RMFault: {} MaxView: 2 RMDead: {0} RM: {0, 1, 2, 3} << [ _TEAction |-> [ position |-> 1, name |-> "Initial predicate", location |-> "Unknown location" ], msgs |-> {}, rmState |-> ( 0 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 1 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 2 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 3 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] ) ], [ _TEAction |-> [ position |-> 2, name |-> "RMSendPrepareRequest", location |-> "line 127, col 3 to line 131, col 19 of module dbft" ], msgs |-> {[type |-> "PrepareRequest", view |-> 0, rm |-> 0]}, rmState |-> ( 0 :> [type |-> "prepareSent", view |-> 0] @@ 1 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 2 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 3 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] ) ], [ _TEAction |-> [ position |-> 3, name |-> "RMDie", location |-> "line 249, col 3 to line 252, col 23 of module dbft" ], msgs |-> {[type |-> "PrepareRequest", view |-> 0, rm |-> 0]}, rmState |-> ( 0 :> [type |-> "dead", view |-> 0] @@ 1 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 2 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 3 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] ) ], [ _TEAction |-> [ position |-> 4, name |-> "RMSendPrepareResponse", location |-> "line 138, col 3 to line 145, col 19 of module dbft" ], msgs |-> { [type |-> "PrepareRequest", view |-> 0, rm |-> 0], [type |-> "PrepareResponse", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1] }, rmState |-> ( 0 :> [type |-> "dead", view |-> 0] @@ 1 :> [type |-> "prepareSent", view |-> 0] @@ 2 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 3 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] ) ], [ _TEAction |-> [ position |-> 5, name |-> "RMSendChangeView", location |-> "line 174, col 3 to line 179, col 90 of module dbft" ], msgs |-> { [type |-> "PrepareRequest", view |-> 0, rm |-> 0], [type |-> "PrepareResponse", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1], [type |-> "ChangeView", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1] }, rmState |-> ( 0 :> [type |-> "dead", view |-> 0] @@ 1 :> [type |-> "cv", view |-> 0] @@ 2 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] @@ 3 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] ) ], [ _TEAction |-> [ position |-> 6, name |-> "RMSendPrepareResponse", location |-> "line 138, col 3 to line 145, col 19 of module dbft" ], msgs |-> { [type |-> "PrepareRequest", view |-> 0, rm |-> 0], [type |-> "PrepareResponse", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1], [type |-> "PrepareResponse", view |-> 0, rm |-> 2], [type |-> "ChangeView", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1] }, rmState |-> ( 0 :> [type |-> "dead", view |-> 0] @@ 1 :> [type |-> "cv", view |-> 0] @@ 2 :> [type |-> "prepareSent", view |-> 0] @@ 3 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] ) ], [ _TEAction |-> [ position |-> 7, name |-> "RMSendCommit", location |-> "line 150, col 3 to line 160, col 19 of module dbft" ], msgs |-> { [type |-> "PrepareRequest", view |-> 0, rm |-> 0], [type |-> "PrepareResponse", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1], [type |-> "PrepareResponse", view |-> 0, rm |-> 2], [type |-> "Commit", view |-> 0, rm |-> 2], [type |-> "ChangeView", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1] }, rmState |-> ( 0 :> [type |-> "dead", view |-> 0] @@ 1 :> [type |-> "cv", view |-> 0] @@ 2 :> [type |-> "commitSent", view |-> 0] @@ 3 :> [type |-> "initialized", view |-> 0] ) ], [ _TEAction |-> [ position |-> 8, name |-> "RMSendChangeView", location |-> "line 174, col 3 to line 179, col 90 of module dbft" ], msgs |-> { [type |-> "PrepareRequest", view |-> 0, rm |-> 0], [type |-> "PrepareResponse", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1], [type |-> "PrepareResponse", view |-> 0, rm |-> 2], [type |-> "Commit", view |-> 0, rm |-> 2], [type |-> "ChangeView", view |-> 0, rm |-> 1], [type |-> "ChangeView", view |-> 0, rm |-> 3] }, rmState |-> ( 0 :> [type |-> "dead", view |-> 0] @@ 1 :> [type |-> "cv", view |-> 0] @@ 2 :> [type |-> "commitSent", view |-> 0] @@ 3 :> [type |-> "cv", view |-> 0] ) ] >>