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translations: 📚 sync translations with crowdin (binary-com#7458)
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Co-authored-by: DerivFE <>
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2 people authored and Bahar committed Feb 2, 2023
1 parent c51c032 commit ac43736
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Showing 28 changed files with 963 additions and 633 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/p2p/src/translations/es.json
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"1886623509": "{{ad_type}}{{ account_currency }}",
"1923443894": "Inactivo",
"1928240840": "Vender {{ currency }}",
"1929119945": "There are no ads yet",
"1929119945": "Aún no hay anuncios",
"1976156928": "Enviará",
"1992961867": "Tasa (1 {{currency}})",
"1994023526": "La dirección de correo electrónico que ingresó tenía un fallo o error tipográfico (pasa hasta en las mejores familias).",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"-1965472924": "Tasa fija",
"-1081775102": "{{field_name}} no debe estar por encima del límite máximo",
"-885044836": "{{field_name}} no debe exceder el límite máximo",
"-1921077416": "All ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Blocked ({{list_value}})",
"-1921077416": "Todos ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Bloqueados ({{list_value}})",
"-1764050750": "Detalles de pago",
"-2021135479": "Este campo es obligatorio.",
"-2005205076": "{{field_name}} ha superado la longitud máxima de 200 caracteres.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"-1837059346": "Comprar / Vender",
"-494667560": "Pedidos",
"-679691613": "Mis anuncios",
"-1314987447": "No users to show here.",
"-1298666786": "My counterparties",
"-1314987447": "No hay usuarios que mostrar aquí.",
"-1298666786": "Mis contrapartes",
"-1530773708": "¿Bloquear a {{advertiser_name}}?",
"-1148912768": "Si la tasa de mercado cambia con respecto a la que se muestra aquí, no podremos procesar su pedido.",
"-55126326": "Vendedor",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"-1220275347": "Puede elegir hasta 3 métodos de pago para este anuncio.",
"-1889014820": "<0>¿No ve su método de pago?</0> <1>Agregar nuevo.</1>",
"-806152028": "Sus anuncios están publicados",
"-1241719539": "When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.",
"-1241719539": "Cuando bloquea a alguien, no verá sus anuncios ni ellos podrán ver los suyos. Sus anuncios también se ocultarán en los resultados de búsqueda.",
"-1007339977": "No coincide ningún nombre.",
"-179005984": "Guardar",
"-2059312414": "Detalles del anuncio",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/p2p/src/translations/fr.json
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"1886623509": "{{ad_type}} {{ account_currency }}",
"1923443894": "Inactif",
"1928240840": "Vendre {{ currency }}",
"1929119945": "There are no ads yet",
"1929119945": "Il n'y a pas encore d'annonces",
"1976156928": "Vous enverrez",
"1992961867": "Taux (1 {{currency}})",
"1994023526": "L'adresse électronique que vous avez entrée comportait une erreur ou une faute de frappe (cela arrive aux meilleurs d'entre nous).",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"-1965472924": "Taux fixe",
"-1081775102": "{{field_name}} ne doit pas être inférieur à la limite maximale",
"-885044836": "{{field_name}} ne doit pas dépasser la limite maximale",
"-1921077416": "All ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Blocked ({{list_value}})",
"-1921077416": "Tout ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Bloqué ({{list_value}})",
"-1764050750": "Détails de paiement",
"-2021135479": "Ce champ est requis.",
"-2005205076": "{{field_name}} a dépassé la longueur maximale de 200 caractères.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"-1837059346": "Achat / Vente",
"-494667560": "Ordres",
"-679691613": "Mes annonces",
"-1314987447": "No users to show here.",
"-1298666786": "My counterparties",
"-1314987447": "Aucun utilisateur à afficher ici.",
"-1298666786": "Mes contreparties",
"-1530773708": "Bloquer {{advertiser_name}} ?",
"-1148912768": "Si le taux du marché change par rapport au taux indiqué ici, nous ne serons pas en mesure de traiter votre commande.",
"-55126326": "Vendeur",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"-1220275347": "Vous pouvez choisir jusqu'à 3 méthodes de paiement pour cette annonce.",
"-1889014820": "<0>Vous ne voyez pas votre mode de paiement ? </0> <1>Ajouter un nouveau.</1>",
"-806152028": "Vos annonces sont diffusées",
"-1241719539": "When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.",
"-1241719539": "Lorsque vous bloquez quelqu'un, vous ne verrez pas ses publicités, et il ne pourra pas voir les vôtres. Vos annonces seront également masquées dans les résultats de recherche.",
"-1007339977": "Il n'y a aucun nom correspondant.",
"-179005984": "Sauvegarder",
"-2059312414": "Détails de l'annonce",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/p2p/src/translations/id.json
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"1886623509": "{{ad_type}} {{ account_currency }}",
"1923443894": "Tidak aktif",
"1928240840": "Jual {{ currency }}",
"1929119945": "There are no ads yet",
"1929119945": "Belum ada iklan",
"1976156928": "Anda akan mengirim",
"1992961867": "Harga (1 {{currency}})",
"1994023526": "Alamat email yang Anda masukkan sepertinya salah ketik (hal ini sering terjadi).",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"-1965472924": "Harga tetap",
"-1081775102": "{{field_name}} tidak boleh di bawah batas maksimum",
"-885044836": "{{field_name}} tidak boleh melebihi batas maksimum",
"-1921077416": "All ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Blocked ({{list_value}})",
"-1921077416": "Semua ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Diblokir ({{list_value}})",
"-1764050750": "Detail pembayaran",
"-2021135479": "Bagian ini wajib diisi.",
"-2005205076": "{{field_name}} telah melebihi panjang maksimum 200 karakter.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"-1837059346": "Beli / Jual",
"-494667560": "Order",
"-679691613": "Iklan saya",
"-1314987447": "No users to show here.",
"-1298666786": "My counterparties",
"-1314987447": "Tidak ada pengguna untuk ditampilkan di sini.",
"-1298666786": "Mitra saya",
"-1530773708": "Blokir {{advertiser_name}}?",
"-1148912768": "Jika harga pasar berubah dari harga yang ditampilkan di sini, maka kami tidak dapat memproses order.",
"-55126326": "Penjual",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"-1220275347": "Anda dapat memilih hingga 3 metode pembayaran untuk iklan ini.",
"-1889014820": "<0>Metode pembayaran Anda tidak tersedia?</0> <1>Tambah baru.</1>",
"-806152028": "Iklan Anda sedang berjalan",
"-1241719539": "When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.",
"-1241719539": "Ketika Anda memblokir seseorang, Anda tidak akan melihat iklan mereka, dan mereka tidak dapat melihat iklan Anda. Iklan Anda juga akan disembunyikan dari hasil penelusurannya.",
"-1007339977": "Tidak ada nama yang cocok.",
"-179005984": "Simpan",
"-2059312414": "Detail iklan",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/p2p/src/translations/it.json
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"1886623509": "{{ad_type}} {{ account_currency }}",
"1923443894": "Disattivato",
"1928240840": "Vendi {{ currency }}",
"1929119945": "There are no ads yet",
"1929119945": "Non ci sono ancora annunci",
"1976156928": "Invia",
"1992961867": "Tasso (1 {{currency}})",
"1994023526": "L'indirizzo e-mail inserito contiene un errore o un refuso (è un errore comune, non preoccuparti!).",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"-1965472924": "Tasso fisso",
"-1081775102": "{{field_name}} non può essere inferiore al limite massimo",
"-885044836": "{{field_name}} non può superare il limite massimo",
"-1921077416": "All ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Blocked ({{list_value}})",
"-1921077416": "Tutti ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Bloccati ({{list_value}})",
"-1764050750": "Dettagli del pagamento",
"-2021135479": "Questo campo è obbligatorio.",
"-2005205076": "{{field_name}} ha superato la lunghezza massima di 200 caratteri.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"-1837059346": "Acquista / Vendi",
"-494667560": "Ordini",
"-679691613": "I miei annunci",
"-1314987447": "No users to show here.",
"-1298666786": "My counterparties",
"-1314987447": "Nessun utente da mostrare qui.",
"-1298666786": "Le mie controparti",
"-1530773708": "Bloccare {{advertiser_name}}?",
"-1148912768": "Se il tasso del mercato si discosta da quello riportato qui, non potremo eseguire il tuo ordine.",
"-55126326": "Venditore",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"-1220275347": "Puoi scegliere fino a 3 modalità di pagamento per questo annuncio.",
"-1889014820": "<0>Non vedi la tua modalità di pagamento?</0><1>Aggiungi una nuova.</1>",
"-806152028": "Annunci in riproduzione",
"-1241719539": "When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.",
"-1241719539": "Quando blocchi qualcuno, non vedrai i suoi annunci e lui non potrà vedere i tuoi. I tuoi annunci verranno nascosti anche nei risultati di ricerca.",
"-1007339977": "Nessun nome corrispondente.",
"-179005984": "Salva",
"-2059312414": "Dettagli annuncio",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/p2p/src/translations/pl.json
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"1886623509": "{{ad_type}} {{ account_currency }}",
"1923443894": "Nieaktywne",
"1928240840": "Sprzedaj {{ currency }}",
"1929119945": "There are no ads yet",
"1929119945": "Nie ma żadnych ogłoszeń",
"1976156928": "Wyślesz",
"1992961867": "Opłata (1 {{currency}})",
"1994023526": "Wprowadzony przez Ciebie adres e-mail zawiera błąd lub literówkę (zdarza się najlepszym).",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"-1965472924": "Stała stawka",
"-1081775102": "Pole {{field_name}} nie powinno być niższe niż Maks. limit",
"-885044836": "Pole {{field_name}} nie powinno przekraczać Maks. limitu",
"-1921077416": "All ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Blocked ({{list_value}})",
"-1921077416": "Wszystkie ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Zablokowane ({{list_value}})",
"-1764050750": "Szczegóły płatności",
"-2021135479": "To pole jest wymagane.",
"-2005205076": "{{field_name}} przekroczyła maksymalną długość 200 znaków.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"-1837059346": "Kup / Sprzedaj",
"-494667560": "Zlecenia",
"-679691613": "Moje reklamy",
"-1314987447": "No users to show here.",
"-1298666786": "My counterparties",
"-1314987447": "Brak użytkowników do pokazania tutaj.",
"-1298666786": "Moi kontrahenci",
"-1530773708": "Zablokować {{advertiser_name}}?",
"-1148912768": "Jeśli stopa rynkowa przedstawiona tutaj się zmieni, nie będziemy mogli zrealizować Twojego zlecenia.",
"-55126326": "Sprzedający",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"-1220275347": "Możesz wybrać do 3 metod płatności dla tego ogłoszenia.",
"-1889014820": "<0>Nie widzisz swojej metody płatności?</0> <1>Dodaj nową.</1>",
"-806152028": "Twoje reklamy są aktywne",
"-1241719539": "When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.",
"-1241719539": "Po zablokowaniu użytkownika jego ogłoszenia nie będą dla Ciebie widoczne, użytkownik nie będzie też widział Twoich ogłoszeń. Twoje ogłoszenia będą też ukryte w wynikach wyszukiwania.",
"-1007339977": "Nie ma pasującej nazwy.",
"-179005984": "Zapisz",
"-2059312414": "Szczegóły ogłoszenia",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/p2p/src/translations/pt.json
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"1886623509": "{{ad_type}} {{ account_currency }}",
"1923443894": "Inativo",
"1928240840": "Vender {{ currency }}",
"1929119945": "There are no ads yet",
"1929119945": "Nenhum anúncio disponível",
"1976156928": "Você vai enviar",
"1992961867": "Taxa (1 {{currency}})",
"1994023526": "O endereço de e-mail que você digitou está errado ou tem um erro de digitação (não se preocupe, tente novamente).",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"-1965472924": "Taxa fixa",
"-1081775102": "{{field_name}} não deve estar abaixo do Limite máx",
"-885044836": "{{field_name}} não deve exceder o Limite máx",
"-1921077416": "All ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Blocked ({{list_value}})",
"-1921077416": "Tudo ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Bloqueado(a) ({{list_value}})",
"-1764050750": "Detalhes de pagamento",
"-2021135479": "Este campo é obrigatório.",
"-2005205076": "Este campo excedeu o comprimento máximo de 200 caracteres.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"-1837059346": "Comprar/Vender",
"-494667560": "Pedidos",
"-679691613": "Meus anúncios",
"-1314987447": "No users to show here.",
"-1298666786": "My counterparties",
"-1314987447": "Não há usuários para mostrar aqui.",
"-1298666786": "Minhas contrapartes",
"-1530773708": "Bloquear {{advertiser_name}}?",
"-1148912768": "Se a taxa de mercado mudar em relação à taxa mostrada aqui, não poderemos processar seu pedido.",
"-55126326": "Vendedor",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"-1220275347": "Você pode escolher até 3 formas de pagamento para este anúncio.",
"-1889014820": "<0>Não visualiza seu método de pagamento?</0> <1>Adicionar novo.</1>",
"-806152028": "Seus anúncios estão sendo exibidos",
"-1241719539": "When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.",
"-1241719539": "Ao bloquear alguém, você não verá os anúncios dessa pessoa e essa pessoa também não verá os seus. Além disso, os seus anúncios ficarão ocultos dos resultados de pesquisa.",
"-1007339977": "Não há anúncios correspondentes.",
"-179005984": "Salvar",
"-2059312414": "Detalhes do anúncio",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/p2p/src/translations/ru.json
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"1886623509": "{{ad_type}} {{ account_currency }}",
"1923443894": "Неактивен",
"1928240840": "Продать {{ currency }}",
"1929119945": "There are no ads yet",
"1929119945": "Нет объявлений",
"1976156928": "Вы отправите",
"1992961867": "Курс (1 {{currency}})",
"1994023526": "Адрес эл. почты был введен с ошибкой или опечаткой (случается с лучшими из нас).",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"-1965472924": "Фиксированный курс",
"-1081775102": "Значение {{field_name}} не должно быть выше макс. лимита",
"-885044836": "Значение {{field_name}} не должно быть выше макс. лимита",
"-1921077416": "All ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Blocked ({{list_value}})",
"-1921077416": "Все ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Заблокировано ({{list_value}})",
"-1764050750": "Платежные реквизиты",
"-2021135479": "Обязательное поле.",
"-2005205076": "{{field_name}} превышает максимальную длину в 200 символов.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"-1837059346": "Покупка/продажа",
"-494667560": "Ордеры",
"-679691613": "Мои объявления",
"-1314987447": "No users to show here.",
"-1298666786": "My counterparties",
"-1314987447": "Здесь нет пользователей, которых можно было бы показывать.",
"-1298666786": "Мои контрагенты",
"-1530773708": "Блокировать {{advertiser_name}}?",
"-1148912768": "Если рыночный курс изменится по сравнению с указанным здесь, мы не сможем обработать ваш ордер.",
"-55126326": "Продавец",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"-1220275347": "Для этого объявления можно выбрать до 3 платежных методов.",
"-1889014820": "<0>Не нашли свой платежный метод?</0> <1>Добавьте новый.</1>",
"-806152028": "Ваши объявления запущены",
"-1241719539": "When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.",
"-1241719539": "Заблокированные вами пользователи не увидят ваши объявления, а вы не увидите их. Ваши объявления будут скрыты из их результатов поиска.",
"-1007339977": "Нет подходящего имени.",
"-179005984": "Сохранить",
"-2059312414": "Детали объявления",
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/p2p/src/translations/th.json
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"1886623509": "{{ad_type}} {{ account_currency }}",
"1923443894": "ไม่ได้ใช้งาน",
"1928240840": "ขาย {{ currency }}",
"1929119945": "There are no ads yet",
"1929119945": "ยังไม่มีโฆษณา",
"1976156928": "คุณจะส่ง",
"1992961867": "อัตรา (1 {{currency}})",
"1994023526": "ที่อยู่อีเมล์ที่คุณป้อนมีข้อผิดพลาดหรือคำพิมพ์ผิด (เกิดขึ้นได้กับทุกคน)",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
"-1965472924": "อัตราคงที่",
"-1081775102": "{{field_name}} ไม่ควรเกินค่าจำกัดขั้นสูงสุด",
"-885044836": "{{field_name}} ไม่ควรเกินค่าจำกัดขั้นสูงสุด",
"-1921077416": "All ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "Blocked ({{list_value}})",
"-1921077416": "จำนวนทั้งหมด ({{list_value}})",
"-608125128": "จำนวนที่มีการปิดกั้น ({{list_value}})",
"-1764050750": "รายละเอียดการชําระเงิน",
"-2021135479": "ข้อมูลในช่องนี้จำเป็นต้องมี",
"-2005205076": "ช่อง {{field_name}} นี้ยาวเกินความยาวสูงสุดที่ตั้งไว้เป็น 200 อักขระ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
"-1837059346": "ซื้อ / ขาย",
"-494667560": "คำสั่งซื้อขาย",
"-679691613": "โฆษณาของฉัน",
"-1314987447": "No users to show here.",
"-1298666786": "My counterparties",
"-1314987447": "ไม่มีผู้ใช้งานที่จะแสดงที่นี่",
"-1298666786": "คู่ค้าของฉัน",
"-1530773708": "ปิดกั้น {{advertiser_name}}?",
"-1148912768": "หากอัตราแลกเปลี่ยนของตลาดเปลี่ยนแปลงไปจากอัตราที่แสดงอยู่ที่นี่ เราจะไม่สามารถดำเนินการตามคำสั่งซื้อของคุณได้",
"-55126326": "ผู้ขาย",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"-1220275347": "คุณสามารถเลือกวิธีการชำระเงินได้ถึง 3 วิธีสำหรับโฆษณานี้",
"-1889014820": "<0>มองไม่เห็นวิธีการชำระเงินของคุณใช่หรือไม่?</0> <1>เพิ่มใหม่</1>",
"-806152028": "โฆษณาของคุณกำลังทำงาน",
"-1241719539": "When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.",
"-1241719539": "เมื่อคุณบล็อกใครบางคน คุณจะไม่เห็นโฆษณาของพวกเขาและเขาเหล่านั้นก็จะไม่เห็นโฆษณาของคุณ นอกจากนี้โฆษณาของคุณจะถูกซ่อนจากผลการค้นหาของพวกเขาอีกด้วย",
"-1007339977": "ไม่มีชื่อที่ตรงกัน",
"-179005984": "บันทึก",
"-2059312414": "รายละเอียดโฆษณา",
Expand Down

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