confidence improvement accuracy (*) (**) (***) http2/headers.js benchmarker='h2load' nheaders=0 n=1000 *** 2.93 % ±1.41% ±1.88% ±2.44% http2/headers.js benchmarker='h2load' nheaders=1000 n=1000 *** -11.86 % ±0.42% ±0.57% ±0.74% http2/headers.js benchmarker='h2load' nheaders=100 n=1000 *** -5.37 % ±1.20% ±1.60% ±2.09% http2/headers.js benchmarker='h2load' nheaders=10 n=1000 *** 2.79 % ±1.51% ±2.01% ±2.62% Be aware that when doing many comparisons the risk of a false-positive result increases. In this case there are 4 comparisons, you can thus expect the following amount of false-positive results: 0.20 false positives, when considering a 5% risk acceptance (*, **, ***), 0.04 false positives, when considering a 1% risk acceptance (**, ***), 0.00 false positives, when considering a 0.1% risk acceptance (***)