----------------------------------------------- NOVOPlasty: The Organelle Assembler Version 4.3.1 Author: Nicolas Dierckxsens, (c) 2015-2020 ----------------------------------------------- Input parameters from the configuration file: *** Verify if everything is correct *** Project: ---------------------- Project name = mito_1_375 Type = mito Genome range = 15000-18000 K-mer = 33 Max memory = 64 Extended log = 1 Save assembled reads = yes Seed Input = NC_008434.1_Vv_complete_mitogenome16813bp.fasta Extend seed directly = no Reference sequence = Variance detection = Chloroplast sequence = Dataset 1: ---------------------- Read Length = 151 Insert size = 350 Platform = illumina Single/Paired = PE Combined reads = Forward reads = /mnt/scratch/c1845371/whole_genome/data/375_R1.fastq.gz Reverse reads = /mnt/scratch/c1845371/whole_genome/data/375_R2.fastq.gz Store Hash = Heteroplasmy: ----------------------- Heteroplasmy = HP exclude list = PCR-free = Optional: ---------------------- Insert size auto = yes Use Quality Scores = Output path = /mnt/scratch/c1845371/whole_genome/mitochondrial_genome/mito_12/ Subsampled fraction: 24.14 % Forward reads without pair: 13259 Reverse reads without pair: 5025 Retrieve Seed... Initial read retrieved successfully: TCTTACACCCGCCAGATCTTGCTGTCTATCTATAGATATCATTTCCTTGATATTTTATTTTTTACCGCCTCTATAGTTCGCACCAACAAAGCCAAAAACAAAAGTTAATGTAGCTTAATTAGTAAAGCAAGGCACTGAAAATGCCAAGATG Start Assembly... ------------Assembly 1 finished: Contigs are automatically merged in Merged_contigs file------------ Contig 01 : 16521 bp Contig 02 : 349 bp Contig 03 : 992 bp Contig 04 : 385 bp Contig 05 : 881 bp Total contigs : 5 Largest contig : 16521 bp Smallest contig : 349 bp Average insert size : 337 bp -----------------------------------------Input data metrics----------------------------------------- Total reads : 105400318 Aligned reads : 455762 Assembled reads : 418834 Organelle genome % : 0.43 % Average organelle coverage : 4176 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------