DEBUG - __main__ (21:08:39.105): Provided arguments: ['C:\\NVDA Portable Testing\\2019.2 Beta-18176\\nvda.exe', 'C:\\NVDA Portable Testing\\2019.2 Beta-18176\\nvda.exe', '-r', '--debug-logging'] INFO - __main__ (21:08:39.105): Starting NVDA DEBUG - __main__ (21:08:39.105): Debug level logging enabled DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.220): Core starting INFO - core.main (21:08:39.221): Config dir: C:\NVDA Portable Testing\2019.2 Beta-18176\userConfig DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.221): loading config INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (21:08:39.223): Loading config: .\userConfig\nvda.ini DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (21:08:39.226): Current config schema version: 2, latest: 2 DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (21:08:39.236): C:\NVDA Portable Testing\2019.2 Beta-18176\userConfig\nvda.inittfc6w.tmp INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (21:08:39.240): Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA): {u'schemaVersion': u'2', u'development': {}, u'upgrade': {}, u'update': {u'autoCheck': u'False', u'startupNotification': u'False', u'allowUsageStats': u'False', u'askedAllowUsageStats': u'True'}, u'general': {u'language': u'Windows', u'saveConfigurationOnExit': u'False', u'askToExit': u'True', u'playStartAndExitSounds': u'True', u'loggingLevel': u'DEBUG', u'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': u'False'}, u'speech': {u'synth': u'espeak', u'autoLanguageSwitching': u'False', u'espeak': {u'voice': u'de', u'variant': u'max', u'rate': u'95', u'pitch': u'40', u'inflection': u'75', u'volume': u'100'}}, u'braille': {u'translationTable': u'zh-tw.ctb', u'inputTable': u'unicode-braille.utb', u'expandAtCursor': u'False', u'messageTimeout': u'2', u'focusContextPresentation': u'scroll', u'noBraille': {u'port': u''}, u'alva': {}}, u'keyboard': {u'useCapsLockAsNVDAModifierKey': u'True', u'speakTypedCharacters': u'False', u'allowSkimReadingInSayAll': u'True', u'alertForSpellingErrors': u'False', u'handleInjectedKeys': u'False'}, u'mouse': {u'mouseTextUnit': u'line'}, u'reviewCursor': {u'followMouse': u'True'}, u'presentation': {u'reportObjectPositionInformation': u'False', u'progressBarUpdates': {u'reportBackgroundProgressBars': u'True'}}, u'virtualBuffers': {u'maxLineLength': u'120', u'autoSayAllOnPageLoad': u'False', u'autoPassThroughOnCaretMove': u'True'}, u'documentFormatting': {u'reportComments': u'False', u'reportRevisions': u'False', u'reportSpellingErrors': u'False', u'reportPage': u'False', u'reportLineIndentationWithTones': u'True', u'reportTables': u'False', u'reportTableHeaders': u'False', u'reportTableCellCoords': u'False', u'reportLinks': u'False', u'reportHeadings': u'False', u'reportLists': u'False', u'reportLandmarks': u'False', u'reportFrames': u'False', u'reportClickable': u'False'}} DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.276): setting language to Windows INFO - core.main (21:08:39.276): NVDA version beta-18176,94e0339f INFO - core.main (21:08:39.276): Using Windows version 6.1.7601 service pack 1 workstation INFO - core.main (21:08:39.278): Using Python version 2.7.16 (v2.7.16:413a49145e, Mar 4 2019, 01:30:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (21:08:39.278): Using comtypes version 1.1.7 INFO - core.main (21:08:39.278): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.282): Initializing add-ons system DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (21:08:39.282): Listing add-ons from C:\NVDA Portable Testing\2019.2 Beta-18176\userConfig\addons DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (21:08:39.344): Touch only supported on installed copies DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.421): Initializing appModule Handler DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.423): Initializing NVDAHelper DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.454): Speech Dictionary processing DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:08:39.454): Loading speech dictionary '.\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:08:39.454): file '.\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic' not found. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:08:39.454): Loading speech dictionary 'builtin.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:08:39.456): 3 loaded records. DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.456): Initializing speech INFO - synthDrivers.espeak.SynthDriver.__init__ (21:08:39.473): Using eSpeak NG version 1.49.3 dev DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:08:39.533): Loading speech dictionary '.\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-German.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:08:39.533): file '.\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-German.dic' not found. DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (21:08:39.535): Loaded settings for SynthDriver espeak INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (21:08:39.535): Loaded synthDriver espeak INFO - core.main (21:08:39.535): Using wx version 4.0.3 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.0.5 DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.536): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (21:08:39.536): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.536): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (21:08:39.536): Using liblouis version 3.10.0 INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (21:08:39.542): Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells. DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.542): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.542): Initializing GUI DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.573): initializing Java Access Bridge support DEBUGWARNING - brailleDisplayDrivers.alva.BrailleDisplayDriver.__init__ (21:08:39.579): Traceback (most recent call last): File "brailleDisplayDrivers\alva.pyc", line 167, in __init__ File "hwIo.pyc", line 272, in __init__ WindowsError: [Error 5] Zugriff verweigert DEBUG - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (21:08:39.579): Reinitializing noBraille braille display INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (21:08:39.586): Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells. DEBUG - brailleDisplayDrivers.alva.BrailleDisplayDriver._handleTime (21:08:39.624): Time not synchronized. Display time 2019-07-26T21:08:39 INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.alva.BrailleDisplayDriver.__init__ (21:08:39.634): Found display with 80 cells connected via hid (\\?\hid#vid_0798&pid_0680&col02#6&38174385&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}) DEBUG - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (21:08:39.634): Switching braille display from noBraille to alva DEBUG - driverHandler.Driver.loadSettings (21:08:39.641): Loaded settings for BrailleDisplayDriver alva INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (21:08:39.641): Loaded braille display driver alva, current display has 80 cells. DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:39.641): Potential unimplemented child class: DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.658): Initializing legacy winConsole support DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.658): Initializing UIA support INFO - _UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (21:08:39.665): UIAutomation: IUIAutomation DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.823): Initializing IAccessible support DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.823): Initializing input core DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.828): Initializing keyboard handler DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.829): initializing mouse handler DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.841): Initializing touchHandler DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (21:08:39.841): Touch only supported on installed copies DEBUG - core.main (21:08:39.841): Initializing global plugin handler DEBUGWARNING - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (21:08:39.842): Error in initial display after display load Traceback (most recent call last): File "braille.pyc", line 1686, in setDisplayByName File "braille.pyc", line 1976, in initialDisplay File "braille.pyc", line 1840, in handleGainFocus File "braille.pyc", line 1845, in _doNewObject File "braille.pyc", line 1516, in getFocusRegions File "braille.pyc", line 615, in update File "braille.pyc", line 428, in update File "louisHelper.pyc", line 65, in translate File "louis\__init__.pyc", line 183, in translate WindowsError: exception: access violation reading 0x08997714 IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:40.059): Braille regions text: [u'NVDA ist bereit'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:40.059): Braille window dots: 13457 12367 1457 17 - 24 234 2345 - 12 15 1235 15 24 2345 DEBUG - core.main (21:08:40.062): Initializing core pump DEBUG - core.main (21:08:40.062): Initializing watchdog DEBUG - core.main (21:08:40.062): initializing updateCheck INFO - core.main (21:08:40.062): NVDA initialized DEBUG - core.main (21:08:40.063): entering wx application main loop IO - speech.speak (21:08:40.125): Speaking [u'2019.2 Beta-18176'] IO - speech.speak (21:08:40.407): Speaking [u'Elementansicht Liste'] IO - speech.speak (21:08:40.410): Speaking [u'nvda.exe'] DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:40.410): Potential unimplemented child class: DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:40.413): Potential unimplemented child class: DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:40.417): Potential unimplemented child class: IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:40.418): Braille regions text: [u'2019.2 Beta-18176 ', u'Elementansicht lst ', u'nvda.exe'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:42.073): Braille window dots: 1345 1236 145 1 46 15 1346 15 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:48.071): Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speak (21:08:48.132): Speaking [u'NVDA Men\xfc'] DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:48.132): Potential unimplemented child class: IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:48.134): Braille regions text: [u'NVDA mn\xfc'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:48.134): Braille window dots: 13457 12367 1457 17 - 134 1345 12568 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:48.750): Input: kb(desktop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:08:48.776): Speaking [u'Optionen Untermen\xfc o'] DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:48.778): Potential unimplemented child class: DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:48.782): Potential unimplemented child class: IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:48.786): Braille regions text: [u'NVDA mn\xfc ', u'Optionen -> o'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:48.786): Braille window dots: 1357 1234 2345 24 135 1345 15 1345 - 36 345 - 135 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:50.134): Input: kb(desktop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:08:50.148): Speaking [u'Extras Untermen\xfc x'] DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:50.151): Potential unimplemented child class: IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:50.154): Braille regions text: [u'NVDA mn\xfc ', u'Extras -> x'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:50.154): Braille window dots: 157 1346 2345 1235 1 234 - 36 345 - 1346 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:50.654): Input: kb(desktop):rightArrow IO - speech.speak (21:08:50.686): Speaking [u'Protokoll anzeigen z'] DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:50.687): Potential unimplemented child class: DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:50.690): Potential unimplemented child class: IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:50.694): Braille regions text: [u'Extras mn\xfc ', u'Protokoll anzeigen z'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:50.694): Braille window dots: 12347 1235 135 2345 135 13 135 123 123 - 1 1345 1356 15 24 1245 15 1345 - 1356 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:51.983): Input: kb(desktop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:08:52.085): Speaking [u'NVDA-Protokollbetrachter'] DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:52.086): Potential unimplemented child class: IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:52.091): Braille regions text: [u'NVDA-Protokollbetrachter'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:52.091): Braille window dots: 13457 12367 1457 17 36 12347 1235 135 2345 135 13 135 123 123 12 15 2345 1235 1 14 125 2345 15 1235 IO - speech.speak (21:08:52.095): Speaking [u'Eingabefeld nur lesen mehrzeilig'] IO - speech.speak (21:08:52.098): Speaking [u'DEBUG - __main__ (21:08:39.105):\r'] DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:52.102): Potential unimplemented child class: IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:52.111): Braille regions text: [u'NVDA-Protokollbetrachter ', u'sef mz ef ', u'DEBUG - __main__ (21:08:39.105): '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:52.111): Braille window dots: 1457 157 127 1367 12457 - 36 - 456 456 134 1 24 1345 456 456 - 12356 23 2 156 356 236 156 25 35 46 2 356 26 23456 156 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:52.111): Braille window dots: 1457 157 127 1367 12457 - 36 - 456 456 134 1 24 1345 456 456 - 12356 23 2 156 356 236 156 25 35 46 2 356 26 23456 156 - DEBUGWARNING - Python warning (21:08:52.111): C:\NVDA Portable Testing\2019.2 Beta-18176\\ DeprecationWarning: Yield() is deprecated IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:52.118): Braille regions text: [u'NVDA-Protokollbetrachter ', u'sef mz ef ', u'DEBUG - __main__ (21:08:39.105): '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:52.119): Braille window dots: 1457 157 127 1367 12457 - 36 - 456 456 134 1 24 1345 456 456 - 12356 23 2 156 356 236 156 25 35 46 2 356 26 23456 156 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:52.119): Braille window dots: 1457 157 127 1367 12457 - 36 - 456 456 134 1 24 1345 456 456 - 12356 23 2 156 356 236 156 25 35 46 2 356 26 23456 156 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:53.757): Input: kb(desktop):control+s DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (21:08:54.184): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 2753848, objectID 22 and childID 0: [Error -2147467259] Unbekannter Fehler IO - speech.speak (21:08:54.326): Speaking [u'Speichern unter Dialogfeld'] IO - speech.speak (21:08:54.328): Speaking [u'Dateiname: Kombinationsfeld reduziert'] IO - speech.speak (21:08:54.329): Speaking [u'Eingabefeld ALT+n'] IO - speech.speak (21:08:54.332): Speaking [u'nvda.log ausgew\xe4hlt'] DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:54.332): Potential unimplemented child class: DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:54.335): Potential unimplemented child class: DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (21:08:54.342): Potential unimplemented child class: IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:54.346): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'nvda.log '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:54.346): Braille window dots: 134578 123678 14578 178 4678 12378 13578 124578 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:54.346): Braille window dots: 134578 123678 14578 178 4678 12378 13578 124578 - IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:54.358): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'nvda.log '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:54.358): Braille window dots: 134578 123678 14578 178 4678 12378 13578 124578 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:54.358): Braille window dots: 134578 123678 14578 178 4678 12378 13578 124578 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:56.207): Input: kb(desktop):shift+d IO - speech.speak (21:08:56.230): Speaking [u'Auswahl entfernt'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:56.233): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'D '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:56.234): Braille window dots: 1457 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:56.234): Braille window dots: 1457 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:56.326): Input: kb(desktop):shift+. IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:56.346): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'D: '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:56.346): Braille window dots: 1457 156 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:56.348): Braille window dots: 1457 156 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:56.999): Input: kb(desktop):control+alt+ß IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:57.045): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'D:\\ '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.045): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.045): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:57.326): Input: kb(desktop):c IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:57.364): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'D:\\c '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.364): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.365): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:57.494): Input: kb(desktop):. IO - speech.speakTypedCharacters (21:08:57.519): typed word: c IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:57.525): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'D:\\c. '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.525): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 46 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.525): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 46 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:57.671): Input: kb(desktop):t IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:57.690): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'D:\\c.t '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.690): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 46 2345 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.690): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 46 2345 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:57.894): Input: kb(desktop):x IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:57.924): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'D:\\c.tx '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.926): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 46 2345 1346 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:57.926): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 46 2345 1346 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:58.118): Input: kb(desktop):t IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (21:08:58.142): Braille regions text: [u'Speichern unter dlg ', u'Dateiname: nvda.log + kmbf ALT+n ', u'ef ALT+n ', u'D:\\c.txt '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:58.142): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 46 2345 1346 2345 - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (21:08:58.144): Braille window dots: 1457 156 12567 14 46 2345 1346 2345 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:08:58.230): Input: kb(desktop):enter