v1.4.0 - 2023-11-27
This PR contains a particularly important fix in #20, which resolves a long-standing issue in proper usage of abundance values from the rnaseq workflow. Users can now take the lengths from that workflow (using rnaseq >=v3.13.2) and pass them to this workflow to account for transcript length biases across samples.
What's Changed
- Post 1.3.1 release changes by @pinin4fjords in #186
- Fix sample metadata table in the html report not paginating by @davidecarlson in #195
- Fix GSEA indent in report by @WackerO in #190
- Add optional scree plot to report by @WackerO in #192
- Enable all genes for exploratory by @WackerO in #188
- Add DESeq text to report by @WackerO in #193
- Added colors to volcano by @WackerO in #194
- Document correct RNAseq matrix usage by @pinin4fjords in #200
- Update DESeq2/Limma by @WackerO in #201
- Add design to report by @WackerO in #189
- Transcript lengths for DESeq2 by @pinin4fjords in #203
- Release v1.4.0 by @pinin4fjords in #204
- V1.4.0 fixes by @pinin4fjords in #206
- Dev -> master for v1.4.0 by @pinin4fjords in #205
New Contributors
- @davidecarlson made their first contribution in #195
Full Changelog: 1.3.1...1.4.0