~/gluten/backends-velox/workload/tpch/run_tpch$ bash tpch_parquet.sh 23/03/07 18:54:34 WARN Utils: Your hostname, ubuntu resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface ens33) 23/03/07 18:54:34 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties Setting default log level to "WARN". To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel). 23/03/07 18:54:45 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable Spark context Web UI available at Spark context available as 'sc' (master = local[10], app id = local-1678244092759). Spark session available as 'spark'. Welcome to ____ __ / __/__ ___ _____/ /__ _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ '_/ /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 3.2.4-SNAPSHOT /_/ Using Scala version 2.12.15 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_362) Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.debug._ import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.debug._ scala> import scala.io.Source import scala.io.Source scala> import java.io.File import java.io.File scala> import java.util.Arrays import java.util.Arrays scala> import sys.process._ import sys.process._ scala> scala> //Configurations: scala> var parquet_file_path = "/home/deshanxiao/tpch_data" parquet_file_path: String = /home/deshanxiao/tpch_data scala> var gluten_root = "/home/deshanxiao/gluten" gluten_root: String = /home/deshanxiao/gluten scala> scala> def time[R](block: => R): R = { | val t0 = System.nanoTime() | val result = block // call-by-name | val t1 = System.nanoTime() | println("Elapsed time: " + (t1 - t0)/1000000000.0 + " seconds") | result | } time: [R](block: => R)R scala> scala> //Read TPC-H Table from DWRF files scala> val lineitem = spark.read.format("parquet").load("file://" + parquet_file_path + "/lineitem") lineitem: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [l_orderkey: bigint, l_partkey: bigint ... 14 more fields] scala> val part = spark.read.format("parquet").load("file://" + parquet_file_path + "/part") part: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [p_partkey: bigint, p_name: string ... 7 more fields] scala> val orders = spark.read.format("parquet").load("file://" + parquet_file_path + "/orders") orders: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [o_orderkey: bigint, o_custkey: bigint ... 7 more fields] scala> val customer = spark.read.format("parquet").load("file://" + parquet_file_path + "/customer") customer: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [c_custkey: bigint, c_name: string ... 6 more fields] scala> val supplier = spark.read.format("parquet").load("file://" + parquet_file_path + "/supplier") supplier: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [s_suppkey: bigint, s_name: string ... 5 more fields] scala> val partsupp = spark.read.format("parquet").load("file://" + parquet_file_path + "/partsupp") partsupp: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ps_partkey: bigint, ps_suppkey: bigint ... 3 more fields] scala> val region = spark.read.format("parquet").load("file://" + parquet_file_path + "/region") region: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [r_regionkey: bigint, r_name: string ... 1 more field] scala> val nation = spark.read.format("parquet").load("file://" + parquet_file_path + "/nation") nation: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [n_nationkey: bigint, n_name: string ... 2 more fields] scala> scala> //Create DWRF based TPC-H Table View scala> lineitem.createOrReplaceTempView("lineitem") scala> orders.createOrReplaceTempView("orders") scala> customer.createOrReplaceTempView("customer") scala> part.createOrReplaceTempView("part") scala> supplier.createOrReplaceTempView("supplier") scala> partsupp.createOrReplaceTempView("partsupp") scala> nation.createOrReplaceTempView("nation") scala> region.createOrReplaceTempView("region") scala> scala> scala> def getListOfFiles(dir: String):List[File] = { | val d = new File(dir) | if (d.exists && d.isDirectory) { | //You can run a specific query by using below line | //d.listFiles.filter(_.isFile).filter(_.getName().contains("17.sql")).toList | d.listFiles.filter(_.isFile).toList | } else { | List[File]() | } | } getListOfFiles: (dir: String)List[java.io.File] scala> val fileLists = getListOfFiles("/home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql") fileLists: List[java.io.File] = List(/home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/21.sql, /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/13.sql, /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/12.sql, /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/16.sql, /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/4.sql) scala> val sorted = fileLists.sortBy { | f => f.getName match { | case name => | var str = name | str = str.replaceFirst("a", ".1") | str = str.replaceFirst("b", ".2") | str = str.replaceFirst(".sql", "") | str = str.replaceFirst("q", "") | str.toDouble | }} sorted: List[java.io.File] = List(/home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/4.sql, /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/12.sql, /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/13.sql, /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/16.sql, /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/21.sql) scala> scala> // Main program to run TPC-H testing scala> for (t <- sorted) { | println(t) | val fileContents = Source.fromFile(t).getLines.filter(!_.startsWith("--")).mkString(" ") | println(fileContents) | try { | time{spark.sql(fileContents).show} | //spark.sql(fileContents).explain | Thread.sleep(2000) | } catch { | case e: Exception => None | } | } /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/4.sql select o_orderpriority, count(*) as order_count from orders where o_orderdate >= '1993-07-01' and o_orderdate < '1993-10-01' and exists ( select * from lineitem where l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate ) group by o_orderpriority order by o_orderpriority 23/03/07 18:55:16 WARN SparkShimProvider: Spark runtime version 3.2.4 is not matched with Gluten's fully tested version 3.2.2 WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR (0 + 0) / 200] E0307 18:55:44.814177 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:44.819178 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:44.821197 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:44.938902 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:45.241753 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:47.172648 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:47.240024 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:48.230890 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:48.522408 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:48.591523 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:53.395668 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:53.606667 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:54.080338 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:54.439918 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:54.668884 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:56.496533 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:56.712466 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:56.715890 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:58.211162 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:58.444110 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:58.485183 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:58.561162 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:55:58.751201 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:00.278798 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:00.885713 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:02.011435 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:02.034767 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:02.051741 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:02.062389 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:04.069097 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:04.198926 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:05.579288 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:05.810312 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:05.960404 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:06.548779 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:07.099524 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:07.573227 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:08.579295 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:08.585923 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:08.884356 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:08.884361 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:10.990825 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:11.229074 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:12.066459 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:13.106431 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:13.106438 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:13.157456 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:13.254343 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:13.263629 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:13.620734 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:16.881270 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:17.668457 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:17.800455 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:18.379276 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:19.151885 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:19.363286 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:19.610831 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:19.632045 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:21.205673 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:21.415067 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:21.510524 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:23.185238 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:23.342218 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:23.460116 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:24.476588 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:25.196766 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:25.473616 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:25.475181 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:25.508778 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:25.649207 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:26.869107 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:26.897475 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:27.026752 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:28.739382 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:30.238096 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:30.528189 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:30.557315 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:30.641391 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:30.649662 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:31.059383 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:31.211802 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:34.042456 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:34.232635 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:34.235791 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:35.172660 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:35.521785 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:35.785714 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:35.789788 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:37.128063 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:38.145380 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:38.152557 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:39.185484 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:39.687268 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:39.747773 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:39.878410 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:40.009881 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:41.871275 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:42.258527 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:42.374243 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:43.979141 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:44.432649 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:44.775035 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:45.056058 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:45.329344 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:46.854352 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:46.857956 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:46.900799 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:46.983434 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:48.947356 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:49.723794 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:49.872367 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:50.294831 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:50.792373 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:51.396013 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:51.710366 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:52.540517 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:52.557464 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:53.879067 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:54.174098 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:55.290596 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:55.440414 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:55.483423 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:55.949489 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:57.840461 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:57.892304 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:57.904491 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:59.662300 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:56:59.935493 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:00.836038 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:00.867108 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:00.882871 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:00.918006 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:00.930060 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:00.938520 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:01.864827 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:05.385958 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:05.471061 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:05.474614 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:05.556028 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:06.171532 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:06.177338 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:06.178089 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:06.194567 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:06.203202 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:06.226387 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:10.324888 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:10.326395 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:10.452454 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:10.482107 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:12.306602 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:12.364148 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:13.282277 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:13.730448 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:14.503641 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:14.778122 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:14.817838 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:16.173081 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:16.180308 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:17.938131 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:17.972057 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:18.028213 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:18.060001 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:18.267581 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:20.073154 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:20.743124 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:21.698694 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:21.771513 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:21.811666 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:22.545668 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:22.826367 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:22.827605 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:23.436652 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:25.888161 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:26.058626 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:26.163106 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:26.320370 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:26.351406 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:28.797328 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:29.518491 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:30.727818 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:30.939749 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:30.940515 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:31.026535 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:32.113369 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:33.777329 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:33.875865 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:34.559160 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:34.624554 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:34.675220 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:36.773862 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:36.776132 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:36.823717 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:38.528312 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:38.703940 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:38.763749 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:39.312292 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:39.582429 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:39.590935 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:39.594868 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:57:41.883353 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT +---------------+-----------+ |o_orderpriority|order_count| +---------------+-----------+ | 1-URGENT| 1051801| | 2-HIGH| 1051366| | 3-MEDIUM| 1051587| |4-NOT SPECIFIED| 1050950| | 5-LOW| 1051725| +---------------+-----------+ Elapsed time: 202.916604056 seconds /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/12.sql select l_shipmode, sum(case when o_orderpriority = '1-URGENT' or o_orderpriority = '2-HIGH' then 1 else 0 end) as high_line_count, sum(case when o_orderpriority <> '1-URGENT' and o_orderpriority <> '2-HIGH' then 1 else 0 end) as low_line_count from orders, lineitem where o_orderkey = l_orderkey and l_shipmode in ('MAIL', 'SHIP') and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate and l_shipdate < l_commitdate and l_receiptdate >= '1994-01-01' and l_receiptdate < '1995-01-01' group by l_shipmode order by l_shipmode E0307 18:58:47.765340 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:47.765455 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.006335 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.006448 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.007571 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.007696 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.039964 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.040071 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.095896 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.096060 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.330053 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.330159 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.498731 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.498834 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.518528 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.518633 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.707651 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:48.707749 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:49.025225 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:49.025328 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:49.037742 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:49.037847 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:49.286545 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:49.286655 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:49.718180 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:49.718281 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.101327 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.101634 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.160921 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.161077 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.322088 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.322197 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.414532 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.414698 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.502167 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.502264 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.529963 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.530079 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.563225 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:50.563338 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.016256 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.016363 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.617128 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.617650 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.652765 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.652998 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.830277 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.830399 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.926947 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:51.927117 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:52.371753 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:52.371865 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:52.424670 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:52.424893 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:52.796136 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:52.796247 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:52.999775 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:52.999892 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:53.008822 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:53.008941 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:53.266950 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:53.267464 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:53.737097 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:53.737277 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:53.817059 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:53.817304 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:54.230671 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:54.230783 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.331456 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.331558 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.549463 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.549571 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.551918 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.552443 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.839315 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.839426 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.854418 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.854563 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.942307 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:55.942416 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:56.622473 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:56.622488 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:56.622597 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:56.622779 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:56.642756 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:56.642856 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:57.079461 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:57.079555 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:57.973076 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:57.973184 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:58.515616 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:58.515720 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:58.756350 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:58.756458 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:58.768824 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:58.769062 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.088402 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.088511 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.145907 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.146020 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.215405 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.215504 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.647060 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.647166 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.665076 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:58:59.665181 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:01.040817 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:01.041076 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:01.417609 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:01.417779 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:02.153057 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:02.153393 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:02.504118 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:02.504210 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:02.535513 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:02.535640 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:02.539397 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:02.539507 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:03.025854 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:03.025960 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:03.451448 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:03.451555 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:03.601334 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:03.601441 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:05.310384 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:05.310545 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:05.332520 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:05.332639 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:05.816923 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:05.817075 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:05.817138 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:05.817207 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:06.015712 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:06.015895 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:06.047876 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:06.047976 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:06.117213 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:06.117328 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:07.242635 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:07.243700 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:07.351593 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:07.351702 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:07.548753 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:07.548867 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:08.285893 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:08.286000 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:09.074988 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:09.075098 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:09.501598 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:09.501714 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.010557 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.010663 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.178774 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.178884 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.195735 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.195845 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.713271 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.713375 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.965744 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:10.965852 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:11.194672 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:11.194762 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:11.666965 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:11.667057 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:12.249614 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:12.249722 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:12.771517 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:12.771621 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:13.561964 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:13.562086 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:13.625862 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:13.625969 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:13.657758 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:13.657860 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:13.695742 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:13.695848 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:14.476814 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:14.476917 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:14.655666 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:14.655769 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:14.681298 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:14.681406 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:15.007779 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:15.007869 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:15.276762 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:15.276854 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:15.657660 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:15.657809 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:15.734061 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:15.734171 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:16.432668 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:16.432776 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:17.460724 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:17.460819 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:17.565711 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:17.565887 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:18.676476 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:18.676607 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:18.752708 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:18.752808 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.474516 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.474622 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.510746 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.510845 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.533563 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.533659 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.720291 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.720409 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.767395 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:19.767493 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:20.810817 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:20.810925 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:21.079607 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:21.079707 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:21.606515 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:21.606621 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:21.608521 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:21.608639 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:21.831709 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:21.831804 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:22.405395 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:22.406078 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:22.425922 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:22.426028 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:22.665977 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:22.666085 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:22.911554 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:22.911657 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:23.247831 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:23.247938 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:23.614475 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:23.614636 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:23.614480 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:23.615837 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:23.984494 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:23.984601 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.413513 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.413738 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.489250 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.489356 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.516877 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.517108 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.551791 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.551915 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.762758 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.762866 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.900251 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.900352 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.908149 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:24.908272 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:25.649291 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:25.649399 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:25.743939 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:25.744244 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:26.189672 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:26.189775 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:26.355015 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:26.355134 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:26.362053 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:26.362174 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:26.848917 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:26.849490 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:27.003922 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:27.004442 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:27.344534 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:27.344844 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:27.356257 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:27.356487 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:27.587944 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:27.588043 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.133502 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.133599 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.569092 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.569198 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.604758 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.604882 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.819794 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.822238 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.880765 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:28.881052 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:29.531157 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:29.531262 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:29.740757 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:29.740923 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:29.870301 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:29.870404 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.027714 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.027830 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.172101 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.172204 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.299798 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.299899 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.318598 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.318789 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.339794 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.340034 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.370553 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.370888 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.408599 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.408599 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.408799 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.408838 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.431983 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:30.432097 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.948196 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.948202 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.948464 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.948309 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.955611 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.955794 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.970202 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.970300 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.981182 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.981382 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.991477 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:40.992040 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:41.155023 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:41.155122 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:41.163486 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:41.163962 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:41.332304 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:41.332420 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:41.357721 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:41.358562 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:49.619014 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:49.619114 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:50.366839 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:50.366940 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:53.345177 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:53.345418 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:54.234114 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:54.234230 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:54.406796 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:54.406901 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:54.477504 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:54.477603 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:54.582306 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:54.582787 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:55.149808 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:55.149916 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:55.696527 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:55.696712 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:55.776801 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 18:59:55.777035 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.111270 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.111373 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.481184 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.481292 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.685113 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.685231 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.726378 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.726477 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.775301 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.775403 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.988452 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:02.988617 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.026028 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.026125 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.266243 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.266343 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.369350 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.369447 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.561956 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.562043 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.574471 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:03.574563 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:04.395620 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:04.395720 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:05.122512 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:05.122612 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:05.182963 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:05.183082 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:05.602198 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:05.602319 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:05.712273 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:05.712436 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.035804 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.035992 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.179219 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.179409 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.238968 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.239094 34276 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.417503 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.417654 34087 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.663550 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:06.663661 34275 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:07.133913 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:07.134414 34279 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:07.712556 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:07.713099 34297 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:07.754706 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:07.754812 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:08.039536 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:08.040120 34282 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:08.255250 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:08.255355 34273 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:09.221236 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:09.221344 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:09.472476 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_receiptdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT E0307 19:00:09.472575 34277 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/type/Type.cpp:359, Function:getChildIdx, Expression: Field not found: l_commitdate. Available fields are: ., Source: USER, ErrorCode: INVALID_ARGUMENT +----------+---------------+--------------+ |l_shipmode|high_line_count|low_line_count| +----------+---------------+--------------+ | MAIL| 623115| 934713| | SHIP| 622979| 934534| +----------+---------------+--------------+ Elapsed time: 129.236474882 seconds /home/deshanxiao/test_tpch_sql/13.sql select c_count, count(*) as custdist from ( select c_custkey, count(o_orderkey) as c_count from customer left outer join orders on c_custkey = o_custkey and o_comment not like '%special%requests%' group by c_custkey ) as c_orders group by c_count order by custdist desc, c_count desc E0307 19:04:22.927796 34278 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/expression/ExprToSubfieldFilter.cpp:443, Function:leafCallToSubfieldFilter, Expression: Unsupported call expression: not(like(ROW["o_comment"],"%special%requests%","\\")), Source: USER, ErrorCode: UNSUPPORTED E0307 19:04:55.268357 34280 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/expression/ExprToSubfieldFilter.cpp:443, Function:leafCallToSubfieldFilter, Expression: Unsupported call expression: not(like(ROW["o_comment"],"%special%requests%","\\")), Source: USER, ErrorCode: UNSUPPORTED E0307 19:04:56.806062 34274 Exceptions.h:68] Line: ../../velox/expression/ExprToSubfieldFilter.cpp:443, Function:leafCallToSubfieldFilter, Expression: Unsupported call expression: not(like(ROW["o_comment"],"%special%requests%","\\")), Source: USER, ErrorCode: UNSUPPORTED