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29 lines (19 loc) · 1020 Bytes


File metadata and controls

29 lines (19 loc) · 1020 Bytes


nREPL currently has several official & unofficial support channels.

For questions, suggestions and support refer to one of them. Please, don’t use the support channels to report issues, as this makes them harder to track.


We’ve got an unofficial Freenode channel - #nrepl. It’s not actively monitored by the nREPL maintainers themselves, but still you can get support from other nREPL users there.


We’ve got an official Clojurians Slack - #nrepl. This is usually be best way to get a handle on some of the maintainers and interact with other nREPL users.

There’s also another channel named #cider, where often people are discussing nREPL-related topics, as nREPL is the foundation of CIDER.


We’re also encouraging users to ask nREPL-related questions on StackOverflow.

When doing so you should use the nrepl tag (ideally combined with the tags clojure or clojurescript).