Our goal is to study and compare how deformable object manipulation is simulated in 2 popular physics engines, Bullet and Mujoco. Mainly, we would like to understand the contact physics and evaluate any differences, which would be crucial for controlling manipulators, espeically in real-world settings, where there might be a lot of unknowns regarding the contact forces.
We hope that this sandbox can help users:
- Have a baseline understanding on how the coding (i.e. PyBullet vs native Mujoco python bindings) and model file definitions (i.e. MJCF vs URDF) would differ between these frameworks.
- Understand about how physics and control differ between these engines in the context of deformable object manipulation.
- Pick a more suitable simulator for their use case, based on the results presented.
- Run experiments comparing the 2 simulators
Note: This sandbox is tested on a machine with Ubuntu 18.04 installed.
To install the package with its dependencies, run
pip install .
Alternatively, you can use poetry
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install poetry
poetry install
You might also need to install glfw for OpenGL-based rendering (particularly for mujoco)
sudo apt-get install libglfw3
Run the following commands (args are optional with default values set):
cd mujoco
python3 mujoco_main.py --control_mode <control_mode> --xml_path <xml_path>
By default, this loads the cloth_panda.xml
model file, which contains a Panda manipulator and a cloth, into a scene rendered with OpenGL.
Expected output (TODO use gif/video):
Run the following commands.
cd pybullet
python3 bullet_main.py --manipulator_xml_path <manipulator_xml_path> --cloth_xml_path <cloth_xml_path>
This loads the panda.urdf
via loadURDF
and cloth_z_up.obj
with loadSoftBody
The code is mostly derived from the deformable anchor pybullet example.
Expected output (TODO use gif/video):
An issue: At render, the cloth is only visible from below (thus placed above the manipulator for now).
- Mujoco bodies need to all be compiled within XML, can't be dynamically loaded, unlike in PyBullet.
- Refer to Notion page for further notes
The Python bindings are almost the same as the C bindings in which the documentation can be found here.
Working manipulators (relative to
from mujoco_menageriedata/mjcf_ur5e/ur5e.xml
from mujoco_menagerie
Soft bodies + Manipulator
for rendering for now since it wrapsglfw
functions well and provides an interactive render. Will study the base code further to see if we can remove this dependency.
A soft/deformable body can be loaded from either an .obj
mesh file, using loadSoftBody (with the physics defined on the function call itself) or a urdf
file (physics defined in the urdf file itself).
Working manipulators (relative to pybullet
from example-robot-datadata/franka_panda/panda.urdf
from bullet repo
Soft bodies