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Initial Quaternion implementation.
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Basic Quaternion type. There are still some things missing:

1. Interoperability with Complex[_]
2. Type parameter (uses Double for now)
3. Needs nroot / fractional pow implementation
4. Needs polar form(s)
5. Possible signum implementation
6. Benchmarks

I haven't found other (open source) quaternion implementations to
compare this one against. Also, it would be good to have more eyes
on this, especially people who are more familiar with quaternions
than I am.
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non committed Aug 17, 2013
1 parent 00312c8 commit dd0b5a1
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Showing 2 changed files with 270 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/scala/spire/math/Quaternion.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package spire.math

import spire.algebra._
import spire.std.float._
import spire.std.double._
import spire.std.bigDecimal._

import spire.syntax.convertableFrom._
import spire.syntax.field._
import spire.syntax.isReal._
import spire.syntax.nroot._
import spire.syntax.order._

import scala.{specialized => spec}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.math.{ScalaNumber, ScalaNumericConversions}
import java.lang.Math

object Quaternion {
val i = Quaternion(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val j = Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
val k = Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

val zero = Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val one = Quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

def apply(n: Double): Quaternion = Quaternion(n, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

final case class Quaternion(r: Double, i: Double, j: Double, k: Double)
extends ScalaNumber with ScalaNumericConversions with Serializable { lhs =>

def doubleValue: Double = if (isReal) r.toDouble else Double.NaN
def floatValue: Float = if (isReal) r.toFloat else Float.NaN
def longValue: Long = r.toLong
def intValue: Int = r.toInt

def isReal: Boolean = i == 0.0 && j == 0.0 && k == 0.0
def isWhole: Boolean = isReal && r.isWhole

override def isValidInt: Boolean =
i == 0.0 && j == 0.0 && k == 0.0 && r.isWhole &&
r <= Int.MaxValue && r >= Int.MinValue

def underlying = (r, i, j, k)

override def hashCode: Int =
if (isValidInt) r.toInt
else 19 * r.## + 41 * i.## + 13 * j.## + 77 * k.## + 97

override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: Quaternion => r == that.r && i == that.i && j == that.j && k == that.k
case that => unifiedPrimitiveEquals(that)

override def toString: String = s"($r + ${i}i + ${j}j + ${k}k)"

def unary_-(): Quaternion =
Quaternion(-r, -i, -j, -k)

def conjugate(): Quaternion =
Quaternion(r, -i, -j, -k)

def norm(): Double = {
//(r ** 2 + i ** 2 + j ** 2 + k ** 2).sqrt
(BigDecimal(r).pow(2) + BigDecimal(i).pow(2) + BigDecimal(j).pow(2) + BigDecimal(k).pow(2)).sqrt.toDouble

def reciprocal(): Quaternion =
conjugate / (r ** 2 + i ** 2 + j ** 2 + k ** 2)

def sqrt(): Quaternion =
if (isReal) {
} else {
val n = (r + norm).sqrt
Quaternion(n, i / n, j / n, k / n) / 2.0.sqrt

def nroot(k0: Int): Quaternion =
if (isReal) {
} else {

def unit(): Quaternion = {
val n = norm
Quaternion((r ** 2) / n, (i ** 2) / n, (j ** 2) / n, (k ** 2) / n)

def star(): Quaternion =
(this +
Quaternion.i * this * Quaternion.i +
Quaternion.j * this * Quaternion.j +
Quaternion.k * this * Quaternion.k) * -0.5

def abv(): (Double, Double, (Double, Double, Double)) = {
val a = r
val b = (i ** 2 + j ** 2 + k ** 2).sqrt
Complex(a, b).sqrt
(a, b, (i / b, j / b, k / b))

// def xyz = {
// val (a, b, c, d) = (r, i, j, k)
// val s = (b ** 2 + c ** 2 + d ** 2).sqrt
// val r = (a ** 2 + s ** 2).sqrt
// val n = Quaternion(0, b / s, c / s, d / s)
// val t = acos(a / r)
// //val t = asin(s / r)
// }

def +(rhs: Double): Quaternion =
Quaternion(r + rhs, i, j, k)

def +(rhs: Quaternion): Quaternion =
Quaternion(lhs.r + rhs.r, lhs.i + rhs.i, lhs.j + rhs.j, lhs.k + rhs.k)

def -(rhs: Double): Quaternion =
Quaternion(r - rhs, i, j, k)

def -(rhs: Quaternion): Quaternion =
Quaternion(lhs.r - rhs.r, lhs.i - rhs.i, lhs.j - rhs.j, lhs.k - rhs.k)

def *(rhs: Double): Quaternion =
Quaternion(r * rhs, i * rhs, j * rhs, k * rhs)

def *(rhs: Quaternion): Quaternion = Quaternion(
(lhs.r * rhs.r) - (lhs.i * rhs.i) - (lhs.j * rhs.j) - (lhs.k * rhs.k),
(lhs.r * rhs.i) + (lhs.i * rhs.r) + (lhs.j * rhs.k) - (lhs.k * rhs.j),
(lhs.r * rhs.j) - (lhs.i * rhs.k) + (lhs.j * rhs.r) + (lhs.k * rhs.i),
(lhs.r * rhs.k) + (lhs.i * rhs.j) - (lhs.j * rhs.i) + (lhs.k * rhs.r)

def /(rhs: Double): Quaternion =
Quaternion(r / rhs, i / rhs, j / rhs, k / rhs)

def /(rhs: Quaternion): Quaternion =
lhs * rhs.reciprocal

def pow(k: Int) = {
@tailrec def loop(p: Quaternion, b: Quaternion, e: Int): Quaternion =
if (e == 0) p
else if ((e & 1) == 1) loop(p * b, b * b, e >>> 1)
else loop(p, b * b, e >>> 1)

if (k >= 0) loop(, this, k) else sys.error("illegal exponent")
def **(k: Int) = pow(k)
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions core/src/test/scala/spire/math/QuaternionCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
package spire.math

import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
import org.scalatest._
import prop._

import org.scalacheck._
import Gen._
import Arbitrary.arbitrary

class QuaternionCheck extends PropSpec with ShouldMatchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

// to fudge some of the properties, we limit our quaternion terms to
// [-1000, 1000]. this is cheating, and we should do better.
def df(n: Int): Double = (n % 1000).toDouble

implicit val arbq = Arbitrary(for {
r <- arbitrary[Int]
i <- arbitrary[Int]
j <- arbitrary[Int]
k <- arbitrary[Int]
} yield {
Quaternion(df(r), df(i), df(j), df(k))

property("q + 0 = q") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
q + 0.0 should be === q
q + should be === q

property("q + -q = 0") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
q + (-q) should be ===

property("q1 + -q2 = q1 - q2") {
forAll { (q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion) =>
q1 + (-q2) should be === q1 - q2

property("q1 + q2 = q2 + q1") {
forAll { (q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion) =>
q1 + q2 should be === q2 + q1

property("(q1 + q2) + a3 = q1 + (q2 + q3)") {
forAll { (q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion, q3: Quaternion) =>
(q1 + q2) + q3 should be === q1 + (q2 + q3)

property("q * 0 = q") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
q * 0.0 should be ===
q * should be ===

property("q * 1 = q") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
q * 1.0 should be === q
q * should be === q

property("q * 2 = q + q") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
q * 2.0 should be === q + q

property("q1 * (q2 + q3) = q1 * q2 + q1 * q3") {
forAll { (q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion, q3: Quaternion) =>
q1 * (q2 + q3) should be === q1 * q2 + q1 * q3

property("(q1 * q2) * a3 = q1 * (q2 * q3)") {
forAll { (q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion, q3: Quaternion) =>
(q1 * q2) * q3 should be === q1 * (q2 * q3)

property("q * q.reciprocal = 1") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
(q * q.reciprocal - should be < 1e-6

property("1 / q = 1.reciprocal") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
( / q - q.reciprocal).norm should be < 1e-6

property("q ** 2 = q * q") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
q ** 2 should be === q * q

property("q.sqrt ** 2 = q") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
(q.sqrt ** 2 - q).norm should be < 1e-6

property("q == q.r iff q.isReal") {
forAll { (q: Quaternion) =>
q == q.r should be === q.isReal

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