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things.el is not ready for usage as a library by other packages; the public API is still evolving as I implement more things. I will likely start using it in my own packages (e.g. lispyville, sentence-navigation, etc.) before a stable 1.0 release. Before this release, there will likely be many breaking changes, and the package may not have complete automated tests. While things.el is useable for demonstration purposes at this point, I am still very much expirementing with the best way to acheive the goals listed here.

That said, you can start using the specification provided here to help you implement things even without things.el today. The instructions here can help you consider important edge cases and easily switch to using things.el in the future.


things.el Summary

The goal of this package is to provide a library that makes implementing things/text objects as simple as possible (and with no dependence on evil). It is built on top of thingatpt. The idea is that Emacs’ builtin thingatpt is a great way to implement things/text objects but could be improved by providing a larger, precise specification for how to implement things that considers additional functionality such as seeking as well as edges cases (especially with regards to nestable things).

With this package, it should be much easier and in some cases trivial to define new things/text objects. The idea is that you implement a minimal set of required functions to describe how your thing should behave, and then things.el does the rest of the work such as handling counts, seeking, remote selection with avy, etc.

things.el also tries to group together similar types of things (such as things delimited by pairs of start and end characters) and provide definers for them that implement all required functions for you without any work or knowledge of the specification required.

The hope is to provide support for enough things and types of things out of the box, so that mass adoption is not first required for the library to be useful.

Thing Functionality

This library allows creating things with extra functionality including:

  • composite things (e.g. a paren, bracket, or curly brace thing)
  • nestable things
  • seeking when no thing at point (or with count)
  • getting next/previous thing (with optional count)
  • getting thing bounds with overlays (optional dependency on avy)
  • bounds/region extension/expansion
  • arbitrary bounds adjustment (e.g. to get the bounds of an “inner list”)
  • constraints; for example require a thing to be inside another thing; this is used to implement arguments (e.g. a comma separator constrained to a paren)
  • (forward|backward)-<optional adjustment>-<thing>-(begin|end) motion generation

Motion function generation and region expansion are incidental features. I do not personally use region expansion and recommend using precise things/text objects instead. With remote text objects, you can use avy to precisely select a thing without having to calculate a count. As for motions, the main focus is on text objects, but since the functions required to implement text objects can also be used to implement motions, it makes sense to provide support for creating both text objects and motions.

Comparison to Evil

My prior package targets.el is a mess in large part due to being built on top of evil. Evil builds upon thingatpt as well, but not in a way that is very suitable for use as a library for implementing text objects. For this reason, I decided to rewrite targets using thingatpt only.

For example, evil implements seeking and growing in non-reusable and incompatible ways for different types of text objects (e.g. see evil-select-an-object, evil-select-block, evil-select-quote-thing, etc.). Evil also falls back to seeking inside its text object selection functions, meaning that extra checks are required to determine whether there is a valid text object at the point or if evil had to search to find one. things.el instead segragates and composes different functionality including seeking, making it more suitable for generic usage as a library. Trying to support composite text objects was also a challenge in targets.el. targets.el has separate functions for defining composite text objects, and they don’t behave quite correctly in many circumstances. things.el has first-class support for handling composite things and handles them even in its lower level functions, making it much easier to support sane behavior.

The other primary problem I had trying to build targets.el on top of evil is the lack of a consistent interface (i.e. no single select function). targets.el has 4 different types of things: pair, separator, quote, and object. This is because I had to wrap 4+ different evil-select-... functions. Really, I just wanted to use object. things.el has a single “select” function (things-bounds) that works for anything. Again, the concept of “pairs” and “separators” is instead supported at a separate, higher level.

Finally, text objects are useful regardless of the keybinding system and should not require evil.

Use as a Library

This section provides information on the functions things.el provides for existing things. For information on implementing new things, see Implementing New Things and Definers. things.el provides helpers to automatically implement some groups of things (e.g. pairs like ( and ) or { and }); for more information, see Thing Definers.

Naming Conventions

First note that any function marked with -- is internal and not guaranteed to stay the same. You should only rely on the public API documented here (and only after a =1.0= release). If you would like to use an internal function, feel free to make an issue suggesting it become part of the library.

bound, bounds, and thing/bounds are common argument names. bound corresponds to a single position (e.g. a one-sided bound for a search). bounds corresponds to a two-sided boundary. This is representend using a cons in the form (beg . end) and normally corresponds to the positions that bound a thing. thing/bounds is a combination of a thing and bounds. It is currently represented cons in the form (thing . bounds) that denotes the name of the thing the bounds are for.

Mark and Point Notation

For examples used here, ~ corresponds to the mark, and | corresponds to the point. In this example, the text “bar” is marked:

foo ~bar| baz

If you are an evil user, note that the point is used in examples as if in emacs or insert state. | would be the end of the block cursor in normal state. For example, the result of the default vi( would be written like this:


Compatibility Layer

Things uses thingatpt.el functions sparingly (in the future, it might not need to directly depend on thingatpt.el at all) and only through these wrappers:

  • things-base-bounds - things.el version of bounds-of-thing-at-point
  • things-forward - things.el version of forward-thing

See their docstrings for more information. For now these are labeled as public, but they may become internal in the future since they do not support the full set of things.el features (e.g. composite things).

Full-Featured Functions

All of these functions support a list of things (as an alternative to a single thing) as an argument and support thing alterations (more details in Composite Things and Alterations).

Seeking and Bounds

  • things-seek (and things-seek-forward and things-seek-backward) - seek to the next/previous thing with a count
  • things-bounds - get the bounds of a thing at the point
  • things-growing-bounds - get the bounds of a thing and/or grow it with count if possible
  • things-seeking-bounds - get the bounds of the next or previous thing if no thing at point
  • things-(next|previous)-bounds - go to next/previous thing a given number of times
  • things-growing-or-seeking-bounds - get/grow the thing at point a given number of times or seek to next or previous thing once
  • things-remote-bounds - get the bounds of a thing in the window selected with avy

See their docstrings for more information. The main two functions provided are things-bounds and things-seek. The other function are just built on top of them.


Not yet implemented

  • things-beginning - move to the beginning of the current thing
  • things-end - move to the end of the current thing

things-forward-end, things-forward-begin, etc. will just be simple functions built on top of the seeking/bounds functions.

Composite Things

things.el functions allow specifying multiple things instead of one. This allows the creation of things like the anyblock packages had. For example, to get the bounds of a paren, square bracket, or curly brace thing, you could do this:

(things-define-pair 'things-paren "(" ")")
(things-bounds '(things-paren things-bracket things-brace))

This also allows for expand-region functionality (though remote selection is recommended instead).

For best results, no two distinct things in a composite thing should be able to overlap or to start or end at the same point (feel free to make an issue if you think there could be a reasonable use case for this).


Once a thing is implemented, it is possible specify additional alterations that will affect its behavior. An unaltered thing is specified with just a symbol 'thing-name. An altered thing is specified as '(thing-name :keyword value ...).


Adjustments are used to alter the bounds of a thing by, for example, including or excluding whitespace. The adjustments available depend on the specific thing, and things.el supports adding adjustments of any name. The types of adjustments that things.el recognizes by default are as follows:

  • inner
  • a
  • inside
  • around
  • linewise

Here is an example call using an inner thing:

(things-bounds '(things-string :adjustment inner))

linewise just extends the bounds to start at the beginning of a line and end at the end of a line. inner and a will be familiar to vim/evil users (and inside and around to targets.vim users). While the behavior of inner and a depends on the thing, inside and around always involve excluding or including whitespace respectively. An inside thing is an inner thing excluding whitespace on both sides. An around thing is an a thing including whitespace either on the right (preferred) or on the left if no whitespace on the right.

To illustrate, consider a thing delimited by { and }:

;; "a" thing or no adjustment
{ foo: ~{ bar: "baz" }| }

;; "around" thing
{ foo: ~{ bar: "baz" } |}

;; "inner" thing (exclude delimiting characters)
{ foo: {~ bar: "baz" |} }

;; "inside" thing (also exclude whitespace)
{ foo: { ~bar: "baz"| } }

Here’s a practical example use case for inside:

# "inner" docstring
def foo():
    This is a docstring.

# "inside" docstring; depending on the thing, it could make sense to just have
# this behavior as the default "inner"; adjustment behavior is customizable and
# these names are just conventions
def foo():
    ~This is a docstring.|

For things that don’t have surrounding delimiters, there would generally be no difference between inner and inside or a and around:

;; "inner" or "inside" or no adjustment specified
~foo| bar

;; "a" or "around"
~foo |bar

For information on implementing your own adjustments see Defining Adjustments.



Constraints allow adding smarter behavior on top of existing things. Here are some example use cases:

  • ensure that if a paren thing starts in a string or comment, it must end in that same thing (handles unmatched parens in strings and comments)
  • ensure that if a paren thing does not start in a string or comment, it cannot end in a string or comment (handles unmatched parens in strings and comments)
  • require that a comma separator thing be inside a paren thing (makes an argument thing)
  • prevent escaped parens from being considered part of a paren thing

The current constraint keywords available are as follows (NOTE: naming is likely to change to become more intuitive):

  • :constraint
  • :optional-constraint
  • :ignore
  • :predicate


:constraint requires the main thing to appear in another thing. For example, '(things-paren :constraint things-aggregated-comment) would only consider a paren thing valid if it appeared in a comment. This works using narrowing.


With :optional-constraint, it is fine for the main thing to not appear in the constraint thing. However, if the point is inside the constraint thing, things.el will first narrow to the constraining thing and try to get the bounds of the main thing. If this fails, it will try again without narrowing. This is mainly useful in combination with :ignore (see below for an example).


:ignore is used to ignore things that the point is not in. For example, '(things-paren :ignore things-string) would ignore the contents of strings. This works running the underlying operations in a buffer that has strings removed where necessary. This is mainly useful in combination with :constraint or :optional-constraint (see below for an example).


Not yet implemented

:predicate just calls a function given the bounds and returns non-nil if the bounds should be considered valid.

Combining Constraints

Often :optional-constraint or :constraint will be used together with :ignore. This is used to ensure that the bounds of the main thing are entirely inside the constraint thing(s) or entirely outside of the constraint thing(s).

For example, if the point is inside a string with an unmatched paren, things-bounds will ignore the unmatched paren in the string instead of attempting to match it with a paren outside of the string:

;; with
(foo "(|" 1)
;; or with
(foo "("| 1)
;; calling
(things-bounds '(things-paren :optional-constraint things-string
                              :ignore things-string))
;; returns the bounds of (foo ...)

Builtin Things

  • things-aggregated-comment - comment thing that will include all adjacent, aligned line comments or a block comment
  • things-string - string thing
  • things-line - line thing
  • things-function - function or top level form thing

Thing Definers

Thing definers are useful for easily implementing things without needing to know the details of how things.el works. Below are the current groups of things that have definers.


See things-define-pair. A pair thing corresponds to an opening and closing delimiter (e.g. ( and )).


  • delimiters must be different
  • pairs are nestable
  • with a count, will first try to grow to surrounding pair and seek on failure
  • default seeking behavior is to go to next the next opening delimiter

Currently only single character delimiters are supported, but regexp delimiters will be supported in the future.


Not yet implemented.

See things-define-quote. A quote thing corresponds to text inside a single delimiter (e.g. ").


  • non-nestable
  • with count will always seek (never grow)
  • even though the delimiters are the same, there is an inside and outside (i.e. a start " is paired with an end ")

Unlike a separator, which can be both an opening and closing delimiter, a quote is one or the other. The first quote in a buffer will be an opening delimiter, and the second will be a closing delimiter. Because matching is required, this is much less efficient than a separator thing; I have not yet tested to see how viable a regexp quote will be (it may only be fast enough with constraints).

In this case, non-nestable means that you normally cannot nest the same type of quote inside itself. It is still possible to nest different types of quotes inside of each other. Also note that with constraints (e.g. '), it is possible to support nested quotes, for example, in subshells

"$(foo "$bar")"
# (things-bounds '(things-quote :optional-constraint things-paren :ignore things-paren)) gives
~"$(foo "$bar")"|
# not
~"$(foo "|$bar")"


See things-define-separator. A separator thing corresponds to text inside a single delimiter (e.g. ,) and optionally the buffer beginning or end.


  • non-nestable
  • with count will try to grow before seeking
  • each separator can be the start or end of the region of text


Argument things do not have a definer. Instead, they can be implemented on top of separator and pair things using Constraints.

Text Properties

Not yet implemented.


Not yet implemented

A before or after thing corresponds to text before or after some regexp up to some boundary (usually the beginning or end of the line).

Implementing New Things and Definers

Disclaimer: The specific details of this section are subject to change.

What is a Thing?

Things are regions of text in a buffer (e.g. a word, sentence, paragraph, function, string, etc.). Things are implemented by defining required operations and associating them with a symbol (e.g. (put 'my-string 'forward-op #'my-forward-string); in the future there will be a things-define wrapper).

Thing names should be symbols (excluding keywords, which are used for alterations instead). Things cannot overlap on a single side (i.e. the new thing cannot both start before and end after the end of the old thing), but they can be nestable (i.e. the new thing can appear entirely inside the old thing).

Why Thingatpt

I’ve used thingatpt.el as a starting point not just because it is builtin but also because I think it is a great, generic base for describing text objects/things.

At the heart of thingatpt is forward-op (discussed in detail later). The behavior of forward-op is normally to either move to the next end of a thing or to the previous beginning of a thing. This behavior may seem strange at first, especially if you are coming from vim where motions normally move either to the beginning of something in both directions or to the end of something in both directions. However, the behavior makes perfect sense for defining text objects. “forward end” and “backward begin” go to the boundary points of a thing.

While it may or may not be an intentional part of the design of thingatpt, it turns out that these are usually the two easier motions to implement as well because you generally don’t have to worry about whether the point is at the beginning or end of a thing already. For example, to write a motion to go to the next paren beginning, you couldn’t just do (when (re-search-forward "(") (goto-char (match-beginning 0))) because it would stay at a ( and cause an infinite loop. You’d have to do something like (when (looking-at "(") (goto-char (match-end 0))) first. On the other hand, for a motion that goes to the previous paren beginning, you can continuously call (re-search-backward "(") without issues. Furthermore, it is possible to automatically generate these potentially harder to implement motions using the easier ones, and things.el allows you to do this where possible.

The primary downside of thingatpt is that it is basic and not robust enough. For example, builtin Emacs forward-<something> motions do not always have consistent behavior, and thingatpt does not provide any documentation for how its various operations should behave (e.g. whether they should move the point on failure, what they should return, etc.).

The following specification is meant to address these issues by describing exactly how to implement the operations necessary to define a thing. things.el additionally addresses various edge cases (especially for nestable things), provides various helpers for thing definition, and provides various extra functionality automatically (e.g. seeking, thing collection, adjustments, constraints, extra motions, thing definers, etc.) after the minimal set of operations necessary to define a thing are implemented.

Implementable Operations and thingatpt Basics

Here is an overview of the implementable operations. When actually implementing thing, it is recommended to use this as references when reading Implementing a Thing.


Implementing a thing requires implementing at least forward-op. Not all operations are required. The process of picking the necessary operations and then defining them is discussed in detail later (see Implementing a Thing).

Here is the list of the basic thingatpt operations (also used by things.el):

  • forward-op (required)
  • beginning-op
  • end-op
  • bounds-of-thing-at-point
  • thing-at-point

things.el additionally adds these operations:

  • things-inside
  • things-no-extend
  • things-seek-op
  • things-seeks-forward-begin
  • things-seeks-backward-end
  • things-overlay-position
  • things-get-<adjustment>

things.el also allows for any number of adjustments. Adjustment operations are named things-get-<adjustment> (e.g. things-get-a, things-get-inner, etc.).

things-inside is special and is the only required adjustment. It can be the same as things-get-inner or things-get-inside and is used, for example, by constraints to determine if the point is inside a thing.

thingatpt.el Basics

thingatpt and things use symbol properties to store/obtain these functions:

(put 'thing-name '<op> #'thing-name-<op>)

;; specific example
(put 'my-sentence 'forward-op #'my-sentence-forward)

;; for 'forward-op specifically, `forward-thing' will alternatively call
;; `forward-<thing-name>' if it exists; this should work but using 'forward-op
;; instead is recommended
(defun forward-my-sentence ...)

thingatpt in turn uses these functions to provide the following:

  • forward-thing
    • with a positive count, move to the nth next thing end
    • with a negative count, move to the nth previous thing beginning
    • no guaranteed return value (may return nil on success)
  • beginning-of-thing
    • move to the beginning of the current thing
    • returns the beginning position on success; errors on failure (can use ignore-errors to get nil instead)
  • end-of-thing
    • move to the end of the current thing
    • returns the end position on success; errors on failure
  • bounds-of-thing-at-point - return the bounds of the current thing or errors if no thing at point
  • thing-at-point - return the text corresponding to the current thing or nil if no thing at point

This is just for reference. When using things.el, you should always use things-<...> functions (see Use as a Library). One major difference is that things.el functions do not error. Motion functions return a position or nil.


Arguments: count


  • with a positive count, move to the nth next thing end
  • with a negative count, move to the nth previous thing beginning
  • don’t move the point on failure (i.e. there are no (more) things to move to)

The “next thing end” means either the end of the current thing or the end of the next thing if the point is already at the end of the current thing. The same applies to the “previous thing beginning.”

Some builtin forward-<thing> functions will actually do something else on failure like move to (point-min) or (point-max). things-forward will automatically prevent movement on failure by ensuring that forward-thing moves the point to a valid boundary position (using bounds-of-thing-at-point). When implementing new things, you should follow the convention of doing nothing on failure, but builtin forward-<thing> functions should still be useable with things.el.

Return value: doesn’t matter; the recommended convention is to return the point on success or nil on failure

Behavior for Nestable Things

Currently it is fine to keep the same behavior and ignore nesting. See =forward-op= and Nestable Things for more information.


Arguments: none


  • move to the beginning of the current thing
  • if no thing at point, do nothing instead

Return value: doesn’t matter; the recommended convention is to return the point on success or nil on failure


Arguments: none


  • move to the end of the current thing
  • if no thing at point, do nothing instead

Return value: doesn’t matter; the recommended convention is to return the point on success or nil on failure


Arguments: none

Return value: the bounds of the current thing as a cons in the form (beg . end) or nil if there is no thing at the point


This is the same as bounds-of-thing-at-point except that you can use the default bounds-of-thing-at-point implementation inside of it. For example, this is useful if the bounds returned by bounds-of-thing-at-point for a thing are usually correct but you need to additionally check an edge case, for example:

(defun my-<thing>-bounds ()
  (let ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point )))
    (when (and bounds (my-extra-check bounds))

(put 'things-bounds-of-thing-at-point 'my-<thing> #'my-<thing>-bounds)


Arguments: none

Return value: a string corresponding to the current thing or nil if there is no thing at the point

This operation is unnecessary to implement unless you need to do extra work to process the text for a thing. For example, the default url thing will add schemes (e.g. http://) to urls.


Arguments: thing count

Behavior: Seek to the next or previous thing count times. If there are no more things in the buffer, do nothing.

Return value: The new position if able to move at least once or nil

Note that this does not need to be guaranteed to move to a correct position. Things will check if the bounds actually change to determine how many times to call the seek function.


This is a boolean (not a function). Specify this as non-nil if the seeking function will move to the beginning of a thing in the forward direction (instead of to the end like forward-op).


This is a boolean (not a function). Specify this as non-nil if the seeking function will move to the end of a thing in the backward direction (instead of to the beginning like forward-op).


Arguments: None

Return value: the position to display an avy overlay at for the current thing or nil if no thing at the point

This is used to determine where to put avy overlays at for remote things. It can move the point, but only the return value matters. If this operation is not implemented, avy overlays will be displayed at the beginning of each thing.


Arguments: thing/bounds

Return value: An adjusted thing/bounds

See Adjustments for more information.


Arguments: thing/bounds

Return value: An adjusted thing/bounds

This is a special adjustment function that is to determine whether the point is “inside” a thing. This is used for constraints to determine when to using narrowing. Here’s an example to show why the full bounds can’t always be used:

;; the point is on a string but is not inside it

;; can't just always exclude a single character; here the point is still not
;; inside the thing (a docstring)


Not implemented yet.

Helpers for Implementing a Thing

  • things-return-point-if-changed
  • things-move-with-count
  • things-move-while-not


Implementing a Thing


The first step for creating a thing is to define the operations necessary to get the bounds of a thing at the point. To do this, you can implement forward-op, beginning-op and end-op, bounds-of-thing-at-point, or things-bounds-of-thing-at-point (in increasing order of priority; i.e. if things-bounds-of-thing-at-point is defined, it will be used instead of the other operations).

beginning-op, end-op, bounds-of-thing-at-point, and things-bounds-of-thing-at-point are only used for getting the bounds of a thing. forward-op is additionally used for seeking (unless things-seek-op is defined for the thing) and for motions (i.e. anything using things-forward).

Generally, it will be enough to just implement forward-op. In some cases, it may be simpler to separately implement end-op and begin-op or just (things-)bounds-of-thing-at-point since these do not need to need to handle moving between things (i.e. they just return nil if there is no thing at the point).

You can of course build forward-op on top of smaller functions (e.g. the equivalent of one of the other bounds operations). My recommendation would be to stick to forward-op and additionally implement things-bounds-of-thing-at-point if extra validation is required (see =things-bounds-of-thing-at-point= for more details).

Using forward-op for Bounds

Note that there is no backward-op; forward-op is used for backward movement as well when it is given a negative count. With a positive count, it should move to the next thing end (which can be the end of the current thing or the end of the next thing if the point is already at the end of the current thing) that number of times. With negative count, it should move to the previous thing beginning (which can be the beginning of the current or previous thing) that number of times.

More Details on forward-op

This section isn’t strictly necessary to understand how to write a forward-op function, but it may make it more clear how thing-at-point uses forward-op to obtain the bounds of a thing.

To summarize how thingatpt finds the bounds of the current thing using only forward-op, it will first call (forward-thing 1) and then (forward-thing -1) to attempt to find the beginning of the current thing. After that, it will call (forward-thing 1) again to get the end. If that method fails, it will then try (forward-thing -1) followed by (forward-thing 1) to get the end (and then (forward-thing -1) again to get the beginning). This procedure may not immediately make sense, so to briefly illustrate why this method is necessary, consider the following examples.

In the following case, (forward-thing sentence 1) will correctly go to the end of the sentence, and (forward-thing 'sentence -1) will correctly go to the beginning of the current sentence:

In sente|nce middle.

However, if the point is already at the sentence end, for example, (forward-thing 'sentence 1) will move to the end of the next sentence:

At sentence end.| Next sentence. Next sentence.
;; after (forward-thing 'sentence 1)
At sentence end. Next sentence.| Next sentence.

thingatpt can detect this failure by then running (forard-thing 'sentence -1):

At sentence end. |Next sentence. Next sentence.
;; point is after original position: failure

If the original (forward-thing 'sentence 1) had moved to the end of the current sentence, (forward-thing 'sentence -1) would have moved the point to the beginning of the current sentence, which has to either be before original position or the original position itself. Since the point is after the original position, we know this method failed and moved to the next sentence instead. However, thingatpt can then use (forward-thing 'sentence -1) instead to reliably move to the beginning of the current sentence. There are extra checks to handle some edge cases (e.g. the second method actually calls (forward-thing -1), (forward-thing 1), and then (forward-thing -1)), but these are the basic steps used to get the bounds of a thing; if you want to learn more, I’d recommend looking at bounds-of-thing-at-point directly as it is only around 50 LOC.

Using beginning-op and end-op or (things-)bounds-of-thing-at-point for Bounds

When beginning-op and end-op are implemented for a thing, thingatpt will use them instead of forward-op to move to the beginning and end of the current thing in order to get its bounds. Alternatively, if (things-)bounds-of-thing-at-point exists, it will be used directly to obtain the thing bounds. Note that things-beginning and things-end call things-bounds to get and move to a thing’s beginning or end (the same is true for the builtin beginning-of-thing and end-of-thing), so you do not need to explicitly define beginning-op or end-op if you’ve already implemented/defined bounds-of-thing-at-point.

For example, this is how the builtin buffer thing is implemented:

(put 'buffer 'end-op (lambda () (goto-char (point-max))))
(put 'buffer 'beginning-op (lambda () (goto-char (point-min))))

Alternatively, it could be implemented like this:

(defun my-buffer-bounds ()
  (cons (point-min) (point-max)))
(put 'buffer 'bounds-of-thing-at-point #'my-buffer-bounds)

Rules for Handling Bounds Ambiguity

Behavior at the End of a Thing

The behavior of builtin things is inconsistent. Consider the following examples:

;; with
foo| bar
;; (thing-at-point 'word) is "foo"

;; similarly, with
;; (thing-at-point 'sexp) is "(foo)"

;; on the other hand, with
;; (thing-at-point 'list) is nil

It should be preferred to always return the bounds at the end of a thing when there are no other things at the point.

Bordering Non-Nestable Things

When the point on the border of two things, prefer the thing that the point starts at. For example, here the bounds of "bar" should be returned for a quote thing:

Bordering Nestable Things

Like with non-nestable things, always prefer a thing that starts at the point. The behavior things.el adopts is similar to that of the builtin list thing (except to also return a list’s bounds at its end). Below are some examples of the expected behavior.

Return foo list bounds:


Return foo list bounds:

(progn |(foo))

Return bar list bounds:

(progn (foo)|(bar))

If at the end of thing, use the bounds for that thing only at the top-level. Return foo list bounds:


Return progn list bounds:

(progn (foo)|)

Return progn list bounds:

(progn (foo)| (bar))

forward-op and Nestable Things

The behavior forward-op should have for non-nestable things is very clear, but how it should behave for nestable things can be confusing. The builtin forward-list will go to the next list end or previous list beginning at the same nesting depth. This means that it is not suitable for determining the bounds of the current list because it will fail to go to the end of it from inside it. Because it can’t exit nesting, it is also not suitable for seeking or collecting things.

Because of this, it is recommended to implement the other operations for getting the bounds of nestable things instead of forward-op. There is not currently any behavior required by things.el for forward-op for a nestable thing.

You could copy the behavior of forward-list if you wanted, but this would be comparatively difficult to implement and could be done more easily with constraints (which could be used to restrict movement to the curernt nesting level). Arguably, forward-list isn’t particularly useful interactively since it will often do nothing.

Another alternative would be to implement forward-op like a combination of forward-list, up-list, and backward-up-list, so that it could actually be used to get the bounds of a thing. However, this would also make a potentially confusing motion, and motions like up-list and backward-up-list could also be generated automatically. You may need to implement helpers like up-list, but it is recommended to use them in begin-op and end-op or in (things-)bounds-of-thing-at-point instead.

My recommendation is to implement forward-op the same way as for non-nestable things. It should go to the next thing end or previous thing beginning ignoring nesting. This is comparably simple to understand and easy to implement. Note that if bounds-of-thing-at-point and things-seek-op are both implemented, forward-op is only used for motions (i.e. things-forward and the things-forward-(begin|end) functions). By implementing forward-op the same as for non-nestable things, things-forward-(begin|end) will continue to work as expected.

If you think another behavior would be ideal, please make an issue.


Seeking is used by things-seek, things-next-bounds, things-previous-bounds, and things-remote-bounds. For non-nestable things, forward-op is also used for seeking, and implementing things-seek-op is unnecessary. things-seek-op exists for nestable things because forward-op is not suitable for seeking. To illustrate why that is, here are some possible behaviors for thing-seek-op:

  1. Go to the next thing beginning with a positive count or to the previous thing beginning with a negative count (things-overlay-position unnecessary)
  2. Go to the next thing beginning or end with a positive count or to the previous thing beginning or end with a positive count (things-overlay-position required to consistently display the overlay at the start)
  3. Go to the next thing beginning with a positive count or to the previous thing end with a negative count (opposite of forward-op; probably just as undesirable since it will be impossible to have next/previous text objects work on things that start before the point or end after the point)
  4. Go to the next thing end with a positive count or to the previous thing beginning with a negative count. This is also not ideal when you consider the effect on next/previous text objects.

With 1, seeking will have this behavior:

(foo (bar (|baz)) (qux))
;; dinl (evil keys)
(foo (bar (|baz)) ())

With 2, dinl will delete the next list, even if it started before the point:

(foo (bar (|baz)) (qux))
;; dinl (evil keys)
(foo (|) (qux))

things.el does not currently standardize how seeking should behave for nestable things. For now, I recommend the first behavior since it consistently acts on openining delimiters and is easy to implement.

If your things-seek-op moves forward to the beginning of a thing (as suggested), you will need to set seeks-forward-begin to non-nil for that thing. If it moves backward to the end of a thing, you will need to set seeks-backward-end to non-nil.

things-overlay-position is used when collecting text object locations during remote selection to obtain the positions to put overlays at for each thing. For example, if things-seek-op sometimes or always moves the point to a thing end, and you only want avy overlays to appear on thing beginnings, you could implement things-overlay-position like this:

(defun my-thing-overlay-position ()
  (beginning-of-thing 'my-thing))

(put 'my-thing 'things-overlay-position #'my-thing-overlay-position)

By default, things will use the current thing beginning as the overlay position, so you do not actually need to implement things-overlay-position unless you want overlays to sometimes or always be at the end of a thing (or some other position).

Also note that remote selection will automatically sort the collected positions, so it doesn’t matter if the overlay positions are not found in order.

Defining Adjustments

It is required to implement things-inside for constraints. Implementing things-get-<adjustment> is necessary for that adjustment to be supported. The adjustments that things.el has default implementations for are inner, a, inside, around, and linewise. linewise just expands bounds to encompass full lines and does not need to be reimplemented. a and around will grow the bounds by whitespace on the right or on the left (preferably on the right). The default for inner is to use the bounds as they are. inside will use the inner adjustment and then shrink by whitespace on both sides.

The default behavior of a, around, and inner is suitable for things like words that don’t have surrounding delimiters. Things like quotes and parens need customized adjustments. Here is an example of how the adjustments for things-string are implemented:

(defun things-get-inner-string (thing/bounds)
  "Shrink THING/BOUNDS to exclude `things-string-regxep' on both sides."
  (things-shrink-by-regexp thing/bounds

(put 'things-string 'things-inside #'things-get-inner-string)
(put 'things-string 'things-get-inner #'things-get-inner-string)
;; default things-get-inside is fine
(put 'things-string 'things-get-a #'identity)
;; default things-get-around is fine

Defining Custom Extension Behavior




things-evil.el is a package built on top of things.el for integration with evil. It is essentially the new targets.el and will likely be moved to a separate repo once both packages have stabilized more.


I and A in Visual State

The simplest way to use I and A for “inside” and “around” text objects in visual state but keep I and A as evil-insert and evil-append with a visual block selection is to conditionally bind I and A in a higher priority keymap:

;; if using general
(general-def 'visual 'override
  :predicate '(eq (evil-visual-type) 'block)
  "I" #'evil-insert
  "A" #'evil-append)

things-evil could implement a hack to check if it was binding over evil-insert or evil-append and then bind to a menu item that either called those commands with a visual block selection or dispatched to a keymap. This solution would be far more convoluted to implement, so I’m not planning on adding automatic support for overwriting I and A.


Extensions to thingatpt.el






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