INFO - __main__ (20:00:11.492) - MainThread (10736): Starting NVDA version pr13985-28305,cdb226f8 INFO - core.main (20:00:11.576) - MainThread (10736): Config dir: C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (20:00:11.592) - MainThread (10736): Loading config: C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\nvda.ini INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (20:00:11.592) - MainThread (10736): Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA): {'schemaVersion': '10', 'update': {'allowUsageStats': 'True', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True', 'autoCheck': 'True', 'startupNotification': 'True'}, 'general': {'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False', 'language': 'Windows', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'False', 'askToExit': 'True', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'False', 'loggingLevel': 'DEBUG'}, 'development': {'enableScratchpadDir': 'True'}, 'upgrade': {}, 'speech': {'synth': 'espeak', 'outputDevice': 'Microsoft Sound Mapper', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'symbolLevel': '200', 'delayedCharacterDescriptions': 'True', 'oneCore': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Speech_OneCore\\Voices\\Tokens\\MSTTS_V110_enUS_DavidM', 'volume': '100'}, 'espeak': {'voice': 'en', 'variant': 'max', 'rate': '8', 'pitch': '55', 'inflection': '80', 'volume': '55', 'rateBoost': 'True', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'False'}}, 'braille': {'noBraille': {}}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {}}, 'keyboard': {'NVDAModifierKeys': '7'}, 'speechLogger': {'folder': '%temp%', 'separator': 'comma', 'tsMode': '1'}, 'documentFormatting': {'reportLineIndentation': '2', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False'}, 'audio': {'wasapi': 'False'}, 'soundSplitter': {'soundSplit': 'False', 'soundSplitLeft': 'False'}, 'tonysEnhancements': {'busyBeep': 'False', 'detectInsertMode': 'True', 'soundSplit': 'False', 'priority': '3'}, 'virtualBuffers': {'loadChromiumVBufOnBusyState': 'DISABLED'}} INFO - core.main (20:00:11.592) - MainThread (10736): Developer Scratchpad mode enabled INFO - core.main (20:00:11.793) - MainThread (10736): Windows version: Windows 10 22H2 (10.0.19045) workstation AMD64 INFO - core.main (20:00:11.793) - MainThread (10736): Using Python version 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (20:00:11.793) - MainThread (10736): Using comtypes version 1.1.11 INFO - core.main (20:00:11.793) - MainThread (10736): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUG - core.main (20:00:11.793) - MainThread (10736): Initializing add-ons system DEBUG - _addonStore.dataManager.initialize (20:00:11.846) - MainThread (10736): initializing addonStore data manager DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Listing add-ons from C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\addons DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Loading add-on from C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\addons\addonUpdater DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Found add-on addonUpdater - 23.06. Requires API: (2023, 1, 0). Last-tested API: (2023, 2, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Loading add-on from C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\addons\instantTranslate DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Found add-on instantTranslate - 4.5.3. Requires API: (2019, 3, 0). Last-tested API: (2023, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Loading add-on from C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\addons\nvdaChatGPT DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Found add-on nvdaChatGPT - 0.8. Requires API: (2022, 1, 0). Last-tested API: (2023, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Loading add-on from C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\addons\tonysEnhancements DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Found add-on tonysEnhancements - 1.15. Requires API: (2022, 4, 0). Last-tested API: (2023, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Loading add-on from C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\addons\wintenApps DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Found add-on wintenApps - 23.06. Requires API: (2023, 1, 0). Last-tested API: (2023, 2, 0) INFO - core.main (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Add-ons are disabled. Restart NVDA to enable them. DEBUG - core.main (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Initializing appModule Handler DEBUG - core.main (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): initializing background i/o DEBUG - core.main (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Initializing background braille display detection DEBUG - core.main (20:00:11.862) - MainThread (10736): Initializing tones DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.015) - MainThread (10736): Speech Dictionary processing DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (20:00:12.015) - MainThread (10736): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (20:00:12.015) - MainThread (10736): file 'C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic' not found. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (20:00:12.015) - MainThread (10736): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\builtin.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (20:00:12.015) - MainThread (10736): 3 loaded records. DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.015) - MainThread (10736): Initializing speech INFO - synthDrivers.espeak.SynthDriver.__init__ (20:00:12.047) - MainThread (10736): Using eSpeak NG version 1.52-dev DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (20:00:12.131) - MainThread (10736): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-English (Great Britain).dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (20:00:12.131) - MainThread (10736): file 'C:\Users\luke\Desktop\nvda-addon-store\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-English (Great Britain).dic' not found. DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (20:00:12.131) - MainThread (10736): Loaded settings for SynthDriver espeak INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (20:00:12.131) - MainThread (10736): Loaded synthDriver espeak DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (20:00:12.131) - MainThread (10736): Initializing sayAllHandler DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.131) - MainThread (10736): Initializing MathPlayer WARNING - mathPres.initialize (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): MathPlayer 4 not available INFO - core.main (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Using wx version 4.1.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.1.5 with six version 1.16.0 DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Using liblouis version 3.25.0 INFO - braille.initialize (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Using pySerial version 3.5 DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): registering pre_configSave action: DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): loading braille noBraille INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Loaded braille display driver 'noBraille', current display has 0 cells. DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Initializing vision DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.147) - MainThread (10736): Initializing GUI DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (20:00:12.192) - MainThread (10736): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1180908 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (20:00:12.192) - MainThread (10736): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1180908 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (20:00:12.192) - MainThread (10736): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1180908 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (20:00:12.192) - MainThread (10736): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1180908 DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (20:00:12.194) - MainThread (10736): Win32 locale string from locale code is English_United States.1252 DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (20:00:12.194) - MainThread (10736): set python locale to English_United States.1252 DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.194) - MainThread (10736): Initializing garbageHandler DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.199) - MainThread (10736): initializing Java Access Bridge support INFO - core.main (20:00:12.332) - MainThread (10736): Java Access Bridge support initialized DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.332) - MainThread (10736): Initializing legacy winConsole support DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.394) - MainThread (10736): Initializing UIA support INFO - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (20:00:12.394) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (16724): UIAutomation: IUIAutomation6 DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.510) - MainThread (10736): Initializing IAccessible support DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.517) - MainThread (10736): Initializing input core DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadLocaleGestureMap (20:00:12.517) - MainThread (10736): No locale gesture map for language en DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadUserGestureMap (20:00:12.517) - MainThread (10736): No user gesture map DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.517) - MainThread (10736): Initializing keyboard handler DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.517) - MainThread (10736): initializing mouse handler DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.532) - MainThread (10736): Initializing touchHandler DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (20:00:12.532) - MainThread (10736): Touch only supported on installed copies DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.532) - MainThread (10736): Initializing global plugin handler DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.548) - MainThread (10736): Initializing core pump DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.548) - MainThread (10736): Initializing watchdog DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.548) - MainThread (10736): initializing updateCheck INFO - core.main (20:00:12.548) - MainThread (10736): NVDA initialized DEBUG - core.main (20:00:12.548) - MainThread (10736): entering wx application main loop DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (20:00:12.564) - MainThread (10736): registering pre_configSave action: DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (20:00:12.564) - MainThread (10736): loading vision NVDAHighlighter DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (20:00:12.564) - MainThread (10736): Loaded settings for NVDAHighlighterSettings DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (20:00:12.564) - MainThread (10736): registering pre_configSave action: DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (20:00:12.564) - MainThread (10736): loading vision screenCurtain DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (20:00:12.564) - MainThread (10736): Loaded settings for ScreenCurtainSettings DEBUG - core._doPostNvdaStartupAction (20:00:12.579) - MainThread (10736): Notify of postNvdaStartup action IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:12.595) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['New notification', 'window', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (20:00:12.595) - MainThread (10736): No CLDR data for locale en_GB DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (20:00:12.595) - MainThread (10736): No symbol data for locale en_GB IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:14.041) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):windows+d IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:14.057) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['d', EndUtteranceCommand()] IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:14.149) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['FolderView', 'list', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:14.149) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['Recycle Bin', '1 of 43', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] DEBUG - speech.manager.SpeechManager._handleIndex (20:00:14.149) - MainThread (10736): Unknown index 2, speech probably cancelled from main thread. IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:16.946) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:17.008) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['NVDA', 'menu', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:17.381) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):t IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:17.421) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['View log', 'v', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:17.971) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):s DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: addonUpdater DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: instantTranslate DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: nvdaChatGPT DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: tonysEnhancements DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: wintenApps DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM._tryPersistSelection (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): No entries in new order DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.resetListItems (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): resetting list items DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM._tryPersistSelection (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): No entries in new order DEBUG - gui.settingsDialogs.__new__ (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): Creating new settings dialog (multiInstanceAllowed:False). State of _instances {} DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:17.991) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for AddonStoreDialog DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:18.021) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for LabeledControlHelper.__init__..WxCtrlWithEnableEvnt DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:18.021) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for CheckBox DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:18.036) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for LabeledControlHelper.__init__..WxCtrlWithEnableEvnt DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:18.041) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for TextCtrl DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:18.056) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for AddonVirtualList DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:18.081) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for Button DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:18.081) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for Button DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.setSelection (20:00:18.088) - MainThread (10736): selected Item: None DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.089) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: addonUpdater DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.090) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: instantTranslate DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.090) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: nvdaChatGPT DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.091) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: tonysEnhancements DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.091) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: wintenApps DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.resetListItems (20:00:18.091) - MainThread (10736): resetting list items DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM._tryPersistSelection (20:00:18.091) - MainThread (10736): No entries in new order DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.101) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: addonUpdater DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.102) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: instantTranslate DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.102) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: nvdaChatGPT DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.102) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: tonysEnhancements DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:18.103) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: wintenApps DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.resetListItems (20:00:18.103) - MainThread (10736): resetting list items DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM._tryPersistSelection (20:00:18.103) - MainThread (10736): No entries in new order IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:18.307) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['Add-on Store - All Installed add-ons', 'dialog', 'No add-on selected.', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] DEBUGWARNING - RPC process 14868 (nvda.exe) (20:00:18.315) - Dummy-3 (15840): Thread 15840, build\x86\remote\sysListView32.cpp, nvdaInProcUtils_sysListView32_getGroupInfo, 43: LVM_GETGROUPINFOBYINDEX failed IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['All Installed add-ons', 'list', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList._refreshSelection (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): _refreshSelection None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList.OnItemDeselected (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): item deselected DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.setSelection (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): selected Item: None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList._refreshSelection (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): _refreshSelection None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList.OnItemDeselected (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): item deselected DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.setSelection (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): selected Item: None DEBUG - (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): Setting selection: None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList._refreshSelection (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): _refreshSelection None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList.OnItemDeselected (20:00:18.317) - MainThread (10736): item deselected DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.setSelection (20:00:18.326) - MainThread (10736): selected Item: None DEBUG - (20:00:18.343) - MainThread (10736): Setting selection: None DEBUG - (20:00:18.343) - MainThread (10736): Setting selection: None DEBUG - (20:00:18.358) - MainThread (10736): Setting selection: None IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:28.900) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):escape IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:28.969) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['New notification', 'window', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] DEBUG - gui.settingsDialogs.SettingsDialog._setInstanceDestroyedState (20:00:28.984) - MainThread (10736): Setting state to destroyed for instance: Add-on Store - AddonStoreDialog - Current _instances ['Add-on Store - CREATED'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:30.386) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):windows+d IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:30.455) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['d', EndUtteranceCommand()] IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:30.489) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['FolderView', 'list', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:30.489) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['Recycle Bin', '1 of 43', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:31.190) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+n DEBUG - gui.SysTrayIcon.evaluateUpdatePendingUpdateMenuItemCommand (20:00:31.210) - MainThread (10736): Error while removing pending update menu item Traceback (most recent call last): File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 560, in evaluateUpdatePendingUpdateMenuItemCommand wx._core.wxAssertionError: C++ assertion ""node"" failed at ..\..\src\common\menucmn.cpp(425) in wxMenuBase::Remove(): removing item not in the menu? IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:31.250) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['NVDA', 'menu', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:31.790) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):t IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:31.810) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['t', EndUtteranceCommand()] IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:31.830) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['View log', 'v', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:32.600) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):s DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: addonUpdater DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: instantTranslate DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: nvdaChatGPT DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: tonysEnhancements DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: wintenApps DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM._tryPersistSelection (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): No entries in new order DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.resetListItems (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): resetting list items DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM._tryPersistSelection (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): No entries in new order DEBUG - gui.settingsDialogs.__new__ (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): Creating new settings dialog (multiInstanceAllowed:False). State of _instances {: } ERROR - gui.settingsDialogs.__new__ (20:00:32.620) - MainThread (10736): Opening new settings dialog while instance still exists: DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:32.630) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for AddonStoreDialog DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:32.660) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for LabeledControlHelper.__init__..WxCtrlWithEnableEvnt DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:32.660) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for CheckBox DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:32.674) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for LabeledControlHelper.__init__..WxCtrlWithEnableEvnt DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:32.674) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for TextCtrl DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:32.695) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for AddonVirtualList DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:32.710) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for Button DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:32.715) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for Button DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.setSelection (20:00:32.723) - MainThread (10736): selected Item: None DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.724) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: addonUpdater DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.725) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: instantTranslate DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.725) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: nvdaChatGPT DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.725) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: tonysEnhancements DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.726) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: wintenApps DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.resetListItems (20:00:32.726) - MainThread (10736): resetting list items DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM._tryPersistSelection (20:00:32.726) - MainThread (10736): No entries in new order DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.735) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: addonUpdater DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.735) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: instantTranslate DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.736) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: nvdaChatGPT DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.736) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: tonysEnhancements DEBUGWARNING - _addonStore.models.status.getStatus (20:00:32.736) - MainThread (10736): Add-on in unknown state: wintenApps DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.resetListItems (20:00:32.736) - MainThread (10736): resetting list items DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM._tryPersistSelection (20:00:32.737) - MainThread (10736): No entries in new order IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:32.875) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['s', EndUtteranceCommand()] IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:32.934) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['Add-on Store - All Installed add-ons', 'dialog', 'No add-on selected.', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] DEBUGWARNING - RPC process 14868 (nvda.exe) (20:00:32.934) - Dummy-3 (15840): Thread 15840, build\x86\remote\sysListView32.cpp, nvdaInProcUtils_sysListView32_getGroupInfo, 43: LVM_GETGROUPINFOBYINDEX failed IO - speech.speech.speak (20:00:32.934) - MainThread (10736): Speaking ['All Installed add-ons', 'list', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList._refreshSelection (20:00:32.943) - MainThread (10736): _refreshSelection None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList.OnItemDeselected (20:00:32.943) - MainThread (10736): item deselected DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.setSelection (20:00:32.943) - MainThread (10736): selected Item: None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList._refreshSelection (20:00:32.943) - MainThread (10736): _refreshSelection None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList.OnItemDeselected (20:00:32.943) - MainThread (10736): item deselected DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.setSelection (20:00:32.943) - MainThread (10736): selected Item: None DEBUG - (20:00:32.943) - MainThread (10736): Setting selection: None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList._refreshSelection (20:00:32.949) - MainThread (10736): _refreshSelection None DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.controls.addonList.AddonVirtualList.OnItemDeselected (20:00:32.949) - MainThread (10736): item deselected DEBUG - gui._addonStoreGui.viewModels.addonList.AddonListVM.setSelection (20:00:32.949) - MainThread (10736): selected Item: None DEBUG - (20:00:32.970) - MainThread (10736): Setting selection: None DEBUG - (20:00:32.970) - MainThread (10736): Setting selection: None DEBUG - (20:00:32.985) - MainThread (10736): Setting selection: None IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (20:00:35.230) - winInputHook (15884): Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+f1 DEBUG - gui.contextHelp.bindHelpEvent (20:00:35.250) - MainThread (10736): Did context help binding for LogViewer INFO - globalCommands.script_navigatorObject_devInfo (20:00:35.320) - MainThread (10736): Developer info for navigator object: name: 'All Installed add-ons' role: Role.LIST processID: 14868 roleText: None states: State.FOCUSABLE, State.FOCUSED isFocusable: True hasFocus: True Python object: Python class mro: (, , , , , , , , , ) description: None location: RectLTWH(left=12, top=155, width=943, height=805) value: None TextInfo: appModule: AppModule(nvda, appName='nvda', processID=14868) appModule.productName: 'NVDA' appModule.productVersion: 'pr13985-28305,cdb226f8' appModule.helperLocalBindingHandle: c_long(63436520) windowHandle: 2557736 windowClassName: 'SysListView32' windowControlID: -31924 windowStyle: 1375801421 extendedWindowStyle: 0 windowThreadID: 10736 windowText: '' displayText: 'Name Installed version Chan... Publisher Status' IAccessibleObject: IAccessibleChildID: 0 IAccessible event parameters: windowHandle=2557736, objectID=-4, childID=0 IAccessible accName: 'All Installed add-ons' IAccessible accRole: ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST IAccessible accState: STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED, STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE, STATE_SYSTEM_VALID (1048580) IAccessible accDescription: None IAccessible accValue: None