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a low-overhead library that take a little bit of the boiler-plate (and pain) out of MVVM


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MvvmMonkey is a low-overhead library that take a little bit of the boiler-plate (and pain) out of MVVM.

MvvmMonkey is not a framework, it's a collections of features you can pick and choose from, it's primary design goal is to have have minimal effect on the application using it.

Currently there's just one version of this library targeting WPF 4.5 (MvvmMonkey.Wpf), if there's demand I'll port the library to the other XAML platforms (probably just to "Universal Windows App").

Compnents in this library:

Method Binding

Adding the '[TypeDescriptionProvider(typeof(MethodBinding))]' attribute to you view model class will add "fake" ICommand properties for each method that accepts zero or one parameters

The command method should either return void or Task, if you return task ICommand.CanExecute will return false until the task is complete - disabling the button and preventing the user from accedently clickign it again while waiting.

View Model:

class DemoSelectionViewModel 
    public void MethodBindingDemo()
        Child = new MethodBindingViewModel();


<Button Command="{Binding MethodBindingDemo}">
    <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Bind to method demo"/>

If you have a proeprty with the same name as the method with the "Can" prefix that returns bool that property will be returnd by CanExecute. To fire CanExecuteChanged just raise the PropertyChanged event for that property.

View Model:

public class MethodBindingViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public void DoSomething()
        System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("did something");

    private bool _canDoSomething = true;
    public bool CanDoSomething
        get { return _canDoSomething; }
        set { PropertyChange.Set(this, ref _canDoSomething, value, PropertyChanged); }

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


<CheckBox Content="Can execute" IsChecked="{Binding CanDoSomething}"/>
<Button Command="{Binding DoSomething}" Content="Do something"/>

Password Binding

Bind PasswordBox.Password to a secure string

View Model:

class PasswordViewModel 
    public SecureString Password { get; set; }


	 monkey:PasswordBinding.Password="{Binding Password}"/>

Enum Binding

Using an enum with a radio button group is extreamly annoying and error-prone if you use view model bool properties.

Luckly, with this converter you can bind multiple radio buttons to the same enum property

    <monkey:EnumValueIsCheckedConverter x:Key="EnumRadioConverter"/>

<RadioButton GroupName="MyGrp" IsChecked="{Binding TheValue, Converter={StaticResource EnumRadioConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static model:AnEnum.First}}">First</RadioButton>
<RadioButton GroupName="MyGrp" IsChecked="{Binding TheValue, Converter={StaticResource EnumRadioConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static model:AnEnum.Second}}">Second</RadioButton>
<RadioButton GroupName="MyGrp" IsChecked="{Binding TheValue, Converter={StaticResource EnumRadioConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static model:AnEnum.Third}}">Third</RadioButton>

View Locator

The 'ViewLocator' class will automatically find the view for your view model without any mapping (if your view model ends with "ViewModel" your view has the same name but ends with "View" and they are both in the same assembly)

When you call 'ViewLocator.RegisterViews' it will had a data template for each View/ViewModel pair it can find in the passed assembly to a resource collection (that should be your app's Resources property)


public partial class App : Application
    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
        ViewLocator.RegisterViews(Resources, typeof(App).Assembly);

Notify Property Changed

I don't know a way to get rid of all the boiler plate of INotifyPropertyChanged but I can write the OnPropertyChanged method - and, in the spirit of MvvmMonkey, you don't need to change you class heirarcy to use it

private object _child;
public object Child
    get { return _child; }
            _child = value;
            PropertyChange.Notify(this, PropertyChanged);


private bool _enabled = true;
public bool Enabled
    get { return _enabled; }
    set { PropertyChange.Set(this, ref _enabled, value, PropertyChanged); }

Window Manager

One of the most anoying thing bout MVVM is that there isn't really a good way to open and close windows.

Either you break the View-View-Model seperation, hurt the system testebility or use an overkill messaging system.

The WindowManager addresses all of that, it has an interface like a simple light-weight system that doesn't really support testing but has a replacable implementation so it cn suport anything.

By default WindowManager uses ViewLocator to show the view inside the window

To open a view model in another window:

WindowManager.OpenDialog(new WindowManagerChildViewModel());                


WindowManager.OpenNonModal(new WindowManagerChildViewModel());

To close:


To replace the windows manager code for unit testing or diffrent windowing strategy:



MvvmMonkey is copyrighted by Nir Dobovizki, it uses the MIT license.

If you use this library I would love to know about it (but you are not required to tell me), also for any questions or suggestions you can contact me at


a low-overhead library that take a little bit of the boiler-plate (and pain) out of MVVM







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