#================================================ # FEEDBACK, job 881206 #================================================ # # Job ID | 881206 # Job name | testjob # Job state | Completed (0) # Host list | m18s0702 # TimeSubmit | 2019-07-12 11:53:58 # TimeStart | 2019-07-12 11:54:02 # TimeQueued | 00:00:04 [elig. 00:00:00] # WallTime | 00:00:18 of 00:10:00 # Nodes:ppn:feature | 1:1:standard # Memory task, MB | 0 [requested 500] # Memory job, MB | 0 [requested 500] # CPU load job avg, (0.00-1.00)*tasks | 0 # CPU efficiency, 0-100% | 10 % [requested cores 1] # Node efficiency, 0-100% | 1 % [reserved cores 16] # #================================================ # JOB ANALYSIS: notes, problems and solutions #================================================ # # * NOTE: some of the parameters are equal "0", # see "Memory" and "CPU load". # Advice: because of the small job's running time # please ignore it. # # * NOTE: the node efficiency of your Job is below optimum, # see "Node efficiency". # Advice: you should parallelize your jobs or start more tasks # inside the job (see /opt/bwhpc/common/system/moab-examples/). # #================================================ # SUPPORT info #================================================ # # Wiki: # https://www.bwhpc.de/wiki/index.php/Category:BwForCluster_MLS&WISO # Queuing system: # https://www.bwhpc.de/wiki/index.php/BwForCluster_MLS&WISO_Production_Batch_Jobs # E-mail: # mls-wiso@bwhpc.de # # Detailed information about the job (available <24h after job exit): # checkjob -v 881206 # checkjob -v -v 881206 # #================================================