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Initial commit of nprobe extensions
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lucaderi committed Oct 10, 2015
1 parent c8b5887 commit cdae130
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Showing 45 changed files with 4,321 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ This repository contains open source components and extensions for nProbe availa

Here you can find:
* Add-on and extensions
* Code example of applications that can interact with nProbe
* Code examples of applications that can interact with nProbe

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions bgp/README
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
BGP lister written in perl: your BGP-enabled router connects to it, and it injects in a local
nProbe instance all the routes (initially all received routes, later all the routing updates)
so that the probe can compute the AS path and put it into emitted flows.

You can start this script from the nProbe BGP plugin part of nProbe Pro

NOTE that you need to configure into the source code your AS info


233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions bgp/
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@

#use strict;

use Getopt::Std;

use Net::BGP::Process;
use Net::BGP::Peer;
use Net::BGP::Refresh;

use threads;
use Thread::Queue;


# Configuration parameters

my $local_ip = '';
my $local_as = 65498;
my $remote_ip = '';
my $remote_as = 2597;

# nProbe
my $nprobe_ip = '';
my $nprobe_port = 4096;


my $max_queue_len = 32768;
my $debug = 0;
my $dump_file = "";


help() if defined $options{h};
$debug = 1 if defined $options{v};
$dump_file = $options{d} if defined $options{d};
($nprobe_ip,$nprobe_port) = split(/:/, $options{i}) if defined $options{i};


my $bgp = Net::BGP::Process->new();
my $peer = Net::BGP::Peer->new(
Start => 1,
ThisID => $local_ip,
ThisAS => $local_as,
PeerID => $remote_ip,
PeerAS => $remote_as,
Passive => 1,
UpdateCallback => \&my_update_callback

my $refresh = Net::BGP::Refresh->new(
AFI => Net::BGP::AFI_IP4,

my %as_paths = ();
my $num_updates : shared = 0;
my $num_dropped_updates : shared = 0;
my $cmdQueue = Thread::Queue->new;

my $socket;


sub openSocket() {
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $nprobe_ip,
PeerPort => $nprobe_port,
Proto => "tcp");

if(defined $socket) {
print "New socket open...\n";
} else {
print "Couldn't connect to $nprobe_host:$nprobe_port : $@\n";
sleep 1;

sub processCmds {
my $max_queue_len = 0;
my $OUT;

if($dump_file ne "") {
# Dump mode
open OUT, '>', $dump_file or die $!;

while (my $cmd = $cmdQueue->dequeue()) {
my $num = $cmdQueue->pending();
if($num > $max_queue_len) { $max_queue_len = $num; }
if($debug) { print $cmd."\n"; }

if($dump_file ne "") {
# Dump mode
print OUT $cmd;
} else {
# Socket mode

if(not defined $socket) {

if(defined $socket) {
my $bytes_sent = $socket->send($cmd);

if((not defined $bytes_sent) || ($bytes_sent == 0)) {
print "Socket was closed by remote peer\n";

my $i=0;
my $num_threads = 1;

for($i=0; $i<$num_threads; $i++) {
my $thr = threads->new(\&processCmds);
$thr->detach; # Now we officially don't care any more



sub my_update_callback
my ($peer,$update) = @_;
my %h;
my $as_path;

#print "Update from [$peer][$update]\n";


# Remove duplicates entries
my @path = uniq(split(/ /, $update->{_as_path}));

#shift(@path); # Delete top element

my $target_as = $path[$#path];
#pop(@path); # Delete last element from array (i.e. remove target_as)

if(!($target_as =~ m/^{/)) {
my $old_val = $as_paths{$target_as};

# Format: (number of elements)@(elem 1),(elem 2)....
$as_path = ($#path+1)."@".join(",", @path);

#print $as_path."\n";
if($old_val ne $as_path) {
$as_paths{$target_as} = $as_path;

#if($debug) { print $as_path."\n"; } else { print "."; }
} else {
# Something bad happened


my @nlri = @{$update->nlri()};
if($debug) { print "[$num_updates] [ "; }
foreach (@nlri) {
if($debug) { print $_." "; }
my $net = $_;

if ($net =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) {
$cmd = "+".$net."=".$as_path."\n";
if($debug) { print $cmd; }
if($cmdQueue->pending() < $max_queue_len) {
} else {


my @withdrawn = @{$update->withdrawn()};
if($debug) { print "[$num_updates] [ "; }
foreach (@withdrawn) {
if($debug) { print $_." "; }
my $net = $_;

if ($net =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) {
$cmd = "-".$net."=".$as_path."\n";
if($debug) { print $cmd; }

if($cmdQueue->pending() < $max_queue_len) {
} else {



sub uniq {
my %seen = ();
my @r = ();
foreach my $a (@_) {
unless ($seen{$a}) {
push @r, $a;
$seen{$a} = 1;
return @r;


sub help {
print " [-i <probe host:port>] [-d <dump file>] [-v] [-h]\n";
exit 0;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions splunk/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Example of integration of nProbe with Splunk. This package is a slightly outdated and it should be updated, but it gives a good understanding how nProbe can interact with Splunk
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions splunk/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
tar -cvzf nprobe.tar.gz nprobe/
mv nprobe.tar.gz nprobe.spl

# On Mac OS X, use gnutar rather than the default tar packaged with the OS. The default tar utility generates a series of warnings that can be problematic when packaging your app.
Binary file added splunk/doc/Splunk
Binary file not shown.

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