While building my ROS 2 package from source for different ROS 2 distributions, I found myself repeating the same steps (my best practices) over and over again for the different distributions. So I decided to put them in a script and make them open-source (Apache License Version 2.0).
This script is basically automating what is documented in Building ROS 2 on Linux. It asks you some questions, e.g., which of the ROS 2 distributions you want to install, and tries to do most of the rest conveniently in the background. Additionally, after installation, it will provide for your convenience:
- a script in your home folder that sets essential environment variables, sources the correct files, and brings you to your ROS 2 installation folder. This script is for you to call whenever you want to start working (building) with ROS 2:
- a script that resides in your ROS 2 workspace and does an upgrade of your distribution whenever you feel like it:
- the aliases
that call colcon in a proper way. If you use these aliases for all your package builds, you should be fine.
Usage of the script is fairly simple. Clone this repository and within its root folder, call:
./ubuntu-ros-2-developer-setup.sh {distro} {workspace}
is the code name of your desired ROS 2 disrtibution, e.g., foxy
or rolling
. {workspace}
is the target folder of your ROS 2 setup. If everything worked out, a good thing to do is:
- source the script that prepares your bash for development:
source ~/ros2{distro}.sh
- (optional) check if your distribution is up-to-date:
- build your package:
colcon_build --packages-up-to {your-ros2-package}
- test your package:
colcon_test --packages-select {your-ros2-package}
The ROS 2 Development Setup scripts are open-sourced under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Currently there is only one script that is fairly tested with recent ubuntu distributions and bash. Windows and Mac OS are currently not supported (#1, #2), different linux environments might nor work as expected.