This is a Visual Studio extension to generate an entity relation schema for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO) using Database Markup Language (DBML)
The extension allows you to modify the generated schema by
- Adding / Removing individual tables
- Adding all tables that have an inbound relation to the selected table
- Adding all tables that have an outbound relation from the selected table
- Adding all related tables for all tables in the list
- Ignoring staging tables
- Ignoring self references
- Reducing the complexity of the schema by only including key fields
See this blog for further details and example usage.
You can use a tool such as to render the resulting DBML.
The extension is accessible from the Generate entity relation schema menu from the Dynamics 365 Addins menu or from the table designer.
Download the Waywo.DbSchema.Addin.dll from Releases. Unblock the .dll once downloaded (right click and view properties in file explorer.)
In your Documents\Visual Studio Dynamics 365 folder there is a DynamicsDevConfig.xml XML file. like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DynamicsDevConfig xmlns:i=""
<AddInPaths xmlns:d2p1="">
Copy the Waywo.DBSchema.AddIn.dll to the AddInPath folder (create the folder or change the path as necessary) and then restart Visual Studio.