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Implementation in Haskell of the one-sided mean kernel and other sequence kernels


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This is a very small toy project that I made to experiment with the Haskell programming language.

It reads a set of sequences from file example_data.txt, computes a Gram matrix of these sequences using the one-sided mean alignment kernel, computes the eigenvalues of this matrix and displays them. As the one-sided mean alignment kernel is provably positive definite, the eigenvalues are all positive.

The project also contains code to generate random dummy time series.


  1. If you do not have stack installed you can on OS X with Homebrew:

    brew update
    brew install haskell-stack
  2. Then build and run the program:

    cd haskell-sequence-kernels
    stack setup
    stack build
    stack exec haskell-sequence-kernels-exe


Performance is terrible.

This is because currently dynamic programming is implemented by keeping intermediate results in a Data.Map structure which does not have constant access time like vectors. In the future I plan on using a mutable vector or matrix with the ST monad. Nevertheless, on this dataset the Haskell program compiled with O2 optimization level is quite surprisingly almost faster than the Python equivalent.

About the one-sided mean alignment kernel

Well-known kernel methods such as for example SVM and Kernel PCA rely on a kernel which is used to compute a Gram matrix which can generally be interpreted as a matrix of similarity values between any pair of samples in the dataset. These algorithms require that the kernel be positive definite, which guarantees that the resulting optimization programs are convex whatever the samples.

When dealing with vector data the most common choice is generally a Gaussian kernel, but when the samples are time-series (or more generally sequences) custom kernels must be used. There are not many sensible choices, as merely using a classic dynamic time warping distance does not lead to a positive definite kernel.

To this end we propose the one-sided mean kernel, which has many advantages:

  • Provably positive definite,
  • Faster than competing techniques with a time complexity of O(l × (m - l)) instead of O(l × m) for sequences of length l < m,
  • Consistent with a vector kernel when time series are of equal length,
  • Does not suffer from issues of diagonal dominance like the global alignment kernel for example.

For comparison an implementation in Python is available here.


  1. Rewrite the algorithm using the ST monad,
  2. Implement other kernels such as classic dynamic time warping and the global alignment kernel,
  3. Add support for multivariate time-series,
  4. Automatic selection of the kernel bandwith,


  • N. Chrysanthos, P. Beauseroy, H. Snoussi, E. Grall-Maës, Theoretical properties and implementation of the one-sided mean kernel for time series, in: Neurocomputing 169 (2015) 196–204
  • M. Cuturi, J.-P. Vert, O. Birkenes, T. Matsui, A kernel for time series based on global alignments, in: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007
  • J.-P. Vert, The Optimal Assignment Kernel is not Positive Definite in: arXiv:0801. 4061


Implementation in Haskell of the one-sided mean kernel and other sequence kernels







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