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Copyright (c) 2009 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://g.raphaeljs.com) * Licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) license. */ -(function(){Raphael.fn.g=Raphael.fn.g||{};Raphael.fn.g.markers={disc:"disc",o:"disc",flower:"flower",f:"flower",diamond:"diamond",d:"diamond",square:"square",s:"square",triangle:"triangle",t:"triangle",star:"star","*":"star",cross:"cross",x:"cross",plus:"plus","+":"plus",arrow:"arrow","->":"arrow"};Raphael.fn.g.shim={stroke:"none",fill:"#000","fill-opacity":0};Raphael.fn.g.txtattr={font:"12px Arial, sans-serif"};Raphael.fn.g.colors=[];var b=[0.6,0.2,0.05,0.1333,0.75,0];for(var a=0;a<10;a++){if(a=g*2){this[0].attr({path:["M",c,k+g,"a",g,g,0,1,1,0,-g*2,g,g,0,1,1,0,g*2,"m",0,-g*2-h,"a",g+h,g+h,0,1,0,0,(g+h)*2,"L",c+g+h,k+m.height/2+h,"l",m.width+2*h,0,0,-m.height-2*h,-m.width-2*h,0,"L",c,k-g-h].join(",")});}else{var 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n=o(m*Math.pow(10,e))/Math.pow(10,e);if(n0?0:0.5))*Math.pow(10,e))/Math.pow(10,e);return{from:h,to:n,power:e};};Raphael.fn.g.axis=function(s,q,m,E,h,H,k,J,l,c){c=c==null?2:c;l=l||"t";H=H||10;var D=l=="|"||l==" "?["M",s+0.5,q,"l",0,0.001]:k==1||k==3?["M",s+0.5,q,"l",0,-m]:["M",s,q+0.5,"l",m,0],v=this.g.snapEnds(E,h,H),I=v.from,z=v.to,G=v.power,F=0,A=this.set();d=(z-I)/H;var p=I,o=G>0?G:0;u=m/H;if(+k==1||+k==3){var e=q,w=(k-1?1:-1)*(c+3+!!(k-1));while(e>=q-m){l!="-"&&l!=" "&&(D=D.concat(["M",s-(l=="+"||l=="|"?c:!(k-1)*c*2),e+0.5,"l",c*2+1,0]));A.push(this.text(s+w,e,(J&&J[F++])||(Math.round(p)==p?p:+p.toFixed(o))).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({"text-anchor":k-1?"start":"end"}));p+=d;e-=u;}if(Math.round(e+u-(q-m))){l!="-"&&l!=" "&&(D=D.concat(["M",s-(l=="+"||l=="|"?c:!(k-1)*c*2),q-m+0.5,"l",c*2+1,0]));A.push(this.text(s+w,q-m,(J&&J[F])||(Math.round(p)==p?p:+p.toFixed(o))).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({"text-anchor":k-1?"start":"end"}));}}else{var g=s,p=I,o=G>0?G:0,w=(k?-1:1)*(c+9+!k),u=m/H,B=0,C=0;while(g<=s+m){l!="-"&&l!=" "&&(D=D.concat(["M",g+0.5,q-(l=="+"?c:!!k*c*2),"l",0,c*2+1]));A.push(B=this.text(g,q+w,(J&&J[F++])||(Math.round(p)==p?p:+p.toFixed(o))).attr(this.g.txtattr));var n=B.getBBox();if(C>=n.x-5){A.pop(A.length-1).remove();}else{C=n.x+n.width;}p+=d;g+=u;}if(Math.round(g-u-s-m)){l!="-"&&l!=" "&&(D=D.concat(["M",s+m+0.5,q-(l=="+"?c:!!k*c*2),"l",0,c*2+1]));A.push(this.text(s+m,q+w,(J&&J[F])||(Math.round(p)==p?p:+p.toFixed(o))).attr(this.g.txtattr));}}var K=this.path(D);K.text=A;K.all=this.set([K,A]);K.remove=function(){this.text.remove();this.constructor.prototype.remove.call(this);};return K;};Raphael.el.lighter=function(e){e=e||2;var 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t=this[1].getBBox(),u=t.width/2,s=t.height/2,y=[0,u+i*2,0,-u-i*2],v=[-s*2-i*3,-s-i,0,-s-i],m=["M",o-y[g],n-v[g],"l",-i,(g==2)*-i,-a(u-i,0),0,"a",i,i,0,0,1,-i,-i,"l",0,-a(s-i,0),(g==3)*-i,-i,(g==3)*i,-i,0,-a(s-i,0),"a",i,i,0,0,1,i,-i,"l",a(u-i,0),0,i,!g*-i,i,!g*i,a(u-i,0),0,"a",i,i,0,0,1,i,i,"l",0,a(s-i,0),(g==1)*i,i,(g==1)*-i,i,0,a(s-i,0),"a",i,i,0,0,1,-i,i,"l",-a(u-i,0),0,"z"].join(","),x=[{x:o,y:n+i*2+s},{x:o-i*2-u,y:n},{x:o,y:n-i*2-s},{x:o+i*2+u,y:n}][g];x.path=m;if(q){this.animate(x,500,">");}else{this.attr(x);}return this;};return h.update(f,l);};Raphael.fn.g.flag=function(f,k,j,i){i=i||0;j=j||"$9.99";var g=this.set(),h=3;g.push(this.path().attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"#000"}));g.push(this.text(f,k,j).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill:"#fff","font-family":"Helvetica, Arial"}));g.update=function(l,o){this.rotate(0,l,o);var n=this[1].getBBox(),m=n.height/2;this[0].attr({path:["M",l,o,"l",m+h,-m-h,n.width+2*h,0,0,n.height+2*h,-n.width-2*h,0,"z"].join(",")});this[1].attr({x:l+m+h+n.width/2,y:o});i=360-i;this.rotate(i,l,o);i>90&&i<270&&this[1].attr({x:l-r-h-n.width/2,y:o,rotation:[180+i,l,o]});return this;};return g.update(f,k);};Raphael.fn.g.label=function(f,i,h){var g=this.set();g.push(this.rect(f,i,10,10).attr({stroke:"none",fill:"#000"}));g.push(this.text(f,i,h).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill:"#fff"}));g.update=function(){var k=this[1].getBBox(),j=c(k.width+10,k.height+10)/2;this[0].attr({x:k.x-j/2,y:k.y-j/2,width:k.width+j,height:k.height+j,r:j});};g.update();return g;};Raphael.fn.g.labelit=function(h){var g=h.getBBox(),f=c(20,g.width+10,g.height+10)/2;return this.rect(g.x-f/2,g.y-f/2,g.width+f,g.height+f,f).attr({stroke:"none",fill:"#000"}).insertBefore(h.node?h:h[0]);};Raphael.fn.g.drop=function(f,k,j,h,i){h=h||30;i=i||0;var g=this.set();g.push(this.path(["M",f,k,"l",h,0,"A",h*0.4,h*0.4,0,1,0,f+h*0.7,k-h*0.7,"z"]).attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"none",rotation:[22.5-i,f,k]}));i=(i+90)*Math.PI/180;g.push(this.text(f+h*Math.sin(i),k+h*Math.cos(i),j).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({"font-size":h*12/30,fill:"#fff"}));g.drop=g[0];g.text=g[1];return g;};Raphael.fn.g.blob=function(g,m,l,k,i){k=(+k+1?k:45)+90;i=i||12;var f=Math.PI/180,j=i*12/12;var h=this.set();h.push(this.path().attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"none"}));h.push(this.text(g+i*Math.sin((k)*f),m+i*Math.cos((k)*f)-j/2,l).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({"font-size":j,fill:"#fff"}));h.update=function(t,s,y){t=t||g;s=s||m;var A=this[1].getBBox(),D=a(A.width+j,i*25/12),z=a(A.height+j,i*25/12),o=t+i*Math.sin((k-22.5)*f),B=s+i*Math.cos((k-22.5)*f),q=t+i*Math.sin((k+22.5)*f),C=s+i*Math.cos((k+22.5)*f),F=(q-o)/2,E=(C-B)/2,p=D/2,n=z/2,x=-Math.sqrt(Math.abs(p*p*n*n-p*p*E*E-n*n*F*F)/(p*p*E*E+n*n*F*F)),v=x*p*E/n+(q+o)/2,u=x*-n*F/p+(C+B)/2;if(y){this.animate({x:v,y:u,path:["M",g,m,"L",q,C,"A",p,n,0,1,1,o,B,"z"].join(",")},500,">");}else{this.attr({x:v,y:u,path:["M",g,m,"L",q,C,"A",p,n,0,1,1,o,B,"z"].join(",")});}return this;};h.update(g,m);return h;};Raphael.fn.g.colorValue=function(i,h,g,f){return"hsb("+[c((1-i/h)*0.4,1),g||0.75,f||0.75]+")";};Raphael.fn.g.snapEnds=function(n,o,m){var k=n,p=o;if(k==p){return{from:k,to:p,power:0};}function q(f){return Math.abs(f-0.5)<0.25?~~(f)+0.5:Math.round(f);}var l=(p-k)/m,g=~~(l),j=g,h=0;if(g){while(j){h--;j=~~(l*Math.pow(10,h))/Math.pow(10,h);}h++;}else{while(!g){h=h||1;g=~~(l*Math.pow(10,h))/Math.pow(10,h);h++;}h&&h--;}p=q(o*Math.pow(10,h))/Math.pow(10,h);if(p0?0:0.5))*Math.pow(10,h))/Math.pow(10,h);return{from:k,to:p,power:h};};Raphael.fn.g.axis=function(v,u,o,G,l,J,m,L,n,g){g=g==null?2:g;n=n||"t";J=J||10;var F=n=="|"||n==" "?["M",v+0.5,u,"l",0,0.001]:m==1||m==3?["M",v+0.5,u,"l",0,-o]:["M",v,u+0.5,"l",o,0],z=this.g.snapEnds(G,l,J),K=z.from,B=z.to,I=z.power,H=0,C=this.set();d=(B-K)/J;var s=K,q=I>0?I:0;w=o/J;if(+m==1||+m==3){var h=u,A=(m-1?1:-1)*(g+3+!!(m-1));while(h>=u-o){n!="-"&&n!=" "&&(F=F.concat(["M",v-(n=="+"||n=="|"?g:!(m-1)*g*2),h+0.5,"l",g*2+1,0]));C.push(this.text(v+A,h,(L&&L[H++])||(Math.round(s)==s?s:+s.toFixed(q))).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({"text-anchor":m-1?"start":"end"}));s+=d;h-=w;}if(Math.round(h+w-(u-o))){n!="-"&&n!=" "&&(F=F.concat(["M",v-(n=="+"||n=="|"?g:!(m-1)*g*2),u-o+0.5,"l",g*2+1,0]));C.push(this.text(v+A,u-o,(L&&L[H])||(Math.round(s)==s?s:+s.toFixed(q))).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({"text-anchor":m-1?"start":"end"}));}}else{s=K;q=(I>0)*I;A=(m?-1:1)*(g+9+!m);var k=v,w=o/J,D=0,E=0;while(k<=v+o){n!="-"&&n!=" "&&(F=F.concat(["M",k+0.5,u-(n=="+"?g:!!m*g*2),"l",0,g*2+1]));C.push(D=this.text(k,u+A,(L&&L[H++])||(Math.round(s)==s?s:+s.toFixed(q))).attr(this.g.txtattr));var p=D.getBBox();if(E>=p.x-5){C.pop(C.length-1).remove();}else{E=p.x+p.width;}s+=d;k+=w;}if(Math.round(k-w-v-o)){n!="-"&&n!=" "&&(F=F.concat(["M",v+o+0.5,u-(n=="+"?g:!!m*g*2),"l",0,g*2+1]));C.push(this.text(v+o,u+A,(L&&L[H])||(Math.round(s)==s?s:+s.toFixed(q))).attr(this.g.txtattr));}}var M=this.path(F);M.text=C;M.all=this.set([M,C]);M.remove=function(){this.text.remove();this.constructor.prototype.remove.call(this);};return M;};Raphael.el.lighter=function(g){g=g||2;var f=[this.attrs.fill,this.attrs.stroke];this.fs=this.fs||[f[0],f[1]];f[0]=Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(f[0]).hex);f[1]=Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(f[1]).hex);f[0].b=c(f[0].b*g,1);f[0].s=f[0].s/g;f[1].b=c(f[1].b*g,1);f[1].s=f[1].s/g;this.attr({fill:"hsb("+[f[0].h,f[0].s,f[0].b]+")",stroke:"hsb("+[f[1].h,f[1].s,f[1].b]+")"});};Raphael.el.darker=function(g){g=g||2;var f=[this.attrs.fill,this.attrs.stroke];this.fs=this.fs||[f[0],f[1]];f[0]=Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(f[0]).hex);f[1]=Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(f[1]).hex);f[0].s=c(f[0].s*g,1);f[0].b=f[0].b/g;f[1].s=c(f[1].s*g,1);f[1].b=f[1].b/g;this.attr({fill:"hsb("+[f[0].h,f[0].s,f[0].b]+")",stroke:"hsb("+[f[1].h,f[1].s,f[1].b]+")"});};Raphael.el.original=function(){if(this.fs){this.attr({fill:this.fs[0],stroke:this.fs[1]});delete this.fs;}};})(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/g.raphael.js b/g.raphael.js index 74c080f..e9c74cd 100644 --- a/g.raphael.js +++ b/g.raphael.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -/* - * g.Raphael 0.4 - Charting library, based on Raphaël +/*! + * g.Raphael 0.4.1 - Charting library, based on Raphaël * * Copyright (c) 2009 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://g.raphaeljs.com) * Licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) license. @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ (function () { + var mmax = Math.max, + mmin = Math.min; Raphael.fn.g = Raphael.fn.g || {}; Raphael.fn.g.markers = { disc: "disc", @@ -71,18 +73,18 @@ switch (ending) { case "round": if (!dir) { - var r = Math.floor(height / 2); + var r = ~~(height / 2); if (width < r) { r = width; - path = ["M", x + .5, y + .5 - Math.floor(height / 2), "l", 0, 0, "a", r, Math.floor(height / 2), 0, 0, 1, 0, height, "l", 0, 0, "z"]; + path = ["M", x + .5, y + .5 - ~~(height / 2), "l", 0, 0, "a", r, ~~(height / 2), 0, 0, 1, 0, height, "l", 0, 0, "z"]; } else { path = ["M", x + .5, y + .5 - r, "l", width - r, 0, "a", r, r, 0, 1, 1, 0, height, "l", r - width, 0, "z"]; } } else { - var r = Math.floor(width / 2); + r = ~~(width / 2); if (height < r) { r = height; - path = ["M", x - Math.floor(width / 2), y, "l", 0, 0, "a", Math.floor(width / 2), r, 0, 0, 1, width, 0, "l", 0, 0, "z"]; + path = ["M", x - ~~(width / 2), y, "l", 0, 0, "a", ~~(width / 2), r, 0, 0, 1, width, 0, "l", 0, 0, "z"]; } else { path = ["M", x - r, y, "l", 0, r - height, "a", r, r, 0, 1, 1, width, 0, "l", 0, height - r, "z"]; } @@ -90,28 +92,27 @@ break; case "sharp": if (!dir) { - var half = Math.floor(height / 2); - path = ["M", x, y + half, "l", 0, -height, Math.max(width - half, 0), 0, Math.min(half, width), half, -Math.min(half, width), half + (half * 2 < height), "z"]; + var half = ~~(height / 2); + path = ["M", x, y + half, "l", 0, -height, mmax(width - half, 0), 0, mmin(half, width), half, -mmin(half, width), half + (half * 2 < height), "z"]; } else { - var half = Math.floor(width / 2); - path = ["M", x + half, y, "l", -width, 0, 0, -Math.max(height - half, 0), half, -Math.min(half, height), half, Math.min(half, height), half, "z"]; + half = ~~(width / 2); + path = ["M", x + half, y, "l", -width, 0, 0, -mmax(height - half, 0), half, -mmin(half, height), half, mmin(half, height), half, "z"]; } break; case "square": if (!dir) { - path = ["M", x, y + Math.floor(height / 2), "l", 0, -height, width, 0, 0, height, "z"]; + path = ["M", x, y + ~~(height / 2), "l", 0, -height, width, 0, 0, height, "z"]; } else { - path = ["M", x + Math.floor(width / 2), y, "l", 1 - width, 0, 0, -height, width - 1, 0, "z"]; + path = ["M", x + ~~(width / 2), y, "l", 1 - width, 0, 0, -height, width - 1, 0, "z"]; } break; case "soft": - var r; if (!dir) { - r = Math.min(width, Math.round(height / 5)); - path = ["M", x + .5, y + .5 - Math.floor(height / 2), "l", width - r, 0, "a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, r, "l", 0, height - r * 2, "a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, r, "l", r - width, 0, "z"]; + r = mmin(width, Math.round(height / 5)); + path = ["M", x + .5, y + .5 - ~~(height / 2), "l", width - r, 0, "a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, r, "l", 0, height - r * 2, "a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, r, "l", r - width, 0, "z"]; } else { - r = Math.min(Math.round(width / 5), height); - path = ["M", x - Math.floor(width / 2), y, "l", 0, r - height, "a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, -r, "l", width - 2 * r, 0, "a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, r, "l", 0, height - r, "z"]; + r = mmin(Math.round(width / 5), height); + path = ["M", x - ~~(width / 2), y, "l", 0, r - height, "a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, -r, "l", width - 2 * r, 0, "a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, r, "l", 0, height - r, "z"]; } } if (isPath) { @@ -153,13 +154,14 @@ points.push("z"); return this.path(points.join(",")); }; - Raphael.fn.g.star = function (cx, cy, r, r2) { - r2 = r2 || r * .5; + Raphael.fn.g.star = function (cx, cy, r, r2, rays) { + r2 = r2 || r * .382; + rays = rays || 5; var points = ["M", cx, cy + r2, "L"], R; - for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { + for (var i = 1; i < rays * 2; i++) { R = i % 2 ? r : r2; - points = points.concat([(cx + R * Math.sin(i * Math.PI * .2)).toFixed(3), (cy + R * Math.cos(i * Math.PI * .2)).toFixed(3)]); + points = points.concat([(cx + R * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / rays)), (cy + R * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / rays))]); } points.push("z"); return this.path(points.join(",")); @@ -184,8 +186,8 @@ var R = .5522 * r, res = this.set(), d = 3; - res.push(this.path().attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "none"})); - res.push(this.text(x, y, text).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill: "#fff"})); + res.push(this.path().attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "#000"})); + res.push(this.text(x, y, text).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill: "#fff", "font-family": "Helvetica, Arial"})); res.update = function () { this.rotate(0, x, y); var bb = this[1].getBBox(); @@ -193,8 +195,6 @@ this[0].attr({path: ["M", x, y + r, "a", r, r, 0, 1, 1, 0, -r * 2, r, r, 0, 1, 1, 0, r * 2, "m", 0, -r * 2 -d, "a", r + d, r + d, 0, 1, 0, 0, (r + d) * 2, "L", x + r + d, y + bb.height / 2 + d, "l", bb.width + 2 * d, 0, 0, -bb.height - 2 * d, -bb.width - 2 * d, 0, "L", x, y - r - d].join(",")}); } else { var dx = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r + d, 2) - Math.pow(bb.height / 2 + d, 2)); - // ["c", -R, 0, -r, R - r, -r, -r, 0, -R, r - R, -r, r, -r, R, 0, r, r - R, r, r, 0, R, R - r, r, -r, r] - // "a", r, r, 0, 1, 1, 0, -r * 2, r, r, 0, 1, 1, 0, r * 2, this[0].attr({path: ["M", x, y + r, "c", -R, 0, -r, R - r, -r, -r, 0, -R, r - R, -r, r, -r, R, 0, r, r - R, r, r, 0, R, R - r, r, -r, r, "M", x + dx, y - bb.height / 2 - d, "a", r + d, r + d, 0, 1, 0, 0, bb.height + 2 * d, "l", r + d - dx + bb.width + 2 * d, 0, 0, -bb.height - 2 * d, "L", x + dx, y - bb.height / 2 - d].join(",")}); } this[1].attr({x: x + r + d + bb.width / 2, y: y}); @@ -209,30 +209,30 @@ Raphael.fn.g.popupit = function (x, y, set, dir, size) { dir = dir == null ? 2 : dir; size = size || 5; - x = Math.round(x) + .5; - y = Math.round(y) + .5; + x = Math.round(x); + y = Math.round(y); var bb = set.getBBox(), w = Math.round(bb.width / 2), h = Math.round(bb.height / 2), dx = [0, w + size * 2, 0, -w - size * 2], dy = [-h * 2 - size * 3, -h - size, 0, -h - size], - p = ["M", x - dx[dir], y - dy[dir], "l", -size, (dir == 2) * -size, -Math.max(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size, - "l", 0, -Math.max(h - size, 0), (dir == 3) * -size, -size, (dir == 3) * size, -size, 0, -Math.max(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size, - "l", Math.max(w - size, 0), 0, size, !dir * -size, size, !dir * size, Math.max(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size, - "l", 0, Math.max(h - size, 0), (dir == 1) * size, size, (dir == 1) * -size, size, 0, Math.max(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size, - "l", -Math.max(w - size, 0), 0, "z"].join(","), + p = ["M", x - dx[dir], y - dy[dir], "l", -size, (dir == 2) * -size, -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size, + "l", 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 3) * -size, -size, (dir == 3) * size, -size, 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size, + "l", mmax(w - size, 0), 0, size, !dir * -size, size, !dir * size, mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size, + "l", 0, mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 1) * size, size, (dir == 1) * -size, size, 0, mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size, + "l", -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "z"].join(","), xy = [{x: x, y: y + size * 2 + h}, {x: x - size * 2 - w, y: y}, {x: x, y: y - size * 2 - h}, {x: x + size * 2 + w, y: y}][dir]; set.translate(xy.x - w - bb.x, xy.y - h - bb.y); return this.path(p).attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "none"}).insertBefore(set.node ? set : set[0]); }; Raphael.fn.g.popup = function (x, y, text, dir, size) { - dir = dir == null ? 2 : dir; + dir = dir == null ? 2 : dir > 3 ? 3 : dir; size = size || 5; text = text || "$9.99"; var res = this.set(), d = 3; - res.push(this.path().attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "none"})); - res.push(this.text(x, y, text).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill: "#fff"})); + res.push(this.path().attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "#000"})); + res.push(this.text(x, y, text).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill: "#fff", "font-family": "Helvetica, Arial"})); res.update = function (X, Y, withAnimation) { X = X || x; Y = Y || y; @@ -241,18 +241,17 @@ h = bb.height / 2, dx = [0, w + size * 2, 0, -w - size * 2], dy = [-h * 2 - size * 3, -h - size, 0, -h - size], - p = ["M", X - dx[dir], Y - dy[dir], "l", -size, (dir == 2) * -size, -Math.max(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size, - "l", 0, -Math.max(h - size, 0), (dir == 3) * -size, -size, (dir == 3) * size, -size, 0, -Math.max(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size, - "l", Math.max(w - size, 0), 0, size, !dir * -size, size, !dir * size, Math.max(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size, - "l", 0, Math.max(h - size, 0), (dir == 1) * size, size, (dir == 1) * -size, size, 0, Math.max(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size, - "l", -Math.max(w - size, 0), 0, "z"].join(","), + p = ["M", X - dx[dir], Y - dy[dir], "l", -size, (dir == 2) * -size, -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size, + "l", 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 3) * -size, -size, (dir == 3) * size, -size, 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size, + "l", mmax(w - size, 0), 0, size, !dir * -size, size, !dir * size, mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size, + "l", 0, mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 1) * size, size, (dir == 1) * -size, size, 0, mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size, + "l", -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "z"].join(","), xy = [{x: X, y: Y + size * 2 + h}, {x: X - size * 2 - w, y: Y}, {x: X, y: Y - size * 2 - h}, {x: X + size * 2 + w, y: Y}][dir]; + xy.path = p; if (withAnimation) { - this[0].animate({path: p}, 500, ">"); - this[1].animate(xy, 500, ">"); + this.animate(xy, 500, ">"); } else { - this[0].attr({path: p}); - this[1].attr(xy); + this.attr(xy); } return this; }; @@ -263,8 +262,8 @@ text = text || "$9.99"; var res = this.set(), d = 3; - res.push(this.path().attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "none"})); - res.push(this.text(x, y, text).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill: "#fff"})); + res.push(this.path().attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "#000"})); + res.push(this.text(x, y, text).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill: "#fff", "font-family": "Helvetica, Arial"})); res.update = function (x, y) { this.rotate(0, x, y); var bb = this[1].getBBox(), @@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ res.push(this.text(x, y, text).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill: "#fff"})); res.update = function () { var bb = this[1].getBBox(), - r = Math.min(bb.width + 10, bb.height + 10) / 2; + r = mmin(bb.width + 10, bb.height + 10) / 2; this[0].attr({x: bb.x - r / 2, y: bb.y - r / 2, width: bb.width + r, height: bb.height + r, r: r}); }; res.update(); @@ -292,8 +291,8 @@ }; Raphael.fn.g.labelit = function (set) { var bb = set.getBBox(), - r = Math.min(20, bb.width + 10, bb.height + 10) / 2; - return this.rect(bb.x - r / 2, bb.y - r / 2, bb.width + r, bb.height + r, r).attr({stroke: "none", fill: "#000"}).insertBefore(set[0]); + r = mmin(20, bb.width + 10, bb.height + 10) / 2; + return this.rect(bb.x - r / 2, bb.y - r / 2, bb.width + r, bb.height + r, r).attr({stroke: "none", fill: "#000"}).insertBefore(set.node ? set : set[0]); }; Raphael.fn.g.drop = function (x, y, text, size, angle) { size = size || 30; @@ -318,8 +317,8 @@ X = X || x; Y = Y || y; var bb = this[1].getBBox(), - w = Math.max(bb.width + fontSize, size * 25 / 12), - h = Math.max(bb.height + fontSize, size * 25 / 12), + w = mmax(bb.width + fontSize, size * 25 / 12), + h = mmax(bb.height + fontSize, size * 25 / 12), x2 = X + size * Math.sin((angle - 22.5) * rad), y2 = Y + size * Math.cos((angle - 22.5) * rad), x1 = X + size * Math.sin((angle + 22.5) * rad), @@ -343,7 +342,7 @@ }; Raphael.fn.g.colorValue = function (value, total, s, b) { - return "hsb(" + [Math.min((1 - value / total) * .4, 1), s || .75, b || .75] + ")"; + return "hsb(" + [mmin((1 - value / total) * .4, 1), s || .75, b || .75] + ")"; }; Raphael.fn.g.snapEnds = function (from, to, steps) { @@ -353,31 +352,31 @@ return {from: f, to: t, power: 0}; } function round(a) { - return Math.abs(a - .5) < .25 ? Math.floor(a) + .5 : Math.round(a); + return Math.abs(a - .5) < .25 ? ~~(a) + .5 : Math.round(a); } var d = (t - f) / steps, - r = Math.floor(d), + r = ~~(d), R = r, i = 0; if (r) { while (R) { i--; - R = Math.floor(d * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); + R = ~~(d * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); } i ++; } else { while (!r) { i = i || 1; - r = Math.floor(d * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); + r = ~~(d * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); i++; } i && i--; } - var t = round(to * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); + t = round(to * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); if (t < to) { t = round((to + .5) * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); } - var f = round((from - (i > 0 ? 0 : .5)) * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); + f = round((from - (i > 0 ? 0 : .5)) * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i); return {from: f, to: t, power: i}; }; Raphael.fn.g.axis = function (x, y, length, from, to, steps, orientation, labels, type, dashsize) { @@ -409,10 +408,10 @@ text.push(this.text(x + addon, y - length, (labels && labels[j]) || (Math.round(label) == label ? label : +label.toFixed(rnd))).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({"text-anchor": orientation - 1 ? "start" : "end"})); } } else { + label = f; + rnd = (i > 0) * i; + addon = (orientation ? -1 : 1) * (dashsize + 9 + !orientation); var X = x, - label = f, - rnd = i > 0 ? i : 0, - addon = (orientation ? -1 : 1) * (dashsize + 9 + !orientation), dx = length / steps, txt = 0, prev = 0; @@ -449,9 +448,9 @@ this.fs = this.fs || [fs[0], fs[1]]; fs[0] = Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(fs[0]).hex); fs[1] = Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(fs[1]).hex); - fs[0].b = Math.min(fs[0].b * times, 1); + fs[0].b = mmin(fs[0].b * times, 1); fs[0].s = fs[0].s / times; - fs[1].b = Math.min(fs[1].b * times, 1); + fs[1].b = mmin(fs[1].b * times, 1); fs[1].s = fs[1].s / times; this.attr({fill: "hsb(" + [fs[0].h, fs[0].s, fs[0].b] + ")", stroke: "hsb(" + [fs[1].h, fs[1].s, fs[1].b] + ")"}); }; @@ -461,9 +460,9 @@ this.fs = this.fs || [fs[0], fs[1]]; fs[0] = Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(fs[0]).hex); fs[1] = Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(fs[1]).hex); - fs[0].s = Math.min(fs[0].s * times, 1); + fs[0].s = mmin(fs[0].s * times, 1); fs[0].b = fs[0].b / times; - fs[1].s = Math.min(fs[1].s * times, 1); + fs[1].s = mmin(fs[1].s * times, 1); fs[1].b = fs[1].b / times; this.attr({fill: "hsb(" + [fs[0].h, fs[0].s, fs[0].b] + ")", stroke: "hsb(" + [fs[1].h, fs[1].s, fs[1].b] + ")"}); };