import sys, os import torch import numpy as np from import copy2cpu as c2c from human_body_prior.body_model.body_model import BodyModel bm_path = '../body_models/smplh/male/model.npz' dmpl_path = '../body_models/dmpls/male/model.npz' num_betas = 10 # number of body parameters num_dmpls = 8 # number of DMPL parameters bm = BodyModel(bm_path=bm_path, num_betas=num_betas, num_dmpls=num_dmpls, path_dmpl=dmpl_path).to(comp_device) faces = c2c(bm.f) npz_bdata_path = '../github_data/amass_sample.npz' # the path to body data bdata = np.load(npz_bdata_path) print('Data keys available:%s'%list(bdata.keys())) print('Vector poses has %d elements for each of %d frames.'%(bdata['poses'].shape[1], bdata['poses'].shape[0])) print('Vector dmpls has %d elements for each of %d frames.'%(bdata['dmpls'].shape[1], bdata['dmpls'].shape[0])) print('Vector trams has %d elements for each of %d frames.'%(bdata['trans'].shape[1], bdata['trans'].shape[0])) print('Vector betas has %d elements constant for the whole sequence.'%bdata['betas'].shape[0]) print('The subject of the mocap sequence is %s.'%bdata['gender']) fId = 0 # frame id of the mocap sequence root_orient = torch.Tensor(bdata['poses'][fId:fId+1, :3]).to(comp_device) # controls the global root orientation pose_body = torch.Tensor(bdata['poses'][fId:fId+1, 3:66]).to(comp_device) # controls the body pose_hand = torch.Tensor(bdata['poses'][fId:fId+1, 66:]).to(comp_device) # controls the finger articulation betas = torch.Tensor(bdata['betas'][:10][np.newaxis]).to(comp_device) # controls the body shape dmpls = torch.Tensor(bdata['dmpls'][fId:fId+1]).to(comp_device) # controls soft tissue dynamics import trimesh from import colors from human_body_prior.mesh import MeshViewer from human_body_prior.mesh.sphere import points_to_spheres from notebook_tools import show_image imw, imh=1600, 1600 mv = MeshViewer(width=imw, height=imh, use_offscreen=True) body = bm(pose_body=pose_body, betas=betas) body_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=c2c(body.v[0]), faces=faces, vertex_colors=np.tile(colors['grey'], (6890, 1))) mv.set_static_meshes([body_mesh]) body_image = mv.render(render_wireframe=False) show_image(body_image)