Analyzes Strava data to help athletes celebrate Monday finishes
git clone git://
cd monday-miles
brew install redis postgresql heroku
bundle install
cp .env.example .env
bundle exec rake db:reset
Sign up for a Strava API key at and a Google Static Maps API key at and update .env
Start these long-running processes in separate terminal windows:
heroku local
Monday Miles should be accessible at http://localhost:3000 (or whichever port you specify in .env
For activities to be created, updated, and deleted as users make changes in Strava, Monday Miles must have a Strava webhooks subscription in production. Use a tool like Postman and follow the instructions in the Strava webhooks documentation to create a new subscription with the application’s Strava API credentials. Monday Miles’ webhooks callback URL is at /strava/webhook_callbacks
bundle exec rake
Contributions are welcome from everyone! Feel free to make a pull request or use GitHub issues for help getting started, to report bugs, or to make feature requests.
This project was created by Nick Holden and is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.