Preparing Walkoff Bootloader... Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.78MB Step 1/11 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base ---> f96c28b7013f Step 2/11 : FROM base as builder ---> f96c28b7013f Step 3/11 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends autoconf g++ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ---> Using cache ---> eb8cc95b243c Step 4/11 : RUN mkdir /install ---> Using cache ---> dec2f743b8a3 Step 5/11 : WORKDIR /install ---> Using cache ---> 05f88a50516e Step 6/11 : COPY bootloader/requirements.txt /requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> d605593c3f10 Step 7/11 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> b0687fb911d7 Step 8/11 : FROM base ---> f96c28b7013f Step 9/11 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common && apt-key adv --fetch-keys && add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" && apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends docker-ce-cli && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ---> Using cache ---> bfabf4d42508 Step 10/11 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local ---> Using cache ---> 1d1371665adc Step 11/11 : ENTRYPOINT ["python", "-m", "bootloader.bootloader"] ---> Using cache ---> fab1321d023e Successfully built fab1321d023e Successfully tagged walkoff_bootloader:latest SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker image from Windows against a non-Windows Docker host. All files and directories added to build context will have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions. It is recommended to double check and reset permissions for sensitive files and directories. Creating walkoff_default network... Running bootloader... 2019-09-09 19:03:55,406 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Connected to Docker Engine: v19.03.2 2019-09-09 19:03:55,415 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Skipping secret walkoff_encryption_key creation, it already exists. 2019-09-09 19:03:55,418 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Skipping secret walkoff_internal_key creation, it already exists. 2019-09-09 19:03:55,421 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Skipping secret walkoff_postgres_key creation, it already exists. 2019-09-09 19:03:55,424 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Skipping secret walkoff_minio_access_key creation, it already exists. 2019-09-09 19:03:55,427 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Skipping secret walkoff_minio_secret_key creation, it already exists. 2019-09-09 19:03:55,429 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Creating persistent directories for registry, postgres, portainer... 2019-09-09 19:03:55,437 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Deploying base services (registry, postgres, portainer, redis)... 2019-09-09 19:03:58,542 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_resource_minio (id: fqtxeto07kufj7if7ogdopngj) 2019-09-09 19:03:58,542 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_resource_portainer (id: ysnonab0gyqxjg9lfmettrhjg) 2019-09-09 19:03:58,542 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_resource_postgres (id: ln1y56vj43rpf8tc2svpwf2go) 2019-09-09 19:03:58,542 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_resource_redis (id: f5reo4n08gtn18npozyzkqpvd) 2019-09-09 19:03:58,543 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_resource_registry (id: upprn8hblpjon7519kra5unta) 2019-09-09 19:03:58,581 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for adversary_hunting version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,586 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for basics version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,591 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for hive version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,595 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for ip_addr_utils version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,601 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for mitre_attack version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,605 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for nmap version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,610 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for power_shell version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,615 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for ssh version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,620 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Generated compose for walk_off version: 1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:03:58,680 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with ./app_sdk/Dockerfile in ./ 2019-09-09 19:04:07,541 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:04:07,875 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:04:08,015 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:04:08,015 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:04:08,018 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:08,018 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:04:08,018 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:08,018 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git autoconf g++ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2019-09-09 19:04:08,033 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,033 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 432472c5a7d6 2019-09-09 19:04:08,033 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:04:08,035 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,036 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 54824c7943ed 2019-09-09 19:04:08,036 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:04:08,038 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,039 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 4ed005602dc9 2019-09-09 19:04:08,039 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : COPY ./app_sdk/requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:04:08,044 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,044 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 734d6f7aceb6 2019-09-09 19:04:08,045 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" git+ 2019-09-09 19:04:08,047 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,048 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 71018400dccf 2019-09-09 19:04:08,048 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" --no-deps asteval 2019-09-09 19:04:08,049 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,050 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> cd15c4345b10 2019-09-09 19:04:08,050 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:04:08,052 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,052 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> d01e3814eb45 2019-09-09 19:04:08,053 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:04:08,053 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:08,053 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:04:08,071 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,117 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 16edd7615aa8 2019-09-09 19:04:08,117 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : COPY ./app_sdk/walkoff_app_sdk /app/walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:04:08,120 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,121 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 2b6d1baf56b5 2019-09-09 19:04:08,121 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : COPY ./common /app/common 2019-09-09 19:04:08,131 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:08,131 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 9dc74de245aa 2019-09-09 19:04:08,273 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 9dc74de245aa 2019-09-09 19:04:08,286 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:04:08,286 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:04:08,522 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:04:08,522 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with umpire/Dockerfile in ./ 2019-09-09 19:04:19,115 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/18 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:04:19,502 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:04:19,636 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:04:19,637 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:04:19,637 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:19,637 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/18 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:04:19,637 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:19,637 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/18 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git autoconf g++ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2019-09-09 19:04:19,654 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,654 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 432472c5a7d6 2019-09-09 19:04:19,654 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/18 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:04:19,656 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,656 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 54824c7943ed 2019-09-09 19:04:19,657 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/18 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:04:19,659 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,659 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 4ed005602dc9 2019-09-09 19:04:19,659 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/18 : COPY ./umpire/requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:04:19,664 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,665 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 70cde01fc0f5 2019-09-09 19:04:19,665 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/18 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" git+ 2019-09-09 19:04:19,667 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,667 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 26fa394fc389 2019-09-09 19:04:19,668 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/18 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" --no-deps asteval 2019-09-09 19:04:19,670 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,670 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 68c2b37e6994 2019-09-09 19:04:19,670 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/18 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:04:19,673 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,674 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dc518bcc6430 2019-09-09 19:04:19,675 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/18 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:04:19,675 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:19,675 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/18 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:04:19,692 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,725 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 4b4c8f80badd 2019-09-09 19:04:19,725 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/18 : COPY ./app_sdk /app/app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:04:19,728 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,728 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 73c657cf6928 2019-09-09 19:04:19,728 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/18 : COPY ./worker /app/worker 2019-09-09 19:04:19,730 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,730 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1236e0afb5e2 2019-09-09 19:04:19,730 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 14/18 : COPY ./common /app/common 2019-09-09 19:04:19,738 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,738 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> adc586ad0362 2019-09-09 19:04:19,738 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 15/18 : COPY ./umpire /app/umpire 2019-09-09 19:04:19,741 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,741 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 733e95884c3c 2019-09-09 19:04:19,741 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 16/18 : COPY ./umpire/ /app 2019-09-09 19:04:19,743 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,743 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 4ce4531f415f 2019-09-09 19:04:19,743 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 17/18 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:04:19,744 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,745 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 4f1a7c81074f 2019-09-09 19:04:19,745 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 18/18 : CMD python -m umpire.umpire 2019-09-09 19:04:19,747 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:19,747 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> c070df5ed62c 2019-09-09 19:04:19,866 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built c070df5ed62c 2019-09-09 19:04:19,879 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:04:19,879 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:04:20,131 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:04:20,131 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with ./api_gateway/Dockerfile in ./ 2019-09-09 19:04:29,004 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:04:29,363 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:04:29,499 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:04:29,499 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:04:29,500 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:29,500 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:04:29,501 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:29,501 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends autoconf g++ python3.7-dev && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2019-09-09 19:04:29,515 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> a4583be45691 2019-09-09 19:04:29,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:04:29,519 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,519 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 783dc2b4e77f 2019-09-09 19:04:29,519 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:04:29,521 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,522 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8adeee4c58b7 2019-09-09 19:04:29,522 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : COPY ./api_gateway/requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:04:29,523 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,524 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 918c345bf450 2019-09-09 19:04:29,524 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:04:29,527 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,527 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 08fafd3baa1f 2019-09-09 19:04:29,528 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:04:29,528 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:29,528 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:04:29,543 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,587 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> aeeae66aa6f6 2019-09-09 19:04:29,587 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : COPY ./common /app/common 2019-09-09 19:04:29,595 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,595 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> ac74bf49759e 2019-09-09 19:04:29,595 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY ./api_gateway /app/api_gateway 2019-09-09 19:04:29,621 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,621 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> d2eae879cff4 2019-09-09 19:04:29,621 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:04:29,623 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,623 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 81da52a934a8 2019-09-09 19:04:29,623 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : CMD gunicorn -k gevent -b 2019-09-09 19:04:29,625 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:29,625 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8f9aa290757f 2019-09-09 19:04:29,767 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 8f9aa290757f 2019-09-09 19:04:29,777 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:04:29,777 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:04:30,048 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:04:30,048 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with ./worker/Dockerfile in ./ 2019-09-09 19:04:39,440 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/16 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:04:39,793 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:04:39,983 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:04:39,984 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:04:39,986 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:39,986 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/16 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:04:39,986 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:04:39,986 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/16 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git autoconf g++ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2019-09-09 19:04:40,007 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:40,007 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 432472c5a7d6 2019-09-09 19:04:40,008 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/16 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:04:40,010 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:40,011 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 54824c7943ed 2019-09-09 19:04:40,011 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/16 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:04:40,012 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:40,013 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 4ed005602dc9 2019-09-09 19:04:40,013 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/16 : COPY ./worker/requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:04:40,019 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:40,019 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> c74dfe854b50 2019-09-09 19:04:40,020 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/16 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" git+ 2019-09-09 19:04:40,022 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:04:40,023 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 04fd60fde977 2019-09-09 19:04:40,023 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/16 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" --no-deps asteval 2019-09-09 19:04:40,182 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in d8594f80b0aa 2019-09-09 19:04:41,745 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting asteval 2019-09-09 19:04:42,096 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (52kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:42,619 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheels for collected packages: asteval 2019-09-09 19:04:42,620 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for asteval ( started 2019-09-09 19:04:42,980 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for asteval ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:04:42,981 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for asteval: filename=asteval-0.9.15-cp37-none-any.whl size=17684 sha256=fde75569b81e5f50e2ff686d4f413d6bf3e4e5f79f3a574f2893682596160879 2019-09-09 19:04:42,982 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/c4/68/ca/2d243306b4de40ff1ade50ba934c7cbbce2a399c44ad510028 2019-09-09 19:04:42,990 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built asteval 2019-09-09 19:04:42,990 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Installing collected packages: asteval 2019-09-09 19:04:43,018 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully installed asteval-0.9.15 2019-09-09 19:04:43,819 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container d8594f80b0aa 2019-09-09 19:04:43,819 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> b7f57feebaef 2019-09-09 19:04:43,819 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/16 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:04:43,902 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 8e52ef9fad01 2019-09-09 19:04:45,053 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting aiodocker (from -r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:04:45,345 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:45,390 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting aiohttp (from -r /requirements.txt (line 3)) 2019-09-09 19:04:46,117 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (1.2MB) 2019-09-09 19:04:46,422 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting docker (from -r /requirements.txt (line 5)) 2019-09-09 19:04:46,513 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (138kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:46,589 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting docker-compose (from -r /requirements.txt (line 6)) 2019-09-09 19:04:46,716 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (134kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:46,770 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting pyyaml (from -r /requirements.txt (line 7)) 2019-09-09 19:04:46,876 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (265kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:47,302 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting sqlalchemy (from -r /requirements.txt (line 8)) 2019-09-09 19:04:47,453 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (5.9MB) 2019-09-09 19:04:49,133 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting asteval (from -r /requirements.txt (line 9)) 2019-09-09 19:04:49,183 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting six (from -r /requirements.txt (line 10)) 2019-09-09 19:04:49,260 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:49,271 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting tenacity (from -r /requirements.txt (line 11)) 2019-09-09 19:04:49,352 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:49,377 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting yarl>=1.0 (from aiodocker->-r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:04:49,598 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (159kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:49,909 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting chardet<4.0,>=2.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 3)) 2019-09-09 19:04:49,975 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (133kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:50,010 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting async-timeout<4.0,>=3.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 3)) 2019-09-09 19:04:50,053 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Using cached 2019-09-09 19:04:50,065 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting attrs>=17.3.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 3)) 2019-09-09 19:04:50,128 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:50,165 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting multidict<5.0,>=4.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 3)) 2019-09-09 19:04:50,794 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (309kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:50,853 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting websocket-client>=0.32.0 (from docker->-r /requirements.txt (line 5)) 2019-09-09 19:04:50,930 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (200kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:50,967 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting requests!=2.18.0,>=2.14.2 (from docker->-r /requirements.txt (line 5)) 2019-09-09 19:04:51,121 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (57kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:51,163 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting jsonschema<3,>=2.5.1 (from docker-compose->-r /requirements.txt (line 6)) 2019-09-09 19:04:51,253 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:51,276 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting texttable<0.10,>=0.9.0 (from docker-compose->-r /requirements.txt (line 6)) 2019-09-09 19:04:51,336 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:51,596 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting dockerpty<0.5,>=0.4.1 (from docker-compose->-r /requirements.txt (line 6)) 2019-09-09 19:04:51,674 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:51,935 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting cached-property<2,>=1.2.0 (from docker-compose->-r /requirements.txt (line 6)) 2019-09-09 19:04:52,003 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:52,036 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting docopt<0.7,>=0.6.1 (from docker-compose->-r /requirements.txt (line 6)) 2019-09-09 19:04:52,091 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:04:52,371 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting idna>=2.0 (from yarl>=1.0->aiodocker->-r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:04:52,439 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (58kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:52,459 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 (from requests!=2.18.0,>=2.14.2->docker->-r /requirements.txt (line 5)) 2019-09-09 19:04:52,561 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (150kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:52,617 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests!=2.18.0,>=2.14.2->docker->-r /requirements.txt (line 5)) 2019-09-09 19:04:52,696 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (157kB) 2019-09-09 19:04:52,727 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheels for collected packages: pyyaml, sqlalchemy, yarl, texttable, dockerpty, docopt 2019-09-09 19:04:52,728 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for pyyaml ( started 2019-09-09 19:04:53,304 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for pyyaml ( finished with status 'done' Created wheel for pyyaml: filename=PyYAML-5.1.2-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=44103 sha256=9e22c8aa1251db10fbc1c2dda328c801349f25f11f739f8f3de6daeba73d6856 Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/d9/45/dd/65f0b38450c47cf7e5312883deb97d065e030c5cca0a365030 2019-09-09 19:04:53,330 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for sqlalchemy ( started 2019-09-09 19:04:54,968 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for sqlalchemy ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:04:54,974 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for sqlalchemy: filename=SQLAlchemy-1.3.8-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=1199862 sha256=6f90d9fef6387b8df327b33ea5f8c42365e2e74e607cbdc2fb60260f8e7f0db2 2019-09-09 19:04:54,974 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/97/b6/66/de2064d40c920adc2984ff3b8fd4f11494c8ab9e48ba87e8a2 2019-09-09 19:04:55,086 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for yarl ( started 2019-09-09 19:04:57,998 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for yarl ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:04:58,001 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for yarl: filename=yarl-1.3.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=264934 sha256=22d6f8dc78ac515e6846e48e5b7f2cf12d2f09d691349a2a61854492e82446bb Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/e3/f0/13/d7c1c5cd76ef321fb635ce79232ca973cd0c91fabaaa71e1c7 2019-09-09 19:04:58,015 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for texttable ( started 2019-09-09 19:04:58,315 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for texttable ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:04:58,316 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for texttable: filename=texttable-0.9.1-cp37-none-any.whl size=9971 sha256=72c1c68ca9d57d322551b5ff228df206f8e15c8ae20f323015e964b689bcd784 2019-09-09 19:04:58,317 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/99/1e/2b/8452d3a48dad98632787556a0f2f90d56703b39cdf7d142dd1 2019-09-09 19:04:58,322 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for dockerpty ( started 2019-09-09 19:04:58,628 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for dockerpty ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:04:58,629 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for dockerpty: filename=dockerpty-0.4.1-cp37-none-any.whl size=16606 sha256=17908bc537b778000b4c2fb06715a256c774666dcf0a045ad9e8203a2f38a6e9 2019-09-09 19:04:58,629 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/e5/1e/86/bd0a97a0907c6c654af654d5875d1d4383dd1f575f77cee4aa 2019-09-09 19:04:58,634 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for docopt ( started 2019-09-09 19:04:58,922 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for docopt ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:04:58,924 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for docopt: filename=docopt-0.6.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=13704 sha256=40a152abc4f83a65bec66912611fd17a0d031b504914aaec6acf1784949a166e 2019-09-09 19:04:58,925 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/9b/04/dd/7daf4150b6d9b12949298737de9431a324d4b797ffd63f526e 2019-09-09 19:04:58,930 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built pyyaml sqlalchemy yarl texttable dockerpty docopt 2019-09-09 19:04:59,076 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:ERROR: docker-compose 1.24.1 has requirement docker[ssh]<4.0,>=3.7.0, but you'll have docker 4.0.2 which is incompatible.  2019-09-09 19:04:59,077 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:ERROR: docker-compose 1.24.1 has requirement PyYAML<4.3,>=3.10, but you'll have pyyaml 5.1.2 which is incompatible. ERROR: docker-compose 1.24.1 has requirement requests!=2.11.0,!=2.12.2,!=2.18.0,<2.21,>=2.6.1, but you'll have requests 2.22.0 which is incompatible.  2019-09-09 19:04:59,078 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Installing collected packages: chardet, async-timeout, attrs, multidict, idna, yarl, aiohttp, aiodocker, six, websocket-client, urllib3, certifi, requests, docker, jsonschema, pyyaml, texttable, dockerpty, cached-property, docopt, docker-compose, sqlalchemy, asteval, tenacity 2019-09-09 19:05:00,702 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully installed aiodocker-0.14.0 aiohttp-3.6.0 asteval-0.9.15 async-timeout-3.0.1 attrs-19.1.0 cached-property-1.5.1 certifi-2019.6.16 chardet-3.0.4 docker-4.0.2 docker-compose-1.24.1 dockerpty-0.4.1 docopt-0.6.2 idna-2.8 jsonschema-2.6.0 multidict-4.5.2 pyyaml-5.1.2 requests-2.22.0 six-1.12.0 sqlalchemy-1.3.8 tenacity-5.1.1 texttable-0.9.1 urllib3-1.25.3 websocket-client-0.56.0 yarl-1.3.0 2019-09-09 19:05:02,136 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 8e52ef9fad01 2019-09-09 19:05:02,136 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> a61fe8d8c4f5 2019-09-09 19:05:02,136 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/16 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:05:02,136 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:02,136 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/16 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:05:03,378 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 81a6f8397d4e 2019-09-09 19:05:03,378 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/16 : COPY ./common /app/common 2019-09-09 19:05:03,769 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 87e98304d230 2019-09-09 19:05:03,769 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/16 : COPY ./worker /app/worker 2019-09-09 19:05:04,076 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 4971b851ffce 2019-09-09 19:05:04,076 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 14/16 : COPY ./umpire /app/umpire 2019-09-09 19:05:04,356 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 3b15535d9091 2019-09-09 19:05:04,356 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 15/16 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:05:04,453 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in c702e71f4d93 2019-09-09 19:05:04,666 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container c702e71f4d93 2019-09-09 19:05:04,667 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 64ecc261b818 2019-09-09 19:05:04,667 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 16/16 : CMD python -m worker.worker 2019-09-09 19:05:04,795 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 9c2037ff9faa 2019-09-09 19:05:05,007 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 9c2037ff9faa 2019-09-09 19:05:05,007 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> d193e71a87c7 2019-09-09 19:05:05,182 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built d193e71a87c7 2019-09-09 19:05:05,197 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:05:05,197 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:05:08,322 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:05:08,322 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with ./app_sdk/Dockerfile in ./ 2019-09-09 19:05:18,001 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:05:18,316 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:05:18,455 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:05:18,455 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:05:18,457 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:18,457 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:05:18,458 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:18,458 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git autoconf g++ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2019-09-09 19:05:18,480 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,480 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 432472c5a7d6 2019-09-09 19:05:18,481 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:05:18,484 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,484 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 54824c7943ed 2019-09-09 19:05:18,485 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:05:18,488 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,488 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 4ed005602dc9 2019-09-09 19:05:18,489 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : COPY ./app_sdk/requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:05:18,497 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,497 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 734d6f7aceb6 2019-09-09 19:05:18,498 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" git+ 2019-09-09 19:05:18,502 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,502 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 71018400dccf 2019-09-09 19:05:18,502 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" --no-deps asteval 2019-09-09 19:05:18,505 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,505 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> cd15c4345b10 2019-09-09 19:05:18,506 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:05:18,509 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,509 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> d01e3814eb45 2019-09-09 19:05:18,510 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:05:18,510 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:18,510 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:05:18,539 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,577 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 16edd7615aa8 2019-09-09 19:05:18,577 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : COPY ./app_sdk/walkoff_app_sdk /app/walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:05:18,579 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,580 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 2b6d1baf56b5 2019-09-09 19:05:18,580 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : COPY ./common /app/common 2019-09-09 19:05:18,589 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:18,589 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 9dc74de245aa 2019-09-09 19:05:18,762 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 9dc74de245aa 2019-09-09 19:05:18,767 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:05:18,768 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:05:18,990 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:05:18,990 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/adversary_hunting/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:05:19,275 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:05:19,635 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:05:19,772 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:05:19,772 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:05:19,773 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:19,773 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:05:19,773 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:19,773 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:05:19,884 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 0bd41ecbd169 2019-09-09 19:05:21,255 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 0bd41ecbd169 2019-09-09 19:05:21,255 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:05:21,256 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:05:21,359 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 6b870699a85a 2019-09-09 19:05:21,590 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 6b870699a85a 2019-09-09 19:05:21,590 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:05:21,590 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:05:21,925 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7c0ea9f8ac8d 2019-09-09 19:05:21,925 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:05:22,034 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in a84444642411 2019-09-09 19:05:24,517 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting pywinrm (from -r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:24,833 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:05:24,882 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting pypsrp (from -r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:05:24,943 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (88kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,007 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting chardet (from -r /requirements.txt (line 3)) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,070 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (133kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,120 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting requests>=2.9.1 (from pywinrm->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,302 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (57kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,343 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting requests-ntlm>=0.3.0 (from pywinrm->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,409 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:05:25,427 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting xmltodict (from pywinrm->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,497 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:05:25,512 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting six (from pywinrm->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,583 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:05:25,598 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting ntlm-auth>=1.2.0 (from pypsrp->-r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:05:25,664 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:05:25,687 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting cryptography (from pypsrp->-r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:05:26,235 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (2.3MB) 2019-09-09 19:05:26,995 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests>=2.9.1->pywinrm->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,084 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (157kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,135 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 (from requests>=2.9.1->pywinrm->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,240 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (150kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,292 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting idna<2.9,>=2.5 (from requests>=2.9.1->pywinrm->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,357 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (58kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,381 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting cffi!=1.11.3,>=1.8 (from cryptography->pypsrp->-r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,705 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (430kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,843 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting asn1crypto>=0.21.0 (from cryptography->pypsrp->-r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,912 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (101kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,939 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting pycparser (from cffi!=1.11.3,>=1.8->cryptography->pypsrp->-r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:05:27,999 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (158kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:28,654 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheels for collected packages: pycparser 2019-09-09 19:05:28,655 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for pycparser ( started 2019-09-09 19:05:29,343 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for pycparser ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:05:29,345 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for pycparser: filename=pycparser-2.19-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=111029 sha256=dca9601e94a793b007fc172c5ce01e81b6b74d042c66c5b7a2198442fdb86c9f 2019-09-09 19:05:29,346 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/f2/9a/90/de94f8556265ddc9d9c8b271b0f63e57b26fb1d67a45564511 2019-09-09 19:05:29,365 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built pycparser 2019-09-09 19:05:29,487 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Installing collected packages: chardet, certifi, urllib3, idna, requests, ntlm-auth, pycparser, cffi, asn1crypto, six, cryptography, requests-ntlm, xmltodict, pywinrm, pypsrp 2019-09-09 19:05:30,459 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully installed asn1crypto-0.24.0 certifi-2019.6.16 cffi-1.12.3 chardet-3.0.4 cryptography-2.7 idna-2.8 ntlm-auth-1.4.0 pycparser-2.19 pypsrp-0.3.1 pywinrm-0.3.0 requests-2.22.0 requests-ntlm-1.1.0 six-1.12.0 urllib3-1.25.3 xmltodict-0.12.0 2019-09-09 19:05:31,779 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container a84444642411 2019-09-09 19:05:31,779 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 5e1db6e56f45 2019-09-09 19:05:31,779 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:05:31,779 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:31,779 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:05:31,808 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:05:31,808 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:05:31,808 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:05:35,468 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:05:35,468 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:05:35,496 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:05:35,497 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:05:35,497 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:05:35,986 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:05:35,986 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:05:36,706 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7c0a3e2ca83d 2019-09-09 19:05:36,706 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:05:37,048 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 6bef33be46b2 2019-09-09 19:05:37,048 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:05:37,132 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in cdf21e13c0d1 2019-09-09 19:05:37,344 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container cdf21e13c0d1 2019-09-09 19:05:37,344 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 168ac304e4e5 2019-09-09 19:05:37,344 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:05:37,463 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 30bd2496ff2d 2019-09-09 19:05:37,656 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 30bd2496ff2d 2019-09-09 19:05:37,656 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> e4f733710fdb 2019-09-09 19:05:37,658 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built e4f733710fdb 2019-09-09 19:05:37,667 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:05:37,667 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:05:46,483 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:05:46,484 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/basics/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:05:46,625 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:05:47,012 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:05:47,135 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:05:47,135 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:05:47,136 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:47,136 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:05:47,137 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:47,137 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:05:47,139 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:47,140 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:05:47,140 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:05:47,140 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:47,140 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:05:47,140 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:05:47,536 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 371ab0435ba6 2019-09-09 19:05:47,536 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:05:47,635 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in d7a8b103c991 2019-09-09 19:05:50,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container d7a8b103c991 2019-09-09 19:05:50,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 23074d2f6e80 2019-09-09 19:05:50,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:05:50,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:50,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:05:50,540 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:05:50,540 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:05:50,541 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:05:50,545 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:50,586 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:05:50,586 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:05:50,600 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:05:50,601 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:05:50,601 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:05:50,603 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:50,645 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:05:50,645 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:05:50,975 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> e38284972434 2019-09-09 19:05:50,976 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:05:51,306 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> ae52a6373a20 2019-09-09 19:05:51,306 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:05:51,424 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in d245ed0938e2 2019-09-09 19:05:51,664 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container d245ed0938e2 2019-09-09 19:05:51,664 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> a0a5ead06241 2019-09-09 19:05:51,665 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:05:51,763 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 109038398ca3 2019-09-09 19:05:51,945 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 109038398ca3 2019-09-09 19:05:51,945 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> d6f1a133a3da 2019-09-09 19:05:51,945 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built d6f1a133a3da 2019-09-09 19:05:51,954 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:05:51,954 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:05:53,775 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:05:53,775 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/hive/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:05:53,915 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/14 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:05:54,289 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:05:54,417 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:05:54,417 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:05:54,419 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:54,419 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/14 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:05:54,419 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:05:54,420 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/14 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:05:54,424 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:54,425 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:05:54,425 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/14 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:05:54,427 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:05:54,427 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:05:54,427 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/14 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:05:54,735 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 6c81b776e197 2019-09-09 19:05:54,735 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/14 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:05:54,843 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 9fa81c946079 2019-09-09 19:05:56,777 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting thehive4py (from -r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:57,081 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:05:57,117 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting future (from thehive4py->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:57,190 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (829kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,084 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting requests (from thehive4py->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,237 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (57kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,270 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting python-magic (from thehive4py->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,336 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:05:58,348 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 (from requests->thehive4py->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,462 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (150kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,511 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests->thehive4py->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,591 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (157kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,619 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting idna<2.9,>=2.5 (from requests->thehive4py->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,684 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (58kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,711 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 (from requests->thehive4py->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,784 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (133kB) 2019-09-09 19:05:58,815 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheels for collected packages: future 2019-09-09 19:05:58,816 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for future ( started 2019-09-09 19:05:59,434 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for future ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:05:59,438 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for future: filename=future-0.17.1-cp37-none-any.whl size=488730 sha256=ca6043b1d7ac34abb6035935a34b9916461351220930f3f540b0e364ac38778f 2019-09-09 19:05:59,438 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/0c/61/d2/d6b7317325828fbb39ee6ad559dbe4664d0896da4721bf379e 2019-09-09 19:05:59,503 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built future 2019-09-09 19:05:59,545 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Installing collected packages: future, urllib3, certifi, idna, chardet, requests, python-magic, thehive4py 2019-09-09 19:06:00,285 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully installed certifi-2019.6.16 chardet-3.0.4 future-0.17.1 idna-2.8 python-magic-0.4.15 requests-2.22.0 thehive4py-1.6.0 urllib3-1.25.3 2019-09-09 19:06:01,543 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 9fa81c946079 2019-09-09 19:06:01,544 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 08597dc5135c 2019-09-09 19:06:01,544 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/14 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:06:01,544 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:01,544 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/14 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:01,573 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:01,574 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:01,574 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:01,579 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:01,616 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:06:01,616 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/14 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:06:01,627 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:01,628 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:01,628 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:01,629 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:01,666 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:06:01,667 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/14 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:02,312 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 5ad39e13deab 2019-09-09 19:06:02,312 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/14 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:06:02,665 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 9ca2bbd9a5bc 2019-09-09 19:06:02,665 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/14 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libmagic-dev && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2019-09-09 19:06:02,753 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 12d73acb7404 2019-09-09 19:06:03,421 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:1 buster/updates InRelease [39.1 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:03,424 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:2 buster InRelease [122 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:03,513 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:3 buster-updates InRelease [49.3 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:03,633 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:4 buster/updates/main amd64 Packages [82.1 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:03,751 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:5 buster/main amd64 Packages [7899 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:04,449 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:6 buster-updates/main amd64 Packages [884 B] 2019-09-09 19:06:05,813 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Fetched 8191 kB in 2s (3328 kB/s) Reading package lists... 2019-09-09 19:06:06,594 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Reading package lists... 2019-09-09 19:06:07,486 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building dependency tree... 2019-09-09 19:06:07,624 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Reading state information... 2019-09-09 19:06:07,783 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:The following additional packages will be installed: 2019-09-09 19:06:07,784 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:libmagic-mgc libmagic1 2019-09-09 19:06:07,785 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Suggested packages: file 2019-09-09 19:06:07,809 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:The following NEW packages will be installed: 2019-09-09 19:06:07,810 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:libmagic-dev libmagic-mgc libmagic1 2019-09-09 19:06:07,878 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 14 not upgraded. Need to get 489 kB of archives. After this operation, 6045 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 buster/main amd64 libmagic-mgc amd64 1:5.35-4 [242 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:07,996 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:2 buster/main amd64 libmagic1 amd64 1:5.35-4 [117 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:08,007 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:3 buster/main amd64 libmagic-dev amd64 1:5.35-4 [130 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:08,260 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed  2019-09-09 19:06:08,298 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Fetched 489 kB in 0s (2360 kB/s) 2019-09-09 19:06:08,333 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package libmagic-mgc. (Reading database ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,335 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% 2019-09-09 19:06:08,336 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% 2019-09-09 19:06:08,340 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 80% 2019-09-09 19:06:08,346 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 85% 2019-09-09 19:06:08,353 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 90% 2019-09-09 19:06:08,358 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 95% 2019-09-09 19:06:08,364 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 6828 files and directories currently installed.) 2019-09-09 19:06:08,366 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../libmagic-mgc_1%3a5.35-4_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,372 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking libmagic-mgc (1:5.35-4) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,526 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package libmagic1:amd64. 2019-09-09 19:06:08,527 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../libmagic1_1%3a5.35-4_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,541 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking libmagic1:amd64 (1:5.35-4) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,600 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package libmagic-dev:amd64. 2019-09-09 19:06:08,602 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../libmagic-dev_1%3a5.35-4_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,609 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking libmagic-dev:amd64 (1:5.35-4) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,671 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up libmagic-mgc (1:5.35-4) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,693 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up libmagic1:amd64 (1:5.35-4) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,739 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up libmagic-dev:amd64 (1:5.35-4) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:08,759 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.28-10) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:09,610 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 12d73acb7404 2019-09-09 19:06:09,610 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> b8eb1fd667e4 2019-09-09 19:06:09,610 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/14 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:06:09,712 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 77481a9e0104 2019-09-09 19:06:09,974 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 77481a9e0104 2019-09-09 19:06:09,974 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> d95fac3385a4 2019-09-09 19:06:09,974 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 14/14 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:06:10,093 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in bb2264c1dac6 2019-09-09 19:06:10,315 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container bb2264c1dac6 2019-09-09 19:06:10,315 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 2499bcf8e884 2019-09-09 19:06:10,316 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 2499bcf8e884 2019-09-09 19:06:10,337 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:06:10,337 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:06:12,477 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:06:12,477 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/ip_addr_utils/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:06:12,625 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:06:12,980 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:06:13,102 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:06:13,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:06:13,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:13,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:06:13,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:13,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:06:13,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:13,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:06:13,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:06:13,104 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:13,105 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:06:13,105 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:13,106 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:13,106 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7c0ea9f8ac8d 2019-09-09 19:06:13,106 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:13,106 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:13,107 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 5e1db6e56f45 2019-09-09 19:06:13,107 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:06:13,107 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:13,107 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:13,139 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:13,139 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:13,139 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:13,143 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:13,176 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:06:13,176 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:06:13,195 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:13,195 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:13,195 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:13,197 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:13,236 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:06:13,236 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:13,238 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:13,286 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7c0a3e2ca83d 2019-09-09 19:06:13,287 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:06:13,615 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 67ea0927c1b0 2019-09-09 19:06:13,615 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:06:13,723 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 60d79ac8e424 2019-09-09 19:06:13,944 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 60d79ac8e424 2019-09-09 19:06:13,945 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> c1c2e51f0f3f 2019-09-09 19:06:13,945 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:06:14,034 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in e9384b5e88e5 2019-09-09 19:06:14,225 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container e9384b5e88e5 2019-09-09 19:06:14,225 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 93beebefbb21 2019-09-09 19:06:14,226 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 93beebefbb21 2019-09-09 19:06:14,234 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:06:14,235 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:06:15,739 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:06:15,739 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/mitre_attack/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:06:15,885 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:06:16,266 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:06:16,397 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:06:16,397 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:06:16,399 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:16,400 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:06:16,400 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:16,400 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:06:16,403 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:16,403 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:06:16,403 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:06:16,403 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:16,403 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:06:16,403 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:16,405 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:16,405 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7c0ea9f8ac8d 2019-09-09 19:06:16,405 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:16,405 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:16,405 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 5e1db6e56f45 2019-09-09 19:06:16,405 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:06:16,405 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:16,405 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:16,438 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:16,438 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:16,438 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:16,442 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:16,476 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:06:16,476 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:06:16,489 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:16,489 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:16,489 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:16,491 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:16,526 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:06:16,526 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:16,528 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:16,575 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7c0a3e2ca83d 2019-09-09 19:06:16,575 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:06:16,866 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> fbcad91e2f7c 2019-09-09 19:06:16,867 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:06:16,972 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 4711c17cff45 2019-09-09 19:06:17,207 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 4711c17cff45 2019-09-09 19:06:17,207 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ee9a73ce481 2019-09-09 19:06:17,208 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:06:17,319 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 95df590ac6e8 2019-09-09 19:06:17,555 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 95df590ac6e8 2019-09-09 19:06:17,555 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 18623ae0b3cf 2019-09-09 19:06:17,555 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 18623ae0b3cf 2019-09-09 19:06:17,565 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:06:17,565 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:06:19,071 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:06:19,071 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/nmap/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:06:19,215 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/14 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:06:19,620 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:06:19,751 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:06:19,752 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:06:19,754 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:19,755 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/14 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:06:19,757 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:19,757 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/14 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:06:19,763 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:19,763 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:06:19,763 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/14 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:06:19,763 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:19,764 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:06:19,764 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/14 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:20,116 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> b41defbaf946 2019-09-09 19:06:20,116 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/14 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:20,212 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 9719b8b7dc22 2019-09-09 19:06:22,113 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting python-libnmap (from -r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:06:22,385 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:06:22,896 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting networkx (from -r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:06:23,149 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (1.7MB) 2019-09-09 19:06:24,110 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting jinja2 (from -r /requirements.txt (line 3)) 2019-09-09 19:06:24,187 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (124kB) 2019-09-09 19:06:24,228 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting asgiref (from -r /requirements.txt (line 4)) 2019-09-09 19:06:24,314 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:06:24,334 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting nmap (from -r /requirements.txt (line 5)) 2019-09-09 19:06:24,394 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:06:24,411 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting decorator>=4.3.0 (from networkx->-r /requirements.txt (line 2)) 2019-09-09 19:06:24,488 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:06:24,502 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 (from jinja2->-r /requirements.txt (line 3)) 2019-09-09 19:06:24,628 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:06:24,643 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheels for collected packages: python-libnmap, networkx 2019-09-09 19:06:24,644 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for python-libnmap ( started 2019-09-09 19:06:25,101 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for python-libnmap ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:06:25,102 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for python-libnmap: filename=python_libnmap-0.7.0-cp37-none-any.whl size=35821 sha256=c37e8f985b5f5b17fb3761c53219768d998b1d4770fcdf6b045f91dfcad7bd6a 2019-09-09 19:06:25,103 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/13/b2/98/2d7edf7a9dac4f0015b96da1836095d7dfd2367853c5109565 2019-09-09 19:06:25,114 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for networkx ( started 2019-09-09 19:06:26,253 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for networkx ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:06:26,261 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for networkx: filename=networkx-2.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=1556408 sha256=14db45863a73face4b105cca8d6669971dbb1afe003c51c461f62a9599cad493 2019-09-09 19:06:26,261 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/de/63/64/3699be2a9d0ccdb37c7f16329acf3863fd76eda58c39c737af 2019-09-09 19:06:26,439 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built python-libnmap networkx 2019-09-09 19:06:26,492 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Installing collected packages: python-libnmap, decorator, networkx, MarkupSafe, jinja2, asgiref, nmap 2019-09-09 19:06:27,754 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully installed MarkupSafe-1.1.1 asgiref-3.2.2 decorator-4.4.0 jinja2-2.10.1 networkx-2.3 nmap-0.0.1 python-libnmap-0.7.0 2019-09-09 19:06:29,195 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 9719b8b7dc22 2019-09-09 19:06:29,195 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> c12fe088c497 2019-09-09 19:06:29,195 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/14 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:06:29,195 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:29,195 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/14 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:29,245 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:29,251 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:29,251 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:29,251 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:29,285 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:06:29,285 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/14 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:06:29,298 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:29,299 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:29,299 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:29,301 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:29,336 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:06:29,336 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/14 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:30,238 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> bd5169455243 2019-09-09 19:06:30,238 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/14 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:06:30,526 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> acec1d3702f8 2019-09-09 19:06:30,526 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/14 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends nmap && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2019-09-09 19:06:30,673 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 1fb6860122ec 2019-09-09 19:06:31,253 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:1 buster/updates InRelease [39.1 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:31,357 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:2 buster InRelease [122 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:31,425 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:3 buster/updates/main amd64 Packages [82.1 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:31,527 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:4 buster-updates InRelease [49.3 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:31,571 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:5 buster/main amd64 Packages [7899 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:38,460 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:6 buster-updates/main amd64 Packages [884 B] 2019-09-09 19:06:39,895 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Fetched 8191 kB in 9s (942 kB/s) Reading package lists... 2019-09-09 19:06:40,629 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Reading package lists... 2019-09-09 19:06:41,424 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building dependency tree... 2019-09-09 19:06:41,563 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Reading state information... 2019-09-09 19:06:41,723 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:The following additional packages will be installed: 2019-09-09 19:06:41,724 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:libblas3 libgfortran5 liblinear3 liblua5.3-0 libpcap0.8 libquadmath0 2019-09-09 19:06:41,724 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:libssh2-1 nmap-common 2019-09-09 19:06:41,726 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Suggested packages: liblinear-tools liblinear-dev ncat ndiff zenmap 2019-09-09 19:06:41,793 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:The following NEW packages will be installed: 2019-09-09 19:06:41,794 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:libblas3 libgfortran5 liblinear3 liblua5.3-0 libpcap0.8 libquadmath0 2019-09-09 19:06:41,794 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:libssh2-1 nmap nmap-common 2019-09-09 19:06:41,898 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:0 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 0 to remove and 14 not upgraded. Need to get 7094 kB of archives. After this operation, 30.3 MB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 buster/main amd64 libquadmath0 amd64 8.3.0-6 [133 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:41,991 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:2 buster/main amd64 libgfortran5 amd64 8.3.0-6 [581 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:42,084 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:3 buster/main amd64 libblas3 amd64 3.8.0-2 [148 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:42,099 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:4 buster/main amd64 liblinear3 amd64 2.1.0+dfsg-4 [41.2 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:42,106 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:5 buster/main amd64 liblua5.3-0 amd64 5.3.3-1.1 [120 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:42,159 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:6 buster/main amd64 libpcap0.8 amd64 1.8.1-6 [139 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:42,173 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:7 buster/main amd64 libssh2-1 amd64 1.8.0-2.1 [140 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:42,184 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:8 buster/main amd64 nmap-common all 7.70+dfsg1-6 [3899 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:42,643 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Get:9 buster/main amd64 nmap amd64 7.70+dfsg1-6 [1895 kB] 2019-09-09 19:06:43,096 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed  2019-09-09 19:06:43,129 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Fetched 7094 kB in 1s (6387 kB/s) 2019-09-09 19:06:43,172 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package libquadmath0:amd64. (Reading database ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,173 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% 2019-09-09 19:06:43,174 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 80% 2019-09-09 19:06:43,176 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 85% 2019-09-09 19:06:43,178 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 90% 2019-09-09 19:06:43,179 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:(Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 6828 files and directories currently installed.) 2019-09-09 19:06:43,180 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../0-libquadmath0_8.3.0-6_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,196 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking libquadmath0:amd64 (8.3.0-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,266 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package libgfortran5:amd64. Preparing to unpack .../1-libgfortran5_8.3.0-6_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,273 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking libgfortran5:amd64 (8.3.0-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,414 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package libblas3:amd64. 2019-09-09 19:06:43,415 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../2-libblas3_3.8.0-2_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,423 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking libblas3:amd64 (3.8.0-2) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,494 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package liblinear3:amd64. 2019-09-09 19:06:43,496 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../3-liblinear3_2.1.0+dfsg-4_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,505 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking liblinear3:amd64 (2.1.0+dfsg-4) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,558 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package liblua5.3-0:amd64. 2019-09-09 19:06:43,560 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../4-liblua5.3-0_5.3.3-1.1_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,566 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking liblua5.3-0:amd64 (5.3.3-1.1) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,641 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package libpcap0.8:amd64. 2019-09-09 19:06:43,643 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../5-libpcap0.8_1.8.1-6_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,650 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking libpcap0.8:amd64 (1.8.1-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,727 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package libssh2-1:amd64. 2019-09-09 19:06:43,730 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../6-libssh2-1_1.8.0-2.1_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,739 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking libssh2-1:amd64 (1.8.0-2.1) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,802 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package nmap-common. 2019-09-09 19:06:43,803 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Preparing to unpack .../7-nmap-common_7.70+dfsg1-6_all.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:43,811 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking nmap-common (7.70+dfsg1-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,360 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Selecting previously unselected package nmap. Preparing to unpack .../8-nmap_7.70+dfsg1-6_amd64.deb ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,368 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Unpacking nmap (7.70+dfsg1-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,631 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up libpcap0.8:amd64 (1.8.1-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,653 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up libquadmath0:amd64 (8.3.0-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,675 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up libgfortran5:amd64 (8.3.0-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,694 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up nmap-common (7.70+dfsg1-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,712 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up liblua5.3-0:amd64 (5.3.3-1.1) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,731 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up libssh2-1:amd64 (1.8.0-2.1) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,751 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up libblas3:amd64 (3.8.0-2) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,776 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ to provide /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ( in auto mode 2019-09-09 19:06:44,787 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up liblinear3:amd64 (2.1.0+dfsg-4) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,805 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Setting up nmap (7.70+dfsg1-6) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:44,823 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.28-10) ... 2019-09-09 19:06:45,890 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 1fb6860122ec 2019-09-09 19:06:45,890 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 05a4ca203e1c 2019-09-09 19:06:45,890 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/14 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:06:45,975 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 229f6472c0e7 2019-09-09 19:06:46,216 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 229f6472c0e7 2019-09-09 19:06:46,217 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 780530ef9fd1 2019-09-09 19:06:46,218 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 14/14 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:06:46,332 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 04768dae6984 2019-09-09 19:06:46,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 04768dae6984 2019-09-09 19:06:46,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 73bd3a6ceb28 2019-09-09 19:06:46,516 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 73bd3a6ceb28 2019-09-09 19:06:46,526 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:06:46,526 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:06:50,015 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:06:50,015 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/power_shell/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:06:50,175 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:06:50,580 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:06:50,751 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:06:50,751 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:06:50,752 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:50,753 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:06:50,753 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:50,753 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:06:50,756 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:50,756 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:06:50,756 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:06:50,757 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:50,757 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:06:50,757 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:50,760 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:50,760 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7c0ea9f8ac8d 2019-09-09 19:06:50,760 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:50,760 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:50,761 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 5e1db6e56f45 2019-09-09 19:06:50,761 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:06:50,762 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:50,762 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:50,791 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:50,791 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:50,792 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:50,795 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:50,845 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:06:50,846 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:06:50,860 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:06:50,860 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:06:50,860 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:06:50,861 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:50,896 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:06:50,896 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:06:50,899 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:50,936 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7c0a3e2ca83d 2019-09-09 19:06:50,936 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:06:51,266 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 2af6bd173f0f 2019-09-09 19:06:51,266 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:06:51,388 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 04716fd65e3b 2019-09-09 19:06:51,615 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 04716fd65e3b 2019-09-09 19:06:51,615 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> d24a9204c524 2019-09-09 19:06:51,615 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:06:51,711 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 9e71a6be604c 2019-09-09 19:06:51,904 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 9e71a6be604c 2019-09-09 19:06:51,904 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 800e9f2606cb 2019-09-09 19:06:51,905 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 800e9f2606cb 2019-09-09 19:06:51,915 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:06:51,915 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:06:53,397 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:06:53,397 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/ssh/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:06:53,546 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:06:53,896 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:06:54,010 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:06:54,010 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:06:54,012 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:54,012 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:06:54,012 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:06:54,012 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:06:54,016 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:54,016 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:06:54,016 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:06:54,016 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:06:54,016 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:06:54,016 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:54,346 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 6cf736a6672a 2019-09-09 19:06:54,346 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:06:54,434 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 638fa6f21234 2019-09-09 19:06:56,339 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting asyncssh (from -r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:06:56,688 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (291kB) 2019-09-09 19:06:56,827 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting cryptography>=2.7 (from asyncssh->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:06:57,316 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (2.3MB) 2019-09-09 19:06:57,645 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting cffi!=1.11.3,>=1.8 (from cryptography>=2.7->asyncssh->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:06:57,959 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (430kB) 2019-09-09 19:06:58,022 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting six>=1.4.1 (from cryptography>=2.7->asyncssh->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:06:58,093 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:06:58,104 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting asn1crypto>=0.21.0 (from cryptography>=2.7->asyncssh->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:06:58,174 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (101kB) 2019-09-09 19:06:58,220 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting pycparser (from cffi!=1.11.3,>=1.8->cryptography>=2.7->asyncssh->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:06:58,287 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (158kB) 2019-09-09 19:06:58,812 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheels for collected packages: pycparser 2019-09-09 19:06:58,814 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for pycparser ( started 2019-09-09 19:06:59,466 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for pycparser ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:06:59,468 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for pycparser: filename=pycparser-2.19-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=111029 sha256=c3a6b42beb938dc492a540cc526605aae5ec83be025111459cbcddf3ef3fb2ee 2019-09-09 19:06:59,469 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/f2/9a/90/de94f8556265ddc9d9c8b271b0f63e57b26fb1d67a45564511 2019-09-09 19:06:59,485 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built pycparser 2019-09-09 19:06:59,536 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Installing collected packages: pycparser, cffi, six, asn1crypto, cryptography, asyncssh 2019-09-09 19:07:00,273 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully installed asn1crypto-0.24.0 asyncssh-1.18.0 cffi-1.12.3 cryptography-2.7 pycparser-2.19 six-1.12.0 2019-09-09 19:07:01,522 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 638fa6f21234 2019-09-09 19:07:01,522 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> c41a417fbb8c 2019-09-09 19:07:01,522 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:07:01,522 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:07:01,522 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:07:01,553 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:07:01,554 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:07:01,554 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:07:01,558 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:07:01,596 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:07:01,596 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:07:01,610 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:07:01,610 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:07:01,610 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:07:01,612 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:07:01,645 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:07:01,645 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:07:02,456 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dc952ce77418 2019-09-09 19:07:02,457 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:07:02,746 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> a2a9fd719481 2019-09-09 19:07:02,746 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:07:02,862 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 28a0d63ae0ec 2019-09-09 19:07:03,135 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 28a0d63ae0ec 2019-09-09 19:07:03,135 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 7f1334a7b570 2019-09-09 19:07:03,135 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:07:03,252 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 164edb1c0633 2019-09-09 19:07:03,446 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 164edb1c0633 2019-09-09 19:07:03,446 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 41208e44e499 2019-09-09 19:07:03,446 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built 41208e44e499 2019-09-09 19:07:03,457 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:07:03,457 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:07:05,923 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:07:05,923 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Building with Dockerfile in apps/walk_off/1.0.0 2019-09-09 19:07:06,105 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 1/13 : FROM python:3.7.4-slim-buster as base 2019-09-09 19:07:06,522 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from library/python 2019-09-09 19:07:06,644 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:5f83c6d40f9e9696d965785991e9b85e4baef189c7ad1078483d15a8657d6cc0 2019-09-09 19:07:06,644 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for python:3.7.4-slim-buster 2019-09-09 19:07:06,645 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:07:06,645 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 2/13 : FROM base as builder 2019-09-09 19:07:06,645 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:07:06,646 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 3/13 : RUN mkdir /install 2019-09-09 19:07:06,648 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:07:06,648 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 8051f8650ae2 2019-09-09 19:07:06,648 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 4/13 : WORKDIR /install 2019-09-09 19:07:06,649 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:07:06,649 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> dedcb5a020a5 2019-09-09 19:07:06,649 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 5/13 : COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:07:06,956 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 993d61bf0404 2019-09-09 19:07:06,956 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 6/13 : RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix="/install" -r /requirements.txt 2019-09-09 19:07:07,041 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 4cdfbd585cdc 2019-09-09 19:07:08,929 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting aiohttp (from -r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:07:09,907 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (1.2MB) 2019-09-09 19:07:10,359 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting yarl<2.0,>=1.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:07:10,599 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (159kB) 2019-09-09 19:07:11,123 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting chardet<4.0,>=2.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:07:11,201 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (133kB) 2019-09-09 19:07:11,235 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting async-timeout<4.0,>=3.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:07:11,298 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:07:11,310 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting attrs>=17.3.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:07:11,377 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading 2019-09-09 19:07:11,414 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting multidict<5.0,>=4.0 (from aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:07:11,985 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (309kB) 2019-09-09 19:07:12,052 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Collecting idna>=2.0 (from yarl<2.0,>=1.0->aiohttp->-r /requirements.txt (line 1)) 2019-09-09 19:07:12,118 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Downloading (58kB) 2019-09-09 19:07:12,138 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheels for collected packages: yarl 2019-09-09 19:07:12,140 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for yarl ( started 2019-09-09 19:07:12,540 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Building wheel for yarl ( finished with status 'done' 2019-09-09 19:07:12,542 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Created wheel for yarl: filename=yarl-1.3.0-cp37-none-any.whl size=84914 sha256=cfa7a111d72677e64b9a80b46658470e8afc36b0a1a2af16acf31a69209a8a9f 2019-09-09 19:07:12,543 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/e3/f0/13/d7c1c5cd76ef321fb635ce79232ca973cd0c91fabaaa71e1c7 2019-09-09 19:07:12,561 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built yarl 2019-09-09 19:07:12,618 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Installing collected packages: multidict, idna, yarl, chardet, async-timeout, attrs, aiohttp 2019-09-09 19:07:13,078 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully installed aiohttp-3.6.0 async-timeout-3.0.1 attrs-19.1.0 chardet-3.0.4 idna-2.8 multidict-4.5.2 yarl-1.3.0 2019-09-09 19:07:14,288 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 4cdfbd585cdc 2019-09-09 19:07:14,288 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> cf92afd8f314 2019-09-09 19:07:14,288 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 7/13 : FROM base 2019-09-09 19:07:14,289 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> f96c28b7013f 2019-09-09 19:07:14,289 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 8/13 : COPY --from= /usr/local /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:07:14,320 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:07:14,320 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:07:14,321 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:07:14,325 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:07:14,376 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 195ecd6b8f1c 2019-09-09 19:07:14,377 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 9/13 : COPY --from= /app /app 2019-09-09 19:07:14,387 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Pulling from walkoff_app_sdk 2019-09-09 19:07:14,387 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Digest: sha256:a3af89b178f41bde758e060e8098ae7c425b2dc4682a74f2bad1b5c9e56a7df9 2019-09-09 19:07:14,388 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Status: Image is up to date for 2019-09-09 19:07:14,390 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Using cache 2019-09-09 19:07:14,435 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 1ebd4bf0824a 2019-09-09 19:07:14,436 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 10/13 : COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local 2019-09-09 19:07:15,016 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 6a3ba4b5ac02 2019-09-09 19:07:15,016 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 11/13 : COPY src /app 2019-09-09 19:07:15,346 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> 05caefc09823 2019-09-09 19:07:15,346 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 12/13 : WORKDIR /app 2019-09-09 19:07:15,446 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 9aacbcd8b3f0 2019-09-09 19:07:15,665 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 9aacbcd8b3f0 2019-09-09 19:07:15,666 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> bb830eb49aa6 2019-09-09 19:07:15,666 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Step 13/13 : CMD python --log-level DEBUG 2019-09-09 19:07:15,782 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> Running in 16bae652bc5a 2019-09-09 19:07:16,061 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Removing intermediate container 16bae652bc5a 2019-09-09 19:07:16,061 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:---> ea63f3512978 2019-09-09 19:07:16,061 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully built ea63f3512978 2019-09-09 19:07:16,069 - UMPIRE - DEBUG:Successfully tagged 2019-09-09 19:07:16,069 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushing image 2019-09-09 19:07:18,125 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Pushed image 2019-09-09 19:07:18,170 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Deploying Walkoff stack... 2019-09-09 19:07:20,026 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_resource_nginx (id: j44ibx94wlw0gefugu6w68tf3) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,026 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_power_shell (id: zozmacbatqd1ro7pk9chwbwui) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,026 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_core_worker (id: bj9ojho6jqgt1qojpbfgfaur0) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,026 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_sdk (id: 3aze4359t22r4iglkx8gps2iw) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,026 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_nmap (id: ns8xyinwpwd8jkt1i4s54mg3s) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,026 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_hive (id: dueo9appdnvi0piyy8epkzpai) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_walk_off (id: p8qfpxgyolvnhnkqncqexe3vx) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_adversary_hunting (id: ky9w6sa8eyace4suacob5mqjz) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_ssh (id: sgw0z4jzm4vgwz5qbg1otuciw) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_basics (id: zkrawkjeuz62h7xano8dfhtsj) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_core_umpire (id: p2qdh15kucgkqlocrw7u9niq3) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_core_api_gateway (id: joee0ghaj6vksnn0ts9bfgiye) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_ip_addr_utils (id: vhb37qseg10nvandz1ikfa4yn) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Updating service walkoff_app_mitre_attack (id: mrf5mtjiiaet39pud0e21ql57) 2019-09-09 19:07:20,027 - BOOTLOADER - INFO:Walkoff stack deployed, it may take a little time to converge. Use 'docker stack services walkoff' to check on Walkoff services. Web interface should be available at '' once walkoff_resource_nginx is up. 2019-09-09 19:07:20,028 - UMPIRE - INFO:Docker connection closed.