2015 + 01/08/2019 audit-libs CentOS - 2002.3.7-5.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.8.4-4.el7 x86_64 - Practical Extraction and Report Language - 35282080 + Network Security Services + 2425024 rpm - 19/01/2015 - perl + 01/08/2019 + nss CentOS - 2005.10.1-136.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.36.0-7.1.el7_6 x86_64 - Dynamic library for access control list support - 31280 + The GNU data compression program + 250440 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libacl + 01/08/2019 + gzip CentOS - 2002.2.49-6.el6 + Applications/File + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.5-10.el7 x86_64 - Netscape Portable Runtime - 277936 + Libraries for adding NetworkManager support to applications (new API). + 6839913 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nspr + 01/08/2019 + NetworkManager-libnm CentOS - 2004.10.6-1.el6_5 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.12.0-10.el7_6 x86_64 - Parma Polyhedra Library backend (ppl) based version of the Cloog binaries - 185386 + An XML parser library + 208315 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cloog-ppl + 01/08/2019 + expat CentOS - 2000.15.7-1.2.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.1.0-10.el7_3 x86_64 - A library for editing typed command lines - 433957 + Tools for the Network Security Services + 2069587 rpm - 19/01/2015 - readline + 01/08/2019 + nss-tools CentOS - 2006.0-4.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.36.0-7.1.el7_6 x86_64 - SELinux library and simple utilities - 130104 + The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs) + 1855882 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libselinux + 01/08/2019 + findutils CentOS - 2002.0.94-5.8.el6 + Applications/File + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.5.11-6.el7 x86_64 - GCC OpenMP v3.0 shared support library - 127982 + Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events + 336069 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libgomp + 01/08/2019 + python-perf CentOS - 2004.4.7-11.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.10.0-957.27.2.el7 x86_64 - Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files - 2777820 + A GNU collection of diff utilities + 1065157 rpm - 19/01/2015 - shadow-utils + 01/08/2019 + diffutils CentOS - 2004.1.4.2-19.el6 + Applications/Text + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.3-4.el7 x86_64 - Universally unique ID library - 16304 + A library for getting files from web servers + 435192 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libuuid + 01/08/2019 + libcurl CentOS - 2002.17.2-12.18.el6 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.7.29.0-51.el7_6.3 x86_64 - Dynamic library for for the gpm - 23720 + A password-checking library + 209610 rpm - 20/05/2019 - gpm-libs + 01/08/2019 + cracklib CentOS - 2001.20.6-12.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.9.0-11.el7 x86_64 - Block device ID library - 136136 + D-BUS message bus + 595216 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libblkid + 01/08/2019 + dbus CentOS - 2002.17.2-12.18.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.10.24-13.el7_6 x86_64 - The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor - 22188495 + Network connection manager and user applications + 5070596 rpm - 20/05/2019 - vim-common + 01/08/2019 + NetworkManager CentOS - 2007.4.629-5.el6_8.1 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.12.0-10.el7_6 x86_64 - Libraries for applications using libmagic - 2574134 + Shared MIME information database + 2379317 rpm - 19/01/2015 - file-libs + 01/08/2019 + shared-mime-info CentOS - 2005.04-21.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.8-4.el7 x86_64 - Tool to analyse BIOS DMI data - 195554 + Cron daemon for executing programs at set times + 220572 rpm - 20/05/2019 - dmidecode + 01/08/2019 + cronie CentOS - 2002.12-7.el6 + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.4.11-20.el7_6 x86_64 - Libraries for accessing D-BUS - 265728 + A utility for determining file types + 67448 rpm - 19/01/2015 - dbus-libs + 01/08/2019 + file CentOS - 2001.2.24-7.el6_3 + Applications/File + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.11-35.el7 x86_64 - Perl-compatible regular expression library - 526268 + Library for controlling team network device + 100900 rpm - 19/01/2015 - pcre + 01/08/2019 + libteam CentOS - 2007.8-6.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.27-6.el7_6.1 x86_64 - Powerful light-weight programming language - 617799 + Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library + 39182 rpm - 19/01/2015 - lua + 01/08/2019 + libaio CentOS - 2005.1.4-4.1.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.3.109-13.el7 x86_64 - An XML parser library - 198018 + Formatting library for ls-like programs. + 164608 rpm - 19/01/2015 - expat + 01/08/2019 + libsmartcols CentOS - 2002.0.1-11.el6_2 + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.23.2-59.el7_6.1 x86_64 - Library to read and write ELF files - 945188 + Network Security Services Softoken Module + 1130670 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + nss-softokn + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.36.0-5.el7_5 + + + x86_64 + SELinux policy core utilities + 5321515 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + policycoreutils + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.5-29.el7_6.1 + + + x86_64 + Device mapper utility + 340107 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + device-mapper + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.02.149-10.el7_6.8 + + + x86_64 + The standard CrackLib dictionaries + 9389116 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + cracklib-dicts + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.9.0-11.el7 + + + x86_64 + Support tools for GRUB. + 686003 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + grub2-tools-minimal + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.02-0.76.el7.centos.1 + + + x86_64 + A library for password generation and password quality checking + 332421 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libpwquality + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.2.3-5.el7 + + + x86_64 + Device-mapper event daemon + 42787 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + device-mapper-event + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.02.149-10.el7_6.8 + + + x86_64 + GnuPG IPC library + 155391 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libassuan + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.1.0-3.el7 + + + noarch + SELinux policy configuration + 6483 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + selinux-policy + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.13.1-229.el7_6.15 + + + x86_64 + LZMA compression utilities + 798130 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + xz + CentOS + Applications/File + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.2.2-1.el7 + + + x86_64 + Support tools for GRUB. + 6342188 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + grub2-tools-extra + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.02-0.76.el7.centos.1 + + + x86_64 + Shared library providing the IP sets functionality + 179162 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + ipset-libs + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.6.38-3.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + GNU Unicode string library + 1145761 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libunistring + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.9.3-9.el7 + + + x86_64 + Libraries for working with the DNS protocol + 1832800 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + bind-libs-lite + CentOS + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.9.9.4-74.el7_6.2 + + + x86_64 + Ext2/3/4 filesystem-specific shared libraries + 363673 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + e2fsprogs-libs + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.42.9-13.el7 + + + x86_64 + Bootloader with support for Linux, Multiboot and more + 0 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + grub2 + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.02-0.76.el7.centos.1 + + + x86_64 + Tools used for process and utmp management. + 109118 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + sysvinit-tools + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.88-14.dsf.el7 + + + x86_64 + Userland logical volume management tools + 3110931 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + lvm2 + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.02.180-10.el7_6.8 + + + x86_64 + Libraries for tcp_wrappers + 134602 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + tcp_wrappers-libs + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.7.6-77.el7 + + + x86_64 + Team device plugin for NetworkManager + 37264 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + NetworkManager-team + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.12.0-10.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + A library for text mode user interfaces + 185196 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + newt + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.52.15-4.el7 + + + x86_64 + NetworkManager curses-based UI + 266591 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + NetworkManager-tui + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.12.0-10.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + Data compression library with very fast (de)compression + 165360 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + lzo + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.06-8.el7 + + + x86_64 + SysV tools for systemd + 3979 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + systemd-sysv + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.219-62.el7_6.9 + + + x86_64 + The kexec/kdump userspace component. + 775211 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + kexec-tools + CentOS + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.0.15-21.el7_6.4 + + + noarch + Module to simplify usage of decorators + 72291 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-decorator + CentOS + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.4.0-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others) + 540293 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + curl + CentOS + Applications/Internet + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.7.29.0-51.el7_6.3 + + + x86_64 + Settings tool for Ethernet NICs + 354200 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + ethtool + CentOS + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.8-9.el7 + + + x86_64 + Utilities for managing the XFS filesystem + 4080287 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + xfsprogs + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.5.0-19.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + SELinux python bindings for libselinux + 603236 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libselinux-python + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.5-14.1.el7 + + + x86_64 + GNU Standard C++ Library + 1077442 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libstdc++ + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.8.5-36.el7_6.2 + + + x86_64 + A fast metadata parser for yum + 58789 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + yum-metadata-parser + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.1.4-10.el7 + + + x86_64 + GCC OpenMP v3.0 shared support library + 212184 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libgomp + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.8.5-36.el7_6.2 + + + x86_64 + Python bindings for lzma + 190112 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + pyliblzma + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.5.3-11.el7 + + + noarch + ASN.1 tools for Python 2 + 468646 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python2-pyasn1 + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.1.9-7.el7 + + + x86_64 + Linux scheduler python bindings + 43123 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-schedutils + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.4-6.el7 + + + noarch + Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities + 99000 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-six + CentOS + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.9.0-2.el7 + + + noarch + Backport of Python 3.4 Enum + 329922 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-enum34 + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.4-1.el7 + + + x86_64 + Extended attributes library wrapper for Python + 63304 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + pyxattr + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.5.1-5.el7 + + + x86_64 + YAML parser and emitter for Python + 645110 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + PyYAML + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.10-11.el7 + + + x86_64 + Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities + 1555961 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + iptables + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.4.21-28.el7 + + + noarch + The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3 + 18824 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-backports-ssl_match_hostname + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. + + + x86_64 + Libraries for gettext + 1546952 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + gettext-libs + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}. + + + noarch + Library for internationalizing Python applications + 5418256 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-babel + CentOS + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.9.6-8.el7 + + + x86_64 + A text file browser similar to more, but better + 215376 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + less + CentOS + Applications/Text + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.458-9.el7 + + + noarch + Python Lex-Yacc + 542040 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-ply + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.4-11.el7 + + + x86_64 + Foreign Function Interface for Python to call C code + 1049918 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-cffi + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.6.0-5.el7 + + + noarch + General purpose template engine + 3125560 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-jinja2 + CentOS + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.7.2-3.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + A tool for determining compilation options + 105522 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + pkgconfig + CentOS + Development/Tools + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.27.1-4.el7 + + + x86_64 + PyCA's cryptography library + 2765419 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python2-cryptography + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.7.2-2.el7 + + + x86_64 + Python 2 bindings for GObject Introspection base package + 1123114 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-gobject-base + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.22.0-1.el7_4.1 + + + x86_64 + Non-interactive SSH authentication utility + 38771 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + sshpass + CentOS + Applications/Internet + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.06-2.el7 + + + x86_64 + Command line tool for updating bootloader configs + 127442 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + grubby + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.8.28-25.el7 + + + x86_64 + Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files + 107156 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + logrotate + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.8.6-17.el7 + + + x86_64 + Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number Mapper + 103713 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + rpcbind + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.2.0-47.el7 + + + noarch + CentOS-related icons and pictures + 22548401 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + centos-logos + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.70.0.6-3.el7.centos + + + x86_64 + A refcounted array for C + 54206 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libref_array + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.1.5-32.el7 + + + x86_64 + Library files for fipscheck + 11466 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + fipscheck-lib + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.4.1-6.el7 + + + x86_64 + Abstract asynchronous event notification library + 742760 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libevent + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.0.21-4.el7 + + + x86_64 + The shared libraries required for MariaDB/MySQL clients + 4615006 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + mariadb-libs + CentOS + Applications/Databases + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.5.60-1.el7_5 + + + x86_64 + A security tool which acts as a wrapper for TCP daemons + 202888 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + tcp_wrappers + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.7.6-77.el7 + + + x86_64 + NFSv4 User and Group ID Mapping Library + 114664 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libnfsidmap + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.25-19.el7 + + + x86_64 + Libraries for manipulating RPM packages + 611536 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + rpm-libs + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.11.3-35.el7 + + + x86_64 + INI file parser for C + 151134 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libini_config + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.3.1-32.el7 + + + noarch + Gettext catalogs for disk quota tools + 315960 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + quota-nls + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.01-17.el7 + + + x86_64 + A Python interface to libcurl + 241513 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-pycurl + CentOS + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.7.19.0-19.el7 + + + x86_64 + NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server + 1090802 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + nfs-utils + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.3.0-0.61.el7 + + + x86_64 + A C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations + 554279 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + mpfr + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.1.1-4.el7 + + + x86_64 + A GNU file archiving program + 2838510 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + tar + CentOS + Applications/Archiving + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.26-35.el7 + + + x86_64 + C library for multiple precision complex arithmetic + 113833 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libmpc + CentOS + Development/Tools + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.1-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users + 1160684 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + make + CentOS + Development/Tools + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.82-23.el7 + + + noarch + Files used by both Samba servers and clients + 132565 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + samba-common + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.8.3-6.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs + 159929 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + pinentry + CentOS + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.8.1-17.el7 + + + x86_64 + CUPS printing system - libraries + 734207 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + cups-libs + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.6.3-35.el7 + + + x86_64 + Fast compression and decompression library + 119521 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + snappy + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.1.0-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + The winbind client library + 72872 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libwbclient + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.8.3-6.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files + 616101 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libpng + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.5.13-7.el7_2 + + + x86_64 + Libraries used by both Samba servers and clients + 276216 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + samba-common-libs + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.4.8.3-6.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + Library for country/city/organization to IP address or hostname mapping + 3912607 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + GeoIP + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.5.0-13.el7 + + + noarch + Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time + 8141 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-parent + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.225-244.el7 + + + x86_64 + Tool to analyse BIOS DMI data + 202856 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + dmidecode + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.1-2.el7 + + + noarch + Format POD source into various output formats + 287679 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-podlators + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.2.5.1-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + String library, very low memory overhead, simple to import + 285943 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + ustr + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.0.4-16.el7 + + + noarch + Perl module for resolving POD escape sequences + 21091 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-Pod-Escapes + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.04-294.el7_6 + + + noarch + Parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays + 16431 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-Text-ParseWords + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.29-4.el7 + + + x86_64 + A JSON implementation in C + 65593 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + json-c + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.11-4.el7_0 + + + x86_64 + The libraries for the perl runtime + 1647344 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-libs + CentOS + Development/Languages + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.16.3-294.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + A JSON implementation in C + 57273 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libfastjson + CentOS + Unspecified + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.99.4-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + Perl interpreter-based threads + 98615 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-threads + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.87-4.el7 + + + x86_64 + Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol + 75612 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libndp + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.2-7.el7 + + + noarch + Implements default import method for modules + 56612 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-Exporter + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.5.68-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + Library for writing UNIX daemons + 62045 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libdaemon + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.0.14-7.el7 + + + noarch + Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time + 44062 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-Time-Local + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.2300-2.el7 + + + x86_64 + System and process monitoring utilities + 760565 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + procps-ng + CentOS + Applications/System + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.3.3.10-23.el7 + + + noarch + Alternative warn and die for modules + 28276 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-Carp + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.26-244.el7 + + + x86_64 + Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads + 73972 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-threads-shared + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.43-6.el7 + + + x86_64 + Initramfs generator using udev + 903230 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + dracut + CentOS + System Environment/Base + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.033-554.el7 + + + x86_64 + A selection of general-utility scalar and list subroutines + 67994 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-Scalar-List-Utils + CentOS + Development/Libraries + ${RAND_SOFT_VERSION}.1.27-248.el7 + + + noarch + Return name and handle of a temporary file safely + 158781 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-File-Temp + CentOS + Development/Libraries + 0.23.01-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + Libraries to handle compiled objects + 793087 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + elfutils-libs + CentOS + Development/Tools + 0.172-2.el7 + + + x86_64 + Perl source filters + 148475 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl-Filter + CentOS + Development/Libraries + 1.49-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + Practical Extraction and Report Language + 23552128 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + perl + CentOS + Development/Languages + 5.16.3-294.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + Network monitoring tools including ping + 343497 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + iputils + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + 20160308-10.el7 + + + x86_64 + Utilities for mounting and managing CIFS mounts + 178836 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + cifs-utils + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + 6.2-10.el7 + + + x86_64 + A file compression utility + 83791 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + bzip2 + CentOS + Applications/File + 1.0.6-13.el7 + + + x86_64 + The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor + 22146036 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + vim-common + CentOS + Applications/Editors + 7.4.160-6.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant + 4411751 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + wpa_supplicant + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 2.6-12.el7 + + + x86_64 + A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements + 2296674 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + vim-enhanced + CentOS + Applications/Editors + 7.4.160-6.el7_6 + + + noarch + Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way + 50015 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + perl-Error + CentOS + Development/Libraries + 0.17020-2.el7 + + + x86_64 + Fast Version Control System + 23232282 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + git + CentOS + Development/Tools + + + + x86_64 + Shared libraries used by ISC dhcp client and server + 149176 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + dhcp-libs + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 4.2.5-68.el7.centos.1 + + + x86_64 + Common files used by ISC dhcp client and server + 245529 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + dhcp-common + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 4.2.5-68.el7.centos.1 + + + x86_64 + dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with network support + 148410 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + dracut-network + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 033-554.el7 + + + x86_64 + Hardware identification and configuration data + 13726739 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + hwdata + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 0.252-9.1.el7 + + + x86_64 + Direct Rendering Manager runtime library + 371903 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libdrm + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 2.4.91-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + A helper program to download firmware into FX and FX2 EZ-USB devices + 42589 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + fxload + CentOS + System Environment/Kernel + 2002_04_11-16.el7 + + + x86_64 + ALSA tools for uploading firmware to some soundcards + 86387 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + alsa-tools-firmware + CentOS + Applications/System + 1.1.0-1.el7 + + + x86_64 + GLib bindings for D-Bus + 301237 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + dbus-glib + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 0.100-7.el7 + + + noarch + Convenience functions for dbus services + 76410 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-slip-dbus + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 0.4.0-4.el7 + + + noarch + A libudev binding + 241404 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + python-pyudev + CentOS + Development/Languages + 0.15-9.el7 + + + x86_64 + Plymouth related scripts + 22795 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + plymouth-scripts + CentOS + Applications/System + 0.8.9-0.31.20140113.el7.centos + + + x86_64 + Detect if we are running in a virtual machine + 45720 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + virt-what + CentOS + Unspecified + 1.18-4.el7 + + + x86_64 + A pipeline manipulation library + 142521 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libpipeline + CentOS + Development/Libraries + 1.2.3-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + List SCSI devices (or hosts) and associated information + 90475 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + lsscsi + CentOS + Applications/System + 0.27-6.el7 + + + x86_64 + Utility for secure communication and data storage + 6637796 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + gnupg2 + CentOS + Applications/System + 2.0.22-5.el7_5 + + + x86_64 + Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages + 149898 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + rpm-python + CentOS + Development/Libraries + 4.11.3-35.el7 + + + x86_64 + Python module for working with OpenPGP messages + 197501 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + pygpgme + CentOS + Development/Languages + 0.3-9.el7 + + + noarch + RPM package installer/updater/manager + 5824869 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + yum + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 3.4.3-161.el7.centos + + + noarch + Data for kbd package + 2419757 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + kbd-misc + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 1.15.5-15.el7 + + + x86_64 + The Linux kernel + 66192729 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + kernel + CentOS + System Environment/Kernel + 3.10.0-957.el7 + + + x86_64 + Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemon + 2005324 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + rsyslog + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + 8.24.0-34.el7 + + + noarch + Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post + 386724 + rpm + 16/08/2019 + python-urllib3 + CentOS + Unspecified + 1.10.2-5.el7 + + + noarch + HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings + 350906 + rpm + 16/08/2019 + python-requests + CentOS + Unspecified + 2.6.0-1.el7_1 + + + x86_64 + Configuration management and audit tool - agent + 41087439 + rpm + 26/08/2019 + rudder-agent + Normation + Applications/System + ${AGENT_VERSION} + + + x86_64 + File system tree viewer + 89505 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + tree + CentOS + Applications/File + 1.6.0-10.el7 + + + x86_64 + The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients + 683495 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + postgresql-libs + CentOS + Applications/Databases + 9.2.24-1.el7_5 + + + x86_64 + Apache Portable Runtime library + 226686 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + apr + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 1.4.8-3.el7_4.1 + + + x86_64 + Tools for use with the Apache HTTP Server + 172756 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + httpd-tools + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + 2.4.6-89.el7.centos.1 + + + x86_64 + ElementTree-like Python bindings for libxml2 and libxslt + 2722705 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + python-lxml + CentOS + Development/Libraries + 3.2.1-4.el7 + + + noarch + Macros and scripts for Java packaging support + 160151 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + javapackages-tools + CentOS + Unspecified + 3.4.1-11.el7 + + + x86_64 + The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server + 17268805 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + postgresql-server + CentOS + Applications/Databases + 9.2.24-1.el7_5 + + + x86_64 + LDAP client utilities + 584439 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + openldap-clients + CentOS + Applications/Internet + 2.4.44-21.el7_6 + + + x86_64 + Runtime libraries for GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader + 67814 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + libtool-ltdl + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 2.4.2-22.el7_3 + + + noarch + JDKs configuration files copier + 16264 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + copy-jdk-configs + CentOS + Unspecified + 3.3-10.el7_5 + + + x86_64 + OpenJDK Headless Runtime Environment 8 + 108853407 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless + CentOS + Development/Languages + + + + x86_64 + Apache HTTP Server + 9817317 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + httpd + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + 2.4.6-89.el7.centos.1 + + + x86_64 + SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP Server + 229085 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + mod_ssl + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + 2.4.6-89.el7.centos.1 + + + x86_64 + An utility for finding files by name + 387655 + rpm + 08/08/2019 + mlocate + CentOS + Applications/System + 0.26-8.el7 + + + x86_64 + IRQ balancing daemon + 71251 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + irqbalance + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 1.0.7-11.el7 + + + x86_64 + An open source SSH server daemon + 993810 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + openssh-server + CentOS + System Environment/Daemons + 7.4p1-16.el7 + + + x86_64 + A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy + 779531 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + chkconfig + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 1.7.4-1.el7 + + + x86_64 + Command line tool for setting up authentication from network services + 2316601 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + authconfig + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 6.2.8-30.el7 + + + noarch + A set of system configuration and setup files + 696893 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + setup + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 2.8.71-10.el7 + + + x86_64 + The compression and decompression library + 185294 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + zlib + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 1.2.7-18.el7 + + + x86_64 + The GNU disk partition manipulation program + 2336757 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + parted + CentOS + Applications/System + 3.1-29.el7 + + + x86_64 + Common error description library + 60489 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libcom_err + CentOS + Development/Libraries + 1.42.9-13.el7 + + + x86_64 + Allows restricted root access for specified users + 3196629 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + sudo + CentOS + Applications/System + 1.8.23-3.el7 + + + x86_64 + The GNU version of the awk text processing utility + 2435978 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + gawk + CentOS + Applications/Text + 4.0.2-4.el7_3.1 + + + x86_64 + Shared library for interfacing with sysfs + 149365 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libsysfs + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 2.1.0-16.el7 + + + x86_64 + Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities + 111445 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + libcap + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 2.22-9.el7 + + + noarch + Firmware for Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 6030 Series Adapters + 1267857 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + iwl6000g2b-firmware + CentOS + System Environment/Kernel + + + + x86_64 + A GNU stream text editor + 601208 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + sed + CentOS + Applications/Text + 4.2.2-5.el7 + + + noarch + Firmware for Intel(R) Centrino Wireless-N 2000 Series Adapters + 824061 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + iwl2000-firmware + CentOS + System Environment/Kernel + + + + x86_64 + A GNU arbitrary precision library + 657046 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + gmp + CentOS + System Environment/Libraries + 6.0.0-15.el7 + + + noarch + grub2 common layout + 3915374 + rpm + 01/08/2019 + grub2-common + CentOS + System Environment/Base + 2.02-0.76.el7.centos.1 + + + noarch + The Mozilla CA root certificate bundle + 973960 rpm - 19/01/2015 - elfutils-libelf + 01/08/2019 + ca-certificates CentOS - 2000.158-3.2.el6 + System Environment/Base + 2018.2.22-70.0.el7_5 x86_64 - A general-purpose cryptography library - 536622 + The GNU libc libraries + 14346360 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libgcrypt + 01/08/2019 + glibc CentOS - 2001.4.5-11.el6_4 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.17-260.el7_6.6 x86_64 - The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs) - 1446945 + CentOS Linux release file + 41271 rpm - 19/01/2015 - findutils + 01/08/2019 + centos-release CentOS - 2004.4.2-6.el6 + System Environment/Base + 7-6.1810.2.el7.centos x86_64 - SELinux policy compiler - 870239 + Block device ID library + 265973 rpm - 19/01/2015 - checkpolicy + 01/08/2019 + libblkid CentOS - 2002.0.22-1.el6 + Development/Libraries + 2.23.2-59.el7_6.1 x86_64 - Displays where a particular program in your path is located - 73004 + Libraries for applications using bzip2 + 70093 rpm - 19/01/2015 - which + 01/08/2019 + bzip2-libs CentOS - 2002.19-6.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 1.0.6-13.el7 x86_64 - The GNU Portable Threads library - 261931 + A library of handy utility functions + 12166425 rpm - 19/01/2015 - pth + 01/08/2019 + glib2 CentOS - 2002.0.7-9.3.el6 + Unspecified + 2.56.1-4.el7_6 x86_64 - Tools used for process and utmp management. - 112727 + Library providing XML and HTML support + 1710062 rpm - 19/01/2015 - sysvinit-tools + 01/08/2019 + libxml2 CentOS - 2002.87-5.dsf.el6 + Development/Libraries + 2.9.1-6.el7_2.3 x86_64 - Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules - 262669 + System NSS Initialization + 14067 rpm - 19/01/2015 - p11-kit + 01/08/2019 + nss-sysinit CentOS - 2000.18.5-2.el6_5.2 + System Environment/Base + 3.36.0-7.1.el7_6 - noarch - The Mozilla CA root certificate bundle - 3006388 + x86_64 + A general-purpose cryptography library + 597727 rpm - 19/01/2015 - ca-certificates + 01/08/2019 + libgcrypt CentOS - 2002014.1.98-65.1.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 1.5.3-14.el7 x86_64 - Lightweight application development library - 486830 + Libraries for accessing D-BUS + 362560 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libnih + 01/08/2019 + dbus-libs CentOS - 2001.0.1-7.el6 + Development/Libraries + 1.10.24-13.el7_6 x86_64 - A utility for determining file types - 56567 + Powerful light-weight programming language + 640319 rpm - 19/01/2015 - file + 01/08/2019 + lua CentOS - 2005.04-21.el6 + Development/Languages + 5.1.4-15.el7 x86_64 - A library which allows userspace access to USB devices - 54440 + A library implementing the SSH2 protocol + 341878 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libusb + 01/08/2019 + libssh2 CentOS - 2000.1.12-23.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 1.4.3-12.el7_6.3 x86_64 - A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates - 40785 + Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets + 864984 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libutempter + 01/08/2019 + libnl3 CentOS - 2001.1.5-4.1.el6 + Development/Libraries + 3.2.28-4.el7 x86_64 - Basic networking tools - 778085 + An authorization framework + 484130 rpm - 19/01/2015 - net-tools + 01/08/2019 + polkit CentOS - 2001.60-110.el6_2 + System Environment/Libraries + 0.112-18.el7_6.1 x86_64 - A GNU file archiving program - 2616001 + Libraries for the kernels-tools + 18696 rpm - 19/01/2015 - tar + 01/08/2019 + kernel-tools-libs CentOS - 2001.23-11.el6 + Development/System + 3.10.0-957.27.2.el7 x86_64 - Command line tools for managing Berkeley DB (version 4) databases - 415046 + A minimalistic Netlink library + 51847 rpm - 19/01/2015 - db4-utils + 01/08/2019 + libmnl CentOS - 2004.7.25-18.el6_4 + System Environment/Libraries + 1.0.3-7.el7 x86_64 - Command line interface parsing library - 71689 + A collection of basic system utilities + 8460215 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libss + 01/08/2019 + util-linux CentOS - 2001.41.12-21.el6 + System Environment/Base + 2.23.2-59.el7_6.1 x86_64 - A GNU collection of binary utilities - 9810815 + Device-mapper event daemon shared library + 50628 rpm - 19/01/2015 - binutils + 01/08/2019 + device-mapper-event-libs CentOS - 2002. + System Environment/Libraries + 1.02.149-10.el7_6.8 x86_64 - A GNU collection of diff utilities - 588813 + An extensible library which provides authentication for applications + 2630324 rpm - 19/01/2015 - diffutils + 01/08/2019 + pam CentOS - 2002.8.1-28.el6 + System Environment/Base + 1.1.8-22.el7 x86_64 - Small and fast POSIX-compliant shell - 127277 + Shared libraries for lvm2 + 3787612 rpm - 19/01/2015 - dash + 01/08/2019 + lvm2-libs CentOS - 2000.5.5.1-4.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.02.180-10.el7_6.8 x86_64 - A document formatting system - 5318766 + Shared libraries needed by applications which use Cyrus SASL + 396911 rpm - 19/01/2015 - groff + 01/08/2019 + cyrus-sasl-lib CentOS - 2001.18.1.4-21.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.1.26-23.el7 x86_64 - Libraries for coreutils - 5576 + Bootloader with support for Linux, Multiboot, and more + 0 rpm - 19/01/2015 - coreutils-libs + 01/08/2019 + grub2-pc CentOS - 2008.4-37.el6 + System Environment/Base + 2.02-0.76.el7.centos.1 x86_64 - A password-checking library - 187265 + Internationalized Domain Name support library + 630407 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cracklib + 01/08/2019 + libidn CentOS - 2002.8.16-4.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 1.28-4.el7 x86_64 - A set of basic GNU tools commonly used in shell scripts - 12869616 + Manage Linux IP sets + 77432 rpm - 19/01/2015 - coreutils + 01/08/2019 + ipset CentOS - 2008.4-37.el6 + Unspecified + 6.38-3.el7_6 x86_64 - Kernel module management utilities. - 1213577 + C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data + 74998 rpm - 19/01/2015 - module-init-tools + 01/08/2019 + jansson CentOS - 2003.9-24.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.10-1.el7 noarch - CentOS-related icons and pictures - 15816517 + A dynamic adaptive system tuning daemon + 769877 rpm - 19/01/2015 - redhat-logos + 01/08/2019 + tuned CentOS - 20060.0.14-12.el6.centos + Unspecified + 2.10.0-6.el7_6.4 x86_64 - PCI access library - 40777 + The shared library for the S-Lang extension language + 1881912 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libpciaccess + 01/08/2019 + slang CentOS - 2000.13.3-0.1.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.2.4-11.el7 x86_64 - Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files - 84835 + Wifi plugin for NetworkManager + 122424 rpm - 19/01/2015 - logrotate + 01/08/2019 + NetworkManager-wifi CentOS - 2003.7.8-17.el6 + System Environment/Base + 1.12.0-10.el7_6 x86_64 A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing - 48586 + 184322 rpm - 19/01/2015 + 01/08/2019 gdbm CentOS - 2001.8.0-36.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 1.10-8.el7 x86_64 - Key utilities library - 36624 + A program for synchronizing files over a network + 834674 rpm - 19/01/2015 - keyutils-libs + 01/08/2019 + rsync CentOS - 2001.4-5.el6 + Applications/Internet + 3.1.2-6.el7_6.1 x86_64 - LDAP support libraries - 843077 + Utility to set/show the host name or domain name + 19449 rpm - 19/01/2015 - openldap + 01/08/2019 + hostname CentOS - 2002.4.39-8.el6 + System Environment/Base + 3.13-3.el7 x86_64 - GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API - 729658 + Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools + 1793061 rpm - 19/01/2015 - gpgme + 01/08/2019 + iproute CentOS - 2001.1.8-3.el6 + Applications/System + 4.11.0-14.el7_6.2 - x86_64 - A library for integrity verification of FIPS validated modules - 28163 + noarch + Miscellaneous convenience, extension and workaround code for Python + 61353 rpm - 19/01/2015 - fipscheck + 01/08/2019 + python-slip CentOS - 2001.2.0-7.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 0.4.0-4.el7 x86_64 - Ethernet settings tool for PCI ethernet cards - 279785 + The Linux kernel + 66226363 rpm - 19/01/2015 - ethtool + 01/08/2019 + kernel CentOS - 2003.5-5.el6 + System Environment/Kernel + 3.10.0-957.27.2.el7 x86_64 - Plymouth libraries - 177752 + Python bindings for newt + 116916 rpm - 19/01/2015 - plymouth-core-libs + 01/08/2019 + newt-python CentOS - 2000.8.3-27.el6.centos.1 + Development/Libraries + 0.52.15-4.el7 - x86_64 - A portable foreign function interface library - 42881 + noarch + A comprehensive HTTP client library + 310424 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libffi + 01/08/2019 + python-httplib2 CentOS - 2003.0.5-3.2.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 0.9.2-1.el7 - x86_64 - Runtime libraries for Python - 22961066 + noarch + Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files + 115166 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-libs + 01/08/2019 + python-iniparse CentOS - 2002.6.6-52.el6 + Development/Libraries + 0.4-9.el7 - noarch - A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber - 322181 + x86_64 + Namespace for backported Python features + 638 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-urlgrabber + 01/08/2019 + python-backports CentOS - 2003.9.1-9.el6 + Unspecified + 1.0-8.el7 - x86_64 - The shared library for the S-Lang extension language - 1800725 + noarch + Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 20 schemes + 2882209 rpm - 19/01/2015 - slang + 01/08/2019 + python-passlib CentOS - 2002.2.1-1.el6 + Unspecified + 1.6.5-2.el7 x86_64 - Python bindings for newt - 111017 + Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python + 59859 rpm - 19/01/2015 - newt-python + 01/08/2019 + python-markupsafe CentOS - 2000.52.11-3.el6 + Development/Languages + 0.11-10.el7 - x86_64 - SELinux binary policy manipulation library - 204095 + noarch + SSH2 protocol library for python + 1308159 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libsemanage + 01/08/2019 + python-paramiko CentOS - 2002.0.43-4.2.el6 + Unspecified + 2.1.1-9.el7 x86_64 - A tool for determining compilation options - 140091 + Command line tools for managing Berkeley DB databases + 326487 rpm - 19/01/2015 - pkgconfig + 01/08/2019 + libdb-utils CentOS - 2000.23-9.1.el6 + Applications/Databases + 5.3.21-24.el7 x86_64 - A library of handy utility functions - 8047174 + Transport Independent RPC Library + 187231 rpm - 19/01/2015 - glib2 + 01/08/2019 + libtirpc CentOS - 2002.28.8-4.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 0.2.4-0.15.el7 x86_64 - A user and group account administration library - 1879447 + A GNU collection of binary utilities + 25150000 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libuser + 01/08/2019 + binutils CentOS - 2000.56.13-5.el6 + Development/Tools + 2.27-34.base.el7 x86_64 - A fast metadata parser for yum - 58327 + Collection data-type for C + 96246 rpm - 19/01/2015 - yum-metadata-parser + 01/08/2019 + libcollection CentOS - 2001.1.2-16.el6 + Development/Libraries + 0.7.0-32.el7 - noarch - RPM package installer/updater/manager - 4776299 + x86_64 + A library for integrity verification of FIPS validated modules + 38839 rpm - 19/01/2015 - yum + 01/08/2019 + fipscheck CentOS - 2003.2.29-60.el6.centos + System Environment/Libraries + 1.4.1-6.el7 x86_64 - Common files used by ISC dhcp client and server - 198000 + Linux Key Management Utilities + 99436 rpm - 19/01/2015 - dhcp-common + 01/08/2019 + keyutils CentOS - 2004.1.1-43.P1.el6.centos + System Environment/Base + 1.5.8-3.el7 x86_64 - A collection of basic system utilities - 6075042 + GSSAPI Proxy + 261641 rpm - 19/01/2015 - util-linux-ng + 01/08/2019 + gssproxy CentOS - 2002.17.2-12.18.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 0.7.0-21.el7 x86_64 - A userspace implementation of devfs - 1235675 + A user and group account administration library + 1952592 rpm - 19/01/2015 - udev + 01/08/2019 + libuser CentOS - 200147-2.57.el6 + System Environment/Base + 0.60-9.el7 x86_64 - Direct Rendering Manager runtime library - 275891 + The talloc library + 61704 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libdrm + 01/08/2019 + libtalloc CentOS - 2002.4.52-4.el6 + System Environment/Daemons + 2.1.13-1.el7 x86_64 - Postfix Mail Transport Agent - 10136868 + SELinux libselinux utilies + 172645 rpm - 19/01/2015 - postfix + 01/08/2019 + libselinux-utils CentOS - 2002.6.6-6.el6_5 + Development/Libraries + 2.5-14.1.el7 x86_64 - Cron daemon for executing programs at set times - 178643 + The tevent library + 66624 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cronie + 01/08/2019 + libtevent CentOS - 2001.4.4-12.el6 + System Environment/Daemons + 0.9.36-1.el7 x86_64 - IPv6 support for iptables - 199498 + A schema-less, ldap like, API and database + 375488 rpm - 19/01/2015 - iptables-ipv6 + 01/08/2019 + libldb CentOS - 2001.4.7-14.el6 + Development/Libraries + 1.3.4-1.el7 - noarch - Data for kbd package - 1443451 + x86_64 + Command line interface parsing library + 73089 rpm - 19/01/2015 - kbd-misc + 01/08/2019 + libss CentOS - 2001.15-11.el6 + Development/Libraries + 1.42.9-13.el7 noarch - Initramfs generator using udev - 259332 + Look up Perl documentation in Pod format + 166910 rpm - 19/01/2015 - dracut + 01/08/2019 + perl-Pod-Perldoc CentOS - 200004-356.el6 + Development/Libraries + 3.20-4.el7 x86_64 - The Linux kernel - 129967060 + SELinux binary policy manipulation library + 302329 rpm - 19/01/2015 - kernel + 01/08/2019 + libsemanage CentOS - 2002.6.32-504.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.5-14.el7 noarch - Open firmware for some Broadcom 43xx series WLAN chips - 31549 + Print a usage message from embedded POD documentation + 44671 rpm - 19/01/2015 - b43-openfwwf + 01/08/2019 + perl-Pod-Usage CentOS - 2005.2-4.el6 + Development/Libraries + 1.63-3.el7 x86_64 - iSCSI daemon and utility programs - 2553434 + High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers + 94069 rpm - 19/01/2015 - iscsi-initiator-utils + 01/08/2019 + perl-Time-HiRes CentOS - 2006.2.0.873-13.el6 + Development/Libraries + 1.9725-3.el7 x86_64 - Command line tool for setting up authentication from network services - 1953621 + Enhanced seccomp library + 304131 rpm - 19/01/2015 - authconfig + 01/08/2019 + libseccomp CentOS - 2006.1.12-19.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.3.1-3.el7 x86_64 - EFI Boot Manager - 72662 + Networking constants and support functions + 114497 rpm - 19/01/2015 - efibootmgr + 01/08/2019 + perl-Socket CentOS - 2000.5.4-12.el6 + Development/Libraries + 2.010-4.el7 x86_64 - User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing - 580267 + Partition device manager for device-mapper devices + 41363 rpm - 19/01/2015 - audit + 01/08/2019 + kpartx CentOS - 2002.3.7-5.el6 + System Environment/Base + 0.4.9-123.el7 x86_64 - Utilities for managing the XFS filesystem - 3325667 + PathTools Perl module (Cwd, File::Spec) + 174131 rpm - 19/01/2015 - xfsprogs + 01/08/2019 + perl-PathTools CentOS - 2003.1.1-16.el6 + Development/Libraries + 3.40-5.el7 x86_64 - Utilities for managing filesystem extended attributes - 142313 + Linux kernel module management utilities + 243559 rpm - 19/01/2015 - attr + 01/08/2019 + kmod CentOS - 2002.4.44-7.el6 + System Environment/Kernel + 20-23.el7 noarch - The basic required files for the root user's directory - 599 + Create or remove directory trees + 50067 rpm - 19/01/2015 - rootfiles + 01/08/2019 + perl-File-Path CentOS - 2008.1-6.1.el6 + Development/Libraries + 2.09-2.el7 noarch - Timezone data - 1837048 + Default yama attach scope sysctl setting + 1810 rpm - 19/01/2015 - tzdata + 01/08/2019 + elfutils-default-yama-scope CentOS - 2002014j-1.el6 + Development/Tools + 0.172-2.el7 x86_64 - The GNU libc libraries - 12959302 + The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts + 1519938 rpm - 19/01/2015 - glibc + 01/08/2019 + initscripts CentOS - 2002.12-1.149.el6_6.4 + System Environment/Base + 9.49.46-1.el7 x86_64 - Device-mapper shared library - 287096 + VIM filesystem layout + 0 rpm - 19/01/2015 - device-mapper-libs + 08/08/2019 + vim-filesystem CentOS - 2001.02.90-2.el6_6.1 + Applications/Editors + 7.4.160-6.el7_6 x86_64 - Network Security Services Utilities Library - 179416 + Powerful interactive shell + 5854390 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nss-util + 08/08/2019 + zsh CentOS - 2003.16.2.3-2.el6_6 + System Environment/Shells + 5.0.2-31.el7 - x86_64 - Device-mapper event daemon shared library - 22840 + noarch + Perl interface to Git + 58567 rpm - 19/01/2015 - device-mapper-event-libs + 08/08/2019 + perl-Git CentOS - 2001.02.90-2.el6_6.1 + Development/Libraries + x86_64 - System NSS Initialization - 32822 + PostgreSQL client programs + 16706464 rpm - 19/01/2015 - nss-sysinit + 08/08/2019 + postgresql CentOS - 2003.16.2.3-3.el6_6 + Applications/Databases + 9.2.24-1.el7_5 x86_64 - A library for getting files from web servers - 343248 + Provides the ISC DHCP client daemon and dhclient-script + 486158 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libcurl + 01/08/2019 + dhclient CentOS - 2007.19.7-40.el6_6.3 + System Environment/Base + 4.2.5-68.el7.centos.1 - x86_64 - The RPM package management system - 2031240 + noarch + Modules that calculate message digests + 28661 rpm - 19/01/2015 - rpm + 08/08/2019 + perl-Digest CentOS - 2004.8.0-38.el6_6 + Development/Libraries + 1.17-245.el7 - x86_64 - Device-mapper event daemon - 35764 + noarch + Module for handling various files for Java packaging + 66505 rpm - 19/01/2015 - device-mapper-event + 08/08/2019 + python-javapackages CentOS - 2001.02.90-2.el6_6.1 + Unspecified + 3.4.1-11.el7 x86_64 - The device-mapper-multipath modules and shared library - 464349 + PCI access library + 45649 rpm - 19/01/2015 - device-mapper-multipath-libs + 01/08/2019 + libpciaccess CentOS - 2000.4.9-80.el6_6.2 + System Environment/Libraries + 0.14-1.el7 x86_64 - Shared libraries needed by applications which use Cyrus SASL - 357710 + PostgresSQL support for rsyslog + 16664 rpm - 19/01/2015 - cyrus-sasl-lib + 08/08/2019 + rsyslog-pgsql CentOS - 2002.1.23-15.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Daemons + 8.24.0-34.el7 - x86_64 - The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts - 5723568 + noarch + Firmware for several ALSA-supported sound cards + 9572469 rpm - 19/01/2015 - initscripts + 01/08/2019 + alsa-firmware CentOS - 2009.03.46-1.el6.centos.1 + Applications/Multimedia + 1.0.28-2.el7 x86_64 - SELinux policy core utilities - 3641554 - rpm - 19/01/2015 - policycoreutils - CentOS - 2002.0.83-19.47.el6_6.1 - - - noarch - Firmware files used by the Linux kernel - 23721104 + User-space access to Linux Kernel SCTP + 232487 rpm - 19/01/2015 - kernel-firmware + 08/08/2019 + lksctp-tools CentOS - 2002.6.32-504.3.3.el6 + System Environment/Libraries + 1.0.17-2.el7 - noarch - SELinux targeted base policy - 3604161 + x86_64 + D-Bus Python Bindings + 848122 rpm - 19/01/2015 - selinux-policy-targeted + 01/08/2019 + dbus-python CentOS - 2003.7.19-260.el6_6.1 + Unspecified + 1.1.1-9.el7 x86_64 - An open source SSH client applications - 1331907 + A MMX/SSE2 accelerated library for manipulating JPEG image files + 350499 rpm - 19/01/2015 - openssh-clients + 08/08/2019 + libjpeg-turbo CentOS - 2005.3p1-104.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Libraries + 1.2.90-6.el7 x86_64 - Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemons - 2178098 + Plymouth core libraries + 222848 rpm - 19/01/2015 - rsyslog + 01/08/2019 + plymouth-core-libs CentOS - 2005.8.10-10.el6_6 + Development/Libraries + 0.8.9-0.31.20140113.el7.centos x86_64 - The mdadm program controls Linux md devices (software RAID arrays) - 842899 + A WSGI interface for Python web applications in Apache + 202264 rpm - 19/01/2015 - mdadm + 08/08/2019 + mod_wsgi CentOS - 2003.3-6.el6_6.1 + System Environment/Libraries + 3.4-18.el7 x86_64 - Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages - 120906 + libnuma libraries + 50752 rpm - 19/01/2015 - rpm-python + 01/08/2019 + numactl-libs CentOS - 2004.8.0-38.el6_6 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.0.9-7.el7 x86_64 - Library providing XML and HTML support - 1776379 + The GNU Portable Threads library + 267851 rpm - 19/01/2015 - libxml2 + 01/08/2019 + pth CentOS - 2002.7.6-17.el6_6.1 - - - noarch - Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository configuration - 22169 - rpm - 19/01/2015 - epel-release - Fedora Project - 2006-8 + System Environment/Libraries + 2.0.7-23.el7 x86_64 - Cryptography library for Python - 578990 + GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API + 547534 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-crypto + 01/08/2019 + gpgme CentOS - 2002.0.1-22.el6 + Applications/System + 1.3.2-5.el7 noarch - Easily build and distribute Python packages - 1532593 + Firmware files used by the Linux kernel + 184128899 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-setuptools + 01/08/2019 + linux-firmware CentOS - 2000.6.10-3.el6 - - - noarch - Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography - 579219 - rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-keyczar - Fedora Project - 2000.71c-1.el6 + System Environment/Kernel + 20180911-69.git85c5d90.el7 - noarch - A comprehensive HTTP client library - 219004 + x86_64 + Utilities for the IBM Power Linux RAID adapters + 956310 rpm - 19/01/2015 - python-httplib2 - Fedora Project - 2000.7.7-1.el6 + 01/08/2019 + iprutils + CentOS + System Environment/Base + + ata 20971 @@ -3967,13 +6088,15 @@ vagrant - FusionInventory-Agent_v2.3.19 + FusionInventory-Agent_v2.4.3 + Platform : linux worker1.bsys.centos.org 2.6.32-573.18.1.el6.x86_64 1 smp tue feb 9 22:46:17 utc 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnulinux + Build date: Sun Aug 18 02:16:39 2019 GMT FusionInventory /usr/bin/perl - v5.10.1 + v5.16.3 /opt/rudder/bin/fusioninventory-agent - 2002.3.19 + 2.4.3 wz--n- @@ -3986,6 +6109,6 @@ MxzI2v-uQ5F-j46x-BjJ1-FpiO-eEzT-LPWyvf - %HOSTNAME% + ${RUDDER_HOSTNAME} INVENTORY diff --git a/contrib/load-database/README.MD b/contrib/load-database/README.MD index b0d3bb65d..5589a378e 100644 --- a/contrib/load-database/README.MD +++ b/contrib/load-database/README.MD @@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ This folder contains stress testing script which generates fake reports for Rudd ## Dependencies * psycopg2 +* rsyslog (to send report via syslog) ## Compatibility -Script load-database.py is compatible with Rudder 4.x. It will generate exact reports for all accepted node, by reading content of table nodesconfigurations. It can also optionnaly generates Error and Repairs logs +Script load-database.py is compatible with Rudder 4.x and 5.0. It will generate exact reports for all accepted node, by reading content of table nodesconfigurations, and either insert them directly in database, or send them via syslog. It can also optionnaly generates Error and Repairs logs Script load-database-3.x.py is compatible with Rudder 3.x. It works in a degraded mode, as it simply copies all reports from Rudder root server to the nodes, with correct NodeConfigId - so unless all the nodes have exactly the same configuration as the Rudder server root, there will be a lot of Missing and Unexpected reports @@ -17,6 +18,8 @@ Prior to using the script, you need to configure the PostgreSQL connectivity at You may also want to configure the proportion of error and repaired reports generated by modifying variables repair_proportion and error_proportion +To use syslog, you'll need rsyslog configured, and copy the rudder.conf file in the /etc/rsyslog.d folder + ## Usage * Generate reports for all the accepted nodes within Rudder 4.1 @@ -40,3 +43,6 @@ load_database.py use_config_id ``` +## Compatibility with old python 2 + +psycopg2.connect doesn't accept a dbname with python 2.6 diff --git a/contrib/load-database/load-database.py b/contrib/load-database/load-database.py index d55c9fab9..7575619ce 100755 --- a/contrib/load-database/load-database.py +++ b/contrib/load-database/load-database.py @@ -28,12 +28,17 @@ # Proportion of poping last report run (to interleave agents runs) last_run_frequency = 0.5 +sleep_between_run=0.050 + + + import psycopg2 import json import random import datetime import sys import syslog +from time import sleep myConnection = psycopg2.connect( host=hostname, user=username, password=password, dbname=database ) @@ -151,7 +156,7 @@ def store_config_id(regex): if (directives['directiveId'].startswith('common-')) or (directives['directiveId'].startswith('dsc-common-')): lastruns[nodeid] = [nodeconfigid, reportDate, nodeid] # add a wait between each agent run - sleep(0.070) + sleep(sleep_between_run) # send end run randomValue = random.random() diff --git a/contrib/load-database/rudder.conf b/contrib/load-database/rudder.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e93ca7a6c --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/load-database/rudder.conf @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 0 + +# Disable Repeated message reduction or reports may be lost +$RepeatedMsgReduction off + +# Provides TCP syslog reception +$ModLoad imtcp +$InputTCPServerRun 514 + +# Provide udp for snare and compatibility with older syslog +$ModLoad imudp +$UDPServerRun 514 + +$ActionQueueType Direct +$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on + +:programname, contains, "rudder" @server:514 + +## Syslog messages from "rudder" +:programname, contains, "rudder" ~ +:programname, contains, "cf-agent" ~ +