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Microservice Infrastructure for the Nimble Platform

This repository sets up the general microservice infrastructure for the Nimble platform.


The following sections describes each module briefly.

Config Server (config-server)

The module 'config-server' is in charge of the central configuration. It fetches the config from a public git repository. Please see application.yml for further details.

Service Discovery (service-discovery)

Netflix Eureka is used as service discovery and registration tool.

Gateway Proxy Server (gateway-proxy)

The public entry point is a Netlix Zuul service, which is configured using the central configuration server.

Hystrix Dashboard (hystrix-dashboard)

The circuit breaker pattern is implemented using Netflix Hystrix. This dashboard provides graphical information about the current state of the system.


Currently the infrastructure can be deployed using Cloud Foundry or Docker. The following sections provide more information. Please make sure to have all dependencies installed (or running).

Cloud Foundry


  • Java 8
  • Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Maven 3

In order to deploy the infrastructure execute

./ cf-deploy

with the Cloud Foundry CLI tool installed and properly authenticated. This may take a couple of minutes, so grab a cup of coffee in the meantime. To reset all applications and services execute the following the command.

./ cf-reset


  • Java 8
  • Docker (running)
  • Docker Compose
  • Maven 3

Execute the following command with Docker preinstalled.

./ docker-build
./ docker-run

The following services are deployed:

Port Service
8761 service-discovery
8080 gateway-proxy
8888 config-server
9080 hystrix-dashboard
5000 logstash
9200 elasticsearch
5601 kibana

In order to shut down all containers, please execute:

./ docker-stop

The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723810.


This repository sets up the general microservice infrastructure for the Nimble platform.







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