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Python 3 and ASCII Compatible Binary Protocols

Last Updated: 6th January, 2014

If you pay any attention to the Twittersphere (and likely several other environments), you may have noticed various web framework developers having a few choice words regarding the Unicode handling design in Python 3.

They actually have good reason to be upset with python-dev: we broke their world. Not only did we break it, but we did it on purpose.

What did we break?

What we broke is a very specific thing: many of the previously idiomatic techniques for transparently accepting both Unicode text and text in an ASCII compatible binary encoding no longer work in Python 3. Given that the web (along with network protocols in general) is built on the concept of ASCII compatible binary encodings, this is causing web framework developers an understandable amount of grief as they start making their first serious efforts at supporting Python 3.

The key thing that changed is that it is no longer easy to write text manipulation algorithms that can work transparently on either actual text (i.e. 2.x unicode objects) and on text encoded to binary using an ASCII compatible encoding (i.e. some instances of 2.x str objects).

There are a few essential changes in Python 3 which make this no longer practical:

  • In 2.x, when unicode and str meet, the latter is automatically promoted to unicode (usually assuming a default ascii encoding). In 3.x, this changes such that when str (now always Unicode text) meets bytes (the new binary data type) you get an exception. Significantly, this means you can no longer share literal values between the two algorithm variants (in 2.x, you could just use str literals and rely on the automatic promotion to cover the unicode case).
  • Iterating over a string produces a series of length 1 strings. Iterating over a 3.x bytes object, on the other hand, produces a series of integers. Similarly, indexing a bytes object produces an integer - you need to use slicing syntax if you want a length 1 bytes object.
  • The encode() and decode() convenience methods no longer support the text->text and binary->binary transforms, instead being limited to the actual text->binary and binary->text encodings. The codecs.encode and codecs.decode functions need to be used instead in order to handle these transforms in addition to the regular text encodings (these functions are available as far back as Python 2.4, so they're usable in the common subset of Python 2 and Python 3).
  • In 2.x, the unicode type supported the buffer API, allowing direct access to the raw multi-byte characters (stored as UCS4 in wide builds, and a UCS2/UTF-16 hybrid in narrow builds). In 3.x, the only way to access this data directly is via the Python C API. At the Python level, you only have access to the code point data, not the individual bytes.

The recommended approach to handling both binary and text inputs to an API without duplicating code is to explicitly decode any binary data on input and encode it again on output, using one of two options:

  1. ascii in strict mode (for true 7-bit ASCII data)
  2. ascii in surrogateescape mode (to allow any ASCII compatible encoding)

However, it's important to be very careful with the latter approach - when applied to an ASCII incompatible encoding, manipulations that assume ASCII compatibility may still cause data corruption, even with explicit decoding and encoding steps. It can be better to assume strict ASCII-only data for implicit conversions, and require external conversion to Unicode for other ASCII compatible encodings (e.g. this is the approach now taken by the urllib.urlparse module).

Why did we break it?

That last paragraph in the previous section hints at the answer: assuming that binary data uses an ASCII compatible encoding and manipulating it accordingly can lead to silent data corruption if the assumption is incorrect.

In a world where there are multiple ASCII incompatible text encodings in regular use (e.g. UTF-16, UTF-32, ShiftJIS, many of the CJK codecs), that's a problem.

Another regular problem with code that supposedly supports both Unicode and encoded text is that it may not correctly handle multi-byte, variable width and other stateful encodings where the meaning of the current byte may depend on the values of one or more previous bytes, even if the code does happen to correctly handle ASCII-incompatible stateless single-byte encodings.

All of these problem can be dealt with if you appropriately vet the encoding of any binary data that is passed in. However, this is not only often easier said than done, but Python 2 doesn't really offer you any good tools for finding out when you've stuffed it up. They're data driven bugs, but the errors may never turn into exceptions, instead just causing flaws in the resulting text output.

This was a gross violation of "The Zen of Python", specifically the part about "Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced".

As a concrete example of the kind of obscure errors this can cause, I recently tracked down an obscure problem that was leading to my web server receiving a request that consisted solely of the letter "G". From what I have been able to determine, that error was the result of:

  1. M2Crypto emitting a Unicode value for a HTTP header value
  2. The SSL connection combining this with other values, creating an entire Unicode string instead of the expected byte sequence
  3. The SSL connection interpreting that string via the buffer API
  4. The SSL connection seeing the additional NULs due to the UCS4 internal encoding and truncating the string accordingly

This has now been worked around by explicitly encoding the Unicode value erroneously emitted, but it was a long hunt to find the problem when the initial symptom was just a 404 error from the web server.

Since Python 3 is a lot fussier when it comes to the ways it will allow binary and text data to implicitly interact, this would have been picked up client side as soon as any attempt was made to combine the Unicode text value with the already encoded binary data.

The other key reason for changing the text model of the language is that the Python 2 model only works properly on POSIX systems. Unlike POSIX, Unicode capable interfaces on Windows, the JVM and the CLR (whether .NET or mono), use Unicode natively rather than using encoded bytestrings.

The Python 3 model, by contrast, aims to handle Unicode correctly on all platforms, with the surrogateescape error handler introduced to handle the case of data in operating system interfaces that doesn't match the declared encoding on POSIX systems.

Why are the web framework developers irritated?

We knew when we released Python 3 that it was going to take quite a while for the binary/text split to be fully resolved. Most of the burden of that resolution falls on the shoulders of those dealing with the boundaries between text data and binary protocols. Web frameworks have to deal with these issues both on the network side and on the data storage side.

Those developers also have good reason to want to avoid decoding to Unicode - until Python 3.3 was released, Unicode strings consumed up to four times the memory consumed by 8 bit strings (depending on build options).

That means framework developers face an awkward choice in their near term Python 3 porting efforts:

  • do it "right" (i.e. converting to the text format for text manipulations), and keep track of the need to convert the result back to bytes
  • split their code into parallel binary and text APIs (potentially duplicating a lot of code and making it much harder to maintain)
  • including multiple "binary or text" checks within the algorithm implementation (this can get very untidy very quickly)
  • develop a custom extension type for implementing a str-style API on top of encoded binary data (this is hard to do without reintroducing all the problems with ASCII incompatible encodings noted above, but a custom type provides more scope to make it clear it is only appropriate in contexts where ASCII compatible encodings can be safely assummed, such as many web protocols)

I have a personal preference for the first choice as the current path of least resistance, as reflected in the way I implemented the binary input support for the urllib.parse APIs in Python 3.2. However, the last option (or something along those lines) will likely be needed in order to make ASCII compatible binary protocol handling as convenient in Python 3 as it is in Python 2.

The last option is still one of the options for possible future Python 3 improvements listed under :ref:`room-for-improvement`.

Couldn't the implicit decoding just be disabled in Python 2?

While Python 2 does provide a mechanism that allows the implicit decoding mechanism to be disabled, actually trying to use it breaks the world:

>>> import urlparse
>>> urlparse.urlsplit("")
SplitResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='', query='', fragment='')
>>> urlparse.urlsplit(u"")
SplitResult(scheme=u'http', netloc=u'', path=u'', query='', fragment='')
>>> import sys
>>> reload(sys).setdefaultencoding("undefined")
>>> urlparse.clear_cache()
>>> urlparse.urlsplit("")
SplitResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='', query='', fragment='')
>>> urlparse.urlsplit(u"")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 181, in urlsplit
    i = url.find(':')
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/encodings/", line 22, in decode
    raise UnicodeError("undefined encoding")
UnicodeError: undefined encoding

(If you don't clear the parsing cache after disabling the default encoding and retest with the same URLs, that second call may appear to be work, but that's only because it gets a hit in the cache from the earlier successful call. Using a different URL or clearing the caches as shown will reveal the error).

This is why turning off the implicit decoding is such a big deal that it required a major version bump for the language definition: there is a lot of Python 2 code that only handles Unicode because 8-bit strings (including literals) are implicitly promoted to Unicode as needed. Since Python 3 removes all the implicit conversions, code that previously relied on it in order to accept both binary and text inputs (like the Python 2 URL parsing code shown above) instead needs to be updated to explicitly handle both binary and text inputs.

So, in contrast to Python 2 code above, the Python 3 version not only changes the types of the components in the result, but also changes the type of the result itself:

>>> from urllib import parse
>>> parse.urlsplit("")
SplitResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='', query='', fragment='')
>>> parse.urlsplit(b"")
SplitResultBytes(scheme=b'http', netloc=b'', path=b'', query=b'', fragment=b'')

However, it's also no longer dependent on a global configuration setting that controls how 8-bit string literals are converted to Unicode text - instead, the decision on how to convert from bytes to text is handled entirely within the function call.

Where to from here?

The revised text handling design in Python 3 is definitely a case of the pursuit of correctness triumphing over convenience. "Usually handy, but occasionally completely and totally wrong" is not a good way to design a language (If you question this, compare and contrast the experience of programming in C++ and Python. Both are languages with a strong C influence, but the former makes a habit of indulging in premature optimisations that can go seriously wrong if their assumptions are violated. Guess which of the two is almost universally seen as being more developer hostile?).

The challenge for Python 3.3 and beyond is to start bringing back some of the past convenience that resulted from being able to blur the lines between binary and text data without unduly compromising on the gains in correctness.

The efficient Unicode representation in Python 3.3 (which uses the smallest per-character size out of 1, 2 and 4 that can handle all characters in the string) was a solid start down that road, as was the restoration of Unicode string literal support in PEP 414 (as that was a change library and framework developers couldn't address on behalf of their users).

Python 3.4 restored full support for the binary transform codecs through the existing type neutral codecs module API (along with improved handling of codec errors in general).

Some other possible steps towards making Python 3 as convenient a langauge as Python 2 for wire protocol handling are discussed in :ref:`room-for-improvement`

But for most Python programmers, this issue simply doesn't arise. Binary data is binary data, text characters are text characters, and the two only meet at well-defined boundaries. It's only people that are writing the libraries and frameworks that implement those boundaries that really need to grapple with the details of these concepts.