Current version : 1.0 (sept 17th 2016)
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.Net Online Compiler
Some apps dnsi-compatible :
What is DNSI ?
DNSI is a application that can compile files from various locations (local, network, internet) both in CSharp and VB.NET to library (dll), console application, windows application or into memory, and execute it.
Why use DNSI ?
There is no need Visual Studio to make .NET softwares.
There is no need to (re)compile your software and no need to make update patch.
If you put your source code on the web, there is no need for user to download any exe but DNSI (currently ~450Ko).
Final user is always up to date with your software.
Integrate Console App and Windows Forms App interaction with your website(s).
Cool, but, have you an example?
Imagine context as the following :
File 1 : (located at c:\HomeDev\Project1\Program.cs)
namespace HomeDev.Project1
public class Program
public void Main(string[] args)
var dNow = Backups.Dev.Functions.GiveMeDateBaby().ToString();
com.nowhere.files.myFile1.Alert( com.nowhere.files.myFile1.upMyCase("it's ") + dNow );
File 2 : (located at
namespace com.nowhere.files
public static class myFile1
public void Alert(string msg)
public string upMyCase(string myString)
return myString.ToUpper();
public void StartTest(string[] args)
MessageBox.Show("Hello world !");
File 3 : (located at \Backups\Dev\Functions.vb)
Namespace Backups.Dev
Public Module Functions
Public Function GiveMeDateBaby() as DateTime
Return DateTime.Now
End Function
End Module
End Namespace
Then, to exec c:\HomeDev\Project1\Program.cs, just type this command line :
dnsi.exe "[-debug [true | false]] -x "c:\HomeDev\Project1\Program.cs"
Then showing a message box with "IT'S 2011-08-23 22:05:07" ! ;)
Another example ?
A Windows Forms Web Application !
Put into a web page a link like.. Run my WinForms Web Application
File 1 : (located at
'------------------ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '------------------
Namespace TestDNSI Public Class Program Public Shared Sub Main(arg as String) MsgBox("date=[" & TestDNSI.ExtendA.GiveMeDate() & "],arg=[" & arg & "]") End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main(args() as string)
for i = 0 to args.Length - 1
msgbox("date=[" & TestDNSI.ExtendA.GiveMeDate() & "],arg(" & i.tostring() & ")=[" & args(i) & "]")
next i
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
File 2 : (located at
<?php // My Extend A ?>
Namespace TestDNSI
Public Class ExtendA
Public Shared Function GiveMeDate() as Date
Return DateTime.Now
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Omagod, more examples plz!
Yeah! a Windows Forms Web Application with callback !!
Put into a web page a link like.. Run my WinForms Web Application with callback
File 1 : (located at
'------------------ ' ' ' '------------------
Namespace TestDNSI Public Class Program inherits Form
private m_url as string = ""
private textbox1 as textbox
Public Sub New()
clientsize = new size(400, 70)
text = "DNSI WinForms Web Application with callback"
dim btmOk as new button()
btmOk.text = "Ok"
btmOk.location = new point(
clientsize.width - btmok.width - 10,
clientsize.height - btmok.height - 10
btmok.anchor = ctype((AnchorStyles.Right or AnchorStyles.Bottom), AnchorStyles)
addhandler btmOk.Click, addressof Valid
dim label1 as new label() with {.text = "Nom :",.location=new point(10,10),.autosize=true}
textbox1 = new textbox() with {
.name = "textbox1",
.location = new point(label1.width + 20, 10),
.size = new size(clientsize.width - (label1.width + 20 + 10), .size.height),
.anchor = ctype((AnchorStyles.left or or AnchorStyles.right), anchorstyles)
End Sub
Private sub Valid()
if not string.isnullorempty(textbox1.text) then
process.start(m_url & textbox1.text, string.empty)
msgbox("Veuillez indiquer votre nom svp !", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
end if
end sub
End Class
End Namespace
More example at