Static blog generator in less than 150 LOC
Write is a static blog generator in python. Like a pen, it's a simple but powerful tool that does what you want, nothing more.
- Python 3+
- Misletoe
Each article of your blog is a commonmark markdown file.
The are some options that can be specified by placing html comments in your markdown file like this:
<!-- key: value -->
The options are:
- title: specify a title for your post
- lang: specify a lang for your post
- title-font: path or name of a font file that will be used on your titles
- text-font: path or name of a font file that will be used on your text
- style-file: path or name of a css file that will be used on the html (defaults to
) - script-file: path or name of a js file that will be used on the html (defaults to
In order to process your files, just point the script towards your blog directory and specify an output directory :
write blog/ dist/
That's it !