Breakout pin | Pic32mxpin | Fubarino silk name |
INT | RC4 | Pin 20/A12 |
SDA | RB9 | Pin 26 |
SCL | RB8 | Pin 25 |
Serial Tx - Uart2 pins - RB0 - Connect to serial converter for now.
Initial code to get quaternion output from DMP. Outputs quaternion values
as hexadecimal strings like q: 1d7b8d3f ff686626 ff8e7e00 38ccc5a4
The format for each part is big-endian long which python struct can read as
struct.unpack('>l', "ff686626".split[j].decode('hex'))[0]
Can divide all parts by 1073741824.0(1<<30), or normalize quaternion before use.
The function send_packet is not used, but it sends raw gyro, accel readings fine when configured.
There is a
application in desktop/
, which draws a cube rotating
cube according to quaternion output it recieved from serial port.
Compiler is gcc version 4.5.2 MPLAB XC32 Compiler v1.20 (Microchip Technology)
. Have
and MPU9150
in global preprocessor defines.