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LZMA in a Browser

LZMA-JS is a JavaScript implementation of the Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain (LZMA) compression algorithm. The JavaScript, CSS, and HTML is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

It is based on gwt-lzma, which is a port of the LZMA SDK from Java into JavaScript. The original Java code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 license.


There's a fundraiser going on at BountySource. Help get bugs fixed and features added!


Live demos can be found here.

How to Use

First, load the bootstrapping code.

/// In a browser:
<script src="../src/lzma.js"></script>

/// In node:
var LZMA = require("../src/lzma.js").LZMA;

Create the LZMA object.

/// LZMA([optional path])
/// If lzma_worker.js is in the same directory, you don't need to set the path.
/// You should be able to do the first two steps simultaneously in Node.js: var my_lzma = require("../src/lzma.js").LZMA();
var my_lzma = new LZMA("../src/lzma_worker.js");

(De)Compress stuff.

/// To compress:
///NOTE: mode can be 1-9 (1 is fast but not as good; 9 will probably make your browser crash).
my_lzma.compress(string, mode, on_finish(result) {}, on_progress(percent) {});

/// To decompress:
my_lzma.decompress(byte_array, on_finish(result) {}, on_progress(percent) {});

Node.js Installation

LZMA-JS is available in the npm repository. If you have npm installed, you can install it by running

$ npm install lzma

and load it with the following code:

var my_lzma = require("lzma").LZMA();


The calls to compress() and decompress() are asynchronous, so you need to supply a callback function if you want to use the (de)compressed data.

If the decompression progress is unable to be calculated, the on_progress() function will be triggered once with the value -1.

LZMA-JS will use web workers if they are available. If the environment does not support web workers, it will create a few global functions (Worker(), onmessage(), and postMessage()) to mimic the functionality.

But I don't want to use Web Workers

If you'd prefer not to bother with Web Workers, you can just include lzma_worker.js directly. For example:

<script src="../src/lzma_worker.js"></script>

That will create a global LZMA object that you can use directly. Like this:

LZMA.compress(string, mode, on_finish(result) {}, on_progress(percent) {});

LZMA.decompress(byte_array, on_finish(result) {}, on_progress(percent) {});

Note that this LZMA variable is an object, not a function.

This can also be done in Node.js.

/// Note that there are no parentheses after ".LZMA" because this LZMA variable is an object, not a function.
var my_lzma = require("lzma/lzma_worker.js").LZMA;