This is the repository for the neuroscout server.
Requirements: Docker and docker-compose.
First, set up the main environment variables in .env
(see: .env.example
to folders on the host machine.
Optionally, set up pliers API keys for feature extraction in .pliersenv
(see: .pliersenv.example
More information on pliers API keys
Next, set up the Flask server's environment variables by modifying neuroscout/config/
and saving as neuroscout/config/
Finally, set up the frontend's env variables by modifying neuroscout/frontend/src/config.ts.example
and saving as neuroscout/frontend/src/config.ts
For single sign on using Google, a sign-in project is needed.
Build the containers and start services using the development configuration:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
The server should now be running at http://localhost/
Next, initialize, migrate and upgrade the database migrations.
If you have a database file, load it using pg_restore
. Otherwise, delete the migrations folder,
initalize the database and add a test user.
docker-compose exec neuroscout bash
rm -rf /migrations/migrations
python db init
python db migrate
python db upgrade
python add_user useremail password
For the staging server, you can trigger a manual build as follows:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
For the staging or production server, you can trigger pull a pre-built image from GHCR:
First set the variable IMAGE_TAG
to the apprioriate image tag
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.image.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.image.yml up -d
The frontend dependencies are managed using yarn
Enter the neuroscout image, and install all the necessary libraries like so:
docker-compose exec neuroscout bash
cd frontend
You can then start a development server:
yarn start
Or make a production build:
yarn build
You can use
commands to ingest data into the database.
Run the following commands inside docker: docker-compose exec neuroscout bash
To add BIDS datasets
python add_task bids_directory_path task_name
For example for dataset ds009
python add_task /datasets/ds009 emotionalregulation
Finally, once having added a dataset to the database, you can extract features using pliers into the database as follows:
python extract_features bids_directory_path task_name graph_json
For example:
python extract_features /datasets/ds009 emotionalregulation graph.json
Even easier, is to use a preconfigured dataset config file, such as:
docker-compose exec neuroscout python ingest_from_json /neuroscout/config/ds009.json
If you make a change to /neuroscout, you should be able to simply restart the server.
docker-compose restart neuroscout
If you need to upgrade the db after changing any models:
docker-compose exec neuroscout python db migrate
docker-compose exec neuroscout python db upgrade
To inspect the database using psql:
docker-compose run postgres psql -U postgres -h postgres
Once the server is up and running, you can access the API however you'd like.
The API is document using Swagger UI at:
To authorize API requests, we use JSON Web Tokens using Flask-JWT. Simply navigate to localhost:5000/auth and post the following
"username": "",
"password": "string"
You will receive an authorization token in return, such as:
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZGVudGl0eSI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNDQ0OTE3NjQwLCJuYmYiOjE0NDQ5MTc2NDAsImV4cCI6MTQ0NDkxNzk0MH0.KPmI6WSjRjlpzecPvs3q_T3cJQvAgJvaQAPtk1abC_E"
You can then insert this token into the header to authorize API requests:
GET /protected HTTP/1.1
Authorization: JWT eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZGVudGl0eSI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNDQ0OTE3NjQwLCJuYmYiOjE0NDQ5MTc2NDAsImV4cCI6MTQ0NDkxNzk0MH0.KPmI6WSjRjlpzecPvs3q_T3cJQvAgJvaQAPtk1abC_E
Note that in order to use any protected routes, you must confirm the email on your account. Confusingly, you can get a valid token without confirming your account, but protected routes will not function until confirmation.
To run tests, after starting services, create a test database:
docker-compose exec postgres psql -h postgres -U postgres -c "create database scout_test"
and execute:
docker-compose run -e "" --rm -w /neuroscout neuroscout python -m pytest neuroscout/tests
or run them interactively: docker.compose exec neuroscout bash python -m pytest neuroscout/tests/ --pdb
To run frontend tests run:
docker-compose run --rm -w /neuroscout/neuroscout/frontend neuroscout npm test
To run frontend tests, have Cypress 6.0 or greater installed locally. First, ensure neurscout is running:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
Next, set up the test environment:
docker-compose exec neuroscout bash
In a separate window, you can run cypress:
cd neuroscout/frontend cypress open
Once done, kill the first command, and run the following to tear down the test db
docker-compose exec -e neuroscout python teardown_test_db