MIMIX (MIcrobiome MIXed model) is a hierarchical Bayesian model for the analysis of next-generation sequencing microbiome abundance data from designed experiments. It achieves four scientific objectives:
- Global tests of whether experimental treatments affect microbiome composition,
- Local tests for treatment effects on individual taxa and estimation of theses effects if present,
- Quantification of how different sources of variability contribute to microbiome heterogeneity, and
- Characterization of latent structure in the microbiome, which may suggest ecological subcommunities.
For more information, read the paper: MIMIX: a Bayesian Mixed-Effects Model for Microbiome Data from Designed Experiments.
MIMIX requires Julia 1.0, which can be downloaded from https://julialang.org/downloads/. Platform specific installation instuctions are available at https://julialang.org/downloads/platform.html.
Add the julia
command to your path. One way to achieve this on macOS is to symlink the command to /usr/local/bin/
ln -s /Applications/Julia-1.0.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/julia
git clone https://github.com/nsgrantham/mimix
cd mimix
Open Julia with julia
, type ]
to enter Pkg mode, and then run the following commands:
develop MicrobiomeMixedModels.jl
add StatsBase DataFrames Distributions Mamba YAML RCall CSV ArgParse
MIMIX requires R 3.4 or greater to reproduce the tables and graphics from the paper and to compare the performance of MIMIX and its variants with PERMANOVA, implemented by vegan::adonis()
Download and install R from https://www.r-project.org/.
Once installed, open R from the terminal with R
and run the following command:
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "vegan", "argparse", "xtable", "reshape2"))
To reproduce the simulation study, you will need to install the GNU tool parallel
(read more at https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/).
To do so, run brew install parallel
on macOS or sudo apt-get install parallel
on Ubuntu.
Run scripts/sim-mcmc.jl
to simulate a model on artificially-generated data. A call to this script may look like the following:
mkdir simulation-results
julia scripts/sim-mcmc.jl \
--data simulation-study/configs/data.yml \
--hyper simulation-study/configs/hyper.yml \
--monitor simulation-study/configs/monitor.yml \
--inits simulation-study/configs/inits.yml \
--seed 123 \
--factors 20 \
Run ./simulation-study/run-simulation-study.sh -r 50 -o simulation-study/results
to reproduce the simulation study with 50 replicates. A single simulation replicate, which fits all three models (MIMIX, MIMIX w/o Factors, and PERMANOVA), takes around 20 minutes to run on a single core of a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 processor. Therefore, a full run of the simulation study with 50 replicates of each of 30 settings parallelized across 20 cores requires about 30 hours.
Run scripts/fit-mcmc.jl
to fit a model to microbiome data from a designed experiment. A call to this script may look like the following:
mkdir nutnet-analysis-results
julia scripts/fit-mcmc.jl \
--hyper nutnet-analysis/configs/hyper.yml \
--monitor nutnet-analysis/configs/monitor-mimix.yml \
--inits nutnet-analysis/configs/inits.yml \
--factors 20 \
nutnet-analysis/reduced-data \
The data directory must contain three files:
: treatment covariates inn
samples (rows) byp
covariates (columns)Y.csv
: microbiome abundance data inn
samples (rows) byK
taxa (columns)Z.csv
: block identifiers inn
samples (rows) byq
blocking factors (columns)
Run ./nutnet-analysis/run-nutnet-analysis.sh -d nutnet-analysis/full-data -o nutnet-analysis -f 166 -i 20000 -b 10000 -t 20 -c 1
to reproduce the full NutNet data analysis, which will take aabout 26 hours on a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 processor.
To demo the analysis on a small dataset, replace nutnet-analysis/full-data
with nutnet-analysis/reduced-data
and select the number of factors (-f
) to be 100 or fewer.