PyTorch implementation of "Seeing the forest and the tree: Building representations of both individual and collective dynamics with transformers" (NeurIPS 2022).
Use or to generate synthetic data, and then use the corresponding to run experiments. The models are defined in
The modified transformer basic operation sets are inside the my_transformers folder.
The datasets, models, and trainers are inside the neural_kits folder.
The scripts are inside, where the flag MAEorVIT determines the experiment type. This codebase provides:
- The training of EIT,
- The training of the individual module of EIT,
- Transfer pre-trained EIT across different animals,
- Transfer pre-trained EIT across different targets,
- Transfer pre-trained EIT across different timepoints,
- Training a vanilla transformer supervisedly or self-supervisedly as the benchmark.
Where to find the training datasets: For the Mihi-Chewie datasets, you can checkout this. For the Jenkins’ Maze datasets, you can checkout this.
Ran Liu (Maintainer), github: ranliu98
Jingyun Xiao, github: jingyunx
Mehdi Azabou , github: mazabou
If you find the code useful for your research, please consider citing our work:
title={Seeing the forest and the tree: Building representations of both individual and collective dynamics with transformers},
author={Liu, Ran and Azabou, Mehdi and Dabagia, Max and Xiao, Jingyun and Dyer, Eva L},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.06131},
title={Drop, Swap, and Generate: A Self-Supervised Approach for Generating Neural Activity},
author={Liu, Ran and Azabou, Mehdi and Dabagia, Max and Lin, Chi-Heng and Gheshlaghi Azar, Mohammad and Hengen, Keith and Valko, Michal and Dyer, Eva},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},