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File metadata and controls

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To keep this project on track, I have included this road map file. It will simply list the features I intend to implement for each version up until the first production-ready release, v1.0. After that I'll probably create a new roadmap document.

Version 0.1


Version 0.2 - Streams

This release will focus on I/O related functionality. I want to get the IO\Stream class working in as flexible a manner as possible. I'm also interested in implementing stream decorators so that it's possible to "decorate" the base stream class, adding various features and functionality without using a inheritance. A good example of what I mean is the Guzzle streams library.

Version 0.2.0

  • Mostly focused on cleanup tasks
  • Completely overhauled unit tests, using vfsStream library rather than making actual changes to the file system.
  • Combined all I/O classes down into one IO\Stream class
  • See changelog for other changes

Version 0.3 - Tabular data

The focus of version 0.3 will be the Table namespace. This includes Table\Dataset, which will represent a set of tabular data within CSVelte. I will also be refactoring the Reader and Writer classes, removing all references to Table\AbstractRow and its descendants. This will be the version that takes CSVelte from a CSV library to a tabular data library. It will pave the way for me to begin implementing things such as table schemas, CSV validation, row and column manipulation, import and export to various other formats (including CSV), and much more!


Version 0.4 - Character encoding

This release will focus on all character encoding related functionality, including transcoding into and out of various character encodings including UTF8, UTF16, and whatever other encodings are relevant.

Version 0.5 - Import / Export

This release will focus on import/export to various other file formats. This includes CSV, XML, JSON, Excel, Google Spreadsheets, and various other variations of these.

Version 0.6 - Schemas and other metadata

This release will focus on table schemas and meta data. These will allow me to describe a table or a set of tables in all the ways in which the CSV on the Web Working Group describes.


Version 0.7 and beyond...

The list above is a very tentative roadmap, but it outlines what I have on my mind for CSVelte as of now. More to come later...