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`haldensify`: Highly adaptive lasso conditional density estimation in `R`
machine learning
causal inference
conditional density estimation
generalized propensity score
inverse probability weighting
semiparametric inference
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Nima S. Hejazi
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Mark J. van der Laan
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David Benkeser
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Department of Biostatistics, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University
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Division of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
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Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley
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Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
07 September 2022


The haldensify R package serves as a toolbox for nonparametric conditional density estimation based on the highly adaptive lasso, a flexible nonparametric algorithm for the estimation of functional statistical parameters (e.g., conditional mean, hazard, density). Building upon an earlier proposal [@diaz2011super], haldensify leverages the relationship between the hazard and density functions to estimate the latter by applying pooled hazard regression to a synthetic repeated measures dataset created from the input data, relying upon the framework of cross-validated loss-based estimation to yield an optimal estimator [@vdl2004asymptotic; @dudoit2005asymptotics]. While conditional density estimation is a fundamental problem in statistics, arising naturally in a variety of applications (including machine learning), it plays a critical role in estimating the causal effects of continuous- or ordinal-valued treatments. In such settings this covariate-conditional treatment density has been termed the generalized propensity score [@hirano2004propensity; @imai2004causal], and, like its analog for binary treatments [@rosenbaum1983central], serves as a key ingredient in developing both inverse probability weighted and doubly robust estimators of causal effects [@diaz2012population; @haneuse2013estimation; @diaz2018stochastic; @hejazi2022efficient].

Statement of Need

Conditional density estimation is an important fundamental problem in the computational sciences and statistics, having garnered (independent) attention in machine learning [@takeuchi2009nonparametric; @sugiyama2012density], semiparametric estimation [@qin1998inferences; @cheng2004semiparametric], and causal inference [@hirano2004propensity; @diaz2011super; @zhu2015boosting]. Techniques for the nonparametric estimation of this quantity, complete with asymptotic optimality guarantees, have received comparatively limited attention. Similarly, despite the critical role of the generalized propensity score in the estimation of the causal effects of continuous treatments, this nuisance parameter is usually estimated with restrictive parametric modeling strategies, ultimately sharply limiting the quality of downstream point estimates and corresponding statistical inference (e.g., hypothesis tests, confidence intervals). Approaches for flexibly estimating the generalized propensity score have received limited attention [@diaz2011super; @zhu2015boosting], and software implementations of these techniques are, to the best of our knowledge, exceedingly rare, compared to, for example, regression algorithms for estimating conditional means. haldensify aims to partially fill this gap by implementing a flexible, nonparametric estimator of a conditional (or marginal) density, appropriate for estimation of the generalized propensity score and useful for the construction of inverse probability weighted or doubly robust estimators of a class of causal effect parameters tailored to continuous treatments.

Conditional Density Estimation and Modern Causal Inference

Conditional density estimation is a challenging and fundamental problem in statistical learning theory. Owing to the high frequency with which conditional density estimation arises in statistics and machine learning, a wide range of techniques have been proposed -- under a correspondingly wide range of assumptions. Some techniques are based in kernel smoothing [e.g., @takeuchi2009nonparametric], others in specialized neural network architectures [e.g., @neuneier1994estimation], and others still in the direct estimation of ratios of conditional densities [e.g., @sugiyama2012density]. Most approaches make restrictive (parametric) assumptions about the form of the underlying density functional or fail to achieve convergence rates (of the estimator to the true, underlying conditional density) necessary for semiparametric inference. As such, analysts must often negotiate a difficult tradeoff between tractability, ease of implementation, and optimality properties of the chosen estimator. To partially resolve this open challenge, haldensify implements a nonparametric conditional density estimation procedure, making few assumptions regarding the underlying form of the density functional, with rate-convergence guarantees compatible with modern semiparametric inference and causal machine learning.

The algorithm implemented in haldensify is an improved and tailored version of the proposal of @diaz2011super, who formulated a nonparametric conditional density estimator based on the relationship between the density and hazard functions. This algorithm proceeds by, first, partitioning the support of the dependent variable into a user-specified number of bins and recasting the input dataset into a repeated measures structure, in which each observational unit is represented by a variable number of records (with the terminal record corresponding to the position of the bin over the discretized support into which the observed value of the dependent variable falls). Next, the hazard probability, conditional on any covariates, of the dependent variable falling in a given bin along the discretized support is estimated by applying the highly adaptive lasso (HAL) algorithm [@vdl2015generally; @benkeser2016highly; @vdl2017generally] (in this case, for binary regression), via the hal9001 package [@hejazi2020hal9001-joss; @coyle2022hal9001-rpkg]; this step is often labeled "pooled hazards" regression. Under plausible assumptions on the global variation of the target functional, HAL has been shown to converge at a suitable rate ($\approx n^{-1/3}$ per @bibaut2019fast) for standard semiparametric efficiency theory to apply to any estimators incorporating this conditional density estimator; however, in this application, the $\ell_1$ (i.e., lasso) penalty of the HAL estimator is updated to utilize a loss function suitable for density estimation [@vdl2004asymptotic; @dudoit2005asymptotics]. In a final step, the conditional hazard estimates are rescaled to conditional density estimates by dividing the estimated hazard probabilities by the respective bin widths.

The advantages derived from the flexibility and rate-convergence properties of this algorithm are especially apparent in causal inference problems with continuous treatments. In such problems, a key nuisance parameter is the generalized propensity score (GPS), the conditional density of the treatment, given covariates. This nuisance parameter is required to be well-estimated (in a rate-convergence sense) for the construction of asymptotically efficient estimators (e.g., of treatment effects), which attain the minimal possible variance in a given regularity class. Such estimators are desirable since, theoretically speaking, they admit the tightest confidence intervals and most sensitive hypothesis tests, making inference based upon these more informative for downstream decision making. For example, the GPS is a nuisance parameter required for estimation of the counterfactual mean of a modified treatment policy (MTP) [@haneuse2013estimation; @diaz2018stochastic], a type of intervention that perturbs the natural (or observed) value of the treatment. Doubly robust estimators of this counterfactual quantity are implemented in the txshift R package [@hejazi2020txshift-joss; @hejazi2022txshift-rpkg], which relies upon haldensify for estimation of the GPS and has been used in estimating counterfactual vaccine efficacy based on MTPs interpretable as corresponding to hypothetical (next-generation) vaccines that modulate the activity of target immunologic biomarkers in vaccine efficacy clinical trials [@hejazi2020efficient]. Alternative, asymptotically efficient and nonparametric inverse probability weighted (IPW) estimators [@ertefaie2020nonparametric] of such counterfactual mean parameters are implemented in haldensify's ipw_shift() function, which constructs these IPW estimators by combining haldensify's GPS estimator (implemented in the eponymous haldensify() function) with the sieve estimation framework to select an asymptotically optimal IPW estimator with respect to criteria rooted in semiparametric efficiency theory; @hejazi2022efficient give a formal description of these novel IPW estimators.

haldensify's Scope

The haldensify R package combines the binning and hazard estimation strategy of @diaz2011super with HAL regression [@benkeser2016highly], resulting in a flexible, nonparametric conditional density estimator. This procedure -- accessible via the eponymous haldensify() function -- relies upon the hal9001 R package [@coyle2022hal9001-rpkg; @hejazi2020hal9001-joss] for the HAL regression step and upon the origami R package [@coyle2018origami] for cross-validated selection of tuning parameters (e.g., number of bins, $\ell_1$ regularization) so as to empirically minimize the negative log-density loss [@dudoit2005asymptotics]. haldensify additionally adjusts the proposal of @diaz2011super to (1) incorporate sample-level weights and (2) apply HAL regression to the repeated measures data structure in a manner tailored for density estimation on the hazard scale. The nonparametric IPW estimators of @hejazi2022efficient have been implemented in the ipw_shift() function.

In order to ensure a simplified and minimal API, the haldensify package exposes only a limited set of functions: (1) the haldensify() function, which facilitates the estimation of conditional (or marginal) densities as described above, and (2) the ipw_shift() function, which implements nonparametric IPW estimators of the causal effect of an additive modified treatment policy. As IPW estimators require estimation of the generalized propensity score as an intermediate (nuisance) step, this latter function internally calls the former; moreover, the ipw_shift() function and the various selectors to which it provides access (e.g., selector_gcv() for estimator selection based on "global" cross-validation) have been studied from a theoretical-methodological perspective in @hejazi2022efficient. The haldensify() function is complemented by appropriate predict() and plot() methods, the former to allow for the estimated conditional density to be evaluated at new values of the variable of interest and its conditioning set and the latter to visualize the resultant estimators along the regularization trajectory. The ipw_shift() function is accompanied by a corresponding confint() method to easily generate confidence intervals around the IPW point estimates. The S3 classes returned by both of these functions have custom print() methods to allow for their results to be easily inspected. Several internal utility functions, including, for example, cv_haldensify(), map_hazard_to_density(), and selector_dcar(), implement core aspects of the conditional density estimation and nonparametric IPW estimation methodology.


Future software development efforts will be focused primarily along two avenues: (1) improving the computational aspects of the conditional density estimation procedure, possibly to include random sampling from the internally generated repeated measures dataset, and (2) further adjustments to the undersmoothing estimator selection strategies implemented for nonparametric IPW estimation, to be based on future methodological progress. Software maintenance efforts will focus on ensuring that the package remains compatible with future versions of the hal9001 package [@coyle2022hal9001-rpkg; @hejazi2020hal9001-joss]. Currently, stable releases of the haldensify package are made available via the Comprehensive R Archive Network [CRAN, @R] at, while development efforts are carried out on the package's version-controlled repository, publicly hosted at To date (mid-September 2022), CRAN records indicate that haldensify has been downloaded over 14,400 times.


NSH's contributions to this work were supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (award number DMS 2102840).
