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@nicoverbruggen nicoverbruggen released this 01 Sep 15:35
· 659 commits to main since this release

This release fixes an issue that could occur if your username and your home directory have different names. This could have caused various issues in versions <5.5, but since the latest minor update the app wouldn't start on systems with this issue. This has now been resolved.


The recommended way of upgrading is running brew update-reset && brew upgrade phpmon after you've installed PHP Monitor using Homebrew. This always gets you the latest and greatest stable version of PHP Monitor. If you did not use Homebrew to install the app, you can download a zip below (by expanding Assets and choosing

Resolved in 5.5.1

  • whoami is no longer used, instead id -un is used to determine the active user's username. (#189)
  • The user's home directory is now correctly determined and used where necessary. (#189)

What's New in 5.5

  • Added PHP Doctor, which will alert you if there are issues with your setup in regard to file permissions and such. For now, the recommendations are limited to ensuring you are running the optimal version of Homebrew on M1 and related to ensuring that the helper files can be generated and symlinked correctly.
  • Added support for custom environment variables (#183, consult the issue or FAQ for more information).
  • Added a new "Welcome to PHP Monitor" onboarding screen (only displayed at first launch, #181).