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Merge pull request #633 from non/topic/laws-field-gcdlcm
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Adding GCDRing laws, fixing implementations
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denisrosset committed Mar 27, 2017
2 parents a3f5599 + 0aa8a0b commit d16f273
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Showing 30 changed files with 349 additions and 143 deletions.
20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions
Expand Up @@ -330,10 +330,26 @@ inheritance:

Rings also provide a `pow` method (`**`) for doing repeated multiplication.

#### GCDRings

GCDRings are commutative rings (`CRing[A]`) with existence of a
greatest-common-divisor and least-common-multiple.

Spire's `GCDRing[A]` supports the following operations:

* `gcd` (`a gcd b`) find the greatest common divisor of `a` and `b`.
* `lcm` (`a lcm b`) find the lowest common multiple of `a` and `b`.

Spire requires these operations to be commutative. Note that fields
have leeway to define the GCD operation. In practice, instances of
`Field[A]` provide either a trivial implementation `gcd(x != 0 , y != 0) == 1`
or a definition that extends the one used for the integer ring
(`gcd(a/b, c/d) == gcd(a, c)/lcm(b, d)`).

#### EuclideanRings

Spire supports euclidean domains (called `EuclideanRing[A]`). A
euclidean domain is a commutative ring (`CRing[A]`) that also supports
euclidean domain is a GCD ring (`GCDRing[A]`) that also supports
euclidean division (e.g. floor division or integer division). This
structure generalizes many useful properties of the integers (for
instance, quotients and remainders, and greatest common divisors).
Expand All @@ -349,8 +365,6 @@ Spire's `EuclideanRing[A]` supports the following operations:
* `quot` (`a /~ b`) finding the quotient (often integer division).
* `mod` (`a % b`) the remainder from the quotient operation.
* `quotmod` (`a /% b`) combines `quot` and `mod` into one operation.
* `gcd` (`a gcd b`) find the greatest common divisor of `a` and `b`.
* `lcm` (`a lcm b`) find the lowest common multiple of `a` and `b`.

Spire requires that `b * (a /~ b) + (a % b)` is equivalent to `a`.

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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions
Expand Up @@ -249,12 +249,13 @@ most users will expect.
+ zero: additive identity
+ one: multiplicative identity
* *Ring* (Rng + Rig)
* *GCDRing*
+ gcd: greatest-common-divisor
+ lcm: least-common-multiple
* *EuclideanRing*
+ quot (`/~`): quotient (floor division)
+ quot (`/~`): quotient (Euclidean division)
+ mod (`%`): remainder
+ quotmod (`/%`): quotient and mod
+ gcd: greatest-common-divisor
+ lcm: least-common-multiple
* *Field*
+ reciprocal: multiplicative inverse
+ div (`/`): division
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11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions core/shared/src/main/scala/spire/algebra/EuclideanRing.scala
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ trait EuclideanRing[@sp(Int, Long, Float, Double) A] extends Any with GCDRing[A]
def quot(a: A, b: A): A
def mod(a: A, b: A): A
def quotmod(a: A, b: A): (A, A) = (quot(a, b), mod(a, b))
def gcd(a: A, b: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A =
EuclideanRing.euclid(a, b)(ev, EuclideanRing.this)
def lcm(a: A, b: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A =
if (isZero(a) || isZero(b)) zero else times(quot(a, gcd(a, b)), b)

trait EuclideanRingFunctions[R[T] <: EuclideanRing[T]] extends GCDRingFunctions[R] {
Expand All @@ -43,4 +39,11 @@ object EuclideanRing extends EuclideanRingFunctions[EuclideanRing] {
if (EuclideanRing[A].isZero(b)) a else euclid(b, EuclideanRing[A].mod(a, b))

trait WithEuclideanAlgorithm[@sp(Int, Long, Float, Double) A] extends Any with EuclideanRing[A] { self =>
def gcd(a: A, b: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A =
EuclideanRing.euclid(a, b)(ev, self)
def lcm(a: A, b: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A =
if (isZero(a) || isZero(b)) zero else times(quot(a, gcd(a, b)), b)

57 changes: 49 additions & 8 deletions core/shared/src/main/scala/spire/algebra/Field.scala
@@ -1,21 +1,62 @@
package spire
package algebra

/** Field type class. While algebra already provides one, we provide one in Spire
* that integrates with the commutative ring hierarchy, in particular `GCDRing`
* and `EuclideanRing`.
* On a field, all nonzero elements are invertible, so the remainder of the
* division is always 0. The Euclidean function can take an arbitrary value on
* nonzero elements (it is undefined for zero); for compatibility with the degree
* of polynomials, we use the constant 0.
* The GCD and LCM are defined up to a unit; on a field, it means that either the GCD or LCM
* can be fixed arbitrarily. Some conventions with consistent defaults are provided in the
* spire.algebra.Field companion object.
trait Field[@sp(Int, Long, Float, Double) A] extends Any with AlgebraField[A] with EuclideanRing[A] {
/* On a field, all nonzero elements are invertible, so the remainder of the
division is always 0. The Euclidean function can take an arbitrary value on
nonzero elements (it is undefined for zero); for compatibility with the degree
of polynomials, we use the constant 0.
def euclideanFunction(a: A): BigInt = BigInt(0)
def quot(a: A, b: A): A = div(a, b)
def mod(a: A, b: A): A = zero
override def quotmod(a: A, b: A): (A, A) = (div(a, b), zero)
override def gcd(a: A, b: A)(implicit eqA: Eq[A]): A =
if (isZero(a) && isZero(b)) zero else one
override def lcm(a: A, b: A)(implicit eqA: Eq[A]): A = times(a, b)

object Field extends _root_.algebra.ring.FieldFunctions[Field] with EuclideanRingFunctions[Field] {

@inline def apply[A](implicit ev: Field[A]): Field[A] = ev

/** Field with simple default GCD/LCM implementations:
* gcd(a, b) = 1 (except gcd(0, 0) = 0) while lcm(a, b) = a * b. */
trait WithDefaultGCD[@sp(Int, Long, Float, Double) A] extends Any with Field[A] {
override def gcd(a: A, b: A)(implicit eqA: Eq[A]): A =
if (isZero(a) && isZero(b)) zero else one
override def lcm(a: A, b: A)(implicit eqA: Eq[A]): A = times(a, b)

/** Field defined as a field of fractions with a default implementation of GCD/LCM such that
* - gcd(a/b, c/d) = gcd(a, c) / lcm(b, d)
* - lcm(a/b, c/d) = lcm(a, c) / gcd(b, d)
* which corresponds to the convention of the GCD domains of SageMath; on rational numbers, it
* "yields the unique extension of gcd from integers to rationals presuming the natural extension
* of the divisibility relation from integers to rationals", see
trait FieldOfFractionsGCD[A, R] extends Any with Field[A] {
implicit def ringR: GCDRing[R]
implicit def eqR: Eq[R]
def numerator(a: A): R
def denominator(a: A): R
def fraction(num: R, den: R): A
override def gcd(x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A = {
val num = ringR.gcd(numerator(x), numerator(y))
val den = ringR.lcm(denominator(x), denominator(y))
fraction(num, den)
override def lcm(x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A = {
val num = ringR.lcm(numerator(x), numerator(y))
val den = ringR.gcd(denominator(x), denominator(y))
fraction(num, den)

15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion core/shared/src/main/scala/spire/macros/Auto.scala
Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,15 @@ abstract class AutoAlgebra extends AutoOps { ops =>
def EuclideanRing[A: c.WeakTypeTag](z: c.Expr[A], o: c.Expr[A])
(ev: c.Expr[Eq[A]]): c.Expr[EuclideanRing[A]] = {
c.universe.reify {
new EuclideanRing[A] {
new EuclideanRing[A] { self =>
// default implementations from EuclideanRing.WithEuclideanAlgorithm
@tailrec final def euclid(a: A, b: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A =
if (isZero(b)) a else euclid(b, mod(a, b))
def gcd(a: A, b: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A =
euclid(a, b)(ev)
def lcm(a: A, b: A)(implicit ev: Eq[A]): A =
if (isZero(a) || isZero(b)) zero else times(quot(a, gcd(a, b)), b)

def zero: A = z.splice
def one: A = o.splice
def plus(x: A, y: A): A =[A].splice
Expand All @@ -170,6 +178,11 @@ abstract class AutoAlgebra extends AutoOps { ops =>
(z: c.Expr[A], o: c.Expr[A])(ev: c.Expr[Eq[A]]): c.Expr[Field[A]] = {
c.universe.reify {
new Field[A] {
// default implementations from Field.WithDefaultGCD
override def gcd(a: A, b: A)(implicit eqA: Eq[A]): A =
if (isZero(a) && isZero(b)) zero else one
override def lcm(a: A, b: A)(implicit eqA: Eq[A]): A = times(a, b)

def zero: A = z.splice
def one: A = o.splice
def plus(x: A, y: A): A =[A].splice
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/shared/src/main/scala/spire/math/Algebraic.scala
Expand Up @@ -1527,7 +1527,7 @@ trait AlgebraicInstances {
implicit final val AlgebraicTag = new LargeTag[Algebraic](Exact, Algebraic(0))

private[math] trait AlgebraicIsField extends Field[Algebraic] {
private[math] trait AlgebraicIsField extends Field.WithDefaultGCD[Algebraic] {
def zero: Algebraic = Algebraic.Zero
def one: Algebraic = Algebraic.One
def plus(a: Algebraic, b: Algebraic): Algebraic = a + b
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/shared/src/main/scala/spire/math/Complex.scala
Expand Up @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ private[math] trait ComplexIsRing[@sp(Float, Double) A] extends Ring[Complex[A]]
override def fromInt(n: Int): Complex[A] = Complex.fromInt[A](n)

private[math] trait ComplexIsField[@sp(Float,Double) A] extends ComplexIsRing[A] with Field[Complex[A]] {
private[math] trait ComplexIsField[@sp(Float,Double) A] extends ComplexIsRing[A] with Field.WithDefaultGCD[Complex[A]] {

implicit def algebra: Field[A]

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/shared/src/main/scala/spire/math/Jet.scala
Expand Up @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ private[math] trait JetIsEuclideanRing[@sp(Float,Double) T]

/* TODO: Jet[T] is probably not a genuine Field */
private[math] trait JetIsField[@sp(Float,Double) T]
extends JetIsEuclideanRing[T] with Field[Jet[T]] {
extends JetIsEuclideanRing[T] with Field.WithDefaultGCD[Jet[T]] {
/* TODO: what are exactly the laws of Jet with respect to EuclideanRing ? */
// duplicating methods because super[..].call() does not work on 2.10 and 2.11
override def fromDouble(n: Double): Jet[T] = Jet(f.fromDouble(n))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/shared/src/main/scala/spire/math/Number.scala
Expand Up @@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ private[math] trait NumberIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[Number] with Num

private[math] trait NumberIsField extends Field[Number] with NumberIsCRing {
private[math] trait NumberIsField extends Field.WithDefaultGCD[Number] with NumberIsCRing {
def div(a:Number, b:Number): Number = a / b
override def fromDouble(a: Double): Number = Number(a)
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14 changes: 1 addition & 13 deletions core/shared/src/main/scala/spire/math/Polynomial.scala
Expand Up @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ with Ring[Polynomial[C]] {

trait PolynomialOverField[@sp(Double) C] extends PolynomialOverRing[C]
with EuclideanRing[Polynomial[C]] with VectorSpace[Polynomial[C], C] { self =>
with EuclideanRing.WithEuclideanAlgorithm[Polynomial[C]] with VectorSpace[Polynomial[C], C] { self =>
implicit override val scalar: Field[C]

override def divr(x: Polynomial[C], k: C): Polynomial[C] = x :/ k
Expand All @@ -539,18 +539,6 @@ trait PolynomialOverField[@sp(Double) C] extends PolynomialOverRing[C]

// TODO: why final?
final override def gcd(x: Polynomial[C], y: Polynomial[C])(implicit ev: Eq[Polynomial[C]]): Polynomial[C] = {
val result = EuclideanRing.euclid(x, y)(ev, self)
if ( > 0) {
} else {
// TODO: I don't like so much this special case, can we fold it in the general result,
// TODO: as the gcd is defined up to a unit anyway?
// return the gcd of all coefficients when there is no higher degree divisor
Polynomial.constant(spire.math.gcd(x.coeffsArray ++ y.coeffsArray))

trait PolynomialEq[@sp(Double) C] extends Eq[Polynomial[C]] {
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