Flypper-redis is a storage backend for the flypper package.
It is backed by Redis so it an be used in a distributed environment and be persisted across restarts.
Use the package manager pip to install flypper-redis
pip install flypper-redis
Build a storage backend:
from redis import Redis
from import RedisStorage
redis = Redis(host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)
storage = RedisStorage(redis=redis, prefix="flypper-demo")
Use it in the web UI:
from flypper.wsgi.web_ui import FlypperWebUI
web_ui = FlypperWebUI(storage=storage)
Use it in your code:
- Build a client for your app
- Use a context
from flypper.client import Client as FlypperClient
# Once per thread
flypper_client = FlypperClient(storage=storage, ttl=10)
# Once per request
flypper_context = FlypperContext(
entries={"user_id": "42"},
# Every time you need
entries={"item_reference": "blue-shampoo"},
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.