Copyright 2013 NPR. All rights reserved. No part of these materials may be reproduced, modified, stored in a retrieval system, or retransmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without prior written permission from NPR.
(Want to use this code? Send an email to!)
- What's in here?
- Install requirements
- Project secrets
- Run the project locally
- Run javascript tests
- Compile static assets
- Test the rendered app
- Deploy to S3
- Deploy to EC2
The project contains the following folders and important files:
-- Data files, such as those used to generate HTMLetc
-- Miscellaneous scripts and metadata for project bootstrapping.jst
-- Javascript (Underscore.js) templatesless
-- LESS files, will be compiled to CSS and concatenated for deploymenttemplates
-- HTML (Jinja2) templates, to be compiled locallywww
-- Static and compiled assets to be deployed (a.k.a. "the output")www/test
-- Javascript tests and supporting
-- A Flask app for rendering the project
-- A Flask app for writing uploaded data to Tumblr via the V2
-- Global project configuration for scripts, deployment,
-- Fabric commands automating setup and deployment
Node.js is required for the static asset pipeline. If you don't already have it, get it like this:
brew install node
curl | sh
Then install the project requirements:
cd familymeal
npm install less universal-jst
mkvirtualenv familymeal
pip install -r requirements.txt
Project secrets should never be stored in
or anywhere else in the repository. They will be leaked to the client if you do. Instead, always store passwords, keys, etc. in environment variables and document that they are needed here in the README.
This project, like other NPR apps, requires you to export your AWS access key ID and your AWS secret access key as environment variables so that it can write to your S3 bucket.
Additionally, this particular application uses the Tumblr V2 API. If you are starting from scratch, you need to register an application with Tumblr and then do fab generate_new_oauth_tokens
to get the four required tokens.
Put your Tumblr consumer key in
as TUMBLR_KEY and then export the OAuth token, the OAuth token secret and the application secret as environment variables.
A flask app is used to run the project locally. It will automatically recompile templates and assets on demand.
workon familymeal
In a second terminal, run the local version of the Tumblr upload app.
workon familymeal
Visit localhost:8000 in your browser to see the form. The form will POST data to localhost:8001, and then will push the photo and some text to Tumblr.
With the project running, visit localhost:8000/test/SpecRunner.html.
Compile LESS to CSS, compile javascript templates to Javascript and minify all assets:
workon familymeal
fab render
(This is done automatically whenever you deploy to S3.)
If you want to test the app once you've rendered it out, just use the Python webserver:
cd www
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
fab staging master deploy
The current configuration is for running cron jobs only. Web server configuration is not included.
- In
. - Run
fab staging master setup
to configure the server. - Run
fab staging master deploy
to deploy the app.