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HTML References

Network Orchestration Platform API

The Network Orchestration Platform API is the primary programming interface to the CloudZiti platform. It is a RESTful API that provides a set of resources and methods to manage CloudZiti Networks.

The Swagger UI page provides a graphical, interactive playground for the API and is generated from the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.

Swagger UI{: .btn .btn--info .btn--x-large}

The AsciiDoc documentation web site has some of the same information as the Swagger UI. This is a text-based reference format with examples.

AsciiDoc{: .btn .btn--info .btn--x-large}{:target="_blank"}

Identity API

The Identity API is part of the CloudZiti platform, and provides a RESTful interface to manage identities and organizations.

AsciiDoc{: .btn .btn--info .btn--x-large}{:target="_blank"}

Authorization API

The Authorization API is part of the CloudZiti platform, and provides a RESTful interface to grant actions to identities on resource types.

AsciiDoc{: .btn .btn--info .btn--x-large}{:target="_blank"}

Grant an Action to an Identity



This overview defines italicized terms and essential concepts and introduces the Python module classes you will use.


Users and API accounts are identities, and identities are members of an organization. Identities are granted permissions on organizations, networks, and network groups by way of role assignments.


Roles are sets of permissions that are granted to identities for organizations, networks, and network groups. An example of a role assignment is "Network Admin - ACME Net" which grants permission to manage network "ACME Net", but not to delete it nor grant new permissions.

The default roles for new users and API accounts are "organization admin" and "network group admin". Taken together, these default roles grant all permissions for the organization and networks inside the network group.


An organization contains identities. An instance of class Organization represents a particular organization. There is typically only one organization, and the organization of the caller's identity is used by default.

# become identity in organization
identity = 'credentials.json'                                # relative to PWD or in ~/.netfoundry or /netfoundry
organization = netfoundry.Organization(credentials=identity) # use the calling identity's organization
caller_identity = organization.caller                        # Who am I?
# built-in docs
❯ pydoc netfoundry.Organization


A NetFoundry network contains the entities and policies that compose your AppWANs. An instance of class Network represents a particular network. The network may be selected by name or ID. This provides attributes and methods to describe and manage the network. A network is always a member of exactly one network group.

# use a network
network =, network_id=created_network['id'])
status = network.status           # read the status attribute
endpoints = network.endpoints()   # call a method to get live results
# built-in docs
❯ pydoc netfoundry.Network

Network Groups

A network group organizes networks for billing and administration purposes. Roles that grant permissions on a network are granted to an identity at the network level or network group level or both. An instance of class NetworkGroup represents a particular network group and may be used to find, create, and delete networks in that group. Most users have only the default network group and it is selected automatically when there is only one.

# use group as organization
network_group = netfoundry.NetworkGroup(organization)
network_name = 'ACME Net'
created_network = network_group.create_network(name=network_name)
# built-in docs
❯ pydoc netfoundry.NetworkGroup

Quick Reference

Life Cycle Statuses

These symbolic values for status appear in many types of resources.

NEW : The request to create the resource was accepted.

PROVISIONING : A provisioning workflow is in progress.

PROVISIONED : A provisioning workflow is complete.

ERROR : An unexpected error has prevented a workflow from completing.

UPDATING : The resource has been re-declared by re-sending all attributes in a PUT request, and a workflow is in progress.

REPLACING : A healing workflow is in progress.

DELETING : The request to delete the resource was accepted.

DELETED : The deletion workflow is complete.

Endpoint and Edge Router Enrollment Status

Endpoints and edge routers have an attribute jwt which value is the one-time enrollment token prior to enrollment, and null after enrollment has succeeded.

Find the EC2 AMI ID for the NetFoundry Edge Router VM Offer in Any Region

# look up the latest version of the marketplace offer
❯ aws --region us-east-1 \
    ec2 describe-images \
      --owners aws-marketplace \
      --filters "Name=product-code,Values=eai0ozn6apmy1qwwd5on40ec7" \
      --query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[-1]'
# or, for all regions!
❯ aws --output text ec2 describe-regions | while read REG ENDPOINT OPTIN REGION; do 
aws --region $REGION \   
    ec2 describe-images \
      --owners aws-marketplace \
      --filters "Name=product-code,Values=eai0ozn6apmy1qwwd5on40ec7" \
      --query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[-1]' | \
        jq --arg region $REGION '{name: .Name, region: $region, id: .ImageId }'
# lookup the current product code by searching for the AMI ID for a particular region after subscribing in AWS Marketplace
❯ aws --region us-east-1 \                                                          
    ec2 describe-images \
      --image-id ami-086671bb16f8f058b|jq -r '.Images[].ProductCodes[].ProductCodeId'