xbee-controller is a daemon to control a network of XBee/ZigBee radio devices through TCP/IP. The binary protocol is decoded into JSON messages.
xbee-daemon.pl [-d /dev/ttyUSBx] [-v] listen_addr ...
-d /dev/ttyUSBx Connect to specified device
-v Verbose
listen_addr: A set of one or more listening host:port pairs.
ipv6: :::7862
ipv6: [::]:7862
The daemon opens the specified device (/dev/ttyUSBx) which is expected to be an XBee radio modem such as these:
- http://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/products/xbee-2mw-wire-antenna-series-2-zb
- http://www.digi.com/products/wireless-wired-embedded-solutions/zigbee-rf-modules/point-multipoint-rfmodules/xbee-series1-module#overview
with a USB interface, configured as a Coordinator and using the binary (API) protocol as opposed to the text-based AT protocol.
The daemon will listen on one or more specified host/port pairs. Any packets received on the XBee network will be decoded and transmitted in JSON format to all connected clients.
A connected client can send a JSON message to the server, and the server will transmit that packet out over the local XBee network.
The JSON message for a packet received over the XBee network looks like this:
{"payload":{"data":"TMP1 T 28.00000269B9E9 01DE\r\n","options":1,"sender16":63874,"sender64_h":1286656,"sender64_l":1081049161,"type":144},"time_s":1416047469,"time_u":269406,"type":"receivePacket"}
Let's go through the data structure item by item.
"type": "receivePacket", This message type. Others include: ATResponse, modemStatus, nodeIdentificationIndicator, ...
"time_s": 1416047469, Time the message was received in seconds
"time_u": 269406, Time the message was received, microseconds portion
"payload": { The received message's contents
"data": "...", The received data frame
"options": 1, XBee packet options
"sender16": 63874, 16-bit sender address (in decimal)
"sender64_h": 1286656, High-order 32 bits of the 64-bit sender address (in decimal),
"sender64_l": 1081049161, Low-order 32 bits of the 64-bit sender address (in decimal),
"type": 144 Frame type 0x90, "ZigBee Receive Packet"
Breaking down the data structure again:
"type": "transmitRequest", Request to transmit a frame
"time_s": 1416049321, Seconds, as above (supplied by daemon)
"time_u": 702500, Microseconds, as above (supplied by daemon)
"payload": { The frame to be transmitted
"data": "...", Data portion of the frame
"dest16": 65534, 0xfffe means we don't know the short 16-bit destination device address
"dest64_h": 1286656, 0x0013a200 the high-order 32 bits of the destination address
"dest64_l": 1080068162, 0x40608842 the low-order 32 bits of the destination address
"frame_id: 253, Frame sequence number (increment per frame sent)
"options": 0, Transmit frame options
"radius:" 0 How many hops are permitted
A client sending a "transmitRequest" packet can expect a "transmitStatus" response
with the delivery_status
and discovery_status
of the request. If the recipient node
could be found then remote_address
is provided, to be used as the dest16
future transmissions.
The ZigBee protocol is defined by Digi International Inc. There have been several variants of the XBee/ZigBee protocol implemented.
The documentation homepage is http://www.digi.com/products/wireless-wired-embedded-solutions/zigbee-rf-modules/point-multipoint-rfmodules/xbee-series1-module#docs
Where specification differences exist, this library implements the protocol in document 90000976_G dated 11/15/2010.
The current specification looks like http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90000982_R.pdf
See perldoc for module TullNet::XBee::Client for this. The synopsis is:
$xcl = TullNet::XBee::Client->new($server_address);
$packet = $xcl->receivePacket($timeout);
if ($packet && $packet->isData()) {
my $contents = $packet->data();
$packet = $xcl->readPacket();
if (! $packet) {
$data_pending = $xcl->poll($timeout);
if ($data_pending) {
$packet = $xcl->readPacket();