relaystation is a software to bring multiple twitter accounts into mastodon using Twitter Stream API v2.
Our usecase is rather specific hence the name relaystation is borrowed from pro cycling. I wanted to bring the 18 UCI Worldtour Teams to the Fediverse, so I wrote this tool.
The goal of relaystation is to be a general purpose tool to forward any Twitter Stream API rules expression into the Fediverse.
You can fetch the Docker Image or checkout the repo
export GOTWI_API_KEY=“xxx”
export RULE_1="from:GroupamaFDJ OR from:AG2RCITROENTEAM OR from:AstanaQazTeam OR from:BHRVictorious OR from:BORAhansgrohe OR from:TeamCOFIDIS OR from:EFprocycling"
export RULE_2="from:INEOSGrenadiers OR from:IntermarcheWG OR from:IsraelPremTech OR from:JumboVismaRoad OR from:Lotto_Soudal OR from:Movistar_Team"
export RULE_3="from:qst_alphavinyl OR from:GreenEDGEteam OR from:TeamDSM OR from:TrekSegafredo OR from:TeamEmiratesUAE"
I have a release step built into my task file that relases a new version.
task release
Until I have a test mechanism, I use this to craft a handmade tweet with a valid tweetid that fetches some images and posts a new status at mastodon
m := newMastodonClient()
t := newTwitterClient()
text := "test"
authorid := "12345"
tweetid := "1605518462985682946"
tweet := streamtypes.SearchStreamOutput{}
tweet.Data.Text = &text
tweet.Data.AuthorID = &authorid
tweet.Data.ID = &tweetid
toot := m.ComposeToot(&tweet, Accounts{}, t)
status, err := m.postToMastodon(toot)
log.Println(status, err)
Licensed under MIT license.
See LICENSE.txt file for details.