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Kafka - Retry Mechanism and Delay Queue



This project aims to isolate the implementation of Retry Mechanism and Delay Queue. When we think of a fault-tolerant system one of the things we should keep in mind is if there is an error, how can I minimize that impact?. A widely used standard is to reprocess until it finds success or the number of attempts exceeds the maximum limit. In this case the message is sent to a DLQ. (Dead Letter Queues).

How it works?

For the kafka system, a message is basically composed of HEADERS and PAYLOAD. The HEADER is a basic KEY-VALUE structure containing control properties used by kakfa such as TOPIC, GROUP_ID and etc. In it we can add custom keys and based on them the retry strategy is implemented.

How to use

Let's imagine a scenario that we need to integrate with the federal revenue system. These messages will be processed based on a particular topic, for example "FederalRevenue".

The basic idea is that when the consumer performs the integration and fails for reasons of unavailability he produces a new message for the retry topic.

This new message should be a copy, and we must inform some custom headers.

Header Required Default Description
retry_origin true Topic from which the retry originated. (Our example: FederalRevenue)
retry_dlq_topic false ${retry_origin}.dlq Topic used in case the message exceeds the maximum number of attempts.

After that, the Retry Mechanism will perform the retry sending back de message for the origin topic until gets success or exceeds the attempts.

Each attempt will be executed respecting a delay that will be gradual so as not to impact performance. Currently there will be five attempts with delays of 1m, 5m, 10m, 30m and 1h.



Kafka Retry






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