A a script that reads, plots data as well as modifies c3d files using the btk library.
##Modules needed
###Python pacakges
numpy Matplotlib BTK
To install python2 packages you need to run pip. For example to install numpy, you need to run:
pip install numpy
BTK is the exception here. I was not able to get btk working through pip. BTK also seems to be architectural dependent as it was not installing in my ARCH distribution. I was able to get it working on Fedora 19 by installing the python wrapper package from here
Then run:
yum localinstall packagename.rpm
This program was hardcoded for the research I was doing in biomechanics. It graphs all the analog forces in the x,y, and z direction. Currently it modifies the file by setting a limit for the force in the z direction to mimic heal-toe running.
Before running this script you must add in the name of your c3d file. To do that you must edit this line.
reader = btk.btkAcquisitionFileReader() # build a btk reader object
reader.SetFilename('GaitNormal0003-processed.c3d') # set a filename to the reader
acq = reader.GetOutput() # btk aquisition object
You can then run the program as follows:
python c3dfileeditor.py modified.c3d 0.8
where modified.c3d is the name you want your modified file to be and 0.8 is the cutoff.
The results are then graphed.