# # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Nick Dajda # # Distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # """Extends the Cheetah generator search list to add html historic data tables in a nice colour scheme. Tested on Weewx release 4.0.0. Works with all databases. Observes the units of measure and display formats specified in skin.conf. WILL NOT WORK with Weewx prior to release 3.0. -- Use this version for 2.4 - 2.7: https://github.com/brewster76/fuzzy-archer/releases/tag/v2.0 To use it, add this generator to search_list_extensions in skin.conf: [CheetahGenerator] search_list_extensions = user.historygenerator.MyXSearch 1) The $alltime tag: Allows tags such as $alltime.outTemp.max for the all-time max temperature, or $seven_day.rain.sum for the total rainfall in the last seven days. 2) Nice colourful tables summarising history data by month and year: Adding the section below to your skins.conf file will create these new tags: $min_temp_table $max_temp_table $avg_temp_table $rain_table ############################################################################################ # # HTML month/year colour coded summary table generator # [HistoryReport] # minvalues, maxvalues and colours should contain the same number of elements. # # For example, the [min_temp] example below, if the minimum temperature measured in # a month is between -50 and -10 (degC) then the cell will be shaded in html colour code #0029E5. # # colours = background colour # fontColours = foreground colour [optional, defaults to black if omitted] # Default is temperature scale minvalues = -50, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 maxvalues = -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60 colours = "#0029E5", "#0186E7", "#02E3EA", "#04EC97", "#05EF3D2", "#2BF207", "#8AF408", "#E9F70A", "#F9A90B", "#FC4D0D", "#FF0F2D" fontColours = "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF" monthnames = Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec # The Raspberry Pi typically takes 15+ seconds to calculate all the summaries with a few years of weather date. # refresh_interval is how often in minutes the tables are calculated. refresh_interval = 60 [[min_temp]] # Create a new Cheetah tag which will have a _table suffix: $min_temp_table obs_type = outTemp # obs_type can be any weewx observation, e.g. outTemp, barometer, wind, ... aggregate_type = min # Any of these: 'sum', 'count', 'avg', 'max', 'min' [[max_temp]] obs_type = outTemp aggregate_type = max [[avg_temp]] obs_type = outTemp aggregate_type = avg [[rain]] obs_type = rain aggregate_type = sum data_binding = alternative_binding # Override default temperature colour scheme with rain specific scale minvalues = 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 maxvalues = 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 1000 colours = "#E0F8E0", "#A9F5A9", "#58FA58", "#2EFE2E", "#01DF01", "#00b900" fontColours = "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000" # [[rain_days]] # obs_type = rain_days # aggregate_type = count # data_binding = alternative_binding # # # Override default temperature colour scheme with rain specific scale # minvalues = 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 # maxvalues = 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 1000 # colours = "#E0F8E0", "#A9F5A9", "#58FA58", "#2EFE2E", "#01DF01", "#01DF01" # fontColours = "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000" """ from datetime import datetime import time import logging import os.path import pdb from weewx.cheetahgenerator import SearchList from weewx.tags import TimespanBinder import weeutil.weeutil log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MyXSearch(SearchList): def __init__(self, generator): SearchList.__init__(self, generator) self.table_dict = generator.skin_dict['HistoryReport'] # Calculate the tables once every refresh_interval mins self.refresh_interval = int(self.table_dict.get('refresh_interval', 5)) self.cache_time = 0 self.search_list_extension = {} # Make bootstrap specific labels in config file available to if 'BootstrapLabels' in generator.skin_dict: self.search_list_extension['BootstrapLabels'] = generator.skin_dict['BootstrapLabels'] else: log.debug("%s: No bootstrap specific labels found" % os.path.basename(__file__)) # Make observation labels available to templates if 'Labels' in generator.skin_dict: self.search_list_extension['Labels'] = generator.skin_dict['Labels'] else: log.debug("%s: No observation labels found" % os.path.basename(__file__)) def get_extension_list(self, valid_timespan, db_lookup): """For weewx V3.x extensions. Should return a list of objects whose attributes or keys define the extension. valid_timespan: An instance of weeutil.weeutil.TimeSpan. This will hold the start and stop times of the domain of valid times. db_lookup: A function with call signature db_lookup(data_binding), which returns a database manager and where data_binding is an optional binding name. If not given, then a default binding will be used. """ # Time to recalculate? if (time.time() - (self.refresh_interval * 60)) > self.cache_time: self.cache_time = time.time() # # The html history tables # t1 = time.time() ngen = 0 for table in self.table_dict.sections: noaa = True if table == 'NOAA' else False table_options = weeutil.weeutil.accumulateLeaves(self.table_dict[table]) # Get the binding where the data is allocated binding = table_options.get('data_binding', 'wx_binding') # # The all time statistics # # If this generator has been called in the [SummaryByMonth] or [SummaryByYear] # section in skin.conf then valid_timespan won't contain enough history data for # the colourful summary tables. Use the data binding provided as table option. alltime_timespan = weeutil.weeutil.TimeSpan(db_lookup(data_binding=binding).first_timestamp, db_lookup(data_binding=binding).last_timestamp) # First, get a TimeSpanStats object for all time. This one is easy # because the object valid_timespan already holds all valid times to be # used in the report. se the data binding provided as table option. all_stats = TimespanBinder(alltime_timespan, db_lookup, data_binding=binding, formatter=self.generator.formatter, converter=self.generator.converter) # Now create a small dictionary with keys 'alltime' and 'seven_day': self.search_list_extension['alltime'] = all_stats # Show all time unless starting date specified startdate = table_options.get('startdate', None) if startdate is not None: table_timespan = weeutil.weeutil.TimeSpan(int(startdate), db_lookup(binding).last_timestamp) table_stats = TimespanBinder(table_timespan, db_lookup, data_binding=binding, formatter=self.generator.formatter, converter=self.generator.converter) else: table_stats = all_stats table_name = table + '_table' self.search_list_extension[table_name] = self._statsHTMLTable(table_options, table_stats, table_name, binding, NOAA=noaa) ngen += 1 t2 = time.time() log.info("%s: Generated %d tables in %.2f seconds" % (os.path.basename(__file__), ngen, t2 - t1)) return [self.search_list_extension] def _parseTableOptions(self, table_options, table_name): """Create an orderly list containing lower and upper thresholds, cell background and foreground colors """ # Check everything's the same length l = len(table_options['minvalues']) for i in [table_options['maxvalues'], table_options['colours']]: if len(i) != l: log.info("%s: minvalues, maxvalues and colours must have the same number of elements in table: %s" % (os.path.basename(__file__), table_name)) return None font_color_list = table_options['fontColours'] if 'fontColours' in table_options else ['#000000'] * l return list(zip(table_options['minvalues'], table_options['maxvalues'], table_options['colours'], font_color_list)) def _statsHTMLTable(self, table_options, table_stats, table_name, binding, NOAA=False): """ table_options: Dictionary containing skin.conf options for particluar table all_stats: Link to all_stats TimespanBinder """ cellColours = self._parseTableOptions(table_options, table_name) summary_column = weeutil.weeutil.to_bool(table_options.get("summary_column", False)) if None is cellColours: # Give up return None if NOAA is True: unit_formatted = "" else: obs_type = table_options['obs_type'] aggregate_type = table_options['aggregate_type'] converter = table_stats.converter # obs_type readingBinder = getattr(table_stats, obs_type) # Some aggregate come with an argument if aggregate_type in ['max_ge', 'max_le', 'min_ge', 'min_le', 'sum_ge', 'sum_le', 'avg_ge', 'avg_le']: try: threshold_value = float(table_options['aggregate_threshold'][0]) except KeyError: log.info("%s: Problem with aggregate_threshold. Should be in the format: [value], [units]" % (os.path.basename(__file__))) return "Could not generate table %s" % table_name threshold_units = table_options['aggregate_threshold'][1] try: reading = getattr(readingBinder, aggregate_type)((threshold_value, threshold_units)) except IndexError: log.info("%s: Problem with aggregate_threshold units: %s" % (os.path.basename(__file__), str(threshold_units))) return "Could not generate table %s" % table_name else: try: reading = getattr(readingBinder, aggregate_type) except KeyError: log.info("%s: aggregate_type %s not found" % (os.path.basename(__file__), aggregate_type)) return "Could not generate table %s" % table_name try: unit_type = reading.converter.group_unit_dict[reading.value_t[2]] except KeyError: log.info("%s: obs_type %s no unit found" % (os.path.basename(__file__), obs_type)) unit_formatted = '' # 'units' option in skin.conf? if 'units' in table_options: unit_formatted = table_options['units'] else: if (unit_type == 'count'): unit_formatted = "Days" else: if unit_type in reading.formatter.unit_label_dict: unit_formatted = reading.formatter.unit_label_dict[unit_type] # For aggregrate types which return number of occurrences (e.g. max_ge), set format to integer # Don't catch error here - we absolutely need the string format if unit_type == 'count': format_string = '%d' else: format_string = reading.formatter.unit_format_dict[unit_type] htmlText = '
\n' htmlText += '
\n' htmlText += '
\n' if NOAA is True: htmlLine += (' ' * 12) + "%s\n" % \ self._NoaaYear(datetime.fromtimestamp(year.timespan[0]), table_options) else: htmlLine += (' ' * 12) + '
\n' % year_number for month in year.months(): if NOAA is True: # for property, value in vars(month.dateTime.value_t[0]).iteritems(): # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # print ( property, ": ", value) # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (month.timespan[1] < table_stats.timespan.start) or (month.timespan[0] > table_stats.timespan.stop): # print "No data for... %d, %d" % (year_number, datetime.fromtimestamp(month.timespan[0]).month) htmlLine += '
\n' else: htmlLine += self._NoaaCell(datetime.fromtimestamp(month.timespan[0]), table_options) else: # update the binding to access the right DB obsMonth = getattr(month, obs_type) obsMonth.data_binding = binding; if unit_type == 'count': try: value = getattr(obsMonth, aggregate_type)((threshold_value, threshold_units)).value_t except: value = [0, 'count'] else: value = converter.convert(getattr(obsMonth, aggregate_type).value_t) htmlLine += (' ' * 12) + self._colorCell(value[0], format_string, cellColours, unit_type) if summary_column: obsYear = getattr(year, obs_type) obsYear.data_binding = binding; if unit_type == 'count': try: value = getattr(obsYear, aggregate_type)((threshold_value, threshold_units)).value_t except: value = [0, 'count'] else: value = converter.convert(getattr(obsYear, aggregate_type).value_t) htmlLine += (' ' * 12) + self._colorCell(value[0], format_string, cellColours, unit_type, summary=True, noaa=NOAA ) htmlLine += (' ' * 8) + "
\n" htmlText += htmlLine htmlText += "
\n" return htmlText def _colorCell(self, value, format_string, cellColours, unit_type, summary=False, noaa=False ): """Returns a '
' html table entry string. value: Numeric value for the observation format_string: How the numberic value should be represented in the table cell. cellColours: An array containing 4 lists. [minvalues], [maxvalues], [background color], [foreground color] """ cellText = '
= (mult*float(c[0]))) and (value < (mult*float(c[1]))): cellText += '" style="background-color:%s; color:%s"' % (c[2], c[3]) # if (unit_type == "mm" or unit_type == "count") and summary is True: # log.info( " : Found" ) break formatted_value = format_string % value cellText += '> %s
\n' % formatted_value else: cellText += '">-
\n' return cellText def _NoaaCell(self, dt, table_options): cellText = '
\n' % \ (dt.strftime(table_options['month_filename']), dt.strftime("%m-%y")) return cellText def _NoaaYear(self, dt, table_options): cellText = '
\n' % \ (dt.strftime(table_options['year_filename']), dt.strftime("%Y")) return cellText