Nodecast is a file sharing software using bittorrent protocol and based on qBitorrent code. It aims to be really simple by using spheres and respectful of private life.
apt-get install libqt5webkit5-dev libtorrent-rasterbar-dev libboost-all-dev libidn11-dev qt5-default qtbase5-dev
install brew
install Qt5 from
export path to Qt
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/YOURUSER/Qt/5.4/clang_64/bin
brew install boost openssl libtorrent-rasterbar pkg-config
git clone
cd nodecast
git submodule update --init
cd src/libs/qxmpp/
qmake && make (make -j 4 if you have a quad core)
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ../../../
qmake && make (make -j 4 if you have a quad core)
cp /usr/local/lib/libqxmpp.0.8.3.dylib
cp -r /Applications/
Nodecast / Login to setup your xmpp account
You have to use an xmpp account with file transfert capability and open to Server2Server (gmail account should work). You can use your own jabber server like
Nodecast / Preferences to setup bittorrent and active the embedded tracker in the advanced setting
When you drag a file or a directory in a sphere, nodecast create a symlink to the source before create the torrent file. So you can drag a big file or directory without fear, nodecast will not need to make a local copy.
When you delete a media shared from you, if you make choice to delete files from your hard disk, nodecast delete only the symlink and not to real file or directory.
When you delete a media received from a contact, if you make choice to delete files from your hard disk, nodecast delete the file or the directory. So if you need to keep the media, right clic on it, select open destination folder, and make a backup before delete him.