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github repo watcher

This tool checks github repositories for:

  • latest releases
  • latest commits on a specific branch (default = master)
  • latest tags

Results are stored into a database for later reference. I.e.

It can be run regularly (cronjob, AWS Lambda, ...) to provide up-to-date results.

python and dependencies

  • python3 is used.
  • Have a look at

pip-tools is used to compile and pin dependencies from into requirements.txt.

When developing this project:

  • Create a virtual environment and activate it:
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
  • Install pip-tools into the virtual environment:
pip install --upgrade -r build_requirements.txt
  • Make changes in
  • Run ./
    • Runs pip-compile...
  • Install dependencies:
pip-sync requirements.txt


The configuration (adding/removing repositories) still needs to be done right within

Initialise database when working locally

# start postgres
docker run -d --name db -p 5432:5432 postgres:alpine
# create test table
docker run --rm -it --net=host postgres:alpine sh  # or docker exec -it db sh
# within the container
$ psql -h localhost -Upostgres
# within postgres
>$ create database test;

Run the github watcher



The configuration (DATABASE_URL) still needs to be done right within When using AWS lambda, DATABASE_URL is read as an encrypted AWS Lambda environment variable - Please also see zappa for AWS Lambda and secrets.

Right now it is possible to use sqlite and postgres, although that can be easily enhanced.


This is not completely implemented/integrated but it is thought to provide events, that can be triggered, if new tags e.g. were found.

check github_repo -> get latest tag -> compare to values in database -> tag was not seen before (new tag) ->

zappa for AWS Lambda

To keep the database up-to-date, I let the script run as a function in AWS Lambda. It is configured to every hour.

# initialise zappa
zappa init
# customize the settings to your needs
vim zappa_settings.json
# deploy, environemnt is called "dev" in this case
aws-vault-css-sideprojects -- zappa deploy dev
aws-vault-css-sideprojects -- zappa update dev

The zappa configuraiton file zappa_settings.json contains two environments:

  • dev
  • staging


The database url DATABASE_URL is read as an AWS Lambda environment variable which is encrypted with a custom AWS KMS key. I specifically allow the AWS IAM Role created by zappa to decrypt values encrypted with this custom AWS KMS key. This can be set in the AWS KMS settings of the key.

For this to work zappa_settings.json needs to contain the AWS KMS key ARN: arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:733052150360:key/aa9dc195-e04e-41ca-a727-00a8a78b926d.

Code to read/decrypt the values is provided by AWS Lambda (Function Configuration, below the Designer).

I also wrote a python tool to en-(de-)crypt using AWS KMS keys in the cli:


When used in combination with AWS lambda, AWS CloudWatch is used automatically.

The program itself prints log INFO messages.


There a re no tests, yet. There should be tests :)


Checks commits, tags and releases of github repositories.






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