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noahhendrix committed Feb 10, 2012
0 parents commit 9fa7f37
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#lang racket

(require data/heap)

(define GOAL
(list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0))
(list 0 0) (list 0 1) (list 0 2)
(list 1 0) (list 1 1) (list 1 2)
(list 2 0) (list 2 1) (list 2 2)))

(define (index->coordinates index)
(list-ref COORDINATES index))
(define (coordinates->index coordinates)
(+ (* 3 (first coordinates)) (second coordinates)))
(define (index->number state index)
(list-ref state index))
(define (coordinates->number state coordinates)
(index->number state (coordinates->index coordinates)))

(define (number->index state number)
(- (length state) (length (memv number state))))
(define (number->coordinates state number)
(index->coordinates (number->index state number)))

(define (valid-coordinates? coordinates-and-action)
(list? (member (first coordinates-and-action) COORDINATES)))

(define (coordinates-for-valid-swap-with coordinates)
(filter valid-coordinates?
(list (list (- (first coordinates) 1) (second coordinates)) 'up)
(list (list (+ (first coordinates) 1) (second coordinates)) 'down)
(list (list (first coordinates) (- (second coordinates) 1)) 'left)
(list (list (first coordinates) (+ (second coordinates) 1)) 'right))))

(define (calculate-manhattan-distance key x y)
(+ (abs (- (first (list-ref COORDINATES (- key 1))) x))
(abs (- (second (list-ref COORDINATES (- key 1))) y))))

(struct vertex (state action previous g h))

(define (make-vertex state-and-action previous-vertex)
(vertex (first state-and-action)
(second state-and-action)
(if (eq? 'none previous-vertex)
(+ 1 (vertex-g previous-vertex)))
(calculate-h (first state-and-action))))

(define (vertex-<= v1 v2)
(<= (vertex-f v1) (vertex-f v2)))

(define (vertex-f v)
(+ (vertex-g v) (vertex-h v)))

(define (print-solution last-vertex)
(printf "Solved in ~a moves\n" (vertex-g last-vertex))
(print-vertex last-vertex))

(define (print-vertex vertex)
[(not (eq? 'none vertex))
(print-vertex (vertex-previous vertex))
(printf "\t move ~a to get ~a\n" (vertex-action vertex) (vertex-state vertex))]))

(define (vertex-parent-state vertex)
(if (vertex? (vertex-previous vertex))
(vertex-state (vertex-previous vertex))

(define (calculate-h state)
(apply + (flatten
(map (lambda (i)
(map (lambda (j)
(if (eqv? 0 (list-ref state (coordinates->index (list i j)))) ;fix
(calculate-manhattan-distance (list-ref state (coordinates->index (list i j))) i j)))
(list 0 1 2)))
(list 0 1 2)))))

(define (obtainable-states state)
(map (lambda (target-and-action)
(swap-tile state 0 (coordinates->number state (first target-and-action)))
(second target-and-action)))
(coordinates-for-valid-swap-with (number->coordinates state 0))))

(define (goal? state)
(equal? GOAL state))

(define (swap-tile state source target)
(map (lambda (number)
[(= number source) target]
[(= number target) source]
[else number]))

;a* graph search algorithm
(define (EXPAND vertex)
(lambda (next-state-and-action) (make-vertex next-state-and-action vertex))
(vertex-parent-state vertex)
(obtainable-states (vertex-state vertex))
(lambda (grandparent-state state-and-action) (equal? grandparent-state (first state-and-action))) )))

(define (SOLVE puzzle)
;normalize puzzle to our concept
(set! puzzle (flatten puzzle))

;setup OPEN heap and CLOSED hash table
(define OPEN (make-heap (lambda (v1 v2) (vertex-<= v1 v2))))
(define CLOSED (make-immutable-hash))

;insert initial state into OPEN
(heap-add! OPEN (make-vertex (list puzzle 'initial) 'none))

(define (loop)
[(empty? OPEN) (error "fail")]
(define x (heap-min OPEN))
(heap-remove-min! OPEN)

((goal? (vertex-state x)) x)
(hash-set CLOSED (vertex-state x) x)
(lambda (y)
(hash-ref CLOSED (vertex-state y) (lambda () (heap-add! OPEN y))))
(print-solution (loop)))

;5. test examples
(printf "5. Test Examples \n")

(SOLVE (list 6 4 2 1 5 3 7 0 8))
(SOLVE (list 6 4 2 8 5 3 1 0 7))
(SOLVE (list 6 4 7 8 5 0 3 2 1))
(SOLVE (list 8 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1))

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