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Feature ranking across FSL, FreeSurfer, and ANTsX IDPs for predicting UKBB sociodemographic targets

Target Data ID Brief Description ML Technique
Age 21003-2.0 Age (years) at imaging visit linear regression
Fluid intelligence score 20191-0.0 Number of correct answers (of 13) linear regression
Neuroticism score 20127-0.0 Summary of 12 behaviour domains sparse regression
Numeric memory 20240-0.0 Maximum digits remembered correctly sparse regression
Body mass index 21001-2.0 Impedance-based body composition linear regression
Townsend deprivation index 189-0.0 Material deprivation measure linear regression
Genetic sex 22001-0.0 Sex from genotyping linear regression
Hearing difficulty 2247-2.0 Any difficulty? Yes/No linear regression
Risk taking 2040-2.0 Do you take risks? Yes/No linear regression
Same sex intercourse 2159-2.0 Ever had? Yes/No DenseNet
Smoking 1249-2.0 Daily, occasionally, or $\leq 2$ times? DenseNet
Alcohol 1558-2.0 Six frequency categories $^\dagger$ DenseNet

$\dagger$: Daily, 3-4 times/week, 1-2 times/week, 1-3 times/month, special occasions only, and never.

Couple notes:

  • For each sociodemographic variable, only the top performing ML technique for grouped set of all IDPs is used for the rankings below. For the majority of the variables listed above, this was linear regression.
  • Rankings are based on "variable importance" as determined by the ML technique (e.g., vi from the vip R package for linear regression).
  • Only the top 25 are listed. This can be easily modified to include more.

Age (linear regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
ANTsX Atropos Cerebellum
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of WM-hypointensities (whole brain)
ANTsX Cereb L\_III volume
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of CerebralWhiteMatter (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of CerebralWhiteMatter (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of CC-Central (whole brain)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of SupraTentorial (whole brain)
FSL Other Continuous Volume of grey matter
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of TotalGray (whole brain)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cortex (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of VentricleChoroid (whole brain)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cortex (right hemisphere)
ANTsX Cereb CerebellarCSF volume
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of VentralDC (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Volume Right cerebellum exterior
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of VentralDC (left hemisphere)
ANTsX Cereb CerebellarWhiteMatter volume
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of SubCortGray (whole brain)
ANTsX DKT Volume Cerebellar vermal lobules VI VII
ANTsX DKT Volume Left caudate
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Amygdala (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Volume Right lateral ventricle
ANTsX Atropos BrainStem
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cerebellum-Cortex (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Caudate (left hemisphere)

FluidIntelligenceScore (linear regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (right)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of CC-Mid-Anterior (whole brain)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left paracentral
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (right)
FSL Other Continuous Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left superior frontal
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left inferior temporal
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus - posterior division (left)
ANTsX DKT Volume Left hippocampus
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of superiorparietal (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Inf-Lat-Vent (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus - posterior division (right)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cortex (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in X Cerebellum (left)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of fusiform (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cortex (right hemisphere)
ANTsX Cortical Left rostral middle frontal volume
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of subiculum-body (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of HATA (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of CA4-body (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of Hippocampal-tail (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of parasubiculum (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left caudal middle frontal

NeuroticismScore (sparse regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (right)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of superiortemporal (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere)
FSL Other Continuous Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left supramarginal
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right posterior cingulate
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left lateral orbitofrontal
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of AV (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of superiorparietal (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right supramarginal
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of superiortemporal (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of inferiortemporal (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left precentral
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of transversetemporal (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lingual (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left posterior cingulate
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of AV (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left isthmus cingulate
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right precentral

NumericMemory (sparse regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of AV (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere)
FSL Other Continuous Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of postcentral (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of inferiorparietal (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of AV (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of precuneus (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right lateral orbitofrontal
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right medial orbitofrontal
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lingual (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of supramarginal (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right transverse temporal
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of insula (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left fusiform
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right superior temporal
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left lateral orbitofrontal
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of parsorbitalis (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left transverse temporal
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of insula (right hemisphere)
ANTsX Cortical Left caudal middle frontal volume
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left medial orbitofrontal

BMI (linear regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left paracentral
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cerebellum-White-Matter (right hemisphere)
ANTsX Cereb CerebellarGrayMatter volume
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cerebellum-White-Matter (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left lingual
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of EstimatedTotalIntraCranial (whole brain)
ANTsX Atropos BrainStem
FSL Other Continuous Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter (normalised for head size)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Occipital Fusiform Gyrus (right)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex - superior division (right)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (right)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Lingual Gyrus (right)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of VentralDC (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of SupraTentorialNotVent (whole brain)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Caudate (left)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of superiorfrontal (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Cuneal Cortex (left)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in VIIIa Cerebellum (left)
ANTsX DKT Volume Left thalamus proper
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Pallidum (right)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (right)
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of transversetemporal (right hemisphere)
FSL FIRST Volume of caudate (left)
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere)

TownsendDeprivationIndex (linear regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left)
FSL Other Continuous Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Heschl’s Gyrus (includes H1 and H2) (left)
FSL Other Continuous Volume of ventricular cerebrospinal fluid
FSL Other Continuous Volume of ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (normalised for head size)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of SupraTentorial (whole brain)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of VentralDC (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Heschl’s Gyrus (includes H1 and H2) (right)
ANTsX SYSU WMH Left cerebellum
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of TotalGray (whole brain)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Superior Parietal Lobule (right)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of superiorfrontal (right hemisphere)
ANTsX Cereb CerebellarGrayMatter volume
ANTsX Cereb L\_III volume
ANTsX DKT Volume Right caudal anterior cingulate
ANTsX Cortical Left insula volume
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of SupraTentorialNotVent (whole brain)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Thalamus (left)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left superior parietal
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus - temporooccipital part (left)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Frontal Pole (right)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Planum Temporale (left)
ANTsX Cereb R\_X volume
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of superiortemporal (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Occipital Fusiform Gyrus (left)

GeneticSex (linear regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
ANTsX Atropos DeepGrayMatter
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of AV (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of VentralDC (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of CerebralWhiteMatter (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Volume Left thalamus proper
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of CerebralWhiteMatter (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cortex (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Cortex (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of CC-Central (whole brain)
FSL FIRST Volume of accumbens (left)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex - superior division (left)
ANTsX Cortical Right lateral occipital volume
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Frontal Medial Cortex (left)
ANTsX DKT Volume Right caudate
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of paracentral (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of transversetemporal (left hemisphere)
ANTsX Cereb R\_IX thickness
ANTsX Cortical Left parahippocampal volume
ANTsX Cereb R\_VIIB thickness
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of AV (left hemisphere)
ANTsX Cortical Right superior parietal volume
ANTsX Cereb CerebellarWhiteMatter volume
ANTsX DKT Volume Right inferior parietal
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (right)

Hearing (linear regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (right)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right lingual
ANTsX Cereb L\_IX volume
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left transverse temporal
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in X Cerebellum (right)
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex - posterior division (left)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere)
FSL Other Continuous Volume of grey matter
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of paracentral (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Volume Right thalamus proper
ANTsX Cereb L\_Crus\_I volume
ANTsX Cereb L\_I\_II volume
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of inferiorparietal (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of inferiorparietal (left hemisphere)
ANTsX Cereb R\_VI volume
ANTsX DKT Volume Right caudate
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in VI Cerebellum (right)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus - posterior division (left)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus - temporooccipital part (right)
ANTsX DKT Volume Right middle temporal
ANTsX Cereb L\_Crus\_II volume

RiskTaking (linear regression)

Package Pipeline Feature
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (right)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of BrainSeg (whole brain)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Frontal Orbital Cortex (left)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of parsorbitalis (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of CL (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of Hippocampal-tail (left hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left caudal anterior cingulate
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of parasubiculum (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of presubiculum-body (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of CA3-body (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of CA4-body (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of subiculum-body (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of HATA (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex - anterior division (left)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (left)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DeepFLASH Right perirhinal
ANTsX Cortical Right pericalcarine volume
ANTsX DKT Volume Right pericalcarine
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of AV (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Amygdala (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of TotalGray (whole brain)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of entorhinal (left hemisphere)

SameSexIntercourse (DenseNet)

Package Pipeline Feature
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of pericalcarine (left hemisphere)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of 4th-Ventricle (whole brain)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left transverse temporal
ANTsX Cereb R\_Crus\_II volume
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere)
ANTsX SYSU WMH Right temporal
ANTsX Cereb CerebellarCSF volume
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Lingual Gyrus (left)
ANTsX DKT Volume Left pars triangularis
ANTsX Cortical Right pars orbitalis volume
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (vermis)
FSL Other Continuous Volumetric scaling from T1 head image to standard space
ANTsX DeepFLASH Left perirhinal
ANTsX DKT Volume Right pars orbitalis
ANTsX SYSU WMH Right brain stem
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in VIIb Cerebellum (left)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right pericalcarine
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus - anterior division (left)
ANTsX Cortical Right lateral occipital volume
ANTsX DKT Volume Right postcentral
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (left)
ANTsX DKT Volume Right pericalcarine
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lingual (right hemisphere)

Smoking (DenseNet)

Package Pipeline Feature
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of choroid-plexus (left hemisphere)
ANTsX SYSU WMH Left parietal
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left pericalcarine
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of transversetemporal (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of fusiform (left hemisphere)
ANTsX SYSU WMH Left occipital
ANTsX Cereb R\_VIIIA thickness
ANTsX Cortical Left insula volume
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of GC-ML-DG-body (right hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (vermis)
ANTsX Cereb L\_V thickness
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right precentral
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lingual (right hemisphere)
FSL FIRST Volume of amygdala (left)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of postcentral (left hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Superior Parietal Lobule (left)
ANTsX Atropos DeepGrayMatter
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in VIIIa Cerebellum (right)
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of precuneus (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Volume Left thalamus proper
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of supramarginal (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer HippAmyg Volume of parasubiculum (left hemisphere)

Alcohol (DenseNet)

Package Pipeline Feature
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of parsopercularis (left hemisphere)
ANTsX Cortical Right entorhinal volume
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of superiortemporal (right hemisphere)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lateraloccipital (right hemisphere)
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus - anterior division (right)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right pericalcarine
ANTsX Cortical Right inferior temporal volume
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Subcallosal Cortex (left)
FreeSurfer DKT Thickness Mean thickness of lingual (right hemisphere)
ANTsX Cortical Left posterior cingulate volume
ANTsX DKT Volume Right inferior temporal
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Subcallosal Cortex (right)
ANTsX DKT Volume Left cuneus
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in VIIIb Cerebellum (right)
FreeSurfer ASEG Volume of Inf-Lat-Vent (right hemisphere)
ANTsX DKT Thickness Right rostral middle frontal
ANTsX DKT Thickness Left lateral occipital
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere)
ANTsX Cortical Right fusiform volume
ANTsX DKT Volume Left inferior temporal
FSL FAST Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus - pars triangularis (right)
ANTsX DKT Volume Left pars opercularis
ANTsX DeepFLASH Left extra hippocampal
FreeSurfer Volume Volume of cuneus (left hemisphere)


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