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Karbon Platform Services (KPS) Connector Go Template

Welcome to the Golang template for building KPS Connectors. This template is an opinionated implementation of the gRPC service contract defined in KPS Connector IDL built using the KPS Connector Go SDK.

The main goal of this template is to provide a basic fully functional shell connector that connector developers can use to quickly build new connectors. The template implements the gRPC interface, handles stream and config updates, and publishes basic status and alert events during the connector runtime.

By using the template to build a custom connector, you only need to write the connection code to get data in from and send data out to a given data service. The bundled Makefile and github actions workflow provide a fully prepared CI setup and ensure Golang code standards are maintained. The bundled Dockerfile builds the code within the container and then copies the binary to another container that is used to run the binary.

How Do I Build and Run a Connector?

There are three main phases to build and run a custom KPS Connector.

  • Develop a connector
  • Package the connector
  • Deploy the connector

Develop a connector


  • Start by cloning this repo
  • Copy all the contents into another repo in which you intend to build the connector
  • Fill in the TODO blocks in connector/template.go and the connector name in connector/config.go
  • Replace the default values marked with TODO comments for connector name, docker repository URI, and docker image tag in Makefile
  • Change the module name in go.mod file

Understanding and updating connectors/template.go

connectors/template.go has three important structs streamMetadata, consumer and producer

  • streamMetadata is a go struct used to unmarshall the streamParameterSchema defined in samples/connector_class.json
    • mapToStreamMetadata is a function that translates the stream.Metadata object from an untyped map[string]interface to a typed struct
  • Consumer connects to the custom data service defined by ingress stream when the subscribe method is called and makes the data available in each successive nextMsg method call
    • newConsumer is a constructor for a consumer object
    • subscribe method contains the logic for creating a connection to the custom data service defined by the ingress stream
    • nextMsg method follows the iterator pattern and provides the next message to be consumed from the connection created by the subscribe method above.
    • If there is no data to pass, nextMsg should block the call. Otherwise the consumerLoop in connector/streams.go will go in a tight loop
  • Producer connects to the custom data service defined by the egress stream when the connect method is called. It then produces the message it receives in the subscribeMsgHandler callback to the custom data service
    • newProducer is a constructor for the producer object
    • connect method contains the logic for creating a connection to the custom data service defined by the egress stream
    • subscribeMsgHandler is a callback function called each time a message is received and to be published on the connection established in the connect method above. This message stores the logic for publishing data to the corresponding connection.

Package the connector

  • Run make. The bundled Makefile and Dockerfile helps ensure that the connector is compiled and a corresponding docker image is created with the docker URI and tag defined in Makefile
  • Ensure you have docker push access to the docker registry specified in the Makefile
  • Run make publish. This step publishes the docker image created in the make step to the docker registry defined in Makefile

Deploy the connector

To use the connector, follow these steps:

Create a class

Update the samples/connector_class.json with the following information.

  • JSON schema for static parameters (property staticParameterSchema) used for templating. For this template, the docker image tag is a templatized value that is provided during the instance creation.
  • JSON schema for dynamic config (property configParameterSchema) used for runtime config change
  • JSON schema for stream (property streamParameterSchema) used for conveying connection information

You can register the connector class with KPS by using the kps CLI tool.

kps create connectorclass -f samples/connector_class.json

Create the instance

Update the samples/connector_instance.json with the following information.

  • UUID of connector class registered above (property connectorClassID)
  • UUID of the project on which you want to create the instance (property projectId)
  • Values for the template variables (property staticParameters) defined earlier in connector class definition as staticParameterSchema

You can create the connector instance by using the kps CLI tool.

kps create connectorinstance -f samples/connector_instance.json

Create the in/out stream

Update the samples/connector_stream_ingress.json

  • UUID of the connector instance created earlier (property: connectorInstanceID)
  • UUIDs of the service domains in the project on which the instance is to be created (property serviceDomainIds). If no service domains are present in the list, we assume that the user means "All" service domains in the project.
  • Categories and corresponding category values (property: labels) used for matching the stream
  • Values for the stream (property stream) defined earlier in connector class definition as streamParameterSchema

Update the samples/connector_stream_egress.json similar to how you update samples/connector_stream_ingress.json. The difference between ingress and egress stream is the direction property (INGRESS/EGRESS)`. Also, egress stream does not need labels as data pipeline can only output to one stream at a time.

You can create the connector streams by using the CLI tool

kps create connectorstream -f samples/connector_stream_ingress.json
kps create connectorstream -f samples/connector_stream_egress.json

Create the config

Update the samples/connector_config.json

  • UUID of the connector instance created earlier (property: connectorInstanceID)
  • UUIDs of the service domains in the project on which the instance is to be created (property serviceDomainIds). If no service domains are present in the list, we assume that the user means "All" service domains in the project.
  • Values for the dynamic config (property config) defined earlier in connector class definition as configParameterSchema

You can create the connector config by using the CLI tool

kps create connectorstream -f samples/connector_config.json

Create the data pipeline

Update the samples/pipeline.yaml with the following information.

  • Name of the project (property project) on which the connector is created
  • List of names of functions in the data pipeline (see function.yaml and for creating a function)
  • Category selectors for matching the ingress connector streams (property input.categorySelectors)
  • Output endpoint to match the egress stream (prpoerty output.localEdge.endpointName)

You can create the data pipeline by using the kps CLI tool

kps create datapipeline -f samples/pipeline.yaml

Questions, issues or suggestions?

Reach us at or file an issue on the Github repository.


Go template for building a KPS Connector







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