INFO - __main__ (11:01:28.266) - MainThread (5244): Starting NVDA version 2023.1 INFO - core.main (11:01:28.297) - MainThread (5244): Config dir: E:\nvda\userConfig INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (11:01:28.297) - MainThread (5244): Loading config: E:\nvda\userConfig\nvda.ini INFO - core.main (11:01:28.329) - MainThread (5244): Developer Scratchpad mode enabled INFO - core.main (11:01:28.385) - MainThread (5244): Windows version: Windows 10 1809 (10.0.17763) workstation AMD64 INFO - core.main (11:01:28.385) - MainThread (5244): Using Python version 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (11:01:28.385) - MainThread (5244): Using comtypes version 1.1.11 INFO - core.main (11:01:28.389) - MainThread (5244): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUGWARNING - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (11:01:28.394) - MainThread (5244): Add-on cursorLocator is considered incompatible DEBUGWARNING - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (11:01:28.394) - MainThread (5244): Add-on Foobar2000 is considered incompatible ERROR - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (11:01:28.618) - MainThread (5244): setSynth failed for aisound Traceback (most recent call last): File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 466, in setSynth File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 431, in getSynthInstance File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 395, in _getSynthDriver File "importlib\__init__.pyc", line 127, in import_module File "", line 1006, in _gcd_import File "", line 983, in _find_and_load File "", line 965, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'synthDrivers.aisound' INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (11:01:28.618) - MainThread (5244): Searching for next synthDriver INFO - synthDriverHandler.findAndSetNextSynth (11:01:28.618) - MainThread (5244): Falling back to next synthDriver oneCore INFO - NVDAHelperLocal (11:01:28.623) - MainThread (5244): Thread 5244, build\x86\localWin10\oneCoreSpeech.cpp, ocSpeech_initialize, 215: ocSpeech_initialize INFO - NVDAHelperLocal (11:01:28.623) - MainThread (5244): Thread 5244, build\x86\localWin10\oneCoreSpeech.cpp, OcSpeechState::activate, 89: Activating INFO - NVDAHelperLocal (11:01:28.700) - MainThread (5244): Thread 5244, build\x86\localWin10\oneCoreSpeech.cpp, preventEndUtteranceSilence_, 443: AppendedSilence supported INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (11:01:28.709) - MainThread (5244): Loaded synthDriver oneCore WARNING - mathPres.initialize (11:01:28.720) - MainThread (5244): MathPlayer 4 not available INFO - core.main (11:01:28.720) - MainThread (5244): Using wx version 4.1.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.1.5 with six version 1.16.0 INFO - brailleInput.initialize (11:01:28.720) - MainThread (5244): Braille input initialized INFO - braille.initialize (11:01:28.720) - MainThread (5244): Using liblouis version 3.24.0 INFO - braille.initialize (11:01:28.720) - MainThread (5244): Using pySerial version 3.5 INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (11:01:28.725) - MainThread (5244): Loaded braille display driver 'noBraille', current display has 0 cells. INFO - core.main (11:01:28.939) - MainThread (5244): Java Access Bridge support initialized INFO - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (11:01:29.009) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (9460): UIAutomation: IUIAutomation6 DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (11:01:29.101) - MainThread (5244): Touch only supported on installed copies ERROR - globalPluginHandler.listPlugins (11:01:29.101) - MainThread (5244): Error importing global plugin writeClipboard Traceback (most recent call last): File "globalPluginHandler.pyc", line 23, in listPlugins AttributeError: module 'globalPlugins.writeClipboard' has no attribute 'GlobalPlugin' INFO - core.main (11:01:29.126) - MainThread (5244): NVDA initialized INFO - external:globalPlugins.remoteClient.GlobalPlugin.on_connected_as_slave (11:01:29.299) - MainThread (5244): Control connector connected DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible._getIA2RelationFirstTarget (11:01:33.489) - MainThread (5244): Unable to use _getIA2TargetsForRelationsOfType, fallback to _IA2Relations. DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible._getIA2RelationFirstTarget (11:01:34.530) - MainThread (5244): Unable to use _getIA2TargetsForRelationsOfType, fallback to _IA2Relations. ERROR - unhandled exception (11:01:35.008) - MainThread (5244): Traceback (most recent call last): File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 4149, in onCategoryChange File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 667, in onCategoryChange File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 649, in _doCategoryChange File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 577, in _getCategoryPanel File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 335, in __init__ File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 345, in _buildGui File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 2598, in makeSettings File "gui\guiHelper.pyc", line 332, in addLabeledControl File "gui\guiHelper.pyc", line 205, in __init__ TypeError: Item at index 0 has type 'NoneType' but a sequence of bytes or strings is expected DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible._getIA2RelationFirstTarget (11:01:35.039) - MainThread (5244): Unable to use _getIA2TargetsForRelationsOfType, fallback to _IA2Relations. INFO - globalCommands.script_navigatorObject_devInfo (11:01:39.539) - MainThread (5244): Developer info for navigator object: name: '金山打字 2006' role: Role.LISTITEM processID: 5640 roleText: None states: State.SELECTABLE, State.FOCUSABLE, State.FOCUSED, State.SELECTED isFocusable: True hasFocus: True Python object: Python class mro: (, , , , , , , , , , , , , ) description: None location: RectLTWH(left=0, top=813, width=76, height=89) value: None TextInfo: appModule: AppModule(explorer, appName='explorer', processID=5640) appModule.productName: 'Microsoft® Windows® Operating System' appModule.productVersion: '10.0.17763.1' appModule.helperLocalBindingHandle: c_long(146921152) windowHandle: 65946 windowClassName: 'SysListView32' windowControlID: 1 windowStyle: 1442855488 extendedWindowStyle: 0 windowThreadID: 5644 windowText: 'FolderView' displayText: '金山打字2006' IAccessibleObject: IAccessibleChildID: 9 IAccessible event parameters: windowHandle=65946, objectID=-4, childID=9 IAccessible accName: '金山打字 2006' IAccessible accRole: ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM IAccessible accState: STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED, STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED, STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE, STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE, STATE_SYSTEM_MULTISELECTABLE, STATE_SYSTEM_VALID (19922950) IAccessible accDescription: exception: (-2147352573, '找不到成员。', (None, None, None, 0, None)) IAccessible accValue: None